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executable file 1185 lines (942 sloc) 34 KB
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
=head1 SYNOPSIS [options...] [query...] -h
=head1 DESCRIPTION is at tool to analyse the usage and the dependencies of shared libraries.
To shorten the runtime for queries the program generates a cache file.
Environment and cache location:
Because there is no perfect place for the cache file (named 'sou_store') there is
a harcoded default (/var/cache/sousage). But the user might also utilize environment
variables and command line options to define the cache file.
SOU_STORE full name of the cache file, overridden by -c switch.
- or the DIR/sou_store case -
PKGDB_CACHE_HOME proposed default in the molgen domain (/scratch/tmp/pkgdb_caches)
create an own cache for the whole disk as root ignoring defaults (takes approx 2-20 min): -c/dev/shm/i_ve_got_time -C/
query the product from above -c/dev/shm/i_ve_got_time libxml2
get 'users' of /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
find suspicious bee packages -t lsbee /usr/bin | grep ,
see which bee packages are involved -t ldd_bee /usr/lib/
see 32-bit binaries: -DELVES_32BIT | less
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
use Getopt::Std; $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION=1;
use Storable;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use Text::Soundex;
use Carp;
use warnings;
# use TinyProgressBar; # see below!
# flags for lib queries
use constant {
EXISTS => 2,
use constant {
PATH => 1,
my $VERSION = '2017.07.07';
my $CACHEDIR = $ENV{PKGDB_CACHE_HOME} || '/var/cache/sousage';
my $SOU_STORE_DEFAULT = "$CACHEDIR/sou_store";
my $PBAR_1 = undef;
sub exec_usage {
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
print <<"__HELP";
$prog usage:
$prog [options...] [query...]
-- cache location and maintenance --
-c file name of cache file (default: $SOU_STORE_DEFAULT)
-s print cache status information
-C dir create cache for dir (dir1:dir2:... works too)
-D key Dump database (list keys w '?')
-- common usage and queries --
-h print this help and exit
-i case insensitive lookups
-l dirs alternative ld path string (use colons, or +path to just add)
-q be quiet
-t type query type
-v be verbose
-V show version (default: $VERSION)
-H prints more usage information (unless you are root)
-X devel switch (use the source)
query types (-t option) are:
sodep shared object dependencies (default)
altsodep shared object dependencies (alternative strategy)
ldd_bee prints bee references and info
so_tgt shows known symlinks
lsbee list directories with corresponding bee packages
ldd for comparing with 'real' ldd output (debug feature)
more info: perldoc $prog (this is what the -H switch does)
exit 0;
# obsolete ? -A lib show alternative locations/spellings for given lib
# obsolete ? -g use glob expansion when searching libnames (default is soundalike)
my %opts;
exec_usage unless @ARGV;
getopts('c:l:hiqst:v:C:D:HX:V3', \%opts) or die "# ERROR: getopts failed, try -h.\n"; # Values in %opts
exec_usage if $opts{h};
$opts{3}=1; # enforce 32 bit lookup
my $SOU_STORE = $SOU_STORE_DEFAULT; # see above!
$SOU_STORE = $opts{c} if $opts{c};
my $SOU_DB;
my $TIME_STAMP = time;
my $DB_VERSION = '0.1a';
# XXX fix need devnode:inode as key, (host:dev:inode huhhhh)
my %ELVES; # { '/usr/local/openmotif-2.3/lib/' => inode }
my %SEVLE_tmp; # the reverse
my %SYML_ELVES; # { '/usr/lib/' => 1++ }
my %SO_LINKS; # { '/usr/local/qt5/lib/' => '/usr/local/qt5/lib/'}, real -> link/alias
my %SO_SOUNDEX; # { 'C120' => ['/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/', ...] }
my %EDGES_FORW; # { '/usr/local/qt5/bin/qtpaths' => {'/usr/local/qt5/lib/'=>1, ...} } -- 1:n
my %EDGES_REV; # { '/usr/local/qt5/lib/' => ['/usr/local/qt5/bin/qtpaths', ...] } -- 1:n
# ldd_bee
my %BEECONTENT; # { '/usr/bin/bsdcpio' => ['libarchive-2.8.4-0.x86_64', 'libarchive-3.2.1-0.x86_64', ...] } -- usually 1:1
my %BEE_TO_LIBS; # { 'glibc-2.19_p13_p2-3.x86_64' => { '/lib/' => 1, '/lib/' => 1, ...} }
# for the stats
my @ELVES_32BIT;
my %RPATH_ENTRIES; # see where other crap might be found
my @AMBIGUOUS_ONES; # [$elf_file ,@lib_candidates]
# my %_READELF_CACHE; # devel only
# mind the order
my @LD_SO_CONF = qw(
if ($opts{l}) {
my $path = $opts{l};
if ( $path =~ m/^\+/ ) {
$path =~ s/^\+//;
push @LD_SO_CONF, split m/:/, $path;
} else {
@LD_SO_CONF = split m/:/, $path;
my %LD_SO_CONF_register = map { $_ , 1 } @LD_SO_CONF;
# my %BLACKLIST = ();
if ($opts{H}) {
if ($< == 0) { # $UID
warn "# NOTE: will call 'perldoc' utility as root, which in turn might fail due to a privilege drop.\n";
exec 'perldoc', $0;
if ($opts{V}) {
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
print "# $prog $VERSION\n";
if ($opts{C}) {
# my $dir = `pwd`;
# chomp $dir;
my $dir = $opts{C};
for my $d (split m/:/, $dir) {
-d $d || die "# ERROR: '$d' ($!)\n";
if (@ARGV) {
warn "# NOTE: found extra args on commandline (ignored).\n".
"# NOTE: creating cache '$SOU_STORE' for directory '$dir'\n";
if (-e $SOU_STORE) {
$SOU_DB = retrieve($SOU_STORE) || die "# cache load failed ($SOU_STORE)\n";
# check version
my $ver = $SOU_DB->{DB_VERSION} || 'undef';
warn "# VERSION MISMATCH: read '$ver' wanted '$DB_VERSION'\n" if $ver ne $DB_VERSION;
if ($opts{D}) {
my $key = $opts{D};
if (exists $SOU_DB->{$key}) {
print Dumper $SOU_DB->{$key};
} else {
print Dumper sort keys %{$SOU_DB};
if ($opts{A}) {
my $query = $opts{A};
# my $ret = infer_libname($query,'guess_by_sound') || 'not found!';
# my $ret = infer_libname($query,'guess_by_glob') || 'not found!';
# infer_libnames($query,$opts{g}?'guess_by_glob':'guess_by_sound','lib');
# printf "# ret: %s\n", $ret;
if ($opts{X}) {
print Dumper $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT};
if ($opts{s}) {
printf "# cache file: '%s'\n", $SOU_STORE;
printf "# start dir(s): '%s'\n", $SOU_DB->{start_dirs};
printf "# lib entries: %d\n", scalar keys %{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}};
printf "# db version: '%s'\n", $SOU_DB->{DB_VERSION};
printf "# age: %s\n", years(time-$SOU_DB->{x_created}[1],2);
while (@ARGV) {
my $q = shift @ARGV;
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# main subroutines
sub check_cache_presence {
return 1 if $SOU_DB;
my ($prog) = $0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|;
print <<__MSG; # be a bit more verbose to help the impatient :)
The expected cache file is missing ('$SOU_STORE').
You may create one with '$prog -c my_cache -C /'.
A look at the output of '$prog -h' might be usefull too.
exit 1;
sub query {
my $query = shift || die "need a query. (try -h)\n";
my $type = $opts{t} || 'sodep';
if (0) {
} elsif ( $type eq 'sodep') {
my $libname = $query;
my $libname_esc = $libname;
# :xxx:tk: use a more bulletproof way
$libname_esc =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;
$libname_esc =~ s/\./\\\./g;
my @findings;
if ($opts{i}) {
@findings = sort grep { /$libname_esc/i } keys %{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}};
} else {
@findings = sort grep { /$libname_esc/ } keys %{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}};
print "# NOTE: '$libname' is unknown.\n" unless @findings;
print "# NOTE: '$libname' found multiple matches.\n" if scalar @findings > 1;
for my $f (@findings) {
my @refs = sort @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$f}};
my $width = 0;
for my $r (@refs) { $width = length($r) if length($r) > $width }
print "\n";
printf "# '%s' dependencies:\n", $f;
printf "# %s\n", '-'x ($width+42);
for my $r (@refs) {
my $beepkg = join ', ', @{$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$r}} if exists $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$r};
printf " %-${width}s %s\n", $r, $beepkg || 'N/A';
printf "# %d hit(s)\n", scalar @refs;
print "\n";
} elsif ( $type eq 'altsodep') {
# my $mangled_query = infer_libname($query,'strict');
# (my $filename, my $path, my $libname, my $lib_class) = classify_libquery($query);
my $librec = classify_libquery($query);
my $feel_happy = -1;
my $msg='';
if ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & EXISTS) {
my $lib = "$librec->[PATH]/$librec->[FILENAME]";
$feel_happy = report_libusage($lib); # or print "# NOTE: '$query' -- the file exists, but no known binary/lib uses it.\n";
} else {
# if ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & VALID_PATH) {
if ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & VALID_PATH) {
# $msg .= sprintf "# NOTE: file '%s' isn't located in '%s'.", $librec->[FILENAME], $librec->[PATH];
} else {
# $msg .= sprintf "# NOTE: file '%s' not found, trying some heuristics.", $librec->[FILENAME];
my @cand;
# if ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & DECENT_SO) {
for my $p (@LD_SO_CONF) { # + all other locations from rpath?
if ( -e "$p/$librec->[FILENAME]" ) {
push @cand, "$p/$librec->[FILENAME]";
if (@cand) {
# print Dumper @cand;
if (scalar @cand == 1 or (scalar @cand == 2 and samefile(@cand))) {
my $lib = shift @cand;
$feel_happy = report_libusage($lib);# or $msg .= "\n# NOTE: '$lib' -- the file exists, but no known binary/lib uses it.";
# $msg .= ' (but the identical lib occurs in different places)' if scalar @cand > 1; # sym/hard-links
} else {
print "# Holla die Waldfee...\n# multiple libs under the same name...\n# right now we bail out here (sorry)\n";
print Dumper @cand; exit;
} else {
# $msg .= " (The file wasn't found in current search path.)";
# try to infer
if ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & DECENT_SO) {
print "# '$query' wasn't found, looking for things like '$librec->[LIBNAME]'.\n";
$feel_happy = infer_libnames($librec->[LIBNAME],$opts{g}?'guess_by_glob':'guess_by_sound'); # 'guess_by_sound', 'guess_by_glob'
} else {
print "# '$query' wasn't found, looking for things like '$query'.\n";
$feel_happy = infer_libnames($query,$opts{g}?'guess_by_glob':'guess_by_sound','lib');
# print "\n# happy? $feel_happy\n\n" if $feel_happy < 1;
# confident but ! existing
if ($feel_happy >= 1 and !($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & EXISTS)) {
printf "# NOTE: '%s' doesn't exist, results came from searching the library path.\n", $query;
printf "# (sousage distinguishes between /lib/ and /usr/lib/\n", $query;
} elsif ($feel_happy <= 0 and 0) {
$msg .= sprintf "# NOTE: query for '%s' gave no or unexpected results,\n", $query;
$msg .= sprintf " it does%s look like a decent shared object\n", ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & DECENT_SO)?'':"n't";
$msg .= sprintf " it does%s have a valid path\n", ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & VALID_PATH)?'':"n't";
$msg .= sprintf " it does%s exist (as a file)\n", ($librec->[LIB_CLASS] & EXISTS)?'':"n't";
print $msg."\n";
} elsif ( $type eq 'ldd') {
# ldd walks the dep chain down, so we do ...
my $res = dependency_walk($query);
print Dumper $res;
} elsif ( $type eq 'ldd_bee') {
my @tgts = ($query); # init with single item, beeing compatible to ldd_bee
my $res = dependency_walk($query);
push @tgts, keys %{$res};
} elsif ( $type eq 'so_tgt') {
print "# dumping known symlinks for '$query'\n";
print Dumper $SOU_DB->{SO_LINKS}{$query};
} elsif ( $type eq 'lsbee') {
# print "lsbee got query '$query'\n";
$query =~ s{/+$}{};
# hmmm, really re-implement a ls like thing?
# handle quotes or not?
# its just a dir
if (-d $query) {
my @listing = `ls -bola '$query' 2>&1`; die "# Error: ls failed on '$query'" if $?;
chomp @listing;
shift @listing; # dump the total
for my $rec (@listing) {
my @tmp = split m/\s+/, $rec, 8;
my $filename = '';
my $tgtname = '';
$filename = $tmp[7] if defined $tmp[7];
$filename =~ m/^(.+)\s+->\s+(.+)$/ and $filename = $1 and $tgtname = $2;
my $beepkg = '';
$beepkg = join ', ', @{$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{"$query/$filename"}} if exists $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{"$query/$filename"};
$rec =~ s/\s+->\s+.+$// if defined $tgtname;
# ls did some nice preformatting, keep it
$rec =~ s/(^\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+)(.*)$/$1/;
#printf "%s %-42s %s%s\n", $rec, $beepkg?$beepkg:'N/A', $filename, $tgtname?" -> $tgtname":'';
printf "%s %-42s %s\n", $rec, $beepkg?$beepkg:'N/A', $tmp[7];
} else {
my @listing = `ls -bola '$query' 2>&1`; die "# Error: ls failed on '$query'" if $?;
chomp @listing;
for my $rec (@listing) {
my @tmp = split m/\s+/, $rec, 8;
my $filename = '';
my $tgtname = '';
# readjust sizes
$tmp[3] = sprintf "%12d", $tmp[3] if defined $tmp[3];
$tmp[5] = sprintf "%2d", $tmp[5] if defined $tmp[5];
$tmp[6] = sprintf "%5s", $tmp[6] if defined $tmp[6];
$filename = $tmp[7] if defined $tmp[7];
$filename =~ m/^(.+)\s+->\s+(.+)$/ and $filename = $1 and $tgtname = $2;
$tmp[7] = $filename;
my $beepkg = '';
$beepkg = join ', ', @{$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$query}} if exists $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$query};
# print Dumper \@tmp, $beepkg;
# $rec =~ s/\s+->\s+$tgtname// if defined $tgtname; # fails on and friends
$rec =~ s/\s+->\s+.+$// if defined $tgtname;
printf "%-82s %s%s\n", join(' ',@tmp) , $beepkg?$beepkg:'N/A', $tgtname?" (link $tgtname)":'';
} else {
print "# unkown query type ($type).\n";
sub report_libusage {
my $lib = shift; defined $lib or die 'need an arg';
if (defined $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$lib}) {
# print Dumper $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$lib};
print "\n";
printf "# '%s' dependencies:\n", $lib;
my $width = 0;
for my $e ( @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$lib}} ) { $width = length($e) if length($e) > $width }
printf "# %s\n", '-'x ($width+42);
map {
printf " %-${width}s %s\n",
$_, exists $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$_}?join(', ', @{$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$_}}):'no bee reference found'
} sort @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$lib}};
printf "# %d hit(s)\n", scalar @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$lib}};
print "\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub dependency_walk { # not walking yet, rather blunt hash-cramming
my $entity = shift || die '';
my %res;
# map {$res{$_} = 1} @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}{$query}}; # bad array
map {$res{$_} = 1} keys %{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}{$entity}};
# print Dumper $SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}{$query};
my $limit=12;
my $old_size = scalar keys %res;
while (0 < $limit--) {
for my $k (keys %res) {
# map {$res{$_}++} @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}{$k}}; # bad array
map {$res{$_}++} keys %{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_FORW}{$k}};
my $s = scalar keys %res;
last if $s == $old_size;
$old_size = $s;
warn "# library search limit exceeded.\n" if $limit<=0;
return \%res;
sub classify_libquery {
my $q = shift;
my $filename = ''; #
my $path = ''; # /usr/lib
my $libname = ''; # pthread
my $lib_class = 0;
$lib_class |= EXISTS if -e $q;
if ($q =~ m{/}) {
($path,$filename) = $q =~ m{(.*)/([^/]+)$};
die 'wass denn?' unless defined $path and defined $filename;
} else {
$filename = $q;
$lib_class |= VALID_PATH if -d $path;
if ( $filename =~ m/^lib(.+)\.so.*?$/ ) {
$libname = $1;
$lib_class |= DECENT_SO;
wantarray ?
($filename, $path, $libname, $lib_class):
[$filename, $path, $libname, $lib_class];
sub infer_libnames { # resolve -> /usr/lib/
my $libname = shift;
my $heuristic = shift || 'guess_by_sound';
my $chopaway = shift;
if ($chopaway) {
$libname =~ s/^lib//;
my $result = -1;
if ($heuristic eq 'guess_by_sound') {
# go fuzzy and tell user.
my ($name) = $libname =~ m/^([^\.]+)/;
my $soundex = soundex_nara($name);
if ($soundex) {
print "# showing similiar sounding libs ($soundex):\n\n";
my $libref = $SOU_DB->{SO_SOUNDEX}{$soundex};
if ($libref) {
for my $i (@$libref) { # ['/usr/lib/', 'gstapp-1.0'];
# $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$mangled_query}
my $num_refs = 0;
$num_refs = scalar @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$i->[0]}} if defined $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$i->[0]};
printf " %-36s %5d refs, %s\n", $i->[0], $num_refs, $i->[1];
map {
$num_refs = 0;
$num_refs = scalar @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$_}} if defined $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$_};
printf " %-36s %5d refs, symlink\n", $_, $num_refs;
} @{$SOU_DB->{SO_LINKS}{$i->[0]}};
print "\n";
} else {
die "# soundex failed on '$libname' \n";
} elsif ($heuristic eq 'guess_by_glob') {
my $pq;
map { $pq .= "$_/lib$libname* " } @LD_SO_CONF; # mind the space at the end
my @res = glob($pq);
print "# showing results from path search:\n\n";
if (@res) {
for my $file (@res) { # ['/usr/lib/', 'gstapp-1.0'];
if (! -f $file and ! -l $file) {
print "# skipping '$file' (neither file nor symlink)\n" if $opts{v};
if (defined $SOU_DB->{ELVES}{$file} or defined $SOU_DB->{SYML_ELVES}{$file}) {
my $num_refs = 0;
$num_refs = scalar @{$SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$file}} if defined $SOU_DB->{EDGES_REV}{$file};
if (defined $SOU_DB->{ELVES}{$file}) {
printf " %-36s %5d refs, %s\n", $file, $num_refs, 'elf-file'; # use libname if avail?
} elsif (defined $SOU_DB->{SYML_ELVES}{$file}) {
printf " %-36s %5d refs, symlink\n", $file, $num_refs; # $SOU_DB->{SYML_ELVES}{$file}
} else { die "fuck!\n"; }
} else {
print "# skipping '$file' (unknown, or unreffed)\n" if $opts{v}; # xxx fixme
} elsif ($heuristic eq 'grep') { # other experiments, drop it
# print Dumper keys %{$SOU_DB->{ELVES}}; exit;
my @hits = sort
grep { /$libname/ } (keys %{$SOU_DB->{ELVES}}, keys %{$SOU_DB->{SYML_ELVES}});
print Dumper \@hits;
# =nerve
# /usr/lib/ 0 refs, aspell the real thing, is in ELVES
# /usr/lib/ 0 refs, symlink not in SYML_ELVES, caus of zero count
# /usr/lib/ 13 refs, symlink is in SYML_ELVES
# =cut
print Dumper 'syml', $SOU_DB->{SYML_ELVES}{'/usr/lib/'},
print Dumper 'elf', $SOU_DB->{ELVES}{'/usr/lib/'},
} else {
die "# can't use '$heuristic' for libname search\n";
return $result;
sub create_cache {
my $start_dirs = shift || die '# Error: need a dir, or a list separated with :';
for my $dir (split m/:/, $start_dirs) {
-d $dir || die "# Error: not a directory '$dir'";
printf "### looking for ELF files (might take a little while).\n" if ! $opts{q};
# print Dumper \%ELVES;die;
# XXX this will turn into a show stopper, when checking different filesystems
%SEVLE_tmp = reverse %ELVES; # hardlinks? what hardlinks ....
# die 'mist!' if (scalar keys %ELVES != scalar keys %SEVLE_tmp);
printf "### checking symlinks.\n" if $opts{v};
# print Dumper \%SO_LINKS;
printf "### soundex on libnames.\n" if $opts{v};
# print Dumper \%SO_SOUNDEX;
my $num_elves = scalar keys %ELVES;
if (! $opts{q}) {
printf "### building dependency graph with %d files.\n", $num_elves;
$PBAR_1 = TinyProgressBar->new(60,'working',' DONE! ');
$| = 1;
my $linked_so_prev = -1;
my $linked_so = grow_graph(\%ELVES,1);
$PBAR_1->print_finalbar if $PBAR_1; $PBAR_1 = undef;
printf "### checking symlinks.\n" unless $opts{q};
for (my $i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
my $syml_cnt = scalar keys %SYML_ELVES;
if (! $opts{q} and $syml_cnt>100) {
$PBAR_1 = TinyProgressBar->new(60,'working',' DONE! ');
$| = 1;
$linked_so = grow_graph(\%SYML_ELVES,1);
$PBAR_1->print_finalbar if $PBAR_1; $PBAR_1 = undef;
last if $linked_so == $linked_so_prev;
$linked_so_prev = $linked_so;
# die 'aus die maus';
printf "### creating reverse dependency graph with %d files\n", (scalar(keys %SYML_ELVES) + scalar( keys %ELVES) ) if $opts{v};
printf "### reading bee_content.\n" if $opts{v};
printf "### writing cache\n" if $opts{v};
$SOU_DB->{start_dirs} = $start_dirs;
$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT} = \%BEECONTENT; # hmmm ~ 60 meg, when taken as is, ~4meg when pruned
$SOU_DB->{x_created} = [$TIME_STAMP, time];
# $SOU_DB->{_READELF_CACHE} = \%_READELF_CACHE; # use with caution
store $SOU_DB, $SOU_STORE if $SOU_DB;
printf "### done.\n" if $opts{v};
sub build_so_soundex {
for my $k (keys %SO_LINKS) {
my $name = '';
$k =~ m|/lib([^/]+)\.so| and $name = $1;
next if ! $name; # only 'libfoobar' at the moment, *not*
my $soundex = soundex_nara($name);
push @{$SO_SOUNDEX{$soundex}}, [$k,$name];
sub grow_graph {
my $elf_in = shift || die 'hashref needed';
ref $elf_in || die 'hashref needed';
my $gather = shift || 0; # collect symlinked libs
my $cnt=0;
for my $elf_file (sort keys %{$elf_in}) {
my @libs;
my @rpath_add;
my %rpath_register;
$PBAR_1->do_progress() if $PBAR_1;
# if (($cnt++)%5e2 == 0) {
# printf "# %d done\n",$cnt-1 unless $opts{q}; # xxx ugly
# }
# # HACK to avoid re-scanning
# ######################
# if ( defined $SOU_DB->{_READELF_CACHE} and defined $SOU_DB->{_READELF_CACHE}{$f} and (@libs=@{$SOU_DB->{_READELF_CACHE}{$f}}) ) {
# $_READELF_CACHE{$f} = [ @libs ] if @libs;
# } else {
# ######################
# 0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: []
# 0x000000000000000f (RPATH) Library rpath: [/usr/local/openmotif-2.3/lib]
# 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH) Library runpath: [/usr/local/lib]
my @readelf = `readelf -d '$elf_file' 2>&1`; die "# Error: readelf failed on '$elf_file'" if $?;
chomp @readelf;
# map { /Shared library:\s+\[([^]]+)\]/ && push @libs, $1 } @_; # beware of libs w ']' inda name...
for my $line (@readelf) {
if ($line =~ m/Shared library:\s+\[([^]]+)\]/ ) {
push @libs, $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/Library rpath:\s+\[([^]]+)\]/) {
# print "rpath $1\n"; # exit;
push @{$RPATH_ENTRIES{$1}}, $elf_file;
map {
if (! exists $LD_SO_CONF_register{$_} && $_ !~ '$ORIGIN' ) {
} split(m/:/, $1);
} elsif ($line =~ m/Library runpath:\s+\[([^]]+)\]/) {
# treat this one too
# 0x000000000000000f (RPATH) Library rpath: [/usr/local/openmotif-2.3/lib]
# ######################
# $_READELF_CACHE{$f} = [ @libs ] if @libs;
# }
# ######################
@rpath_add = keys %rpath_register;
# print Dumper 'rpath_add', $elf_file, \@rpath_add if @rpath_add;
# test with ld library paths
for my $lib (@libs) {
my @lib_candidates;
for my $p (@LD_SO_CONF,@rpath_add) {
my $i = (stat "$p/$lib")[1];
if (defined $i) {
push @lib_candidates, ["$p/$lib", $i];
my $cnt= scalar @lib_candidates;
if (0) {
} elsif ($cnt == 0) { # error
} elsif ($cnt == 1) { # lovely
my $cand = $lib_candidates[0]->[0];
if ( -l $cand && $gather) { $SYML_ELVES{$cand}++; }
# push @{$EDGES_FORW{$f}}, $cand;
} elsif ($cnt > 1) { # all the same? what if not? die, or add all entries?
my $inode = $lib_candidates[0]->[1];
my $ok=1;
for (my $i=1; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
if ($inode != $lib_candidates[$i]->[1]) {
# last;
if (! $ok) {
# print Dumper 'ERROR: AMBIGUOUS lib entries', $elf_file ,\@lib_candidates;
# die '# bad, look';
push @AMBIGUOUS_ONES, [$elf_file ,@lib_candidates];
# printf "# using first entry '%s'.\n", $lib_candidates[0]->[0];
my $cand = $lib_candidates[0]->[0];
if ( -l $cand && $gather) { $SYML_ELVES{$cand}++; }
# push @{$EDGES_FORW{$f}}, $cand;
} # for my $elf_file
return scalar keys %SYML_ELVES;
sub finish_graph {
for my $k (keys %EDGES_FORW) {
# for my $dep ( @{$EDGES_FORW{$k}} ) {
for my $dep ( keys %{$EDGES_FORW{$k}} ) {
push @{$EDGES_REV{$dep}}, $k;
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# subroutines related to find
sub find_elves {
my $dirs = shift || '/';
# avoid clutter
no warnings; # see /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.12.1/File/ lines 881 +/-
for my $dir (split m/:/, $dirs) {
warn "# on '$dir'\n"; # xxx debug
find({wanted => \&elves_wanted}, $dir);
# what links to a real so ?
sub find_so_symlinks {
my $dirs = shift || '/';
# avoid clutter
no warnings;
for my $dir (split m/:/, $dirs) {
find({wanted => \&so_symlinks_wanted}, $dir);
sub elves_wanted {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);
(($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
!($File::Find::prune |= ($dev != $File::Find::topdev)) && # restrict to local fs
# (($mode & 0111) > 0) && # any executable
-f _ && isElf_le64($_) &&
($ELVES{$File::Find::name}="$ino"); # hopefully never 0, and just used for lookup purposes during build
sub isElf_le64 {
my $f = shift;
defined $f or croak "# need a filename (isElf_le64)\n";
return 0 unless -e $f;
if (! -r _) {
print "# can not read '$f' ($File::Find::name)\n" if $opts{v};
push @UNREADABLE, $File::Find::name;
return 0;
my $probe;
open(F, '<', $f) || die "# $! ($f)";
my $size = read F, $probe, 16;
close F;
return 0 if $size < 16; # too short for a candidate, the 64-bit header is 64 bytes long.
# 0: 7f45 4c46 0201 0100 0000 0000 0000 0000 .ELF............
# 0: 7f45 4c46 0201 0103 0000 0000 0000 0000 .ELF............
my ($p1,$p2,$p3,$p4) = unpack('N4', $probe);
return 0 if $p3 || $p4;
if ($p1 == 0x7f454c46 && ($p2 == 0x02010100 || $p2 == 0x02010103)) { # System V or Linux
return 1; # looks like a 64bit elf.
# 32bit elves?
if ($p1 == 0x7f454c46 && ($p2 & 0x01000000) && $opts{3}) {
push @ELVES_32BIT, $File::Find::name;
return 0;
return 0; # bad luck
sub so_symlinks_wanted {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);
(($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
!($File::Find::prune |= ($dev != $File::Find::topdev)) && # restrict to local fs
-l _ && so_readlink()
# push @LINKS, $File::Find::name;
# we enter with any symlink
sub so_readlink {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = stat($File::Find::name); # stat again ...
die '# oh my god...' if $?;
if (! defined $ino) {
return 0;
return 0 unless defined $SEVLE_tmp{$ino};
die 'hmmm' if exists $SO_LINKS{$File::Find::name}; # should never happen
# $SO_LINKS{$File::Find::name} = $full;
push @{$SO_LINKS{$SEVLE_tmp{$ino}}}, $File::Find::name;
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# utility subroutines
sub same_file {
(stat shift)[1] == (stat shift)[1];
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# peters ldd_bee slaughtered
# slurp all bee content
sub read_bee_content {
for my $bee (</usr/share/bee/*>) {
next unless -e "$bee/CONTENT";
my $b = $1;
open I,'<',"$bee/CONTENT" or die;
while (<I>) {
next if m/^type=directory/;
if (m{:file=(.*)}) {
### XXX option wanted
# don't store every file
# $_ =~ m{\.so[0-9\.]*$} || exists $ELVES{$_} || next;
s{//.*}{}; # unsymlink, unhardlink
push @{$BEECONTENT{$_}},$b;
close I;
return 1;
sub ldd_bee_prepare {
my $libs = shift;
for my $l (@$libs) {
print "# $l\n";
if ( exists( $SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$l}) ) {
map { $BEE_TO_LIBS{$_}{$l}++ } @{$SOU_DB->{BEECONTENT}{$l}};
else {
warn "## $l not found in any bee file\n";
return 1;
# xxx place a time summary ?
sub ldd_bee_report {
my $b = 0;
for my $bee ( sort keys %BEE_TO_LIBS ) {
print "\n";
my ($beefile) = </usr/share/bee/$bee/*.bee>;
my $mt = (stat($beefile))[9];
print "PKGALLPKG[$b]=$bee\n";
print " BEEFILE[$b]=$beefile\n";
printf " BEETIME[$b]=%d # %s (%s)\n",$mt,years(time-$mt,2),scalar(localtime($mt));
my $bc = 0;
for my $lib ( sort keys %{$BEE_TO_LIBS{$bee}} ) {
print " BEEF[$b][$bc]=$lib\n";
# duration in pretty format
sub years {
my $s = shift;
my $n = shift;
if ($s == 0) {
return '0 secs';
my @T=();
my $t = int($s/(365*60*60*24));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # months
$s -= $t*int(365.25*60*60*24);
$t = int($s/(30.42*60*60*24));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # months
$s -= $t*int(30.42*60*60*24);
$t = int($s/(60*60*24));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # days
$s -= $t*(60*60*24);
$t = int($s/(60*60));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # hrs
$s -= $t*(60*60);
$t = int($s/(60));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # min
$s -= $t*60;
$t = int($s);
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # sec
my @L;
for my $x ('yrs','mon','days','hrs','min','secs') {
my $y = shift @T;
if ($y != 0) {
if (defined($n)) {
last if ($n < 0);
push @L,"$y $x";
return join(' ',@L);
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# tiny gadget
{ # hmmm do the '$|=1' here ?
package TinyProgressBar;
use strict;
sub new {
my $type = shift;
my $len = shift || 70;
my $label = shift || 'working';
my $label_end = shift || uc($label);
my $self = {
BARCHARS => ["\b/", "\b|", "\b\\", "\b-", "\b/", "\b|", "\b\\", "\b-", "\b.\b"], # 9 items
STEPS => 0,
BAR => '',
ITEMS => 0,
PSTEP_0 => 0,
_LEN => $len,
_LABEL_LEN => length($label)+2,
# '`~"
# $self->{BARCHARS} = ["'\b", "`\b", "~\b", "\"\b", "'\b", "`\b", "~\b", "\"\b", ".\b\b"];
# +x*X o0@O
$self->{BARCHARS} = ["+\b", "x\b", "*\b", "X\b", "+\b", "x\b", "*\b", "X\b", ".\b\b"];
$self->{_N_BARCHARS} = scalar @{$self->{BARCHARS}};
$self->{BAR} = sprintf "[%s]%s", $label, '-' x $len;
$self->{FINALBAR} = sprintf "[%s]%s", $label_end, '.' x $len;
bless $self, $type;
sub print_bar {
my $self = shift;
print STDOUT $self->{BAR};
sub print_finalbar {
my $self = shift;
my $leftovers = $self->{_LEN} - int($self->{PSTEPS_DONE}/$self->{_N_BARCHARS});
$leftovers=0 if $leftovers < 0;
print STDOUT "\b" x ($leftovers + $self->{_LABEL_LEN} + 1);
# print "\n<< Debug >>\n";
print STDOUT $self->{FINALBAR} . "\n";
#printf "# stepped %d -- PSTEP_0: %d\n", $self->{PSTEPS_DONE}, $self->{PSTEP_0};
#printf "# distance: %f leftovers $leftovers\n", $self->{PSTEPS_DONE}/$self->{_N_BARCHARS};
sub adjust {
my $self = shift;
my $items = shift;
$self->{PSTEP_0} = int($items/($self->{_N_BARCHARS}*$self->{_LEN}) ) - 1;
$self->{PSTEP_0} = 1 if $self->{PSTEP_0}<=0;
sub do_progress {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{PSTEP}++ >= $self->{PSTEP_0}) {
$self->{PSTEPS_DONE} += 1;
sub bar_step {
my $self = shift;
print STDOUT $self->{BARCHARS}[$self->{STEPS} % $self->{_N_BARCHARS}];