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380 lines (335 sloc) 15.2 KB
#' Converting MaxQuant Output file proteinGroups.txt to CLARION format
#' by creating a headline of metadata for each column
#' List with columns of reduced version (see config.json file)
#' If you only want the samples of a specific keyword write: column;exp
#' For example:
#' You got:
#' Intensity
#' Intensity 'experiment_name'
#' Do you want both add "Intensity" to the list.
#' Do you only want the sample add "Intensity;exp" to the list
#' Anything else like 'Intensity;ex' or 'Intensity;' results in writing both.
#' Only works if there are samples of that type. If not, column does not show up in file
#' @author Rene Wiegandt
#' @param proteinGroups_in path of proteinGroup.txt file
#' @param summary_in path of belonging summary.txt file
#' @param outfile path of full CLARION output file
#' @param outfile_reduced path of reduced CLARION output file
#' @param config path of config file (containing information about metadata)
#' @param delimiter delimiter (Default = ;)
#' @param format pre-header information about format (optional)
#' @param version pre-header information about version (optional)
#' @param experiment_id pre-header information about experiment id (optional)
#' @return TRUE on success
#' @export
parse_MaxQuant <- function(proteinGroups_in, summary_in, outfile, outfile_reduced, config = system.file("extdata", "parser_MaxQuant_config.json", package = "wilson"), delimiter = ";", format = NULL, version = NULL, experiment_id = NULL){
if (missing(proteinGroups_in)) {
stop("The proteinGroups file was not given")
if (missing(summary_in)) {
stop("The summary file was not given")
if (missing(outfile)) {
stop("The output file was not given")
if (missing(outfile_reduced)) {
stop("The output_reduced file was not given")
# parsers json config file
# @param config path of config file
# @return data.table with metadata
get_meta_from_config <- function(meta_config) {
dr <- lapply(meta_config$meta, function(r) {
data.table::data.table("col_name" = r$col_name,
"level" = r$level,
"type" = r$type,
"label" = r$label,
"sublabel" = r$sublabel
})"rbind", dr)
# Get the type of the sample
# Cutting of the experiment name and checking in given lists if left column name is in one of those lists
# Depending on in which list it is returns the type
# @param exp_name experiment name
# @param scores,ratios,category,ary vectors with Strings
# @return String type of given column
get_sample_type <- function(name, scores, ratios, prob, category, ary) {
name_split <- strsplit(name, " ")
if (grepl("[[:digit:]]{1,2}", utils::tail(name_split[[1]], 1))) {
name <- paste(utils::head(name_split[[1]], -1), collapse = " ")
if (name %in% scores) return("score")
if (name %in% ratios) return("ratio")
if (name %in% prob) return("probability")
if (name %in% category) return("category")
if (name %in% ary) return("array")
# Get the level of the sample column
# Checking for keywords inside of the column name
# Each keyword is given one level
# @param col_head column head
# @return String level of given column
get_sample_level <- function(col_head, isSample, full_list) {
# Get the level of all 'sample' columns.
# Default: level is "sample"
if (grepl("Ratio", col_head, perl = TRUE)) {
if (grepl("type", col_head, perl = TRUE)) return("feature")
if (grepl("type", col_head, perl = TRUE)) return("feature")
if (grepl("Fraction [[:digit:]]{1,2}", col_head, perl = TRUE)) return("condition")
if (isSample) return("sample")
if (col_head %in% full_list) return("contrast")
# Get label and sublabel of remaining columns
# remaining columns <- columns which are not in meta or a sample column
# @param col_head column head
# @return list with label and sublabel
get_remaining_labeling <- function(col_head) {
col_head_split <- strsplit(col_head, " ")
if (length(col_head_split) > 1) {
sublabel <- col_head_split[[1]][length(col_head_split[[1]])]
if (grepl(sublabel, "[%]", fixed = TRUE)) {
label <- paste(utils::head(col_head_split[[1]], -2), collapse = " ")
sublabel <- paste(utils::tail(col_head_split[[1]], 2), collapse = " ")
} else {
label <- paste(utils::head(col_head_split[[1]], -1), collapse = " ")
sublabel <- col_head_split[[1]][length(col_head_split[[1]])]
return(list(label, sublabel))
return(list(col_head, ""))
# Get list of all column names with experiment name, which are in the reduced version
# @param meta_full data table with metadata
# @param reduced_list raw list of all columns of every quantification method, which need to in the reduced version
# @param exp_names list of experiment names
# @param col_names list of all column names
# @return list: 1 <- list of all reduced column names, 2 <- columns which are in the raw list but not in the final list
get_reduced_version <- function(meta_full, reduced_list, exp_names, col_names) {
red_split <- strsplit(reduced_list, ";")
red_exp_list <- unlist(lapply(red_split, function(split_name) {
# if length == 2 entry of reduced list is column_name;exp
# only adding column_name + experiment name to the list
if (length(split_name) == 2) {
red_col_name <- lapply(exp_names, function(exp_name) {
rcn <- paste(split_name[1], exp_name)
# special case for Sequence Coverage exp_name [%]
if (!(rcn %in% col_names) && (paste(rcn, "[%]") %in% col_names)) {
rcn <- paste(rcn, "[%]")
} else {
# adding both column name + experiment_name and column name without experiment name to list
red_col_name <- lapply(1:(length(exp_names) + 1), function(i) {
if (i <= length(exp_names)) {
if (paste(split_name, exp_names[i]) %in% col_names) {
return(paste(split_name, exp_names[i]))
} else {
overlap <- setdiff(red_exp_list, col_names)
red_exp_list <- red_exp_list[!(red_exp_list %in% overlap)]
return(list(red_exp_list, overlap))
# writing clarion file
# @param meta data table with meta data
# @param out output file
# @param format format
# @param version version number
# @param exp_id experiment id
# @param pGroups data table protein groups file
write_clarion_file <- function(meta, out, format, version, exp_id, pGroups, delimiter) {
to_append <- FALSE
if (!missing(format)) {
write(paste0("!format=", format), file = out, append = to_append)
to_append <- TRUE
if (!missing(version)) {
write(paste0("!version=", version), file = out, append = to_append)
to_append <- TRUE
if (!missing(exp_id)) {
write(paste0("!experiment_id=", exp_id), file = out, append = to_append)
to_append <- TRUE
write(paste0("!delimiter=", delimiter), file = out, append = to_append)
write("#key\tfactor1\tlevel\ttype\tlabel\tsub_label", file = out, append = TRUE)
data.table::fwrite(meta, file = out, sep = "\t", append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
data.table::fwrite(pGroups, file = out, sep = "\t", append = TRUE, col.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE)
# reading files in data tables
proteinGroups <- data.table::fread(proteinGroups_in, header = TRUE, quote = "")
summary_file <- data.table::fread(summary_in, header = TRUE)
meta_config <- tryCatch({
rjson::fromJSON(file = config)
}, error = function(cond) {
stop("Could not read config file")
}, warning = function(w) {
stop("Could not read config file")
# getting experiment names
if ("Experiment" %in% colnames(summary_file)) {
exp_names <- unique(summary_file[Experiment != "", Experiment])
} else {
stop("wrong format on summary file: column \'Experiment\' misssing")
meta <- get_meta_from_config(meta_config = meta_config)
sample_scores <- meta_config$type_scores
sample_ratios <- meta_config$type_ratios
sample_probability <- meta_config$type_probability
sample_category <- meta_config$type_category
sample_ary <- meta_config$type_array
reduced_list <- meta_config$reduced_list
full_sample_list <- c(sample_scores, sample_ratios, sample_probability, sample_category, sample_ary)
if (is.null(reduced_list)) {
stop("reduced_list is missing in config file")
# get column names
col_names <- colnames(proteinGroups)
# delete rows from meta, which are not in col_names
meta_trim <- meta[col_name %in% col_names]
# get metadata for each sample column
# append rows to data table with metadata
samples_list <- lapply(col_names, function(col_head) {
unlist(lapply(exp_names, function(name) {
name_brackets <- paste0("\\Q", name)
exp_regex <- paste0("\\Q ", name)
sample_description <- strsplit(col_head, exp_regex)
if (length(grep(name_brackets, col_head, perl = TRUE)) == 1 ) { # Does column name contains experiment name?
de <- data.table::data.table("col_name" = c(col_head),
"level" = c(get_sample_level(col_head = col_head, isSample = TRUE, full_list = full_sample_list)),
"type" = c(get_sample_type(name = sample_description[[1]][1], scores = sample_scores,
ratios = sample_ratios, prob = sample_probability, category = sample_category,
ary = sample_ary)),
"label" = c(name),
"sublabel" = c(trimws(gsub(name_brackets, "", col_head), "r"))
samples <-"rbind", Filter(Negate(is.null), samples_list))
meta_half <- rbind(meta_trim, samples)
# get metadata for each remaining column(columsn which are specific for a certain quantification methode)
# append rows to data table with metadata
remaining_list <- lapply(col_names, function(col_head) {
if (!(col_head %in% meta_half[["col_name"]])) {
label_sublabel <- get_remaining_labeling(col_head = col_head)
de2 <- data.table::data.table("col_name" = c(col_head),
"level" = c(get_sample_level(col_head = col_head, isSample = FALSE, full_list = full_sample_list)),
"type" = c(get_sample_type(name = col_head, scores = sample_scores, ratios = sample_ratios,
prob = sample_probability, category = sample_category, ary = sample_ary)),
"label" = c(label_sublabel[1]),
"sublabel" = c(label_sublabel[2])
remaining <-"rbind", Filter(Negate(is.null), remaining_list))
meta_full <- rbind(meta_half, remaining)
meta_full$col_name <- sub("^", "#", meta_full$col_name)
# add column factor 1 and reorder the columns
meta_full$factor1 <- ""
meta_full <- meta_full[, c("col_name", "factor1", "level", "type", "label", "sublabel")]
# get data.table with reduced metadata
reduced <- get_reduced_version(meta_full = meta_full, reduced_list = reduced_list,
exp_names = exp_names, col_names = col_names)
meta_reduced <- meta_full[meta_full$col_name %in% sub("^", "#", reduced[[1]]), ]
# if there are unknown columns the user gets a warning with all unknown columns
# unknown columns wont be writen in the meta data header
if (nrow(meta_full[level == "unknown"]) > 0) {
meta_warn <- gsub("#", "", meta_full[level == "unknown", col_name])
warning("Following columns are unknown and have been removed (Check JSON config file: 'meta'): ", paste(meta_warn, collapse = ", "))
meta_full <- meta_full[level != "unknown"]
# if there are unknown column types the user gets a warning with all columns with unknown type
# columns with unknown types wont be writen in the meta data header
if (nrow(meta_full[type == "unknown"]) > 0) {
meta_warn <- gsub("#", "", meta_full[type == "unknown", col_name])
warning("Due to unknown type follwing columns were removed (Check JSON config file: 'type_X'): ", paste(meta_warn, collapse = ", "))
meta_full <- meta_full[type != "unknown"]
# writing advanced CLARION file
write_clarion_file(meta = meta_full, out = outfile, format = format,
version = version, exp_id = experiment_id, pGroups = proteinGroups, delimiter = delimiter)
# writing reduced CLARION file
write_clarion_file(meta = meta_reduced, out = outfile_reduced, format = format,
version = version, exp_id = experiment_id, pGroups = proteinGroups, delimiter = delimiter)
#' Method to parse input file.
#' @param file Path to file that needs parsing.
#' @param dec The decimal separator. See \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}.
#' @return Clarion object. See \code{\link[wilson]{Clarion}}
#' @import data.table
#' @export
parser <- function(file, dec = ".") {
message(paste("Parsing file:", file))
# number of rows for each part
con <- file(file, open = "r")
num_header <- 0
num_metadata <- 0
tryCatch(expr = {
while (TRUE) {
line <- readLines(con = con, n = 1)
if (grepl("^!", line, perl = TRUE)) {
num_header <- num_header + 1
} else if (grepl("^#", line, perl = TRUE)) {
num_metadata <- num_metadata + 1
} else {
}, finally = {
close(con = con)
### parse header
if (num_header > 0) {
header <- data.table::fread(input = file, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE, dec = dec, nrows = num_header, integer64 = "double")
# cut of leading !
header <- as.list(gsub("^!", "", header[[1]]))
# make named list
header_names <- gsub("=.*$", "", header, perl = TRUE)
header <- as.list(gsub("^.*?=", "", header, perl = TRUE))
names(header) <- header_names
# remove quotes from delimiter
if (!is.null(header$delimiter) && grepl(header$delimiter, pattern = '^".*"$', perl = TRUE)) {
header$delimiter <- substr(header$delimiter, start = 2, stop = nchar(header$delimiter) - 1)
} else {
header <- NULL
### parse metadata
metadata <- data.table::fread(input = file, skip = num_header, header = FALSE, nrows = num_metadata, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, integer64 = "double")
# cut off leading #
metadata[, names(metadata)[1] := gsub("^#", "", metadata[[1]])]
# set first line as header
names(metadata) <- as.character(metadata[1])
# remove empty columns
metadata <- metadata[, which(unlist(lapply(metadata, function(x) !all( || x == "")))), with = FALSE]
# delete first line
metadata <- metadata[-1]
### parse data
data <- data.table::fread(input = file, header = TRUE, skip = num_header + num_metadata, fill = FALSE, dec = dec, integer64 = "double")
data.table::setindexv(metadata, names(metadata)[1])
data.table::setindexv(data, names(data)[1])
return(Clarion$new(header = header, metadata = metadata, data = data))