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    heinrich / CRUP

    CRUP is a workflow consisting of three main steps (CRUP - EP, CRUP - ED, CRUP - ED) and an additonal pre-preparing step (CRUP - normalize), whereas each step build upon one another. CRUP collapses different layers of epigenetic information into a single list of regulatory units consisting of dynamically changing enhancers and target genes.

    R Built by @heinrich

    sebastianlieske / multimodalR

    Simulation of multimodal gene expression, evaluation of algorithms detecting multimodality in gene expression data sets, and detection of multimodal genes in gene expression data sets

    R 1 Built by @sbeck @jenzopr

    loosolab / multimodalR

    Simulation of multimodal gene expression, evaluation of algorithms detecting multimodality in gene expression data sets, and detection of multimodal genes in gene expression data sets

    R 1 Built by @sbeck @jenzopr

    Alena / coTRaCTE

    Predicting co-occurring transcription factors on cell-type specific accessible chromatin regions

    R Built by @Alena