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%% read_Tsm_redshirt reads .tsm data files created by the Turbo SM software from
% RedShirtImaging.
% Filess
% Syntax:
% [imageData, bncData, par] = readNeuroPlex (filename)
% exp_folder : folder where the data from all recording from one animal
% done on a precise date are saved
% index : nx3 cell array to query the binary data for n separate
% regions of interest. The exact pixels and timepoints to read out
% are specified by three variables {rows, cols,frames} in each
% row of the cell array
% If no filename is provided, the function calls uigetfile.
% par is a structure containing the following information:
% par.dim - Size of data set [x y t]
% par.framedt - Frame interval
% par.acqRatio - Aquisition ratio (electrical over optical)
% par.darkFrame - Dark frame automatically acquired before the actual
% acquistion with closed shutter
% Some info about the behaviour of the function:
% - inputs: filename. If instead of the name of a tsm file name the directory that
% contains is provided, the funtion determines the files present within the folder
% that have the right extension and then extracts traces from them all as
% repeats from same region.
% _____________________________________________________________________
% 03/02/2015, Alex Coatti
function [files] = read_Tsm_redshirt (files,exp_id,rep_id,index,querymode,meanframe,write_to_disk,darkframe,PC_flag)
for i = 1:size(files,1)
if ismember(i,exp_id) % select which experiment to extract traces from
disp(['recording from region no.: ',num2str(i)])
% select and open file
if PC_flag
folder = files{i,1}.VSD_dir_PC; %directory of VSD data from region i (first repeat)
folder = files{i,1}.VSD_dir; %directory of VSD data from region i (first repeat)
disp('show tsm files in current folder');
dir '*.tsm'
y = dir;
%find position of tsm file in current folder
idx = strfind({y(:).name},'.tsm');
out = find(cellfun(@(v) any(isfinite(v(:))), idx));
if length(out) == 1
filename = y(out).name;
files{i}.VSD_filename = filename;
disp('there are more repeats in the same folder');
for j = 1:length(out)
files{i,j}.VSD_dir = folder;
files{i,j}.VSD_filename = y(out(j)).name;
for j = 1:length(out)
if ismember(j,rep_id) % select which repetition to extract traces from
%% Read header info
filename = files{i,j}.VSD_filename;
info = fitsinfo(filename);
filesize = info.FileSize;
primarydata = info.PrimaryData.DataSize;
date = info.FileModDate;
bit_depth = info.PrimaryData.Keywords{2,2};
byte_conversion = bit_depth/8;
% extract relevant dimension of primary data (NAXIS info in FITS data)
rec_dim = [info.PrimaryData.Keywords{4:6,2}];
% offset before primary data
offset = info.PrimaryData.Offset;
% frame duration/interval
frame_dt = info.PrimaryData.Keywords{11,2}; % in seconds
%save in file structure relevant info from file header
files{i,j}.VSD_header = struct('FileSize',filesize,'SizeDataRecording',...
primarydata,'Date',date,'BitDepth',bit_depth,'FrameDim',rec_dim(1:2), ...
% open binary file
clear fid
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
frame_pxl = prod(rec_dim(1:2)); % pixels per frame
% get dark frame and noise in the dark
if darkframe
tail_bytes = filesize - primarydata - offset;
position = offset + prod(rec_dim)*2;
disp(['start of dark frames: ',mat2str(ftell(fid))]);
disp(['bytes after end of recording: ',num2str(tail_bytes)]);
dark_frame = fread(fid,frame_pxl,'*int16');
dark_noise = int16(nanstd(double(dark_frame)));
DF = reshape(dark_frame,256,256);
%% read out data for region of interests over time
% each entry into the binary data has been indexed properly taking
% into consideration the dimension of a frame and duration of the
% recording, however fread does not support random access to the
% binary file. Therefore, another way to proceed is to map the file
% to the memory of the computer so that Matlab can access files on disk in the same
% way it acesses dynamic memory, accleleration file reading and
% writing. Memory-mapping allows you to work with data in a file as
% it were a MATLAB array.
% cycle through ROIs or frames
if strcmp(querymode,'fullframe')
start = tic;
MapPrimData = memmapfile( filename,'Format',{'int16',[256,256],'frames'},...
'Offset',2880, 'Repeat',rec_dim(3) );
telapsed = toc(start)
dataRef = MapPrimData.Data;
if size(index,1) == 1
indextemp = index;
indextemp = index{j};
% select full frames to extract and recompose right fov for each frame
n_frames = numel(indextemp{1,3});
frames = indextemp{1,3};
dataout = NaN(256,256,n_frames);
for kk = 1:n_frames
dataout(:,:,kk) = dataRef(frames(kk)).frames;
if darkframe
% subtract dark frame
dataout_DF = dataout - repmat(double(DF),1,1,n_frames);
if write_to_disk
dataout_DF = cat(1,dataout_DF(1:128,:,:),flipdim(dataout_DF(129:end,:,:),1));
output{1,2} = dataout_DF;
if write_to_disk
dataout = cat(1,dataout(1:128,:,:),flipdim(dataout(129:end,:,:),1));
output{1,1} = dataout;
elseif strcmp(querymode,'rois')
start= tic;
MapPrimData = memmapfile( filename,'Format','int16','Offset',2880,...
'Repeat',frame_pxl*max([index{:,3}]) );
telapsed = toc(start)
dataRef = MapPrimData.Data;
for k = 1: size(index,1)
rows = index{k,1};
n_rows = length(rows);
cols = index{k,2};
n_cols = length(cols);
frames = index{k,3};
n_pixels = prod([length(rows),length(cols),length(frames)]);
% pixels are read out differently if their row is <= 128 or
% >128, in the last case indices are picked in order to
% flip the relative order of the rows along the vertical
% dimension
entries = NaN(n_pixels,1);
if write_to_disk
if any(rows > 128)
row_idx = []; block2 = [];
block1 = rows(find(rows <= 128));
npixels1 = prod([length(block1),length(cols),length(frames)]);
row2 = rows(find(rows > 128));
npixels2 = prod([length(row2),length(cols),length(frames)]);
for r = 1:length(row2)
if row2(r) <= 192
block2(r) = row2(r) + abs(row2(r)-192)*2 + 1;
else row2(r) > 192
block2(r) = row2(r)- abs(row2(r)-193)*2 - 1;
row_idx = [block1,block2];
row_idx = rows;
row_idx = rows;
entries(:) = permute(repmat(row_idx,length(cols),1,length(frames)),[2 1 3]) + ...
repmat(256*(cols-1),length(row_idx),1,length(frames)) + ...
reshape(repmat((frames-1) * frame_pxl,length(row_idx)*length(cols),1),...
dataout = reshape(dataRef(entries),n_rows,n_cols,length(frames));
output{k,1} = dataout;
if darkframe
DF= DF(row_idx,cols);
dataout_DF = reshape(dataRef(entries) - repmat(DF(:),length(frames),1),n_rows,n_cols,length(frames));
output{k,2} = dataout_DF;
% get the average fluorescence per frame for full recording
frame_mean = [];
synch_frame = [];
if meanframe == 1
frame_int = prod(rec_dim(1:2));
actual_length_recording = floor( (info.FileSize/2 - offset ) / frame_int);
start = tic;
MapPrimData = memmapfile( filename,'Format',{'int16',[256,256],'frames'},...
'Offset',2880, 'Repeat',actual_length_recording );
telapsed = toc(start)
dataRef = MapPrimData.Data;
frame_mean = NaN(actual_length_recording,1);
for jj = 1:actual_length_recording
frame_mean(jj) = mean2(dataRef(jj).frames);
% timing led on for synch start in the first thousand frames
tracetemp = frame_mean(1:100);
signal = tracetemp(find(tracetemp >= prctile(tracetemp,85)));
synchtemp = find(tracetemp > prctile(tracetemp,85) + std(signal),3,'first');
synch_frame = synchtemp(diff(synchtemp)<2);
if isempty(synch_frame)
synch_frame = 'undetermined';
synch_frame = synch_frame(1);
% save output data in file array
files{i,j}.RawData.traces = output;
files{i,j}.RawData.flag = querymode;
files{i,j}.RawData.meanI_fullframe = frame_mean;
files{i,j}.RawData.synch_frame = synch_frame;