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# This is the file containing every notable variable used in the program.
# Settings without indicated defaults should not be changed.
# Be aware that the loaded settings may change during the execution of the program (but this file will never be changed by the program).
# Comments start with '#'
# Categories have [square brackets]
# Every setting consists of a key-value pair divided by either : or =. Do not change the keys or the datatypes of the values!
# The default is stated in a comment above the setting.
# The settings will be automatically converted to the corresponding datatypes when parsed, you can even add/subtract numbers!
# The following datatypes exist:
# string: "str"
# int: 42
# float: 23.32
# list: [1, 2, 3]
# dict: {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
# boolean: True
# None: None
# puts the log handlers in another thread so it doesn't impact the performance of the rest
# when used as a library: also effective when another logger is supplied!
isolate = True
# the format string used to format the log, for details see
# default: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s - %(message)s'
format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s - %(message)s'
# a string if you want a different format string for the logfile, None if not
# default: None
file_format = None
# the name of the log file or None to generate a file name from the current date and time
# default: None
file_name = None
# what is appended to the file name (normally the file ending)
# default: '.log'
file_ending = '.log'
# the path where the logfile will be stored
# default: 'log'
file_path = 'log'
# write mode of the filehandler, for details see
# default: 'a'
file_mode = 'a'
# the maximum filesize in bytes befor a new file is created
# default: 102400] (100MB)
file_max_kbytes = 102400
# the maximum number of files saved for the log
# default: 10
file_max_files = 10
# the amount of digits after the decimal point shown. Note that this does not mean higher precision of the timestamps, just more digits
# default: 7
timestamp_precision = 7
# enable super verbose logging in a separate file
# default: False
verbose_enable = True
# the suffix for the filename, applied before the file ending
# default: 'verbose_'
verbose_file_suffix = '_verbose'
# like file_max_kbytes but for the high verbosity logging, None to use the value set in file_max_kbytes
# default: None
verbose_file_max_kbytes = None
# like file_max_files but for the high verbosity logging, None to use the value set in file_max_files
# default: 1
verbose_file_max_files = 1
# name of the calibration file
# default: 'calibration'
file_name = 'calibration.json'
# folder of the calibration file
# default: 'calibration'
file_folder = 'calibration'
# the ip of the machine running the program
# default: ''
ip = ''
# name of the network interface used on the local machine, its name will likely start with 'eth' or 'enp'
# you will get a prompt to select from a list of available interfaces if you set this to None
# default: 'enp5s0'
ifname = 'enp6s0'
# is the NTP server absolutely required? (i.e. is it insufficient to just have precise times relative to another during
# a single execution of the program?
# default: False
ntp_require = False
# the ip of the NTP server, it will be running on the local machine (localhost) in most cases
# set it to None do disable the NTP server
# default: 'localhost'
ntp_ip = None
# how far off the returned time can be before we use a fallback to update the offset of counter3 to UTC in seconds
# default: .0015
ntp_tolerance = .001
# a way to keep the timestamps close to the clock of the local machine, measured using the arival times of the data packets
# NOT RECCOMMENDED!!! use only if you have to!
# default: False
adaptive_offset_correction_enable = True
# the approximate minimal length of a signal to not be filtered by the low-pass filter
# higher values -> less stability, lower values -> faster recovery from initial errors
# default: 2
adaptive_offset_correction_time_constant = 2
# whether or not we calculate the velocity data
# default: True
velocity_enable = True
# the velocity we send if the velocity calculation is disabled
# default: 127
velocity_static = 127
# is midi enabled at all? the settings below do nothing if it is disabled
# default: True
enable = True
# swap the midi codes listed here
# the list is made of sublists of size 2 containing the codes that will be swapped
# example: [[58, 62], [59, 63], [60, 64], [61, 65]]
# default: []
swap_midi_codes = [[58, 62], [59, 63], [60, 64], [61, 65]]
# enable output of midi signals from the keyboard/program
# default: True
primary_enable = True
# how many seconds the primary midi device will be muted if the calibration mode is active
# default: 30
primary_mute_duration = 15
# the name of the primary midi device
# you get a prompt with the available devices if you start the program and the one set does not exist (or is just None)
# there is a shorthand notation available (just write everything before the ":") but this only works if there is no other
# midi device with the same name (the part after the ":" uniquely identifies the device but may change when the device
# disconnects or the system is restarted)
# default: 'Bluethner Digital Piano'
primary_out = 'Bluethner Digital Piano'
# should the velocity on the secondary devices be disabled as well if disable it for the primary input (i.e. the keyboard)?
# default: False
velocity_disable_all = False
# enable the secondary midi devices?
# default: False
secondary_enable = True
# how many secondary inputs we will use at most, None to not set a maximum
# default: None
secondary_amount = 1
# the midi inputs we use as secondary midi source, set to None or a list: ['<name1>', '<name2>']
# the shorthand notation is available in here as well
# you will end the selection of secondary devices with a None in the list (if you're using the list). This also means
# that anything after a None in the list will be ignored
# default: None
secondary_in = ['serial2midi_ttyS4']
# where we send the midi signals from the seond device, set to None or a list (see secondary_in for details)
# the items will be matched with the list in secondary_in (i.e. the first input there gets the first output here and so on),
# use None in the list if you don't want any output for a specific input
# default: None
secondary_out = ['Bluethner Digital Piano']
# the pattern used to search for the boards
# default: '/dev/ttyACM*'
search_pattern = '/dev/ttyACM*'
# the devices to be ignored (this is a list of the device paths, e.g. ['/dev/ttyACM1', '/dev/ttyACM5'])
# default: []
# blacklist = ['/dev/ttyACM1', '/dev/ttyACM2', '/dev/ttyACM3', '/dev/ttyACM4', '/dev/ttyACM5', '/dev/ttyACM6']
blacklist = []
# how many channels there are per board (this includes ignored channels)
# do not change this if the hardware didn't change
channel_amount = 4
# a blacklist for the channels of the boards, {<board_id>: [<channel_ids>], <board_id>: [<channel_ids>], ...}
# the board id is the internal one, not the number after "ttyACM"!
# do not blacklist the first channel (number 0) as it may mess up the parsing of the timestamps in the TCP data stream.
# (change the regex if there is no other way but this will decrease error resistance)
# the numbering of the boards is based on 1, the numbers of the channels are based on 0!
# default: {7: [3]}
# channel_blacklist = {7: [3], 1: [1, 2, 3]}
channel_blacklist = {7: [3]}
# the lowest possible value we will ever see in the data stream
# default: -6000
absolute_min = -6000
# the highest possible value we will ever see in the data stream, this must not be higher than 0
# default: 0
absolute_max = 0
# the approximate minimal length of a signal to not be filtered by the low-pass filter
# lower values result in less smoothing, higher values increase the input lag
# changing this influences the velocity_min/_max settings in [keyboard]
# default: .001
lpf_time_constant = .0075
# everything in here is just about the serial (over USB) communication with the boards)
# maximum length (in characters) of an answer, is not a hard limit but the amount of characters we use as a signal to stop loading more data
# default: 5000
answer_max_length = 5000
# the longest we wait for the completion of the answer in seconds
# default: 2
answer_max_time = 2
# settings for the ethernet connection to the boards
# the timeout we use when connecting to the boards in seconds
# default: 30
timeout = 30
# the port we use for the TCP stream from the board
port = 9004
# the acceptable age difference between timestamps in .01 ms
# counter3 is the internal name of the timer used to generate the timestamps
# default: 100000
counter3_acceptable_difference = 100000
# the resolution of counter3 in seconds
counter3_resolution = .00001
# the maximum age of the last known value of the timestamps of the boards in seconds (!). after that we just use the one given via the TCP stream
# this is only relevant when we haven't received a valid timestamp for a while
# default: .01
counter3_max_age = .01
# settings related to the actual keyboard like activation thresholds and the settings for velocity
# the setting to enable/disable the velocity calculations is in [midi]
# at what point do we consider the key pressed? The values go from 0 (released) to 1 (completely pressed)
# default: .7
trigger_on = .7
# same as trigger_on but for the point on which we consider the key released again
# this has to be smaller than trigger_on
# default: .7
trigger_off = .3
# how much the values are allowed to go over the bounds without triggering an error
# default: 50
out_of_bounds_tolerance = 100
# the distance between a full press and a full release in meters
key_travel = .01
# the maximum age of the samples used to calculate the velocity in seconds
# longer means higher precision but it should not be longer than the shortest time you need to press a key
# but it has to be big enough to allow more than one sample to be present to allow for the calculations.
# min value: ~.003
# reasonable max value: .015-.02 (those are from a tiny empirical test)
# default: .01
velocity_sample_age = .01
# the lowest velocity we expect in m/s
# changing this influences lpf_time_constant in [boards]
# default: .01
velocity_min = .01
# the highest velocity we expect in m/s
# changing this influences lpf_time_constant in [boards]
# default: .25
velocity_max = .25
# the minimum frequency we want, show at least a warning when it gets too low
# default: 60
cycles_frequency_min = 60
# the maximum frequency we'll use
# default: 500
cycles_frequency_max = 5000