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import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import comb
from enum import Enum
def quasi_uniform_code(n):
l = 0
while n > 1:
n = math.log(n, 2)
l += n
class BreakPointsStrategy(Enum):
def break_points_number(macro_bin, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy):
returns count of the break points in which ID is GREATER than ID_threshold
:param macro_bin:
:param IDs:
:param ID_threshold:
if break_points_strategy is BreakPointsStrategy.DEFAULT:
ID_boolean = [1 if ID > ID_threshold else 0 for ID in IDs[macro_bin[:-1]]]
return sum(ID_boolean)
# min_id = min(IDs)
elif break_points_strategy is BreakPointsStrategy.MULTIPLE_ONE_PLACE:
# assigns a number of points according the height of ID
return sum([int(ID / ID_threshold) for ID in IDs[macro_bin[:-1]]]) if ID_threshold > 0 else 0
elif break_points_strategy is BreakPointsStrategy.EXPONENTIAL_ONE_PLACE:
return sum([int(pow(2, ID / ID_threshold - 1)) for ID in IDs[macro_bin[:-1]]]) if ID_threshold > 0 else 0
def break_points_number_footprints(macro_bin, min_footprint, footprint_diffs=None):
total = len(macro_bin[:-1])
if total == 0:
return 0
uniq, counts = np.unique(min_footprint[macro_bin[:-1]], return_counts=True)
if footprint_diffs is None:
return len(macro_bin[:-1]) - max(counts)
majority_f_id = np.argmax(counts)
majority_footprint = uniq[majority_f_id]
max_diff = max(footprint_diffs[majority_footprint].values())
# max_diff = None
# for footprint in pair_diffs[majority_f_id]:
# if max_diff is None or footprint in uniq and pair_diffs[majority_f_id][footprint] > max_diff:
# max_diff = pair_diffs[majority_f_id][footprint]
return total - counts[majority_f_id] - sum([counts[f_id] * (1 - footprint_diffs[majority_footprint][footprint] / max_diff) for f_id, footprint in enumerate(uniq) if footprint != majority_footprint])
# def break_points_number_footprints(macro_bin, footprint_IDs):
# footprint_IDs = footprint_IDs[macro_bin[:-1]]
# pairs = [[c1, c2] for c1 in range(footprint_IDs.shape[1]) for c2 in range(c1 + 1, footprint_IDs.shape[1])]
# return len(footprint_IDs[1:]) * len(pairs) - sum([np.argsort(fp[p]).tolist() == np.argsort(footprint_IDs[i-1][p]).tolist() for p in pairs for i, fp in enumerate(footprint_IDs[1:])])
def compute_bin_cost(c, l, k, macro_bin, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy):
macro_bin_size = len(macro_bin)
if macro_bin_size != c - l:
raise ValueError(c + "!=" + l)
macro_bin_size_code = quasi_uniform_code(macro_bin_size)
break_points_size = break_points_number(macro_bin, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy)
# todo old in the original ipd L_disc L_N is computed for (k-1)
L_disc = quasi_uniform_code(k) + math.log(comb(c - 1, k - 1), 2)
# L_disc = quasi_uniform_code(k - 1) + math.log(comb(c - 1, k - 1), 2)
# todo old in the original ipd L_disc L_N is computed for (k-1)
L_disc_prev = - (quasi_uniform_code(k - 1) + math.log(comb(l - 1, k - 2), 2) if k > 1 else 0)
# L_disc_prev = - (quasi_uniform_code(k - 2) + math.log(comb(l - 1, k - 2), 2) if k > 1 else 0)
L_disc_M_ind = macro_bin_size_code - math.log(macro_bin_size / c, 2) * (macro_bin_size + 1)
L_disc_M_ind_prev = - (math.log(l / c, 2) * (k - 1 + l) if l > 0 else 0)
L_disc_M_mh = quasi_uniform_code(break_points_size) + math.log(macro_bin_size - 1, 2) * break_points_size \
if break_points_size > 0 else 0
L_errors = math.log(macro_bin_size, 2) * macro_bin_size
return L_disc + L_disc_M_ind + L_disc_M_mh + L_errors + L_disc_prev + L_disc_M_ind_prev
def compute_bin_cost_footprints(c, l, k, macro_bin, footprints, footprint_diffs=None):
macro_bin_size = len(macro_bin)
if macro_bin_size != c - l:
raise ValueError(c + "!=" + l)
macro_bin_size_code = quasi_uniform_code(macro_bin_size)
break_points_size = break_points_number_footprints(macro_bin, footprints, footprint_diffs)
# break_points_size = break_points_number_footprints(macro_bin, minhash)
# todo old in the original ipd L_disc L_N is computed for (k-1)
L_disc = quasi_uniform_code(k) + math.log(comb(c - 1, k - 1), 2)
# L_disc = quasi_uniform_code(k - 1) + math.log(comb(c - 1, k - 1), 2)
# todo old in the original ipd L_disc L_N is computed for (k-1)
L_disc_prev = - (quasi_uniform_code(k - 1) + math.log(comb(l - 1, k - 2), 2) if k > 1 else 0)
# L_disc_prev = - (quasi_uniform_code(k - 2) + math.log(comb(l - 1, k - 2), 2) if k > 1 else 0)
L_disc_M_ind = macro_bin_size_code - math.log(macro_bin_size / c, 2) * (macro_bin_size + 1)
L_disc_M_ind_prev = - (math.log(l / c, 2) * (k - 1 + l) if l > 0 else 0)
L_disc_M_mh = quasi_uniform_code(break_points_size) + math.log(macro_bin_size - 1, 2) * break_points_size \
if break_points_size > 0 else 0
L_errors = math.log(macro_bin_size, 2) * macro_bin_size
return L_disc + L_disc_M_ind + L_disc_M_mh + L_errors + L_disc_prev + L_disc_M_ind_prev
def dynamic_merging(ID_threshold, IDs, init_bins_count, break_points_strategy=BreakPointsStrategy.DEFAULT):
F = np.zeros([init_bins_count, init_bins_count])
# bps = []
discretizations = []
# compute when we merge first c initial dist_bins into 1 and #macro dist_bins k = 1
k_ = 0
k = k_ + 1
for c_ in range(init_bins_count):
c = c_ + 1
micro_bins = [i for i in range(c)]
F[c_, k_] = compute_bin_cost(c, 0, k, micro_bins, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy)
# bps.append([[break_points_number(micro_bins, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy)]])
c_disc = [[micro_bins]]
for k_ in range(1, init_bins_count):
k = k_ + 1
for c_ in range(k_, init_bins_count):
c = c_ + 1
min_F = None
# first_bps = None
# last_bp = None
first_l_micro_bins = None
last_micro_bins = None
# search for the best # of microbins in the first (k - 1) macrobins: l
for l_ in range(k_ - 1, c_):
l = l_ + 1
micro_bins = [i for i in range(l, c)]
temp_F = F[l_, k_ - 1] + compute_bin_cost(c, l, k, micro_bins, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy)
# temp_bp = break_points_number(micro_bins, IDs, ID_threshold, break_points_strategy)
if not min_F or temp_F < min_F:
min_F = temp_F
# last_bp = temp_bp
# first_bps = bps[l_][k_ - 1]
first_l_micro_bins = discretizations[l_][k_ - 1]
last_micro_bins = micro_bins
F[c_, k_] = min_F
# new_bps = first_bps.copy()
# new_bps.append(last_bp)
# bps[c_].append(new_bps)
disc = first_l_micro_bins.copy()
# print(np.argmin(F[-1]))
# print(bps[-1])
return F, discretizations
def dynamic_merging_footprints(footprints, init_bins_count, footprint_diffs=None):
F = np.zeros([init_bins_count, init_bins_count])
# bps = []
discretizations = []
# compute when we merge first c initial dist_bins into 1 and #macro dist_bins k = 1
k_ = 0
k = k_ + 1
for c_ in range(init_bins_count):
c = c_ + 1
micro_bins = [i for i in range(c)]
F[c_, k_] = compute_bin_cost_footprints(c, 0, k, micro_bins, footprints, footprint_diffs)
# bps.append([[break_points_number_minhash(micro_bins, minhash)]])
c_disc = [[micro_bins]]
for k_ in range(1, init_bins_count):
k = k_ + 1
for c_ in range(k_, init_bins_count):
c = c_ + 1
min_F = None
# first_bps = None
# last_bp = None
first_l_micro_bins = None
last_micro_bins = None
# search for the best # of microbins in the first (k - 1) macrobins: l
for l_ in range(k_ - 1, c_):
l = l_ + 1
micro_bins = [i for i in range(l, c)]
temp_F = F[l_, k_ - 1] + compute_bin_cost_footprints(c, l, k, micro_bins, footprints, footprint_diffs)
# temp_bp = break_points_number_minhash(micro_bins, minhash)
if not min_F or temp_F < min_F:
min_F = temp_F
# last_bp = temp_bp
# first_bps = bps[l_][k_ - 1]
first_l_micro_bins = discretizations[l_][k_ - 1]
last_micro_bins = micro_bins
F[c_, k_] = min_F
# new_bps = first_bps.copy()
# new_bps.append(last_bp)
# bps[c_].append(new_bps)
disc = first_l_micro_bins.copy()
# print(np.argmin(F[-1]))
# print(bps[-1])
return F, discretizations