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(ns de.mpg.shh.util-datomic-peer.datom
(:require [ :refer [info error]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
[datomic.api :as d])
(:import [java.util UUID]
[java.util.concurrent ExecutionException]
[datomic.db DbId]))
(defn flatten-eid-pull
(letfn [(extract-eid [accumulator [k v]]
(if (= :db/id k)
(conj accumulator v)
(and (coll? v) (map? v))
(reduce extract-eid accumulator v)
(sequential? v)
(concat accumulator (flatten (map #(reduce extract-eid [] %) v)))
:else (throw (Exception. (str/join "" ["Don't know how to extract eid from: " v]))))))]
(reduce extract-eid [] e)))
(defn datoms-from-query
"Return raw datoms from pull query results"
[db pull-results]
(let [eids-only (into #{} (flatten (map flatten-eid-pull pull-results)))]
(flatten (map #(vec (d/datoms db :eavt %)) eids-only))))
(defn attr-filtered-datoms
[db e-id attr-ids]
(vec (concat (apply #(d/datoms db :eavt e-id %) attr-ids))))
(defn datoms-from-query-limit-attr
"Return raw datoms from pull query results"
[db pull-results attrs]
(let [attr-ids (map :db/id (d/q '[:find [(pull ?e [:db/id]) ...]
:in $ [?ident ...]
:where [?e :db/ident ?ident]]
eids-only (into #{} (flatten (map flatten-eid-pull pull-results)))]
(flatten (map #(attr-filtered-datoms db % attr-ids) eids-only))))
(defn trunc
"Return a string rep of x, shortened to n chars or less"
[x n]
(let [s (str x)]
(if (<= (count s) n)
(str (subs s 0 (- n 3)) "..."))))
(defn datom-table
"Print a collection of datoms in an org-mode compatible table."
[db datoms]
(->> datoms
(fn [{:keys [e a v tx added]}]
{"part" (d/part e)
"e" (format "0x%016x" e)
"a" (d/ident db a)
"v" (trunc v 24)
"tx" (format "0x%x" tx)
"added" added}))
(pp/print-table ["part" "e" "a" "v" "tx" "added"])))