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Preparing your data

LSTrAP has a few expectations to the way RNASeq files are pre-processed. When using the included scripts to download samples from the Sequence Read Archive and converting them to (compressed) .fastq files this is done automatically. When including your own data some pre-processing might be required, read the suggestions below how to get other data ready for processing using LSTrAP.

Preparing RNA-Seq data

RNA-Seq data needs to be de-multiplexed and in .fastq format prior to running LSTrAP. For single-end samples you need one file (output needs to be merged) for paired-end reads you need to files which have the same filename except for a suffix, _1 for the left reads, _2 for the right (e.g. paired_end_sample_1.fastq.gz and paired_end_sample_2.fastq.gz).

The extension should be .fq or .fastq for uncompressed files, .fq.gz and .fastq.gz for compressed files (only gzip is supported).

Merging files

Samples are commonly split and sequenced in different lanes or runs (to increase the total number of reads), those files need to be combined prior to starting LSTrAP. Fastq file can be done using default linux commands. Pay attention when merging paired-end files.

# Merge two single-end samples, compressed with gzip
zcat sample_one_part_1.fastq.gz sample_one_part_2.fastq.gz | gzip -c > sample_one_merged.fastq.gz
# Merge two uncompressed, single-end files
cat sample_one_part_1.fastq sample_one_part_2.fastq > sample_one_merged.fastq
# Merge two uncompressed, single-end files and compress the result
cat sample_one_part_1.fastq sample_one_part_2.fastq | gzip -c > sample_one_merged.fastq.gz
# Merge paired-end files
zcat sample_one_L001_R1.fastq.gz sample_one_L002_R1.fastq.gz | gzip -c > sample_one_merged_1.fastq.gz
zcat sample_one_L001_R2.fastq.gz sample_one_L002_R2.fastq.gz | gzip -c > sample_one_merged_2.fastq.gz

Note: In theory, gzipped files can be concatenated directly, which is much more efficiently than using zcat paired with gzip. However this might lead to errors with some tools, use this method carefully at your own risk.

# Merge two single-end samples, compressed with gzip
cat sample_one_part_1.fastq.gz sample_one_part_2.fastq.gz > sample_one_merged.fastq.gz
# Merge paired-end files
cat sample_one_L001_R1.fastq.gz sample_one_L002_R1.fastq.gz > sample_one_merged_1.fastq.gz
cat sample_one_L001_R2.fastq.gz sample_one_L002_R2.fastq.gz > sample_one_merged_2.fastq.gz   

Converting files to Fastq

If you have files in .sam/.bam or .sra format, these need to be converted to .fastq or .fastq.gz files. Samtools allows conversion from .sam/.bam to .fastq while SraToolKit included fastq-dump to convert .sra files.

For converting .sra files a helper script is included.

# SAMTools
samtools fastq input.bam > output.fastq
samtools fastq input.bam | gzip -c > output.fastq.gz
# SRAToolKit
fastq-dump --gzip --skip-technical --readids --dumpbase --split-3 input.sra -O output_dir/

De-multiplexing files

In some cases the sequences might not be de-multiplexed by the sequencing facility, for de-multiplexing RNA-Seq files a third-party tool is required.

Recommended folder structure (optional)

When using LSTrAP keeping a consistent file/folder structure for input and output (as specified in data.ini) is recommended. This allows data.ini to be quickly adopted for novel projects.

Below if the structure we've adopted for our projects.

|-- config.ini
|-- data.ini
+-- data/
    +-- fastq/
        |-- sample_one.fastq.gz
        |-- paired_end_S01_1.fastq.gz
        |-- paired_end_S01_2.fastq.gz
        +-- ...
    +-- genome/
        |-- species.genome.fasta
        |-- species.cds.fasta
        |-- species.pep.fasta
        +-- species.genes.gff
+-- output
    +-- species
        |-- index_files
        +-- alignment_tophat/
            |-- sample_one/
            |-- paired_end_S01/
            +-- ...
        +-- htseq/
            |-- sample_one.htseq
            |-- paired_end_S01.htseq
            +-- ...
        +-- expression/
            |-- matrix.raw.txt
            |-- matrix.tpm.txt
            |-- matrix.rpkm.txt
            |-- pcc.table.txt
            |-- pcc.mcl.txt
            +-- mcl.clusters.txt