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# GOGetTerm
# do GO analysis of two unrancked lists
# Input
# -obo : Gene Ontology terms annotation in
# open biological and biomedical ontology format
# -ann : Gene annotation to GO terms
# -target : target list of genes (1st column tab delimited file)
# -background : background list of genes (1st column tab delimited file)
# -threshold : p-value threshold (default 0.001)
# -term : term of interest
# Output
# tab-delimited table of represented terms
# Version 1.0
# Date Mar 2017
# Georgi Tushev
# Scientific Computing Facility
# Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research
# send bug reports to
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long();
sub usage($);
sub ParseQueryList($$$);
sub ParseGOAnnotation($$$);
sub ParseTermsAnnotation($$$);
# define input selection
my $obo_file;
my $annotation_file;
my $target_file;
my $background_file;
my $threshold = 0.05;
my $term;
my $help;
my %hash = ();
# set-up parameters
"obo=s" => \$obo_file,
"ann=s" => \$annotation_file,
"target=s" => \$target_file,
"background=s" => \$background_file,
"threshold=f" => \$threshold,
"term=s" => \$term,
"help" => \$help
) or usage("Error :: invalid command line options");
# define help output
usage("version 1.0, Sep 2016") if($help);
# parse background list
ParseQueryList(\%hash, $background_file, 1);
# parse target list
ParseQueryList(\%hash, $target_file, 2);
# parse go annotation
ParseGOAnnotation(\%hash, $annotation_file, 0);
# parse term annotation
ParseTermsAnnotation(\%hash, $obo_file, 0);
# count per GO term
print $term,"\n";
if (exists($hash{"go2gene"}{$term}{"namespace"}) && exists($hash{"go2gene"}{$term}{"name"}))
if (exists($hash{"go2gene"}{$term}{"genes"}))
foreach my $gene (sort keys %{$hash{"go2gene"}{$term}{"genes"}})
my $ref = ($hash{"list"}{$gene} & 4) ? 1 : 0;
my $bkg = ($hash{"list"}{$gene} & 1) ? 1 : 0;
my $trg = ($hash{"list"}{$gene} & 2) ? 1 : 0;
print $gene,"\t",$ref,"\t",$bkg,"\t",$trg,"\n";
### subroutines ###
sub ParseTermsAnnotation($$$)
my $hash_ref = $_[0];
my $obo_file = $_[1];
my $live = $_[2];
### add live download for obo terms
usage("Error :: OBO file is not specified") unless defined ($obo_file);
# parse obo file
local $/ = '';
open (my $fh, "<", $obo_file) or die $!;
while (<$fh>)
### check if term
my $isterm = ($_ =~ m/\[Term\]/) ? "term" : "not-term";
my $isobsolete = ($_ =~ m/is_obsolete\: true/) ? "obsolete" : "valid";
my $goid = ($_ =~ m/id\: (GO\:[0-9]+)/) ? $1 : "<unknown>";
my $name = ($_ =~ m/name\: (.*)/) ? $1 : "<no_name>";
my $namespace = ($_ =~ m/namespace\: (.*)/) ? $1 : "<no_category>";
#my $def = ($_ =~ m/def\: \"(.*)\"/) ? $1 : "<no_definition>";
if (($isterm eq "term") && ($isobsolete eq "valid") && ($goid ne "<unknown>"))
if (exists($hash_ref->{"go2gene"}{$goid}))
$hash_ref->{"go2gene"}{$goid}{"name"} = $name;
$hash_ref->{"go2gene"}{$goid}{"namespace"} = $namespace;
#$hash_ref->{"go2gene"}{$goid}{"def"} = $def;
sub ParseGOAnnotation($$$)
my $hash_ref = $_[0];
my $ann_file = $_[1];
my $live = $_[2];
### add live download for annotation
usage("Error :: GO annotation file is not specified") unless defined ($ann_file);
# parse annotation file
open (my $fh, "gzcat $ann_file |") or die $!;
while (<$fh>)
# skip header
next if ($_ =~ m/^\!/);
# skip
my @line = split('\t', $_, 15);
$hash_ref->{"list"}{$line[2]} |= 4;
sub ParseQueryList($$$)
my $hash_ref = $_[0];
my $query_file = $_[1];
my $bit_mask = $_[2];
open(my $fh, "<", $query_file) or die $!;
my ($symbol, $rest) = split('\t', $_, 2);
$hash_ref->{"list"}{$symbol} |= $bit_mask;
sub usage($)
my $message = $_[0];
if (defined $message && length $message)
$message .= "\n" unless($message =~ /\n$/);
my $command = $0;
$command =~ s#^.*/##;
print STDERR (
"usage: $command -live -target target_list.txt -background background_list.txt\n" .
"description: GOAnalysis performs gene ontology analysis of two unrancked lists\n" .
"parameters:\n" .
"-obo\n" .
"\tGO Terms annotations in OBO file format\n" .
"-ann\n" .
"\tGenes to terms annotation in tabulated file format\n" .
"-target\n" .
"\tlist of target genes in tab-delimited format, 1st column of official gene symbols is used\n" .
"-background\n" .
"\tlist pf background genes in tab-delimited format, 1st column of offical gene symbols is used\n" .
"-term\n" .
"\tGOid for term of interest\n".
"-help\n" .
"\tdefine usage\n"