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1316 lines (1146 sloc) 51.9 KB
#' Method for scatter plot creation
#' @param data data.table containing plot data
#' column 1: id
#' column 2, 3(, 4): x, y(, z)
#' @param data.labels Vector of labels used for data. Length has to be equal to nrow(data).
#' @param data.hovertext Character vector with additional hovertext. Length has to be equal to nrow(data).
#' @param transparency Set point transparency. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}.
#' @param pointsize Set point size. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_point}}.
#' @param labelsize Set label size. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_text}}.
#' @param color Vector of colors used for color palette.
#' @param x_label Label x-Axis
#' @param y_label Label Y-Axis
#' @param z_label Label Z-Axis
#' @param density Boolean value, perform 2d density estimate.
#' @param line Boolean value, add reference line.
#' @param categorized Z-Axis (if exists) as categories.
#' @param data.table containing data to highlight. Same structure as data.
#' @param highlight.labels Vector of labels used for highlighted data. Length has to be equal to nrow(
#' @param highlight.hovertext Character vector with additional hovertext. Length has to be equal to nrow(
#' @param highlight.color String with hexadecimal color-code.
#' @param xlim Numeric vector of two setting min and max limit of x-axis. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{lims}}.
#' @param ylim Numeric vector of two setting min and max limit of y-axis. See \code{\link[ggplot2]{lims}}.
#' @param colorbar.limits Vector with min, max values for colorbar (Default = NULL).
#' @param width Set plot width in cm (Default = "auto").
#' @param height Set plot height in cm (Default = "auto").
#' @param ppi Pixel per inch (default = 72).
#' @param plot.method Whether the plot should be 'interactive' or 'static' (Default = 'static').
#' @param scale Modify plot size while preserving aspect ratio (Default = 1).
#' @details Width/ height limit = 500. If exceeded default to 500 and issue exceed_size = TRUE.
#' @import data.table
#' @return Returns list(plot = ggplotly/ ggplot, width, height, ppi, exceed_size).
create_scatterplot <- function(data, data.labels = NULL, data.hovertext = NULL, transparency = 1, pointsize = 1, labelsize = 3, color = NULL, x_label = "", y_label = "", z_label = "", density = TRUE, line = TRUE, categorized = FALSE, = NULL, highlight.labels = NULL, highlight.hovertext = NULL, highlight.color = "#FF0000", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, colorbar.limits = NULL, width = "auto", height = "auto", ppi = 72, plot.method = "static", scale = 1){
# force evaluation of all arguments
# no promises in plot object
########## prepare data ##########
# set labelnames if needed
x_label <- ifelse(nchar(x_label), x_label, names(data)[2])
y_label <- ifelse(nchar(y_label), y_label, names(data)[3])
if (ncol(data) >= 4) z_label <- ifelse(nchar(z_label), z_label, names(data)[4])
# make column names unique to prevent overwrite
columnnames <- names(data)
names(data) <- make.unique(columnnames)
if (!is.null( {
columnnames.highlight <- names(
names( <- make.unique(columnnames.highlight)
# get internal columnnames
x_head <- names(data)[2]
y_head <- names(data)[3]
if (ncol(data) >= 4) z_head <- names(data)[4]
# delete rows where both 0 or at least one NA
rows_to_keep_data <- which(as.logical( (data[, 2] != 0) + (data[, 3] != 0)))
data <- data[rows_to_keep_data]
if (!is.null( {
rows_to_keep_high <- which(as.logical( ([, 2] != 0) + ([, 3 != 0]))) <-[rows_to_keep_high]
# delete labels & hovertext accordingly
data.labels <- data.labels[rows_to_keep_data]
data.hovertext <- data.hovertext[rows_to_keep_data]
if (!is.null( {
highlight.labels <- highlight.labels[rows_to_keep_high]
highlight.hovertext <- highlight.hovertext[rows_to_keep_high]
########## assemble plot ##########
theme1 <- ggplot2::theme( # no gray background or helper lines
plot.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3),
axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 10 * scale),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 10 * scale),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12 * scale),
text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * scale)
# legend.background = element_rect(color = "red") # border color
# legend.key = element_rect("green") # not working!
### z-axis exists?
if (ncol(data) >= 4) {
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data)
### scatter with color axis
if (!categorized) {
plot <- plot +
### color_gradient
ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colors = color, name = z_label, limits = colorbar.limits, oob = scales::squish)
### scatter with categories
} else if (categorized == TRUE) {
# change categorized column to factor
data <- data[, (z_head) := as.factor(data[[z_head]])]
### categorized plot
plot <- plot +
# labels = data[, z_head],
values = grDevices::colorRampPalette(color)(length(unique(data[[z_head]]))), # get color for each value
# breaks = ,
drop = FALSE, # to avoid dropping empty factors
name = z_label
# guide=guide_legend(title="sdsds") # legend for points
# set names
plot <- plot + ggplot2::aes_(x =, y =, color =
} else {
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data, ggplot2::aes_(x =, y =
if (density) {
### kernel density
# plot$layers <- c(stat_density2d(geom = "tile", aes(fill = ..density..^0.25), n=200, contour=FALSE) + aes_(fill =, plot$layers) # n = resolution; density less sparse
plot <- plot + ggplot2::stat_density2d(geom = "tile", ggplot2::aes_(fill = ~ ..density.. ^ 0.25, color = NULL), n = 200, contour = FALSE)
plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black") +
# guides(fill=FALSE) + # remove density legend
ggplot2::labs(fill = "Density")
if (line) {
### diagonal line
plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1)
plot <- plot +
ggplot2::xlab(x_label) + # axis labels
# interactive points with hovertexts
if (plot.method == "interactive") {
# set hovertext
# list of arguments for paste0
args <- list(
"</br>", data[[1]],
"</br>", x_label, ": ", data[[x_head]],
"</br>", y_label, ": ", data[[y_head]]
# append z-axis
if (ncol(data) >= 4) {
args <- append(args, list("</br>", z_label, ": ", data[[z_head]]))
# append additional hovertext
if (!is.null(data.hovertext)) {
args <- append(args, list("</br>", data.hovertext), after = 2)
# eval arguments with paste0
hovertext <-, args)
# set points
plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_point(size = pointsize * scale, alpha = transparency, ggplot2::aes(text = hovertext))
if (!is.null( {
# set highlighted hovertext
# list of arguments for paste0
highlight.args <- list(
"</br>", x_label, ": ",[[x_head]],
"</br>", y_label, ": ",[[y_head]]
# append z-axis
if (ncol(data) >= 4) {
highlight.args <- append(highlight.args, list("</br>", z_label, ": ",[[z_head]]))
# append additional hovertext
if (!is.null(highlight.hovertext)) {
highlight.args <- append(highlight.args, list("</br>", highlight.hovertext), after = 2)
# eval arguments with paste0
highlight.hovertext <-, highlight.args)
# set highlighted points
plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_point(size = pointsize * scale, alpha = transparency, inherit.aes = TRUE, data =, color = highlight.color, show.legend = FALSE, ggplot2::aes(text = highlight.hovertext))
# static points without hovertexts
} else if (plot.method == "static") {
seed <- Sys.getpid() + Sys.time()
# set points
plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_point(size = pointsize * scale, alpha = transparency)
# set highlighted points
if (!is.null( {
plot <- plot + ggplot2::geom_point(size = pointsize * scale, alpha = transparency, inherit.aes = TRUE, data =, color = highlight.color, show.legend = FALSE)
# set repelling point labels
if (!is.null(highlight.labels)) {
plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data =, mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = highlight.labels), size = labelsize * scale, color = "black", segment.color = "gray65", force = 2, max.iter = 1000, point.padding = grid::unit(0.1, "lines"), label.size = NA, alpha = 0.5, seed = seed)
plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data =, mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = highlight.labels), size = labelsize * scale, color = "black", segment.color = "gray65", force = 2, max.iter = 1000, point.padding = grid::unit(0.1, "lines"), label.size = NA, fill = NA, seed = seed)
# set repelling labels (for data)
} else if (!is.null(data.labels)) {
plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = data.labels), size = labelsize * scale, color = "black", segment.color = "gray65", force = 2, max.iter = 1000, point.padding = grid::unit(0.1, "lines"), label.size = NA, alpha = 0.5, seed = seed)
plot <- plot + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(mapping = ggplot2::aes(label = data.labels), size = labelsize * scale, color = "black", segment.color = "gray65", force = 2, max.iter = 1000, point.padding = grid::unit(0.1, "lines"), label.size = NA, fill = NA, seed = seed)
# set axis limits
if (!is.null(xlim)) {
plot <- plot + ggplot2::xlim(xlim)
if (!is.null(ylim)) {
plot <- plot + ggplot2::ylim(ylim)
plot <- plot + theme1
# estimate legend width
legend.width <- 0
legend.padding <- 20 # 10 on both sides
legend.thickness <- 30
if (density) {
legend.width <- nchar("Density")
if (ncol(data) > 3) {
legend.width <- ifelse(legend.width > nchar(z_label), legend.width, nchar(z_label))
if (density | ncol(data) > 3) {
# estimate tickwidth
min.tick <- nchar(as.character(min(data[[3]], na.rm = TRUE))) * 8.75
max.tick <- nchar(as.character(max(data[[3]], na.rm = TRUE))) * 8.75
legend.thickness <- legend.thickness + ifelse(min.tick < max.tick, max.tick, min.tick)
legend.width <- legend.width * 8.75
legend.width <- ifelse(legend.width > legend.thickness, legend.width, legend.thickness) + legend.padding
# set width/ height
if (width == "auto") {
# cm to px
width <- 28 * (ppi / 2.54) + legend.width
} else {
width <- width * (ppi / 2.54)
if (height == "auto") {
# cm to px
height <- 28 * (ppi / 2.54)
} else {
height <- height * (ppi / 2.54)
# apply scale factor
width <- width * scale
height <- height * scale
# size exceeded?
exceed_size <- FALSE
limit <- 500 * (ppi / 2.54)
if (width > limit) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
width <- limit
if (height > limit) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
height <- limit
if (plot.method == "interactive") {
plot <- plotly::ggplotly(plot, width = width + legend.width, height = height, tooltip = "text")
# add labels with arrows
if (!is.null(highlight.labels) && !is.null( {
plot <- plotly::add_annotations(p = plot, x =[[x_head]], y =[[y_head]], text = highlight.labels, standoff = pointsize * scale, font = list(size = labelsize * scale), bgcolor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
if (!is.null(data.labels)) {
plot <- plotly::add_annotations(p = plot, x = data[[x_head]], y = data[[y_head]], text = data.labels, standoff = pointsize * scale, font = list(size = labelsize * scale), bgcolor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)")
# pixel to cm
width <- width / (ppi / 2.54)
height <- height / (ppi / 2.54)
return(list(plot = plot, width = width, height = height, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size))
#' Method for pca creation.
#' @param data data.table from which the plot is created (First column will be handled as rownames if not numeric).
#' @param Vector of groups according to samples (= column names).
#' @param color.title Title of the color legend.
#' @param palette Vector of colors used for color palette.
#' @param Vector of groups according to samples (= column names).
#' @param shape.title Title of the shape legend.
#' @param shapes Vector of shapes see \code{\link[graphics]{points}}. Will recycle/ cut off shapes if needed. Default = c(15:25)
#' @param dimension.a Number of dimension displayed on X-Axis.
#' @param dimension.b Number of dimension displayed on Y-Axis.
#' @param dimensions Number of dimensions to create.
#' @param on.columns Boolean perform pca on columns or rows.
#' @param labels Boolean show labels.
#' @param custom.labels Vector of custom labels. Will replace columnnames.
#' @param pointsize Size of the data points.
#' @param labelsize Size of texts inside plot (default = 3).
#' @param width Set the width of the plot in cm (default = 28).
#' @param height Set the height of the plot in cm (default = 28).
#' @param ppi Pixel per inch (default = 72).
#' @param scale Modify plot size while preserving aspect ratio (Default = 1).
#' @details If width and height are the same axis ratio will be set to one (quadratic plot).
#' @details Width/ height limit = 500. If exceeded default to 500 and issue exceed_size = TRUE.
#' @import data.table
#' @return A named list(plot = ggplot object, data =, width = width of plot (cm), height = height of plot (cm), ppi = pixel per inch, exceed_size = Boolean whether width/ height exceeded max).
create_pca <- function(data, = NULL, color.title = NULL, palette = NULL, = NULL, shape.title = NULL, shapes = c(15:25), dimension.a = 1, dimension.b = 2, dimensions = 6, on.columns = TRUE, labels = FALSE, custom.labels = NULL, pointsize = 2, labelsize = 3, width = 28, height = 28, ppi = 72, scale = 1) {
# force evaluation of all arguments
# no promises in plot object
requireNamespace("FactoMineR", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("factoextra", quietly = TRUE)
# prepare data ------------------------------------------------------------
# set custom labels
if (!is.null(custom.labels)) {
if (!is.numeric(data[[1]])) {
colnames(data)[-1] <- custom.labels
} else {
colnames(data) <- custom.labels
# remove rows with NA
data <- stats::na.omit(data)
# check for rownames
if (!is.numeric(data[[1]])) {
rownames <- data[[1]]
data[, 1 := NULL]
} else {
rownames <- NULL
# transpose
if (on.columns) {
data_t <- t(data)
if (!is.null(rownames)) {
colnames(data_t) <- rownames
} else {
data_t <- as.matrix(data)
if (!is.null(rownames)) {
rownames(data_t) <- rownames
# check if PCA possible
if (ncol(data_t) < 3) {
stop(paste("PCA requires at least 3 elements. Found:", ncol(data_t)))
# remove constant rows (= genes with the same value for all samples)
data_t <- data_t[, apply(data_t, 2, function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE) != max(x, na.rm = TRUE))]
pca <- FactoMineR::PCA(data_t, scale.unit = TRUE, ncp = dimensions, graph = FALSE)
# plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
theme1 <- ggplot2::theme( # no gray background or helper lines
plot.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3),
axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black", size = 11 * scale),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black", size = 11 * scale),
# plot.title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black", size = 11 * scale),
text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12 * scale) # size for all (legend?) labels
# legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white")
# show points if neither color- nor shape-groups
if (is.null( && is.null( {
invisible <- "none"
} else {
invisible <- "ind"
# prepare df for mapping
df <- data.frame(x = pca$ind$coord[, dimension.a], y = pca$ind$coord[, dimension.b])
pca_plot <- factoextra::fviz_pca_ind(pca, axes = c(dimension.a, dimension.b), invisible = invisible, pointsize = pointsize * scale, label = "none", axes.linetype = "blank", repel = FALSE)
pca_plot <- pca_plot + theme1
# grouping
scale_color <- NULL
scale_shape <- NULL
# color points by groups
if (is.vector( { <- as.factor(
df <- data.frame(df, color =
scale_color <- ggplot2::scale_color_manual(
values = grDevices::colorRampPalette(palette)(nlevels(,
name = color.title
# shape points by groups
if (is.vector( { <- as.factor(
df <- data.frame(df, shape =
scale_shape <- ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(
values = rep(shapes, length.out = nlevels(,
name = shape.title
# generate mapping
if (!is.null( && !is.null( {
mapping <- ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = "color", shape = "shape")
} else if (!is.null( {
mapping <- ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", color = "color")
} else if (!is.null( {
mapping <- ggplot2::aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", shape = "shape")
# apply grouping
if (!is.null( || !is.null( {
pca_plot <- pca_plot +
ggplot2::geom_point(data = df, mapping = mapping, size = pointsize * scale) +
scale_color +
if (labels) {
pca_plot <- pca_plot + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(
data = data.frame(pca$ind$coord),
mapping = ggplot2::aes_(x = pca$ind$coord[, dimension.a], y = pca$ind$coord[, dimension.b], label = rownames(pca$ind$coord)),
segment.color = "gray65",
size = labelsize * scale,
force = 2,
max.iter = 10000,
point.padding = grid::unit(0.1, "lines")
# ensure quadratic plot
# if (width == height) {
# pca_plot <- pca_plot + ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio = 1)
# }
# add scale factor
width <- width * scale
height <- height * scale
# size exceeded?
exceed_size <- FALSE
if (width > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
width <- 500
if (height > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
height <- 500
return(list(plot = pca_plot, data = pca, width = width, height = height, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size))
#' Method for heatmap creation
#' @param data data.table containing plot data. First column contains row labels.
#' @param unitlabel label of the colorbar
#' @param row.label Logical whether or not to show row labels.
#' @param row.custom.label Vector of custom row labels.
#' @param column.label Logical whether or not to show column labels.
#' @param column.custom.label Vector of custom column labels.
#' @param clustering How to apply clustering on data. c("none", "both", "column", "row")
#' @param clustdist Which cluster distance to use. See \code{\link[heatmaply]{heatmapr}}.
#' @param clustmethod Which cluster method to use. See \code{\link[heatmaply]{heatmapr}}.
#' @param colors Vector of colors used for color palette.
#' @param winsorize.colors NULL or a vector of length two, giving the values of colorbar ends (default = NULL).
#' @param plot.method Choose which method is used for plotting. Either "plotly" or "complexHeatmap" (Default = "complexHeatmap").
#' @param width Set width of plot in cm (Default = "auto").
#' @param height Set height of plot in cm (Default = "auto").
#' @param ppi Pixel per inch (default = 72).
#' @param scale Modify plot size while preserving aspect ratio (Default = 1).
#' @details Width/ height limit = 500. If exceeded default to 500 and issue exceed_size = TRUE.
#' @return Returns list(plot = complexHeatmap/ plotly object, width = width in cm, height = height in cm, ppi = pixel per inch, exceed_size = Boolean whether width/ height exceeded max) depending on plot.method.
create_heatmap <- function(data, unitlabel = "auto", row.label = TRUE, row.custom.label = NULL, column.label = TRUE, column.custom.label = NULL, clustering = "none", clustdist = "auto", clustmethod = "auto", colors = NULL, winsorize.colors = NULL, plot.method = "static", width = "auto", height = "auto", ppi = 72, scale = 1) {
# force evaluation of all arguments
# no promises in plot object
requireNamespace("heatmaply", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("ComplexHeatmap", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("grDevices", quietly = TRUE)
requireNamespace("circlize", quietly = TRUE)
# row label
if (!is.null(row.custom.label)) {
row_label_strings <- row.custom.label
} else {
row_label_strings <- data[[1]]
# column label
if (!is.null(column.custom.label)) {
column_label_strings <- column.custom.label
} else {
column_label_strings <- names(data)[-1]
# cm to pixel
if (is.numeric(width)) {
width <- width * (ppi / 2.54)
if (is.numeric(height)) {
height <- height * (ppi / 2.54)
# plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
if (plot.method == "interactive") {
# estimate label sizes
# row label
rowlabel_size <- ifelse(row.label, max(nchar(data[[1]]), na.rm = TRUE) * 8 * scale, 0)
# column label
collabel_size <- ifelse(column.label, (2 + log2(max(nchar(names(data)), na.rm = TRUE)) ^ 2) * 10, 0)
# legend
legend <- nchar(unitlabel) * 10
legend <- ifelse(legend < 90, 90, legend)
# plot size
# auto_width <- 20 * (ncol(data) - 1) + rowlabel_size + legend
auto_height <- 10 * nrow(data) + collabel_size
# data
plot <- heatmaply::heatmapr(data[, -1],
labRow = row_label_strings,
labCol = column_label_strings,
hclust_method = clustmethod,
dist_method = clustdist,
dendrogram = clustering,
distfun = factoextra::get_dist
# width = width, #not working
# height = height
# layout
plot <- heatmaply::heatmaply(plot,
plot_method = "ggplot",
node_type = "heatmap",
scale_fill_gradient_fun = ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colors = colors, name = unitlabel, limits = winsorize.colors, oob = scales::squish),
heatmap_layers = ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12 * scale))
plot <- plotly::layout(plot, autosize = ifelse(width == "auto", TRUE, FALSE), margin = list(l = rowlabel_size, r = legend, b = collabel_size), showlegend = FALSE)
# decide which sizes should be used
if (width == "auto") {
width <- 0
# } else if(width <= auto_width) {
# width <- auto_width
if (height == "auto") {
height <- auto_height
# add scale
width <- width * scale
height <- height * scale
# size exceeded?
exceed_size <- FALSE
limit <- 500 * (ppi / 2.54)
if (width > limit) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
width <- limit
if (height > limit) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
height <- limit
plot$x$layout$width <- width
plot$x$layout$height <- height
# address correct axis
# scale axis tickfont
ticks <- list(size = 12 * scale)
if (clustering == "both" || clustering == "column") {
plot <- plotly::layout(plot, xaxis = list(showticklabels = column.label, tickfont = ticks),
yaxis2 = list(showticklabels = row.label, tickfont = ticks)
}else if (clustering == "row" || clustering == "none") {
plot <- plotly::layout(plot, xaxis = list(showticklabels = column.label, tickfont = ticks),
yaxis = list(showticklabels = row.label, tickfont = ticks)
# don't show dendrogram ticks
if (clustering == "row") {
plot <- plotly::layout(plot, xaxis2 = list(showticklabels = FALSE)
}else if (clustering == "column") {
plot <- plotly::layout(plot, yaxis = list(showticklabels = FALSE)
# pixel to cm
width <- width / (ppi / 2.54)
height <- height / (ppi / 2.54)
plot <- list(plot = plot, width = width, height = height, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size)
}else if (plot.method == "static") {
# clustering
if (clustering == "none") {
cluster_rows <- FALSE
cluster_columns <- FALSE
} else if (clustering == "row") {
cluster_rows <- TRUE
cluster_columns <- FALSE
} else if (clustering == "column") {
cluster_rows <- FALSE
cluster_columns <- TRUE
} else if (clustering == "both") {
cluster_rows <- TRUE
cluster_columns <- TRUE
# Create new colour brakepoints in case of winsorizing
if (!is.null(winsorize.colors)) {
breaks <- seq(winsorize.colors[1], winsorize.colors[2], length = length(colors))
} else {
breaks <- seq(min(apply(data[, -1], 2, function(x) {min(x, na.rm = TRUE)})), max(apply(data[, -1], 2, function(x) {max(x, na.rm = TRUE)})), length = length(colors))
colors <- circlize::colorRamp2(breaks, colors)
# convert data to data.frame so rownames can be used for annotation
prep_data <-[, -1])
row.names(prep_data) <- row_label_strings
colnames(prep_data) <- column_label_strings
plot <- try(ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(
name = unitlabel,
col = colors,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
clustering_distance_rows = clustdist,
clustering_distance_columns = clustdist,
clustering_method_rows = clustmethod,
clustering_method_columns = clustmethod,
show_row_names = row.label,
show_column_names = column.label,
row_names_side = "left",
row_dend_side = "right",
row_dend_width = grid::unit(1 * scale, "inches"),
# row_dend_gp = grid::gpar(lwd = 1, lex = scale), # don't seem to work
column_dend_height = grid::unit(1 * scale, "inches"),
# column_dend_gp = grid::gpar(lwd = 1, lex = scale), # don't seem to work
row_names_max_width = grid::unit(8 * scale, "inches"),
column_names_max_height = grid::unit(4 * scale, "inches"),
row_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 12 * scale),
column_names_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 12 * scale),
column_title_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 10 * scale, units = "in"),
heatmap_legend_param = list(
color_bar = "continuous",
legend_direction = "horizontal",
title_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 10 * scale),
labels_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 8 * scale),
grid_height = grid::unit(0.15 * scale, "inches")
# width/ height calculation
col_names_maxlength_label_width <- max(vapply(colnames(prep_data), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), graphics::strwidth, units = "in", font = 12)) # longest column label when plotted in inches
col_names_maxlength_label_height <- max(vapply(colnames(prep_data), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), graphics::strheight, units = "in", font = 12)) # highest column label when plotted in inches
row_names_maxlength_label_width <- max(vapply(rownames(prep_data), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), graphics::strwidth, units = "in", font = 12)) # longest row label when plotted in inches
row_names_maxlength_label_height <- max(vapply(rownames(prep_data), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), graphics::strheight, units = "in", font = 12)) # highest row label when plotted in inches
# width
if (row.label) {
auto_width <- row_names_maxlength_label_width + 0.3 # width buffer: labels + small whitespaces
} else {
auto_width <- 0.3 # no labels
if (cluster_rows) auto_width <- auto_width + 1 # width buffer: dendrogram + small whitespaces between viewports
auto_width <- ncol(prep_data) * (col_names_maxlength_label_height + 0.08) + auto_width # readable rowlabels
# inch to px
auto_width <- auto_width * ppi
# height
auto_height <- 0.2 + 0.5 + (5 * row_names_maxlength_label_height) # height buffer: small whitespaces + color legend + 2 title rows(+whitespace)
if (column.label) auto_height <- auto_height + col_names_maxlength_label_width
if (cluster_columns) auto_height <- auto_height + 1
auto_height <- auto_height + nrow(prep_data) * (row_names_maxlength_label_height + 0.06)
# inch to px
auto_height <- auto_height * ppi
# use auto sizes
if (height == "auto") {
height <- auto_height
if (width == "auto") {
width <- auto_width
# pixel to cm
width <- width / (ppi / 2.54)
height <- height / (ppi / 2.54)
# size exceeded?
exceed_size <- FALSE
if (width > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
width <- 500
if (height > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
height <- 500
plot <- list(plot = plot, width = width * scale, height = height * scale, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size)
#' Method for geneView creation
#' @param data data.table containing plot data
#' @param grouping data.table metadata containing:
#' column1 : key
#' column2 : factor1
#' @param plot.type String specifying which plot type is used c("box", "line", "violin", "bar").
#' @param Target to plot on x-Axis c("gene", "condition").
#' @param facet.cols Number of plots per row.
#' @param colors Vector of colors used for color palette
#' @param ylabel Label of the y-axis (default = NULL).
#' @param ylimits Vector defining scale of y-axis (default = NULL).
#' @param gene.label Vector of labels used instead of gene names (default = NULL).
#' @param plot.method Choose which method used for plotting. Either "static" or "interactive" (Default = "static").
#' @param width Set the width of the plot in cm (default = "auto").
#' @param height Set the height of the plot in cm (default = "auto").
#' @param ppi Pixel per inch (default = 72).
#' @param scale Modify plot size while preserving aspect ratio (Default = 1).
#' @details Width/ height limit = 500. If exceeded default to 500 and issue exceed_size = TRUE.
#' @import data.table
#' @return Returns depending on plot.method list(plot = ggplot/ plotly object, width = width in cm, height = height in cm, ppi = pixel per inch, exceed_size = Boolean).
create_geneview <- function(data, grouping, plot.type = "line", = "gene", facet.cols = 2, colors = NULL, ylabel = NULL, ylimits = NULL, gene.label = NULL, plot.method = "static", width = "auto", height = "auto", ppi = 72, scale = 1){
# force evaluation of all arguments
# no promises in plot object
# grouping
# group by factor if existing (fill with key if empty)
grouping[grouping[[2]] == "", 2 := grouping[grouping[[2]] == "", 1]]
genes <- nrow(data) # number of genes (rows in matrix)
conditions <- length(unique(grouping[[2]])) # number of conditions (columns in matrix)
# Combine and transform dataframes
# detach ids from data/ replace with gene.label
if (is.null(gene.label)) {
data_id <- data[[1]]
} else {
data_id <- gene.label
data <- data[, vapply(data, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)), with = FALSE]
data_cols <- names(data)
data <- data.table::transpose(data) # switch columns <> rows
# place former colnames in cols
data$cols <- data_cols
data.table::setcolorder(data, c("cols", colnames(data)[seq_len(ncol(data)) - 1]))
# reattach ids as colnames
names(data)[2:ncol(data)] <- data_id
names(grouping)[1:2] <- c("cols", "condition") # add header for condition
data <- data[grouping, on = c(names(grouping)[1])] # merge dataframes by rownames
names(data)[1] <- "sample" # change Row.names to sample
data[, sample := NULL] # completely remove sample column again
# order conditions in plot according to grouping (instead of alphabetic)
data[, condition := factor(condition, levels = unique(condition))]
data <- data.table::melt(data, id.vars = "condition")
# Choose color palette
if ( == "gene") { # facet = gene
num_colors <- conditions
if ( == "condition") { # facet = condition
num_colors <- genes
if (is.null(colors)) {
color_fill_grayscale <- "grey75" #color to use for filling geoms in grayscale mode
colors <- rep(color_fill_grayscale, num_colors)
} else {
colors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)(num_colors)
# Function to get standard error for error bars (box, bar, violin)
################### <- function(y) {
se <- stats::sd(y) / sqrt(length(y))
mu <- mean(y)
data.frame(ymin = mu - se, y = y, ymax = mu + se)
# Function to collapse the dataframe to the mean and the standard deviation/error before plotting (ONLY used for line plot)
# data : a data frame
# varname : the name of a column containing the variable to be summarized
# groupnames : vector of column names to be used as grouping variables
data_summary <- function(data, varname, groupnames) {
summary_func <- function(x, col) {
mean = mean(x[[col]], na.rm = TRUE),
sd = stats::sd(x[[col]], na.rm = TRUE),
se = stats::sd(x[[col]], na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(length(x[[col]]))
data_sum <- plyr::ddply(data, groupnames, .fun = summary_func, varname)
data_sum <- reshape::rename(data_sum, c("mean" = varname))
if (plot.type == "line") {
data <- data_summary(data, varname = "value", groupnames = c("condition", "variable")) # collapse the dataframe to the mean and the standard deviation for line plot
if (plot.type == "box" || plot.type == "violin" || plot.type == "bar" || plot.type == "line") {
# Set common parameters for all plots
# plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
theme1 <- ggplot2::theme( # no gray background or helper lines
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 1), # x-axis sample lables = 90 degrees
strip.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_rect(colour = "black"),
legend.position = "none", # remove legend
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
text = ggplot2::element_text(family = "mono", size = 15 * scale)
# axis.line.x = element_line(size = .3),
# axis.line.y = element_line(size = .3),
# panel.background = element_blank(),
# axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 10),
# plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", color = "black", size = 12),
# axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1) # x-axis sample lables = vertical
matrixplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(y = value))
matrixplot <- matrixplot +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + theme1 +
ggplot2::ylab(ylabel) +
ggplot2::xlab("") +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = colors) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = colors)
# Handle facetting and special parameters for line plot (no facetting, etc.)
if ( == "gene") { # facet = gene
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::aes(x = condition, fill = condition)
if (plot.type == "line") { # line plot: no facetting, different size algorithm
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::aes_(x = ~ variable, colour = ~ condition, group = ~ condition, fill = NULL)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0.05, 0.05)) # expand to reduce the whitespace inside the plot (left/right)
} else {
# compute number of rows to get facet.cols columns (works better with plotly)
rows <- ceiling(length(levels(data$variable)) / facet.cols)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ variable, nrow = rows, scales = "free_x")
if ( == "condition") { # facet = condition
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::aes_(x = ~ variable, fill = ~ variable)
if (plot.type == "line") { # line plot: no facetting, different size algorithm
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::aes_(x = ~ condition, colour = ~ variable, group = ~ variable, fill = NULL)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0.05, 0.05)) # expand to reduce the whitespace inside the plot (left/right)
} else {
# compute number of rows to get facet.cols columns (works better with plotly)
rows <- ceiling(length(levels(data$condition)) / facet.cols)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ condition, nrow = rows, scales = "free_x")
# Further handle plot types
if (plot.type == "box") { # plot type: box
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(position = ggplot2::position_dodge(1))
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::stat_boxplot(geom = "errorbar", size = 0.2, width = 0.5) # add horizontal line for errorbar
# matrixplot <- matrixplot + stat_summary( =, geom = "errorbar", width = 0.2) # error bar of standard error
if (plot.type == "violin") { # plot type: violin
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::geom_violin()
# matrixplot <- matrixplot + stat_summary(fun.y = "median", geom = "point") # add median dot
# matrixplot <- matrixplot + stat_summary( =, geom = "errorbar", width = 0.2, position = position_dodge()) # error bar of standard error
if (plot.type == "bar") { # plot type: box
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar", position = "dodge") # bar plot of the mean (color=condition)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::stat_summary( =, geom = "errorbar", size = 0.2, width = 0.2, position = ggplot2::position_dodge()) # error bar of standard error
if (plot.type == "line") {
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "right")
# matrixplot <- matrixplot + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = value - sd, ymax = value + sd), width = 0.05) # error bar = standard deviation
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(ggplot2::aes_(ymin = ~ value - se, ymax = ~ value + se), size = 0.2, width = 0.05) # error bar = standard error
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::geom_point() # bar plot of the mean (color = condition)
# set hovertext
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::aes(text = paste("ID: ", data$variable, "\n",
"Condition: ", data$condition, "\n",
"Value: ", data$value
# set y-axis ticks
y_ticks <- pretty(data[["value"]])
if (length(data[["value"]]) != 1) {
if (!is.null(ylimits)) {
y_ticks <- pretty(ylimits)
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = y_ticks, limits = ylimits)
} else {
# change yaxis limits
if (!is.null(ylimits)) {
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::ylim(ylimits)
# get names of columns / rows
if (plot.type == "line") {
if ( == "gene") {
column_names <- data[["variable"]]
legend_names <- data[["condition"]]
} else {
column_names <- data[["condition"]]
legend_names <- data[["variable"]]
} else {
if ( == "condition") {
column_names <- data[["variable"]]
title_names <- data[["condition"]]
} else {
column_names <- data[["condition"]]
title_names <- data[["variable"]]
# dynamic plot in inches
# calculate cex for better strwidth calculation
ccex <- function(x){
2.3 - (x * log(1 + 1 / x))
### width estimation
yaxis_label_height <- graphics::strheight(ylabel, units = "inches")
if (length(data[["value"]]) == 1 && floor(data[["value"]]) == data[["value"]]) {
# adds three characters '.05'; account for single integer value plots
value <- data[["value"]] + 0.05
} else {
value <- y_ticks
yaxis_tick_width <- max(graphics::strwidth(value, units = "inches"), na.rm = TRUE)
xaxis_tick_height <- max(graphics::strheight(column_names, units = "inches", cex = 2), na.rm = TRUE) * length(levels(column_names))
### height estimation
xaxis_tick_width <- max(graphics::strwidth(column_names, units = "inches", cex = ccex(max(nchar(levels(column_names))))), na.rm = TRUE)
if (plot.type == "line") {
### width estimation
max_chars <- max(nchar(levels(legend_names)), na.rm = TRUE)
legend_width <- max(graphics::strwidth(legend_names, units = "inches", cex = ccex(max_chars)), na.rm = TRUE)
legend_columns <- 1 + (length(levels(legend_names)) - 1) %/% 20
auto_width <- 0.25 + yaxis_label_height + yaxis_tick_width + xaxis_tick_height + (legend_width + 0.5) * legend_columns
### height estimation
plot_height <- 4
# top margin to prevent legend cut off
top <- 0
if (plot.method == "static") {
margin_multiplier <- ceiling(length(levels(legend_names)) / legend_columns)
margin_multiplier <- ifelse(margin_multiplier < 17, 0, margin_multiplier - 17)
top <- 0.1 * margin_multiplier
matrixplot <- matrixplot + ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(top + 0.1, 0, 0, 0), "inches"))
auto_height <- plot_height + xaxis_tick_width + top
} else {
### width estimation
max_chars <- max(nchar(levels(title_names)), na.rm = TRUE)
title_width <- max(graphics::strwidth(title_names, units = "inches", cex = ccex(max_chars)), na.rm = TRUE)
# prevent cut off for small titles
title_chars <- sum(nchar(levels(title_names)))
if (facet.cols == 1 && max(nchar(levels(title_names))) <= 20) {
title_width <- title_width + (-log10(max(nchar(levels(title_names)))) + 1.6) / 3
} else if (title_chars <= 20) {
title_width <- title_width + (-log10(title_chars) + 1.4) / 3
# TODO margin between plots (not really needed)
plots_per_row <- ceiling(length(levels(title_names)) / rows)
auto_width <- yaxis_label_height + yaxis_tick_width + (ifelse(title_width > xaxis_tick_height, title_width, xaxis_tick_height) * plots_per_row)
###height estimation
title_height <- max(graphics::strheight(title_names, units = "inches", cex = 2), na.rm = TRUE)
plot_height <- 2
auto_height <- (title_height + plot_height + xaxis_tick_width) * rows
# size inch -> cm
auto_width <- auto_width * 2.54
auto_height <- auto_height * 2.54
# use greater/ automatic sizes
if (width == "auto") {
width <- auto_width
if (height == "auto") {
height <- auto_height
# add scaleing factor
width <- width * scale
height <- height * scale
# size exceeded?
exceed_size <- FALSE
if (width > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
width <- 500
if (height > 500) {
exceed_size <- TRUE
height <- 500
# plotly ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (plot.method == "interactive") {
matrixplotly <- plotly::ggplotly(
tooltip = "text",
width = width * (ppi / 2.54),
height = height * (ppi / 2.54)
plotly::layout(matrixplotly, autosize = FALSE)
return(list(plot = matrixplotly, width = width, height = height, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size))
return(list(plot = matrixplot, width = width, height = height, ppi = ppi, exceed_size = exceed_size))
#' Method to get equalized min/max values from vector
#' @param values Numeric vector or table
#' @return Vector with c(min, max).
equalize <- function(values) {
if (is.vector(values)) {
min <- abs(min(values, na.rm = TRUE))
max <- abs(max(values, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
min <- abs(min(apply(values, 2, function(x) {min(x, na.rm = TRUE)})))
max <- abs(max(apply(values, 2, function(x) {max(x, na.rm = TRUE)})))
if (min > max) {
result <- min
} else {
result <- max
return(c(-1 * result, result))
#' Function to search data for selection
#' @param input Vector length one (single) or two (ranged) containing numeric values for selection.
#' @param choices Vector on which input values are applied.
#' @param options Vector on how the input and choices should be compared. It can contain: single = c("=", "<", ">") or ranged = c("inner", "outer").
#' @param min. Minimum value that can be selected on slider (defaults to min(choices)).
#' @param max. Maximum value that can be selected on slider (defaults to max(choices)).
#' @return Returns a logical vector with the length of choices, where every matched position is TRUE.
searchData <- function(input, choices, options = c("=", "<", ">"), min. = min(choices, na.rm = TRUE), max. = max(choices, na.rm = TRUE)) {
# don't apply if no options selected
if (is.null(options)) {
return(rep(TRUE, length(choices)))
if (length(input) > 1) {
# don't compare if everything is selected
if (options == "inner" & input[1] == min. & input[2] == max.) {
return(rep(TRUE, length(choices)))
selection <- vapply(choices, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), function(x) {
# NA & NaN == FALSE
if ( | is.nan(x)) {
# range
if ("inner" == options) {
if (x >= input[1] & x <= input[2]) return(TRUE)
if ("outer" == options) {
if (x < input[1] | x > input[2]) return(TRUE)
} else {
selection <- vapply(choices, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), function(x) {
# NA & NaN == FALSE
if ( | is.nan(x)) {
#single point
if (any("=" == options)) {
if (x == input) return(TRUE)
if (any("<" == options)) {
if (x < input) return(TRUE)
if (any(">" == options)) {
if (x > input) return(TRUE)
#' Function used for downloading.
#' Creates a zip container containing plot in png, pdf and user input in json format.
#' Use inside \code{\link[shiny]{downloadHandler}} content function.
#' @param file See \code{\link[shiny]{downloadHandler}} content parameter.
#' @param filename See \code{\link[shiny]{downloadHandler}}.
#' @param plot Plot to download.
#' @param width in centimeter.
#' @param height in centimeter.
#' @param ppi pixel per inch. Defaults to 72.
#' @param save_plot Logical if plot object should be saved as .RData.
#' @param ui List of user inputs. Will be converted to JavaScript Object Notation. See \code{\link[RJSONIO]{toJSON}}
#' @return See \code{\link[utils]{zip}}.
download <- function(file, filename, plot, width, height, ppi = 72, save_plot = TRUE, ui = NULL) {
session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
if (!is.null(session)) {
# show notification
id = session$ns("download-note"),
shiny::tags$b("Preparing download files. Please wait..."),
duration = NULL,
closeButton = FALSE,
type = "message"
shinyjs::runjs(paste0("$(document.getElementById('", paste0("shiny-notification-", session$ns("download-note")), "')).addClass('notification-position-center');"))
# cut off file extension
name <- sub("(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", filename)
# create tempfile names
plot_file_pdf <- tempfile(pattern = name, fileext = ".pdf")
plot_file_png <- tempfile(pattern = name, fileext = ".png")
if (!is.null(ui)) {
selection_file <- tempfile(pattern = "selection", fileext = ".json")
} else {
selection_file <- NULL
# save plots depending on given plot object
if (ggplot2::is.ggplot(plot)) {
# ggplot
ggplot2::ggsave(plot_file_pdf, plot = plot, width = width, height = height, units = "cm", device = "pdf", useDingbats = FALSE)
ggplot2::ggsave(plot_file_png, plot = plot, width = width, height = height, units = "cm", device = "png", dpi = ppi)
} else if (class(plot)[1] == "plotly") {
# plotly
# change working directory temporary so mounted drives are not a problem
wd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(wd)) # make sure working directory will be restored
plotly::export(p = plot, file = plot_file_pdf)
plotly::export(p = plot, file = plot_file_png)
} else if (class(plot) == "Heatmap") { # TODO: find better way to check for complexHeatmap object
# complexHeatmap
grDevices::pdf(plot_file_pdf, width = width / 2.54, height = height / 2.54, useDingbats = FALSE) # cm to inch
ComplexHeatmap::draw(plot, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom")
grDevices::png(plot_file_png, width = width, height = height, units = "cm", res = ppi)
ComplexHeatmap::draw(plot, heatmap_legend_side = "bottom")
# vector with files to zip
files <- c(plot_file_pdf, plot_file_png)
# save user input
if (!is.null(selection_file)) {
# make key = value pair using value of name variable
ui_list <- list()
ui_list[[name]] <- ui
json <- RJSONIO::toJSON(ui_list, pretty = TRUE)
write(json, file = selection_file)
files <- c(files, selection_file)
# save plot object
if (save_plot) {
# create temp file name
plot_object_file <- tempfile(pattern = "plot_object", fileext = ".RData")
ggplot2_version <- as.character(utils::packageVersion("ggplot2"))
plotly_version <- as.character(utils::packageVersion("plotly"))
r_version <- R.Version()$version.string
save(plot, ggplot2_version, plotly_version, r_version, file = plot_object_file)
files <- c(files, plot_object_file)
# create zip file
out <- utils::zip(zipfile = file, files = files, flags = "-j") # discard file path
# remove tmp files
if (!is.null(session)) {
# remove notification
#' Force evaluation of the parent function's arguments.
#' @param args List of Argument names to force evaluation. Defaults to all named arguments see \code{\link[base]{}}.
#' @details Similar to \code{\link[base]{forceAndCall}} but used from within the respective function.
#' @details This method is not using \code{\link[base]{force}} as it is restricted to it's calling environment. Instead \code{\link[base]{get}} is used.
forceArgs <- function(args) {
if (missing(args)) {
# get parent's call
args <- = sys.function(-1), call =
# use argument names
args <- names(as.list(args))
# omit empty names ("")
args <- args[-which(args == "")]
for (i in args) {
get(i, envir = sys.parent())