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code to train classifiers
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Sabrina Hoppe committed May 5, 2018
1 parent 0403f2c commit 34ff610
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Showing 7 changed files with 438 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
n_parallel_jobs=6 # number of jobs that will be run in parallel
for li in $(seq 0 $n_parallel_jobs $n_total_jobs);
# the for loop below will start n_parallel_jobs for each trait
# unless n_total_jobs will be reached first (this is checked in the if statementc)
mi=`expr "$li" + "$n_parallel_jobs"`
if [ "$mi" -gt "$n_total_jobs" ]

for t in $(seq 0 6);
python2.7 -m classifiers.train_classifier -t $t -s 0 -a 0 -l $li -m $mi
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
n_parallel_jobs=6 # number of jobs that will be run in parallel
for li in $(seq 0 $n_parallel_jobs $n_total_jobs);
# the for loop will start n_parallel_jobs for each trait
# unless n_total_jobs will be reached first (this is checked in the if statementc)
mi=`expr "$li" + "$n_parallel_jobs"`
if [ "$mi" -gt "$n_total_jobs" ]

for t in $(seq 0 6);
for a in 1 2; do
python2.7 -m classifiers.train_classifier -t $t -s 0 -a $a -l $li -m $mi
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
from config import onf
import getopt
from sklearn.cross_validation import LabelKFold as LKF
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold as SKF
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, accuracy_score
import pandas as pns

def load_data(ws, t):
_, y_file, id_file = conf.get_merged_feature_files(ws)
y_ws = np.genfromtxt(y_file, delimiter=',', skip_header=1).astype(int)[:,t]
ids_ws = np.genfromtxt(id_file, delimiter=',', skip_header=1).astype(int)[:,0]
return y_ws, ids_ws

def get_baseline_f1_score(t):
train a baseline classifier and return the F1 score it achieves
outer_cv = SKF(participant_scores, conf.n_outer_folds, shuffle=True)

preds = np.zeros((conf.n_participants), dtype=int)
truth = np.zeros((conf.n_participants), dtype=int)

for outer_i, (outer_train_participants, outer_test_participants) in enumerate(outer_cv):
inner_performance = np.zeros((conf.n_inner_folds, len(conf.all_window_sizes)))

for ws_i in xrange(0, len(conf.all_window_sizes)):
ws = conf.all_window_sizes[ws_i]

# load data for this window size
y_ws, ids_ws = load_data(ws, t)

# cut out the outer train samples
outer_train_samples = np.array([p in outer_train_participants for p in ids_ws])
outer_train_y = y_ws[outer_train_samples]
outer_train_y_ids = ids_ws[outer_train_samples]

# build inner cross validation such that all samples of one person are either in training or testing
inner_cv = LKF(outer_train_y_ids, n_folds=conf.n_inner_folds)
for inner_i, (inner_train_indices, inner_test_indices) in enumerate(inner_cv):
# create inner train and test samples. Note: both are taken from outer train samples!
inner_y_train = outer_train_y[inner_train_indices]
unique_inner_test_ids = np.unique(outer_train_y_ids[inner_test_indices])

# predict the most frequent class from the training set
hist,_ = np.histogram(inner_y_train, bins=[0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5])
guess = np.argmax(hist) + 1
innerpreds = np.full(len(unique_inner_test_ids), guess, dtype=int)
innertruth = participant_scores[unique_inner_test_ids]

inner_performance[inner_i, ws_i] = accuracy_score(np.array(innertruth), np.array(innerpreds))

# evaluate classifier on outer cv using the best window size from inner cv
chosen_ws_i = np.argmax(np.mean(inner_performance, axis=0))
chosen_ws = conf.all_window_sizes[chosen_ws_i]
y, ids = load_data(chosen_ws, t)

outer_train_samples = np.array([p in outer_train_participants for p in ids])
outer_test_samples = np.array([p in outer_test_participants for p in ids])

if outer_train_samples.size > 0 and outer_test_samples.size > 0:
y_train = y[outer_train_samples]

# guess the most frequent class
hist,_ = np.histogram(y_train, bins=[0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
guess = np.argmax(hist) + 1

for testp in outer_test_participants:
if testp in ids[outer_test_samples]:
preds[testp] = guess
truth[testp] = participant_scores[testp]
# participant does not occour in outer test set, e.g. because their time in the shop was too short
preds[testp] = -1
truth[testp] = -1
print 'not enough samples for participant', testp
#print 'preds collected'
for testp in outer_test_participants:
preds[testp] = np.array([])
truth[testp] = -1

f1 = f1_score(truth, preds, average='macro')
return f1

# If the program is run directly:
if __name__ == "__main__":
df = []
for trait in xrange(0, conf.n_traits):
participant_scores = np.loadtxt(conf.binned_personality_file, delimiter=',', skiprows=1, usecols=(trait+1,))
print conf.medium_traitlabels[trait]
for si in xrange(0,conf.max_n_iter):
f1 = get_baseline_f1_score(trait)
print '\t'+str(si)+':', f1
df.append([f1, conf.medium_traitlabels[trait], si])
df_pns = pns.DataFrame(data=df, columns=['F1', 'trait', 'iteration'])
df_pns.to_csv(conf.result_folder + '/most_frequ_class_baseline.csv')
print conf.result_folder + '/most_frequ_class_baseline.csv written.'
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
n_parallel_jobs=6 # number of jobs that will be run in parallel
for li in $(seq 0 $n_parallel_jobs $n_total_jobs);
# the for loop below will start n_parallel_jobs for each trait
# unless n_total_jobs will be reached first (this is checked in the if statementc)
mi=`expr "$li" + "$n_parallel_jobs"`
if [ "$mi" -gt "$n_total_jobs" ]

for t in $(seq 0 6);
python2.7 -m classifiers.train_classifier -t $t -s 1 -a 0 -l $li -m $mi
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,25 @@ reproducing the paper results step by step:
1. __Extract features from raw gaze data__: 1. __Extract features from raw gaze data__:
`python` to compute gaze features for all participants `python` to compute gaze features for all participants
Once extracted, the features are stored in `features/ParticipantXX/window_features_YY.npy` where XX is the participant number and YY the length of the sliding window in seconds. Once extracted, the features are stored in `features/ParticipantXX/window_features_YY.npy` where XX is the participant number and YY the length of the sliding window in seconds.
2. __Train random forest classifiers__
`./01` to reproduce the evaluation setting described in the paper in which each classifier was trained 100 times.
`./` to train specialized classifiers on parts of the data (specifically on data from inside the shop or on the way).

If the scripts cannot be executed, you might not have the right access permissions to do so. On Linux, you can try `chmod +x`,`chmod +x` and `chmod +x` (see below for when/how to use the last script).

In case you want to call the script differently, e.g. to speed-up the computation or try with different parameters, you can pass the following arguments to `classifiers.train_classifier`:
`-t` trait index between 0 and 6
`-l` lowest number of repetitions, e.g. 0
`-m` max number of repetitions, e.g. 100
`-a` using partial data only: 0 (all data), 1 (way data), 2(shop data)

In case of performance issues, it might be useful to check `` and change `max_n_jobs` to restrict the number of jobs (i.e. threads) running in parallel.

The results will be saved in `results/A0` for all data, `results/A1` for way data only and `results/A2` for data inside a shop. Each file is named `TTT_XXX.npz`, where TTT is the abbreviation of the personality trait (`O`,`C`,`E`,`A`,`N` for the Big Five and `CEI` or `PCS` for the two curiosity measures). XXX enumerates the classifiers (remember that we always train 100 classifiers for evaluation because there is some randomness involved in the training process).

3. __Evaluate Baselines__
* To train a classifier that always predicts the most frequent personality score range from its current training set, please execute `python`
* To train classifiers on permuted labels, i.e. perform the so-called label permutation test, please execute `./`

## Citation ## Citation
Expand Down
Empty file added classifiers/
Empty file.

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