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314 lines (258 sloc) 8.88 KB
Created on Jul 19, 2019
@author: cxchu
ILP for each mention
- mention: string
- candidateTypes: set
- type2score, type2id, id2type: dictionary - like map
- disjointContr: list of pairs
- hierarchicalContr: list of pairs, each item is parent - child
- isLimit: boolean
- numLimit: integer
import codecs
from ast import literal_eval
from scipy.stats import pearsonr as p
import time
from pulp import *
import optparse
import sys
def optimization(mention, candidateTypes, type2score, disjointContr, hierarchicalContr, pearsonValues, isLimit, numLimit, alpha):
prob = LpProblem("consolidation" + mention, LpMaximize)
T = {}
for key, v in type2score.items():
T[key] = LpVariable(key, 0, 1, LpContinuous)
Y = {}
for key, v in pearsonValues.items():
types = key.split(" - ")
t1 = types[0]
t2 = types[1]
if t1 in candidateTypes and t2 in candidateTypes:
Y[key] = LpVariable(key, 0, 1, LpBinary)
#obj function
obj = None
for key, v in type2score.items():
obj += T[key] * v
obj *= alpha
tmpobj = None
for key, v in pearsonValues.items():
types = key.split(" - ")
t1 = types[0]
t2 = types[1]
if t1 in candidateTypes and t2 in candidateTypes:
tmpobj += (1-alpha) * Y[key] * v
obj += tmpobj
prob += obj, "obj"
# total number of constraints
numCont = 0
if isLimit == True:
sum = 0
for key,_ in type2score.items():
sum += T[key]
prob += sum <= numLimit, "c1"
numCont = numCont + 1
for t1, t2 in disjointContr:
if t1 in candidateTypes and t2 in candidateTypes:
contr = "c" + t1 + "-" + t2
prob += T[t1] + T[t2] <= 1, contr
numCont += 1
for p, c in hierarchicalContr:
if p in candidateTypes and c in candidateTypes:
contr = "cp" + p + "-c" + c
prob += T[c] - T[p] <= 0, contr
numCont += 1
#pearson constraints
for key, v in pearsonValues.items():
types = key.split(" - ")
t1 = types[0]
t2 = types[1]
if t1 in candidateTypes and t2 in candidateTypes:
contr = "pearson" + t1 + "--" + t2
prob += T[t1] + T[t2] <= 1 + Y[key], contr
numCont += 1
# for i, t in enumerate(candidateTypes):
# for j, t2 in enumerate(candidateTypes):
# if j > i:
# contr = "pearson" + t + "-" + t2
# prob += T[t] + T[t2] <= 1 + T[t] * T[t2], contr
# Solve the problem using the default solver
# Use prob.solve(GLPK()) instead to choose GLPK as the solver
# Use GLPK(msg = 0) to suppress GLPK messages
# If GLPK is not in your path and you lack the pulpGLPK module,
# replace GLPK() with GLPK("/path/")
# Where /path/ is the path to glpsol (excluding glpsol itself).
# If you want to use CPLEX, use CPLEX() instead of GLPK().
# If you want to use XPRESS, use XPRESS() instead of GLPK().
# If you want to use COIN, use COIN() instead of GLPK(). In this last case,
# two paths may be provided (one to clp, one to cbc).
# Print the status of the solved LP
# print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])
# Print the value of the variables at the optimum
# for v in prob.variables():
# print(, "=", v.varValue)
# Print the value of the objective
# print("objective=", value(prob.objective))
return prob, numCont
optparser = optparse.OptionParser()
"-b", "--basedir", default="/var/tmp/wikia/entity-typing/data-store/",
help="directory to model of top class prediction"
"-u", "--universe", default="asphalt|london|peel",
help="reference universe"
"-n", "--numType", default="5",
help="maximum number of predicted types"
opts = optparser.parse_args()[0]
basedir = opts.basedir
universesStr = opts.universe
numType = int(opts.numType)
start = time.time()
universes = universesStr.split("|")
print("\t\tLoading disjointness....")
disjointContr = []
line = sys.stdin.readline()
while line != 'end-disjoint':
t = line.strip().split("\t")
if (t[0], t[1]) not in disjointContr:
disjointContr.append((t[0], t[1]))
line = sys.stdin.readline()
line = line.strip()
input_ilp = []
line = sys.stdin.readline()
while line != 'end-ilp-input':
line = sys.stdin.readline()
line = line.strip()
print('\t\tget all disjoint constraints')
print('\t\tget all input for ilp')
###load all candidate types
allCandidateTypes = set()
for line in input_ilp:
lines = line.split("=====")
mention = lines[0]
if len(lines[1]) < 5:
candidates = lines[1][1:(len(lines[1])-2)].split(", ")
for type in candidates:
t2s = type.split("\t")
disjointGeneralContrFile = "general-class-disjoint"
for line in, 'r', 'utf8'):
line = line.replace("\n", "")
t = line.split("\t")
if (t[0], t[1]) not in disjointContr:
disjointContr.append((t[0], t[1]))
print('\t\tLoading hierarchy...')
hierarchyContr = []
hierarchyContr.append(('geography', 'location'))
for univ in universes:
print('\t\t' + univ)
hierarchyContrFile = basedir + univ + "/hierarchy"
for line in, 'r', 'utf8'):
t = line.split("\t")
if t[0] in allCandidateTypes and t[1] in allCandidateTypes:
hierarchyContr.append((t[0], t[1]))
# print('\t\tLoading within-universe disjointness...')
# sys.stdout.flush
# for univ in universes:
# print('\t\t' + univ)
# sys.stdout.flush
# disjointContrFile = basedir + univ + "/disjoint"
# for line in, 'r', 'utf8'):
# t = line.split("\t")
# if t[0] in allCandidateTypes and t[1] in allCandidateTypes and (t[0], t[1]) not in disjointContr:
# disjointContr.append((t[0], t[1]))
print('\t\tloading occurrence.....')
pearsonValues = {}
big_universes = {'camphalfbloodroleplay', 'fallout', 'enmarveldatabase',
'forgottenrealms', 'harrypotter', 'leagueoflegends', 'lego',
'psychology', 'starwars', 'villains', 'wowwiki', 'xenoblade'}
for univ in universes:
print('\t\t' + univ)
if univ in big_universes:
occurrenceFile = basedir + univ + "/type-occurrence"
occurrences = {}
allTypes = []
for line in, 'r', 'utf8'):
t = line.split("\t")
if t[0] in allCandidateTypes:
occurrences[t[0]] = literal_eval(t[1])
for i, val in enumerate(allTypes):
for j, valj in enumerate(allTypes):
if j > i:
key = val + " - " + valj
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning)
score, _ = p(occurrences[val], occurrences[valj])
pearsonValues[key] = score
# print(key + "\t" + str(score))
end = time.time()
print("\t\tLoading constraints....")
print('\t\t' + str(end - start))
# disjointContr.append(("characters", "location"))
results = {}
numInst = 0
numContAvg = 0
for line in input_ilp:
lines = line.split("=====")
mention = lines[0]
if len(lines[1]) < 5:
candidates = lines[1][1:(len(lines[1])-2)].split(", ")
candidateTypes = set()
type2score = {}
for type in candidates:
t2s = type.split("\t")
type2score[t2s[0]] = float(t2s[1])
prob, numContr = optimization(mention, candidateTypes, type2score, disjointContr, hierarchyContr, pearsonValues, True, numType, 0.5)
results[mention] = prob
numInst += 1
numContAvg += numContr
print('\t\tfishing ilp computation...')
print('\t\tAvg. of number of constraints:\t' + str(numContAvg/numInst))
for mention in results.keys():
resStr = ''
resStr += mention + "=====["
res = []
for v in results[mention].variables():
if v.varValue >= 0.5 and "___" not in
res.append( + "\t" + str(v.varValue))
resStr += ", ".join([t for t in res])
resStr += "]"
end2 = time.time()
print("ILP solver...")
print(end2 - end)