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#' AND module UI representation
#' The AND module connects filtering and selection across multiple columns of a data.frame. Columns of class boolean, character or factor will be represented as textual ORs, numeric columns as numerical OR.
#' @param id The ID of the modules namespace.
#' @return A list with HTML tags from \code{\link[shiny]{tag}}.
#' @export
andUI <- function(id) {
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
ret <- shiny::uiOutput(ns("and"))
#' AND module server logic
#' This function evaluates output from multiple OR modules by combining with a logical and.
#' @param input Shiny's input object.
#' @param output Shiny's output object.
#' @param session Shiny's session object.
#' @param data The input data.frame for which selection should be provided. Evaluates an OR module for each column (Supports reactive).
#' @param show.elements A Vector of column names determining which OR modules are shown. Defaults to names(data). (Supports reactive)
#' @param element.grouping Group features in boxes. (Data.table: first column = columnnames, second column = groupnames) (Supports reactive)
#' @param column.labels Additional labels for the columns, defaults to \code{names(data)}.
#' @param delimiter A single character, or a vector indicating how column values are delimited. (Fills vector sequentially if needed)(Supports reactive)
#' @param multiple Whether or not textual ORs should allow multiple selections. (Fills vector sequentially if needed)(Supports reactive)
#' @param contains Whether or not textual ORs are initialized as textInput checking entries for given string. (Fills vector sequentially if needed)(Supports reactive)
#' @param ranged Whether or not numeric ORs are ranged. (Fills vector sequentially if needed)(Supports reactive)
#' @param step Set numeric ORs slider steps. (Fills vector sequentially if needed)(Supports reactive)
#' @param reset Reactive which will cause a UI reset on change.
#' @return A reactive containing named list with a boolean vector of length \code{nrow(data)} (bool), indicating whether an observation is selected or not and a vector of Strings showing the used filter (text).
#' @export
and <- function(input, output, session, data, show.elements = NULL, element.grouping = NULL, column.labels = NULL, delimiter = NULL, multiple = TRUE, contains = FALSE, ranged = FALSE, step = 100, reset = NULL) {
# handle reactive data
data_r <- shiny::reactive({
if (shiny::is.reactive(data)) {
# handle reactive show.elements
show_elements_r <- shiny::reactive({
if (shiny::is.reactive(show.elements)) {
show.elements <- show.elements()
} else {
show.elements <- show.elements
if (is.null(show.elements)) {
show.elements <- names(data_r())
# handle reactive grouping
element_grouping_r <- shiny::reactive({
if (shiny::is.reactive(element.grouping)) {
} else {
parameter <- shiny::reactive({
# get column labels
if (is.null(column.labels)) {
column.labels <- names(data_r())
} else {
column.labels <- column.labels
# fill multiple if vector is too small
if (shiny::is.reactive(multiple)) {
multiple <- multiple()
if (length(multiple) < ncol(data_r())) {
multiple <- rep(multiple, length.out = ncol(data_r()))
# fill contains if vector is too small
if (shiny::is.reactive(contains)) {
contains <- contains()
if (length(contains) < ncol(data_r())) {
contains <- rep(contains, length.out = ncol(data_r()))
# fill ranged if vector is too small
if (shiny::is.reactive(ranged)) {
ranged <- ranged()
if (length(ranged) < ncol(data_r())) {
ranged <- rep(ranged, length.out = ncol(data_r()))
# fill delimiter if vector is too small
if (shiny::is.reactive(delimiter)) {
delimiter <- delimiter()
if (length(delimiter) < ncol(data_r()) & !is.null(delimiter)) {
delimiter <- rep(delimiter, length.out = ncol(data_r()))
# fill step if vector is too small
if (shiny::is.reactive(step)) {
step <- step()
if (length(step) < ncol(data_r()) & !is.null(step)) {
step <- rep(step, length.out = ncol(data_r()))
return(list(column.labels = column.labels, multiple = multiple, contains = contains, ranged = ranged, delimiter = delimiter, step = step))
output$and <- shiny::renderUI({
# new progress indicator
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(0, message = "Render orModules:")
# select data based on show.elements
data <- data_r()[, show_elements_r(), with = FALSE]
step <- ncol(data)
if (!is.null(element_grouping_r())) {
# only group shown data
element.grouping <- element_grouping_r()[element_grouping_r()[[1]] %in% show_elements_r()]
grouping <- tapply(element.grouping[[1]], element.grouping[[2]], function(x) {x})
# keep grouping order
grouping <- grouping[unique(element.grouping[[2]])]
return <- lapply(seq_len(length(grouping)), function(i){
group <- lapply(unlist(grouping[i]), function(x){
progress$inc(step, detail = x)
if (is.numeric(data[[x]])) {
ui <- orNumericUI(id = session$ns(openssl::sha1(x)))
} else {
ui <- orTextualUI(id = session$ns(openssl::sha1(x)))
if (length(ui) < 4) { # orTextual
shiny::column(width = 4, ui[1]),
shiny::column(width = 3, ui[2]),
shiny::column(width = 1, offset = 4, ui[3])
} else { # orNumeric
shiny::column(width = 4, ui[1]),
shiny::column(width = 1, ui[2]),
shiny::column(width = 6, ui[3]),
shiny::column(width = 1, ui[4])
shiny::tagList(shinydashboard::box(width = 12, collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = TRUE, title = names(grouping[i]), shiny::tagList(group)))
} else {
return <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(data)), function(x) {
progress$inc(step, detail = names(data)[x])
if (is.numeric(data[[x]])) {
ui <- orNumericUI(id = session$ns(openssl::sha1(names(data)[x])))
} else {
ui <- orTextualUI(id = session$ns(openssl::sha1(names(data)[x])))
if (length(ui) < 4) { # orTextual
shiny::column(width = 4, ui[1]),
shiny::column(width = 3, ui[2]),
shiny::column(width = 1, offset = 4, ui[3])
} else { # orNumeric
shiny::column(width = 4, ui[1]),
shiny::column(width = 1, ui[2]),
shiny::column(width = 6, ui[3]),
shiny::column(width = 1, ui[4])
# initialize new modules
# initialize or modules
# returns a vector containing modules
modules <- shiny::reactive({
# new progress indicator
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(0, message = "Filtering Module:")
step <- ncol(data_r())
lapply(seq_len(ncol(data_r())), function(x) {
progress$inc(step, detail = names(data_r())[x])
if (is.numeric(data_r()[[x]])) {
if (parameter()$ranged[x]) {
module = orNumeric,
id = openssl::sha1(names(data_r())[x]),
choices = data_r()[[x]],
value = c(floor(min(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)), ceiling(max(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE))),
label = parameter()$column.labels[x],
step = parameter()$step[x],
min. = floor(min(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)),
max. = ceiling(max(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)),
reset = reset
} else{
module = orNumeric,
id = openssl::sha1(names(data_r())[x]),
choices = data_r()[[x]],
value = mean(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE),
label = parameter()$column.labels[x],
step = parameter()$step[x],
min. = floor(min(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)),
max. = ceiling(max(data_r()[[x]], na.rm = TRUE)),
reset = reset
} else{
module = orTextual,
id = openssl::sha1(names(data_r())[x]),
choices = as.character(data_r()[[x]]),
label = parameter()$column.labels[x],
delimiter = parameter()$delimiter[x],
multiple = parameter()$multiple[x],
contains = parameter()$contains[x],
reset = reset
selection <- shiny::reactive({
# new progress indicator
progress <- shiny::Progress$new()
progress$set(0, message = "Apply Filter")
log_message(message = "Applying filter...", level = "INFO", token = session$token)
or_modules <- modules()
step <- 0.9 / length(or_modules)
# OR modules selection
or_selection_bool <- vapply(or_modules, FUN.VALUE = logical(nrow(data_r())), FUN = function(x) {
progress$inc(step, detail = x()$label)
or_selection_text <- lapply(or_modules, function(x) {
if (shiny::isTruthy(x()$text)) {
return(paste0(x()$label, ": ", paste(x()$text, collapse = ","), collapse = ""))
# selected rows (and selection)
and_selection_bool <- apply(or_selection_bool, 1, all)
or_selection_text <- unlist(or_selection_text)
log_message(message = "Done.", level = "INFO", token = session$token)
return(list(bool = and_selection_bool, text = unlist(or_selection_text)))