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import configparser
import sys
import os
def check_sanity_data(filename):
Reads a data ini file and returns true if all required information is there, and files/dirs exist
:param filename: ini file to check
:return: boolean, true if the file is correct false if not
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'GLOBAL' in cp:
if 'orthofinder_output' not in cp['GLOBAL']:
print('orthofinder_output missing', file=sys.stderr)
if 'genomes' in cp['GLOBAL']:
genomes = cp['GLOBAL']['genomes'].split(';')
# For each genome test that section
required_keys = ['cds_fasta', 'protein_fasta', 'genome_fasta', 'gff_file', 'gff_feature', 'gff_id',
'fastq_dir', 'indexing_output', 'trimmomatic_output', 'tophat_output',
'htseq_output', 'exp_matrix_output', 'exp_matrix_tpm_output', 'exp_matrix_rpkm_output',
'interpro_output', 'pcc_output', 'pcc_mcl_output', 'mcl_cluster_output']
required_paths = ['cds_fasta', 'protein_fasta', 'genome_fasta', 'gff_file', 'fastq_dir']
optional_settings = ['tophat_cutoff', 'htseq_cutoff']
for g in genomes:
if not all([i in cp[g].keys() for i in required_keys]):
print("Missing key in", g, file=sys.stderr)
for i in required_keys:
if i not in cp[g].keys():
print("\tMissing", i, file=sys.stderr)
return False
if not all([os.path.exists(cp[g][f]) for f in required_paths]):
print("Missing file/dir for", g, file=sys.stderr)
for f in required_paths:
if not os.path.exists(cp[g][f]):
print(f + " doesn't point to a valid file/dir", file=sys.stderr)
return False
for option in optional_settings:
if option not in cp[g].keys():
print('Optional key', option, 'not set for', g, '! Default value will be used', file=sys.stderr)
print("Genomes missing from GLOBAL section", file=sys.stderr)
return False
print("GLOBAL section missing", file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def check_sanity_config(filename):
Reads a config ini file and returns true if all required information is there
:param filename: ini file to check
:return: boolean, true if the file is correct false if not
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
required_keys = ['bowtie_module', 'samtools_module', 'sratoolkit_module', 'tophat_module', 'interproscan_module',
'blast_module', 'mcl_module', 'python_module', 'python3_module', 'bowtie_cmd', 'trimmomatic_se_command',
'trimmomatic_pe_command', 'tophat_se_cmd', 'tophat_pe_cmd', 'htseq_count_cmd',
'interproscan_cmd', 'pcc_cmd', 'mcl_cmd', 'orthofinder_cmd', 'mcxdeblast_cmd',
'trimmomatic_path', 'qsub_indexing', 'qsub_trimmomatic', 'qsub_tophat', 'qsub_htseq_count',
'qsub_interproscan', 'qsub_pcc', 'qsub_mcl', 'qsub_orthofinder', 'qsub_mcxdeblast',
'hisat2_se_cmd', 'hisat2_pe_cmd']
required_paths = ['trimmomatic_path']
if 'TOOLS' in cp:
if not all(k in cp['TOOLS'].keys() for k in required_keys):
print("Missing tool found in config file", file=sys.stderr)
for k in required_keys:
if k not in cp['TOOLS'].keys():
print("Missing", k, file=sys.stderr)
return False
if not all([os.path.exists(cp['TOOLS'][r]) for r in required_paths]):
for r in required_paths:
if not os.path.exists(cp['TOOLS'][r]):
print(r + " doesn't point to a valid file/dir", file=sys.stderr)
return False
print("Tools section missing from config file", file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True