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82 lines (60 sloc) 2.49 KB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from Bio import SeqIO
# Import the nanopore annotation file
annotation_filename = snakemake.input[0]
annotate_df = pd.read_csv(annotation_filename,sep = "\t", header = None)
annotate_df = annotate_df[annotate_df[2] != "exon"]
annotate_lines = list(annotate_df[8])
chrms = list(annotate_df[0])
start = list(annotate_df[3])
stop = list(annotate_df[4])
# Mapping gene name to oID
# Mapping oID to transcript id
# Mapping transcript id to exons
gene_oID = dict()
oID_tID = dict()
gene_pos = dict()
tID_pos = dict()
#tID_exon = dict()
for ann in range(len(annotate_lines)):
if "gene_name" in annotate_lines[ann]:
line = annotate_lines[ann].split(";")
tID = line[0].split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
gene = line[2].split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
oID = line[3].split(" ")[-1][1:-1]
transID = line[4].split(" ")[-1][1:-1].split(".")[0]
if (gene not in gene_oID): gene_oID[gene] = [oID]
else: gene_oID[gene].append(oID)
if (gene not in gene_pos):
gene_pos[gene] = [chrms[ann],start[ann],stop[ann]]
if (start[ann] < gene_pos[gene][1]): gene_pos[gene][1] = start[ann]
if (gene_pos[gene][2] < stop[ann]) : gene_pos[gene][2] = stop[ann]
if (oID not in oID_tID): oID_tID[oID] = tID
if (tID not in tID_pos): tID_pos[tID] = transID#,chrms[ann],start[ann],stop[ann]]
# Import transcript isoform sequences
transcripts_filename = snakemake.input[1]
transcripts = SeqIO.index(transcripts_filename, "fasta")
# Extracting isoforms from related genes
output = []
gene = snakemake.params[0]
for oID in gene_oID[gene]:
tID = oID_tID[transcripts[oID].id]
transID = tID_pos[tID]
tID = ">" + tID + "|" + transID #+ "," + chrm + "," + str(start) + "," + str(stop)
seq = str(transcripts[oID].seq)
output_filename = snakemake.output[0]
output_file = open(output_filename,"w+")
# Create sashmimi sh
#output_filename = snakemake.output[1]
#output_file = open(output_filename,"w+")
#chrm,start,stop = gene_pos[gene][0],gene_pos[gene][1],gene_pos[gene][2]
#binbash = "#!/bin/bash"
#sashimi = "python $1 -b $2 -c %s:%d-%d -g $3 -M 10 -C 3 -O 3 --shrink --alpha 1 --base-size=20 --ann-height=5 --height=7 --width=18 -S both -o $4" %(chrm,start,stop)