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186 lines (152 sloc) 5.79 KB
### {{ title }}
<!-- Component created on {{ date }} -->
{{ env_id }} = readRDS("envs/{{ env_id }}.rds")
is_shiny <- identical(knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.runtime"), "shiny")
```{r, eval=!is_shiny}
# Parameters for wilson::create_geneview()
# params <- list()
"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")
additional_arguments <- {{ env_id }}$additional_arguments
if("plot.type" %ni% names({{ env_id }}$additional_arguments)){
additional_arguments$plot.type <- "line"
if("" %ni% names({{ env_id }}$additional_arguments)){
additional_arguments$ <- "gene"
if("facet.cols" %ni% names({{ env_id }}$additional_arguments)){
additional_arguments$facet.cols <- 3
if("color" %ni% names({{ env_id }}$additional_arguments)){
color <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Accent")
additional_arguments$color <- color
# force static
additional_arguments$plot.method <- "static"
# set variables
countTable <- {{ env_id }}$countTable
group_by <- {{ env_id }}$group_by[1]
# create data.tables "data" and "grouping" from provided data
data <- data.table::data.table("features" = rownames(countTable), countTable)
grouping <- data.table::data.table("keys" = colnames(countTable), "factor" = group_by[[1]])
additional_arguments$data <- data
additional_arguments$grouping <- grouping
# Provide data for download
# Render plot
output_list <-, additional_arguments)
plot <- output_list$plot
```{r, eval=is_shiny}
ui_list <- list()
# select type of plot
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list,
selectInput("select_type_{{ env_id }}", label = "Type of Plot:",
choices = c("line", "box", "violin", "bar"), selected = "line"))
# subset features
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list,
selectInput("select_subset_{{ env_id }}",
label = "Select features:",
choices = rownames({{ env_id }}$countTable),
multiple = TRUE)
# selection field for group_by
if ({{ env_id }}$group_by_selection){
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list,
selectInput("select_group_by_{{ env_id }}", label = "Select grouping:",
choices = names({{ env_id }}$group_by)))
# selection grouping by
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list,
selectInput("select_by_{{ env_id }}",
label = "Grouping by:",
choices = c("gene", "condition"),
selected = "gene",
multiple = FALSE)
# selection column number of plot
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list,
sliderInput("colnumber_{{ env_id }}", label = h3("Plot columns:"), min = 1, max = 7, value = 3)
# Download link
ui_list <- rlist::list.append(ui_list, tags$div(tags$br(), downloadButton('downloadData_{{ env_id }}', 'Download data')))
# Create reactive data table
df_{{ env_id }} <- shiny::reactive({
# Parameters for wilson::create_geneview()
# params <- list()
"%ni%" <- Negate("%in%")
additional_arguments <- {{ env_id }}$additional_arguments
# type of plot
additional_arguments$plot.type <- input$select_type_{{ env_id }}
# type of grouping by
additional_arguments$ <- input$select_by_{{ env_id }}
# number of columns in plot
additional_arguments$facet.cols <- input$colnumber_{{ env_id }}
if("color" %ni% names({{ env_id }}$additional_arguments)){
color <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(8, "Accent")
additional_arguments$color <- color
# force static
additional_arguments$plot.method <- "static"
# Set values for 'group_by'
if( !{{ env_id }}$group_by_selection ) {
group_by <- {{ env_id }}$group_by[1]
} else {
group_by <- {{ env_id }}$group_by[input$select_group_by_{{ env_id }}]
# subset countTable by chosen features
countTable <- {{ env_id }}$countTable
if(!is.null(input$select_subset_{{ env_id }})){
subset_features <- input$select_subset_{{ env_id }}
if(length(subset_features) > 1){
countTable <- countTable[subset_features,]
} else if(length(subset_features) == 1){
countTable <- countTable[subset_features,,drop = FALSE]
# create data.tables "data" and "grouping" from provided data
data <- data.table::data.table("features" = rownames(countTable), countTable)
grouping <- data.table::data.table("keys" = colnames(countTable), "factor" = group_by[[1]])
additional_arguments$data <- data
additional_arguments$grouping <- grouping
return(list("params" = additional_arguments, "data" = data, "grouping" = grouping))
# Download
# To do: provide both data.frames for download
output$downloadData_{{ env_id }} <- downloadHandler(
filename = paste('data-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep=''),
content = function(file) {
write.csv(df_{{ env_id }}()$data, file)
# Output
output$plot_{{ env_id }} <- shiny::renderPlot({
if(!is.null(input$select_subset_{{ env_id }})){
output_list <-, df_{{ env_id }}()$params)
plot <- output_list$plot
# convert to plotly object for automatic resizing
# Layout of component
shiny::fillRow(flex = c(NA, 1),
dropdownButton(, ui_list),
circle = TRUE, status = "danger", icon = icon("gear"), width = "300px",
tooltip = tooltipOptions(title = "Click, to change plot settings:")),
plotOutput("plot_{{ env_id }}")