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package kb.howtokb.taskframe.extractor;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import kb.howtokb.utils.Triple;
* This class is used as a wrapper over OpenIE tuple based results. It checks
* for appropriateness of the srl, and normalizes the tuples including nouns to
* head noun and verb phrases to head verb phrase.
* <p>
* Try Sample code: normalizeOpenIEResult("(You; Categorize; a wikiHow Article)"
* , ";", true);
* @author ntandon
* TODO: create test cases based on email exchange
public class OpenIE4Activities {
public static String normalizeV(String v, boolean pickHeadWords, boolean freqCheck) {
v = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.judiciousStemming(v, Morpha.verb);
if (pickHeadWords) {
String[] vSplitted = v.split(" ");
// present as a verb phrase in WordNet?
v = isCommonVerb(v) ? v : vSplitted[HelperForOpenIE4Activities.headVerb(vSplitted)];
// Open IE attracts a lot of noise, remove it by checking if the verb
// is frequent w.r.t. WordNet
if (freqCheck && !isCommonVerb(v))
return "";
else if (!isStopWord(v))
return v;
else return "";
public static String normalizeO(String o, boolean pickHeadWords, boolean freqCheck) throws IOException {
o = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.judiciousStemming(o, Morpha.noun);
o = dropLeadingArticles(o);
if (pickHeadWords) {
try {
o = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.headWordStr(o.split(" "));
} catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Some of the WordNet related files are not set, check NLPUtil");
// Open IE attracts a lot of noise, remove it by checking if the noun
// is frequent w.r.t. WordNet
if (freqCheck && !isCommonNoun(o))
return "";
else if (!isStopWord(o))
return o;
else return "";
* Input:(You; Categorize; a wikiHow Article) <br>
* Output:you;categorize;article
* @param input:
* tuple format result from openIE4.2
* @param SVOSeparator:
* usually semicolon(;)
* @param aggressively:
* usually set to true enables extracting head word from
* (v,o1..oN) arguments of openIE
* @param freqCheck
* if the noun and verb are frequent enough
* @return normalized result and empty if the triple contains no meaningful
* activity
* @throws IOException:
* WordNet files must be appropriately loaded
public static String normalizeOpenIEResult(String input, String SVOSeparator, boolean pickHeadWords,
boolean freqCheck) throws IOException {
String result = "";
Triple<String, String, String> voTriple = voFromOpenIETriple(input, SVOSeparator);
String vo = voTriple.second;
int voBoundary = vo.indexOf(SVOSeparator);
if (voBoundary <= 0)
return result;
String v = vo.substring(0, voBoundary);
String o = vo.substring(voBoundary + 1);
String[] owords = o.split(" ");
if (owords.length == 0)
return result;
String prep = "";
if (HelperForOpenIE4Activities.prepositions.contains(owords[0])) {
prep = owords[0];
o = "";
for (int i = 1; i < owords.length; i++)
o += owords[i] + (i < owords.length - 1 ? " " : "");
if (o.length() == 0)
return result;
o = normalizeO(o, pickHeadWords, freqCheck);
v = normalizeV(v, pickHeadWords, freqCheck);
// Open IE attracts a lot of noise, remove it by checking if the verb or
// noun
// is frequent w.r.t. WordNet
if (o.length() == 0 || v.length() == 0)
return result;
result = (voTriple.first + SVOSeparator + v + (prep.length() == 0 ? "" : " " + prep) + SVOSeparator + o
+ (voTriple.third.length() == 0 ? "" : (SVOSeparator + voTriple.third)));
return result;
* no frequency check, rest functionality same as See
* {@linkplain #normalizeOpenIEResult(String, String, boolean, boolean)}
public static String normalizeOpenIEResult(String input, String SVOSeparator, boolean pickHeadWords)
throws IOException {
return normalizeOpenIEResult(input, SVOSeparator, pickHeadWords, false);
* Re-estimates verb and main object and trailing objects from OpenIE Result
* e.g.
* @param tupleFromOpenIE
* @param sVOSeparator
* @return
private static Triple<String, String, String> voFromOpenIETriple(String tupleFromOpenIE, String sVOSeparator) {
String input = tupleFromOpenIE.toLowerCase();
// clean up the tuple
input = input.replace("(", "").replace(")", "");
String[] components = input.split(sVOSeparator);
String svo = contentOfRole(components[1]) + sVOSeparator + contentOfRole(components[2]);
String lead = contentOfRole(components[0]); // the subject
String trail = ""; // the several objects/ SRLs
for (int i = 3; i < components.length; i++) {
String normSRL = normalizeSRL(components[i].trim());
if (normSRL.length() > 0)
trail += (trail.length() == 0 ? "" : sVOSeparator) + normSRL;
return new Triple<String, String, String>(lead, svo, trail);
* Takes a time or location role+word and normalizes it
* @param srl
* e.g. l:your brother's room
* @return empty string (len=0) if inappropriate srl (e.g. t:at that road is
* inappropriate)
private static String normalizeSRL(String srl) {
boolean isTime = srl.startsWith("t:");
boolean isLoc = srl.startsWith("l:");
// Return if no SRL marker is present
if (!isTime && !isLoc)
return srl;
// drop SRL marker.
String content = srl.substring(2);
boolean validTime = isAppropriateAsTime(content);
boolean validLoc = isAppropriateAsLoc(content);
if (isTime && validTime)
return srl;
// time can be wrongly labeled as location, fix.
else if (isLoc && validTime)
return "t:" + content;
else if (isLoc && validLoc)
return "l:" + normalizeLocation(content);
return ""; // invalid time.
* Checks if OpenIE's l:somestring is appropriate, must start with a
* preposition
* @param s
* e.g. l:in your house
* @return true if the input indicates location
private static boolean isAppropriateAsLoc(String s) {
String[] owords = s.split(" ");
return HelperForOpenIE4Activities.prepositions.contains(owords[0]);
* Normalize location string that can be arbitrarily long
* @param l
* e.g. at your room
* @return e.g. room
private static String normalizeLocation(String l) {
String[] ls = l.split(" ");
l = dropLeadingPrep(ls);
l = dropLeadingArticles(l);
l = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.judiciousStemming(l, Morpha.noun);
return ls[0] + " " + l;
// TODO can set the noun wordnet-frequency threshold to >=0 or >=1.
private static Collection<String> wnTime = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.readFileAsSet("resources/time-related.txt", false, false),
freqverbs = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.readFileAsSet("resources/freqgt0-verbs-wn.txt",
false, false),
freqnouns = HelperForOpenIE4Activities.readFileAsSet("resources/freqgt0-nouns-wn.txt",
false, false),
livingBeings = HelperForOpenIE4Activities
.readFileAsSet("resources/freqgte1-living-beings.txt", false, false);
// private static Collection<String> wnTime = DBConnector.singletonColumnToSet(1, "select * from "+Global.WNTIME),
// freqverbs = DBConnector.singletonColumnToSet(1, "select * from "+Global.WNVERB),
// freqnouns = DBConnector.singletonColumnToSet(1, "select * from "+Global.WNNOUN),
// livingBeings = DBConnector.singletonColumnToSet(1, "select * from "+Global.WNAGENT);
* Time is usually a closed set of WordNet words, look up that list <br>
* <p>
* This query checks for inherited hyponymy for time unit, time period and
* event synsets:
* <PRE>
select regexp_replace(word,'_',' ') from nounid where synsetid in
(select distinct on (synset_id) synset_id from wordnet.wn_hyponymy_tree_complete
where hyponymy like '%,100029378%' or hyponymy like '%,115154774%' or
hyponymy like '%,115113229%' ) intersect select distinct(word)
from wordnet.wn_synsets where tag_count >=1 and ss_type='n' and lower(word)=word
* </PRE>
* @param s
* e.g. divorce
* @return true if time related word
private static boolean isAppropriateAsTime(String s) {
String[] owords = s.split(" ");
// there must be a preposition marker otherwise time is ill-defined.
if (HelperForOpenIE4Activities.prepositions.contains(owords[0]))
return wnTime.contains(dropLeadingPrep(owords));
return false;
* Input = [during, easter] Output = easter
* @param words
* : an array is usually precomputed, avoids splitting string
* twice.
* @return
private static String dropLeadingPrep(String[] words) {
String o = "";
for (int i = 1; i < words.length; i++)
o += words[i] + (i < words.length - 1 ? " " : "");
return o;
* Input = t:during easter Output = during easter
* @param s
* (role label and content from OpenIE's preposition based SRL)
* @return
private static String contentOfRole(String s) {
if (s.length() == 0)
return s;
// drop s: or l:
return ((s.startsWith("l:") || s.startsWith("t:")) ? s.substring(2) : s).trim();
* FreqVerbs are preloaded from files constructed using this query.
* <PRE>
select distinct(word) from wordnet.wn_synsets where tag_count >=1 and // can consider higher cutoff
(ss_type='v') and // verbs
lower(word)=word // this avoids instances like Angela Merkel to show up as a noun
* </PRE>
* Note: Additional constraint for verb in constructing the file from
* WordNet:<br>
* length(word)>1 // don't need len=1 wierd words
* @param v
* a verb e.g. move
* @return true if the verb is acceptable.
private static boolean isCommonVerb(String v) {
return freqverbs.contains(v);
* Similar to {@link #isCommonVerb(String)}, except that restriction on noun
* length >2
* @param n
* a verb e.g. tree (not a phrase because usually this function
* is invoked as the last stage of normalization)
* @return true if the noun is acceptable.
private static boolean isCommonNoun(String n) {
return freqnouns.contains(n);
* Uses wordnet tops (top level category against a synset) and >=1 freq
* threshold and len >2 to construct a list of living beings nouns.<br>
* <br>
* select word from wordnet.wn_synsets where tag_count >=1 and ss_type='n'
* and length(word)>2 and lower(word)=word and synset_id in( select
* synset_id from wordnet.wn_domain_tops where tops='animal' or
* tops='person'
* <br>
* <br>
* NOTE: plant is another top level category but we don't consider it living
* for this purpose because in the KB, people would not expect plants to be
* living agents
* @param n
* e.g. fish
* @return true if living being
public static boolean isLivingBeing(String n) {
return livingBeings.contains(n);
* Input = a lion, Output = lion
private static String dropLeadingArticles(String w) {
if (w == null || w.isEmpty())
return "";
String[] words = w.split(" ");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
// Until the first non-stop word is seen.
if (isArticle(words[i]) && result.length() == 0)
result.append(result.length() == 0 ? "" : " ").append(words[i]);
return result.toString();
* Input = a/an/the/his/her (see {@link #articles}).., Output= true
private static boolean isArticle(String s) {
return HelperForOpenIE4Activities.articles.contains(s);
//Check stop-words
private static boolean isStopWord(String v) {
return HelperForOpenIE4Activities.STOPWORDS.contains(v);