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Go to file
Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
clear variables;
close all;
% add helpers folder to path
% get records
fRead = fopen('../data/gene_counts/gene_counts_180117_only_mapped_with_header.txt','r');
% read first line (header)
header = fgetl(fRead);
header = strsplit(header);
header(1:2) = []; % remove Length from header, not necessary for output file
% read counts
txt = textscan(fRead,'%s %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n %n','delimiter','\t');
symbols = txt{1}; % gene names
length = txt{2}; % gene lengths
counts = [txt{3:end}] + 1; % counts for each sample
% remove entries with rpkm values lower than 2
idx_threshold = calculate_rpkm(counts, length);
counts(idx_threshold,:) = [];
symbols(idx_threshold) = [];
% create genes background list
fileID = fopen('data/gene_ontology/background_list.txt','w');
formatSpec = '%s\n';
[nrows,ncols] = size(symbols);
for row = 1:nrows
% create figures for each experiment time range (5min, 30min, 60min)
stats05 = BinFoldChangeTest(counts(:, [2,5]), counts(:, [1,4]), 100, false);
stats30 = BinFoldChangeTest(counts(:, [7,10]), counts(:, [6,9]), 100, false);
stats60 = BinFoldChangeTest(counts(:, [12,15]), counts(:, [11,14,16]), 100, false);
M = [stats05.M, stats30.M, stats60.M];
% get all gene expression combinations over time
% 'd' means significantly downregulated
% 'n' means no significant change in expression (normal)
% 'u' means significantly upregulated
% i.e.: u,n,n means gene upregulated in sample01, normal in sample02, normal in sample03
x = ['d', 'n', 'u']; % Set of possible gene expression states
K = 3; % Length of each permutation
s = struct('d', 'idx_x', 'n', 'idx_none', 'u', 'idx_y'); % reference of each state to corresponding index from fold change stats
% Create all possible permutations (with repetition) of states stored in x
C = cell(K, 1); % Preallocate a cell array
[C{:}] = ndgrid(x); % Create K grids of values
y = cellfun(@(x){x(:)}, C); % Convert grids to column vectors
y = [y{:}]; % Obtain all permutations
[nrows,ncols] = size(y);
exp = [];
exp_header = {};
for row = 1:nrows
exp_idx = (stats05.(s.(y(row,1))) & stats30.(s.(y(row,2))) & stats60.(s.(y(row,3))));
exp_geneIds = symbols(exp_idx, :);
combination_label = y(row,:);
% write gene IDs to file
fileName = sprintf('data/gene_ontology/%s.txt', combination_label);
fileHandler = fopen(fileName,'w');
formatSpec = '%s\n';
% append expression combination label to header
exp_header{end+1} = combination_label;
% write index for all genes
exp = [exp exp_idx];
% create table with row and column labels
exp_table = array2table(exp, 'RowNames', symbols, 'VariableNames', exp_header);
% remove helpers folder from path