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# author: Roman Schulte-Sasse
# email:
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import argparse, random, os, operator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class NetworkGenerator:
"""Easily simulate biological networks with implanted subnetworks.
This class provides an easy-to-use interface to simulate large networks
and to implant subnetworks into them.
def __init__(self, graph=None, num_nodes=None, min_num_edges=None,
# graph already specified
if not graph is None:
self.graph = graph
self.number_of_nodes = nx.number_of_nodes(graph)
self.minimum_number_of_edges = nx.number_of_edges(graph)
# graph is to be generated
elif not num_nodes is None and not min_num_edges is None:
self.number_of_nodes = num_nodes
self.minimum_number_of_edges = min_num_edges
self.graph = None
self.supported_formats = ['edgelist', 'gml']
self.mappings = None
self.insert_strategy_name = insert_strategy
if insert_strategy == 'random':
self.calculate_insert_positions = self.random_insert_strategy
elif insert_strategy == 'pagerank':
self.calculate_insert_positions = self.pagerank_insert_strategy
raise Exception("Unknown insert strategy {}".format(insert_strategy))
def random_insert_strategy(self, G):
"""Insert subnetworks at random positions.
return random.sample(range(0, self.number_of_nodes), self.number_of_nodes)
def pagerank_insert_strategy(self, G):
"""Insert subnetworks at positions with highest PageRank indices.
Note that lower PageRank indices might be chosen if the distance to
already chosen nodes is lower than the minimum distance required.
scores = nx.pagerank(G)
sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[::-1]
return [k for k, v in sorted_scores]
def _get_neighbors(self, G, pos, closed_list):
return [i for i in nx.all_neighbors(G, pos) if not i in closed_list]
def _insert_strategy(self, G, num_of_inserts, min_distance):
# get insert positions (as many as nodes in network)
# TODO: This method does not have any failsafe if we run out of positions
scores = self.calculate_insert_positions(G)
# add highest ranks as insert positions
insert_positions = []
found = 0
attempts = 0
while num_of_inserts > found:
# abort if we are through the scores
if (found + attempts) >= len(scores):
print (found, attempts, found+attempts)
msg = "Can't find node with shortest path length >= {} to all other insertion points"
raise Exception(msg.format(min_distance))
insert_pos = scores[found + attempts]
allowed = True
for pos in insert_positions:
if nx.shortest_path_length(G, insert_pos, pos) < min_distance:
allowed = False
attempts += 1
if allowed:
found += 1
attempts = 0
assert (len(insert_positions) == num_of_inserts)
return insert_positions
def _add_edges_if_required(self, G, pos_g, neighbors_G, neighbors_sub,
changed = False
if len(neighbors_sub) > len(neighbors_G):
changed = True
diff = len(neighbors_sub) - len(neighbors_G)
for i in range(diff):
G.add_edge(pos_g, next_node_count)
#print ("new edge: {} -> {}".format(pos_g, next_node_count))
next_node_count += 1
return G, next_node_count, changed
def calculate_node_mapping(self, G, G_m, position):
"""Calculates a mapping of nodes between network and subnetwork.
This method calculates a mapping between nodes in the real graph
and a subnetwork, given a position at which to implant the subnetwork.
It adds nodes and edges to the original graph if required for insertion.
G: The network in which we want to insert subnetworks
G_m: The subnetwork (graph motif)
position: The position at which we want to insert
A network and the corresponding mapping. Note that G might be different
from the returned network.
next_node_name = nx.number_of_nodes(G)
pos_gm = list(G_m.nodes())[0]
pos_g = position
mapping = {pos_gm: pos_g}
to_explore = [pos_gm]
mapped_g = [pos_g]
mapped_gm = [pos_gm]
while not len(to_explore) is 0:
pos_gm = to_explore[0]
pos_g = mapping[pos_gm]
nbs_g = self._get_neighbors(G, pos_g, mapped_g)
nbs_gm = self._get_neighbors(G_m, pos_gm, mapped_gm)
# add node if more neighbors in motif than in G
G, next_node_name, changed = self._add_edges_if_required(G,
if changed:
nbs_g = self._get_neighbors(G, pos_g, mapped_g)
nbs_gm = self._get_neighbors(G_m, pos_gm, mapped_gm)
to_explore.extend(nbs_gm) # add neighbors to open list
# map neighbors of current node
for i in range(len(nbs_gm)):
mapping[nbs_gm[i]] = nbs_g[i]
to_explore.pop(0) # remove from open list
return G, mapping
def _implant_single_motif(self, G, G_m, position):
"""Implant a graph motif (G_m) at position in G.
This method inserts a subnetwork into the network G by finding a
mapping for it and then adding edges accordingly.
G: The network in which we want to insert subnetworks
G_m: The subnetwork (graph motif)
position: The position at which we want to insert
A network and the corresponding mapping. Note that G might be different
from the returned network.
# construct a mapping from G_m to G
G, mapping = self.calculate_node_mapping(G, G_m, position)
# now, add edges to graph according to subnetwork
for from_gm, to_gm in G_m.edges():
if not G.has_edge(mapping[from_gm], mapping[to_gm]):
G.add_edge(mapping[from_gm], mapping[to_gm])
# Finally, emove edges from G that are not present in the subnetwork
for i in G_m.nodes():
for j in G_m.nodes():
if G.has_edge(mapping[i], mapping[j]) and not G_m.has_edge(i, j):
# edge is in G but not in G_m
G.remove_edge(mapping[i], mapping[j])
return G, mapping
def implant_motifs(self, G, subnetworks, min_distance):
"""Implant subnetworks in a given graph.
This method implants subnetworks into a given network.
This is done by iteratively mapping nodes from the subnetwork
to nodes from the original graph and adding nodes if required.
G: The network in which we want to insert subnetworks
subnetworks: A list of networkx graphs that we want to insert
into G.
min_distance: The minimum shortest path length between insert
The modified network G that contains the subnetworks and the mappings
for each of the subnetworks as a list of dictionaries.
implant_positions = self._insert_strategy(G, len(subnetworks), min_distance)
mappings = []
for sub_idx in range(len(subnetworks)):
position = implant_positions[sub_idx]
print ("Implanting network {} at position: {}".format(sub_idx, position))
G, mapping = self._implant_single_motif(G,
return G, mappings
def plot_distributions(self, out_dir='.'):
"""Plot the distribution of node degrees and shortest paths.
This method plots some basic distributions about our generated network.
out_dir: The directory to write the png images to (default .)
# plot node degree distribution
degrees = np.array([v for k, v in list(])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
plt.hist(degrees, bins=np.arange(0, degrees.max(), 1))
plt.xlabel('Node Degree')
plt.title('Node Degree Distribution')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'network_node_distribution.png'))
# plot distribution of shortest paths
paths = pd.DataFrame(dict(nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph)))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
plt.hist(paths.values.flatten(), bins=np.arange(0, 8, 1))
plt.xlabel('Shortest Path Length')
plt.title('Distribution of Distance Between Nodes')
fig.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'network_paths_distribution.png'))
def generate_network(self, subnetworks, min_distance=3):
"""Generate a biological network with implanted subnetworks.
This method generates a network that has biological properties
like following a power law distribution for the node degrees and
containing hubs and bottlenecks as well as a whole lot of low-degree
Furthermore, subnetworks will be implanted to the graph randomly, disturbing
the network structure as little as possible while still containing the
desired subnetwork topology.
subnetworks: The subnetworks to insert into the network.
A simulated network with biological properties and implanted subnetworks
as well as as list of the positions at which insertion happened.
# Create random network.
print ("Creating Network...")
for i in range(1, self.number_of_nodes):
G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n=self.number_of_nodes, m=i)
if nx.number_of_edges(G) > self.minimum_number_of_edges:
# implant motifs and return
print ("Network built! Implanting {} subnetworks using {} strategy...".format(len(subnetworks),
G, mappings = self.implant_motifs(G, subnetworks, min_distance)
# output some statistics and return
print ("Done! Created network with {} nodes and {} edges".format(nx.number_of_nodes(G),
self.graph = G
self.mappings = mappings
return G, mappings
def read_subnetworks(self, subnet_dir, f_format='edgelist'):
"""Read the subnetworks to implant from disk.
Supported formats are edgelist and gml for the moment.
The method traverses the given directory and searches for files with
the endings corresponding to the file format. Once, such a file is
found, it is read to a networkx graph object.
subnet_dir: The directory in which the subnetworks are
located. Each file corresponds to one subnetwork
f_format: The file format of the subnetworks.
A list with the subnetworks.
# check if file format is supported
if not f_format in self.supported_formats:
print ("{} is not supported. Please provide your subnetworks as one of {}".format(f_format, self.supported_formats))
# read subnetworks and return them
subnetworks = []
for files in os.listdir(subnet_dir):
f_path = os.path.join(subnet_dir, files)
if files.endswith(f_format):
if f_format is 'edgelist':
print ("Found valid edgelist subnetwork in {}".format(f_path))
elif f_format is 'gml':
print ("Found valid gml subnetwork in {}".format(f_path))
return subnetworks
def draw_network(self, out_dir='.'):
"""Draw the generated network.
This method will draw the generated network using the standard networkx
algorithm for that. This is only a basic functionality and for proper
visualization, other tools are recommended (cytoscape etc.).
Only recommended for small networks.
out_dir: The directory to write the png image to (default .)
if not self.graph is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
nx.draw(self.graph, with_labels=True)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(out_dir, 'network.png'))
def save_network(self, out_dir, f_format='edgelist'):
"""Write the generated network to file.
This method writes our generated network to a file. The file format
determines if it should be written as gml or edgelist format.
It will write one network file, called 'network.gml/edgelist' and a
file containing the mappings, called 'insert_positions.txt' that
contains a mapping per line.
out_dir: The directory to write the network to.
f_format: The format to write to (can be either gml or edgelist)
# check that file format is supported
if not f_format in self.supported_formats:
print ("{} is not a supported file format. Try one of {}".format(f_format, self.supported_formats))
if f_format is 'edgelist':
nx.write_edgelist(self.graph, os.path.join(out_dir, 'network.edgelist'))
elif f_format is 'gml':
nx.write_gml(self.graph, os.path.join(out_dir, 'network.gml'))
if not self.mappings is None:
with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'insert_positions.txt'), 'w') as f:
count = 1
f.write('# subnetwork insert positions. Each row corresponds to a subnetwork and each column to a position in it.\n')
for m in self.mappings:
f.write('Subnetwork {}: '.format(count))
for fro, to in m.items():
count += 1
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate Random Network with Graph Motifs')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--node_num', help='Number of Nodes in Network',
parser.add_argument('-e', '--min_edge_num',
help='Number of Edges in Network',
parser.add_argument('-sub', '--subnetpath',
help='Path to dir with subnetworks',
parser.add_argument('-ins', '--insert_strategy',
help='How to insert the subnetworks',
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir',
help='Path to output directory (writes network and plots)',
parser.add_argument('-d', '--min_distance',
help='Minimum shortest path length between insert positions',
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.node, args.edge, args.subnets, args.insert, args.outdir, args.min_dist
if __name__ == "__main__":
node_num, min_edge_num, subnet_dir, insert_strat, out_dir, min_dist = parse_args()
simulator = NetworkGenerator(num_nodes=node_num,
if not subnet_dir is None:
subnetworks = simulator.read_subnetworks(subnet_dir)
A = np.array([[0,1,1,1,1],
[1,1,1,1,0]]) # clique
subnetworks = [nx.from_numpy_matrix(A)] * 2
G, insert_pos = simulator.generate_network(subnetworks, min_dist)
if not out_dir is None:
if node_num < 300: # draw when not so many nodes