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function probality = generateTemporalPairwise( sequence, densematch, model, normalize_ratio)
addpath /home/tang/Projects/multicut_tracking/tracking-multicut-git/utils
% In this function we generate edges and cost of edges detections in
% neighboring frames
% sequence - the structure contains image list and detection list
% densematch: in densematch.mat
% model: obtained by loading the pairwise model
% normalize_ratio: obtained by loading the pairwise model
% load data from eldar
img_list = {sequence.image};
detection_list = {sequence.detections};
num_frames = length(img_list);
assert (length(detection_list) == num_frames);
img_size = size(imread(img_list{1}));
% hard code part size
box_size = 40;
% convert detection coordinates to bounding boxes
detection_all = cell(num_frames,1);
for i = 1:num_frames
det = load(detection_list{i});det = det.detection_coordinates;
box = [det(:,1)-box_size/2, det(:,2)-box_size/2,det(:,1)+box_size/2, det(:,2)+box_size/2];
detection_all{i} = box;
% compute pairwise probality between detections in the neighboring frames
probality = cell(num_frames);
for i = 1:num_frames -1
fprintf('Compute pairwise cost for frame: %d \n', i);
det_1 = detection_all{i};
det_2 = detection_all{i+1};
cur_dm = densematch{i,i+1};
cur_prob = compute_pairwise_cost_block_densematch(det_1,det_2,model,normalize_ratio,cur_dm,img_size);
probality{i,i+1} = cur_prob;
function edges_prob = compute_pairwise_cost_block_densematch(b1,b2,model,normalize_ratio,cur_dm,img_size)
num_det_1 = size(b1,1);
num_det_2 = size(b2,1);
b1(b1(:,1)<=0,1) = 1;
b1(b1(:,2)<=0,2) = 1;
b1(b1(:,3)==0,3) = 1;b1(b1(:,3)> img_size(2),3) = img_size(2);
b1(b1(:,4)==0,4) = 1;b1(b1(:,4)> img_size(1),4) = img_size(1);
b2(b2(:,1)<=0,1) = 1;
b2(b2(:,2)<=0,2) = 1;
b2(b2(:,3)==0,3) = 1;b2(b2(:,3)> img_size(2),3) = img_size(2);
b2(b2(:,4)==0,4) = 1;b2(b2(:,4)> img_size(1),4) = img_size(1);
f_dm = zeros(num_det_2,num_det_1);
parfor i = 1 : num_det_1
d1 = b1(i,:); rowidx1 = ceil(d1(2)):floor(d1(4));colidx1 = ceil(d1(1)):floor(d1(3));
rowsub1 = repmat(rowidx1',1,length(colidx1));
colsub1 = repmat(colidx1,length(rowidx1),1);
d1_ind = sub2ind(img_size(1:2), rowsub1(:), colsub1(:));
[~,ia_1,~] = intersect(cur_dm(:,1),d1_ind);
for j = 1:num_det_2
d2 = b2(j,:); rowidx2 = ceil(d2(2)):floor(d2(4));colidx2 = ceil(d2(1)):floor(d2(3));
rowsub2 = repmat(rowidx2',1,length(colidx2));
colsub2 = repmat(colidx2,length(rowidx2),1);
d2_ind = sub2ind(img_size(1:2), rowsub2(:), colsub2(:));
[~,ia_2,~] = intersect(cur_dm(:,2),d2_ind);
i_box = intersect(ia_1,ia_2);
u_box = union(ia_1,ia_2);
if isempty(u_box)
f_dm(j,i) = 0
f_dm(j,i) = length(i_box)/length(u_box);
f = [f_dm(:)];
[exp_num, dim] = size(f);
f_quad = zeros(exp_num, (dim-1)*dim/2);
dim_count = 1;
for m = 1:dim
for n = 1:dim
f_quad(:,dim_count) = f(:,m).*f(:,n);
dim_count = dim_count + 1;
f = [f f_quad];
f = normalize_feature(f, normalize_ratio);
f = sparse(double(f));
label = ones(size(f,1),1);
[~, ~,pro_estimate] = predict(label, f, model, '-b 1 -q');
edges_prob = reshape(pro_estimate(:,1),num_det_2,num_det_1);