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function P_trans = hmri_create_b1map(jobsubj)
%% Processing of B1 maps for B1 bias correction
% FORMAT P_trans = hmri_create_b1map(jobsubj)
% jobsubj - are parameters for one subject out of the job list.
% P_trans - a vector of file names with P_trans(1,:) = anatomical volume
% for coregistration and P_trans(2,:) = B1 map in percent units.
% Written by E. Balteau, 2014.
% Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liege, Belgium
% Modified by T. Leutritz in 2016 in order to use the SIEMENS product
% sequences 'rf_map' and 'tfl_b1map'. The latter produces essentially
% a FLASH like image and a flip angle map (multiplied by 10) based on
% Chung S. et al.: "Rapid B1+ Mapping Using a Preconditioning RF Pulse with
% TurboFLASH Readout", MRM 64:439-446 (2010).
flags = jobsubj.log.flags;
flags.PopUp = false;
hmri_log(sprintf('\t============ CREATE B1 MAP - %s.m (%s) ============', mfilename, datestr(now)),flags);
% retrieve effective acquisition & processing parameters, alternatively
% use defaults
b1map_params = get_b1map_params(jobsubj);
% save b1map_params as json-file
% init output
P_trans = [];
% return if nothing else to be done (no B1 correction or UNICORT cases)
if ~b1map_params.b1avail
% calculate B1 map according to b1 data type
case 'i3D_AFI'
% processing B1 map from AFI data
P_trans = calc_AFI_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params);
case 'i3D_EPI'
% processing B1 map from SE/STE EPI data
P_trans = calc_SESTE_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params);
case 'tfl_b1_map'
% processing B1 map from tfl_b1map data
P_trans = calc_tfl_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params);
case 'rf_map'
% processing B1 map from rf_map data
P_trans = calc_rf_map(jobsubj, b1map_params);
case 'pre_processed_B1'
if b1map_params.scafac ~= 1
% rescale if scaling factor other than 1 is provided
rescaled_fnam = fullfile(jobsubj.path.b1path, spm_file(spm_file(b1map_params.b1input(2,:),'suffix','_rescaled'),'filename'));
calcflags.descrip = sprintf('Pre-processed B1 map rescaled with factor %f', b1map_params.scafac);
outcalc = spm_imcalc(b1map_params.b1input(2,:),rescaled_fnam,sprintf('%f*i1',b1map_params.scafac),calcflags);
% set and write metadata
json = hmri_get_defaults('json');
input_files = b1map_params.b1input(2,:);
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (Rescaling)'];
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = sprintf('Pre-processed B1 map rescaled with factor %f', b1map_params.scafac);
% replace original B1 map by the rescaled one
b1map_params.b1input = char(b1map_params.b1input(1,:), rescaled_fnam);
P_trans = b1map_params.b1input(1:2,:);
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: unknown B1 type, no B1 map calculation performed.'),b1map_params.defflags);
% copy P_trans output to Results/Supplementary directory (nii & json!) and
% make P_trans point to the copied files (so coregistration is applied to
% them).
% - if "cleanup" set to true, the B1mapCalc directory is deleted when the
% Map Calculation completes...
% - just in case no json files have been saved with the output, the
% copyfile is called in "try" mode...
% - must strip the ',1' (at the end of the file extension '.nii,1')
% otherwise copyfile does not find the files!!
if ~isempty(P_trans)
P_trans = spm_file(P_trans,'number','');
P_trans_copy{1} = fullfile(jobsubj.path.supplpath, spm_file(P_trans(1,:), 'filename'));
P_trans_copy{2} = fullfile(jobsubj.path.supplpath, spm_file(P_trans(2,:), 'filename'));
copyfile(deblank(P_trans(1,:)), P_trans_copy{1});
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(P_trans(1,:),'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(P_trans_copy{1},'r') '.json']); end %#ok<*TRYNC>
copyfile(deblank(P_trans(2,:)), P_trans_copy{2});
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(P_trans(2,:),'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(P_trans_copy{2},'r') '.json']); end
P_trans = char(P_trans_copy{1},P_trans_copy{2});
hmri_log(sprintf('\t============ CREATE B1 MAP: completed (%s) ============', datestr(now)),b1map_params.nopuflags);
%% =======================================================================%
% B1 map calculation - AFI protocol
function P_trans = calc_AFI_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params)
% default format specifications for the output metadata
json = hmri_get_defaults('json');
% define output dir
outpath = jobsubj.path.b1path;
b1map_params.outpath = outpath;
% NB: both phase and magnitude images can be provided but only the
% magnitude images (first series) are used. Phase images (second series)
% are not used. In each series, first image = TR2 (long TR) and second
% image = TR1 (short TR).
fileTR1 = b1map_params.b1input(2,:);
fileTR2 = b1map_params.b1input(1,:);
V1 = spm_vol(fileTR1);
V2 = spm_vol(fileTR2);
Y1 = spm_read_vols(V1);
Y2 = spm_read_vols(V2);
TR1 = 1; % only the ratio [TR2/TR1=n] matters
TR2 = b1map_params.b1acq.TR2TR1ratio;
alphanom = b1map_params.b1acq.alphanom;
% Mask = squeeze(Vol1);
% threshold = (prctile(Mask(:),98)-prctile(Mask(:),2))*0.1+prctile(Mask(:),2);
% Mask = (Mask>threshold);
B1map = acos((Y2./Y1*TR2/TR1-1)./(TR2/TR1*ones(size(Y1))-Y2./Y1))*180/pi;
B1map_norm = abs(B1map)*100/alphanom;
% smoothed map
smB1map_norm = zeros(size(B1map_norm));
pxs = sqrt(sum(V1.mat(1:3,1:3).^2)); % Voxel resolution
smth = 8./pxs;
% masking
% B1map = B1map.*Mask;
% B1map_norm = B1map_norm.*Mask;
% smB1map_norm = smB1map_norm.*Mask;
sname = spm_file(V1.fname,'filename');
% save output images
VB1 = V1;
% VB1.pinfo = [max(B1map(:))/16384;0;0];
% VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map.nii']);
% spm_write_vol(VB1,B1map);
% VB1.pinfo = [max(B1map_norm(:))/16384;0;0];
% VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map_norm.nii']);
% spm_write_vol(VB1,B1map_norm);
VB1.pinfo = [max(smB1map_norm(:))/16384;0;0];
VB1.descrip = 'B1+ map - smoothed and normalised (p.u.) - AFI protocol';
VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map.nii']);
% set and write metadata
input_files = b1map_params.b1input;
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (AFI protocol)'];
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'B1+ map (AFI protocol)';
% Rename anatomical reference for uniformity between protocols
B1ref = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1ref.nii']);
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(char(fileTR1),'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(B1ref,'r') '.json']); end %#ok<*TRYNC>
% requires anatomic image + map
P_trans = char(B1ref,char(VB1.fname));
% VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map_mask.nii']);
% spm_write_vol(VB1,Mask);
%% =======================================================================%
% B1 map calculation - SE/STE EPI protocol
function P_trans = calc_SESTE_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params)
% Calculation of B1 maps based on 3D EPI spin echo (SE) and stimulated
% (STE) echo images (see Jiru and Klose MRM 2006).
% Corresponding scanning protocol/sequence: al_B1mapping
% Input: 11 pairs of (SE, STE) images for B1 map calculation and 3 images
% for B0 map calculation.
% This macro calls the functions hmri_create_B1Map_unwarp and
% hmri_create_B1Map_process for correction of image distortions, padding
% and smoothing of the images.
% Output:
% - distorted B1 (B1map_*) and error (SDmap_*) maps
% - undistorted B1 (uB1map_*) and error (uSDmap_*) maps
% - undistorted, masked and padded B1 maps (muB1map_*)
% - undistorted, masked, padded and smoothed B1 maps (smuB1map_*)
% At each voxel, this macro selects the 5 pairs of (SE,STE image) (out of
% 11) with maximum signal amplitude in the SE images.
% The sum of square image of all SE images is created (SumOfSq) and
% undistorted (uSumOfSq) for coregistration of the B1 map to an anatomical
% dataset.
% For coherence among B1 protocols, the fully processed B1 map (smuB1map_*)
% is renamed *_B1map.nii, while the undistorted SoS image (uSumOfSq) is
% renamed *_B1ref for anatomical reference.
json = hmri_get_defaults('json');
P = b1map_params.b1input; % B1 data - 11 pairs
Q = b1map_params.b0input; % B0 data - 3 volumes
V = spm_vol(P);
n = numel(V);
Y_tmptmp = zeros([V(1).dim(1:2) n]);
Y_ab = zeros(V(1).dim(1:3));
Y_cd = zeros(V(1).dim(1:3));
Index_Matrix = zeros([V(1).dim(1:3) b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues]);
real_Y_tmp = zeros([V(1).dim(1:2) 2*b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues]);
Ssq_matrix = sqrt(sum(spm_read_vols(V(1:2:end)).^2,4));
%-Define output directory
outpath = jobsubj.path.b1path;
b1map_params.outpath = outpath;
%-Start progress plot
spm_progress_bar('Init',V(1).dim(3),'B1 map fit','planes completed');
%-Loop over planes computing result Y
clear Temp_mat;
corr_fact = exp(b1map_params.b1acq.TM/b1map_params.b1proc.T1);
for p = 1:V(1).dim(3) %loop over the partition dimension of the data set
B = spm_matrix([0 0 -p 0 0 0 1 1 1]);
for i = 1:n/2
M = inv(B*inv(V(1).mat)*V(1).mat); %#ok<*MINV>
Y_tmptmp(:,:,((i-1)*2+1)) = real( ...
acos(corr_fact*spm_slice_vol(V((i-1)*2+2),M,V(1).dim(1:2),0) ./ ...
(spm_slice_vol(V((i-1)*2+1),M,V(1).dim(1:2),0)+b1map_params.b1proc.eps))/pi*180/b1map_params.b1acq.beta(i) ...
); % nearest neighbor interpolation
Y_tmptmp(:,:,((i-1)*2+2)) = 180/b1map_params.b1acq.beta(i) - Y_tmptmp(:,:,((i-1)*2+1));
Temp_mat(:,:,i) = spm_slice_vol(V((i-1)*2+1),M,V(1).dim(1:2),0); %#ok<*AGROW>
[~,indexes] = sort(Temp_mat,3);
for x_nr = 1:V(1).dim(1)
for y_nr = 1:V(1).dim(2)
for k=1:b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues
real_Y_tmp(x_nr,y_nr,2*k-1) = Y_tmptmp(x_nr,y_nr,2*indexes(x_nr,y_nr,n/2-k+1)-1);
real_Y_tmp(x_nr,y_nr,2*k) = Y_tmptmp(x_nr,y_nr,2*indexes(x_nr,y_nr,n/2-k+1));
Index_Matrix(x_nr,y_nr,p,k) = indexes(x_nr,y_nr,indexes(x_nr,y_nr,n/2-k+1));
Y_tmp = sort(real(real_Y_tmp), 3); % take the real value due to noise problems
Y_sd = zeros([V(1).dim(1:2) (b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues+1)]);
Y_mn = zeros([V(1).dim(1:2) (b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues+1)]);
for i = 1:(b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues+1)
Y_sd(:,:,i) = std(Y_tmp(:,:,i:(i + b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues-1)), [], 3);
Y_mn(:,:,i) = mean(Y_tmp(:,:,i:(i + b1map_params.b1proc.Nonominalvalues-1)), 3);
[~,min_index] = min(Y_sd,[],3); % !! min_index is a 2D array. Size given by resolution along read and phase directions
for x_nr = 1:V(1).dim(1)
for y_nr = 1:V(1).dim(2)
Y_ab(x_nr,y_nr,p) = Y_mn(x_nr,y_nr, min_index(x_nr,y_nr)); % Y_ab is the relative flip angle value averaged over the n flip angles (determined by minizing the SD i.e. keeping the most uniform relative flip angle values)
Y_cd(x_nr,y_nr,p) = Y_sd(x_nr,y_nr, min_index(x_nr,y_nr)); % Y_cd is the corresponding standard deviation between the relative flip angle values
%-Save everything in OUTPUT dir
% define generic output header
input_files = b1map_params.b1input;
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (EPI SE/STE protocol)'];
% save B1 map (still distorted and not smoothed)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Distorted B1+ map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'p.u.';
V_save = struct('fname',V(1).fname,'dim',V(1).dim,'mat',V(1).mat,'dt',V(1).dt,'descrip','B1 map [%]');
[~,outname,e] = fileparts(V_save.fname);
V_save.fname = fullfile(outpath,['B1map_' outname e]);
V_save = spm_write_vol(V_save,Y_ab*100);
% save SD map (still distorted and not smoothed)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Distorted SD (error) map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'p.u.';
W_save = struct('fname',V(1).fname,'dim',V(1).dim,'mat',V(1).mat,'dt',V(1).dt,'descrip','SD [%]');
W_save.fname = fullfile(outpath,['SDmap_' outname e]);
W_save = spm_write_vol(W_save,Y_cd*100);
% save SD map (still distorted and not smoothed)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - SSQ image';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'a.u.';
X_save = struct('fname',V(1).fname,'dim',V(1).dim,'mat',V(1).mat,'dt',V(1).dt,'descrip','SE SSQ matrix');
X_save.fname = fullfile(outpath,['SumOfSq' outname e]);
X_save = spm_write_vol(X_save,Ssq_matrix); %#ok<*NASGU>
%-B0 undistortion
% since B0 data will be coregistered and resliced with the B1 data, we copy
% them into the calcpath directory to avoid altering the the raw data:
Qtmp = cell(size(Q,1),1);
for i=1:size(Q,1)
Qtmp{i} = fullfile(outpath, spm_file(Q(i,:), 'filename'));
copyfile(deblank(Q(i,:)), Qtmp{i});
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(deblank(Q(i,:)),'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(Qtmp{i},'r') '.json']); end %#ok<*TRYNC>
Q = char(Qtmp);
% magnitude image
% NOTE: must strip the ',1' (at the end of the file extension '.nii,1')!!
magfnam = spm_file(Q(1,:),'number','');
% phase image
phasefnam = spm_file(Q(3,:),'number','');
% both fieldmap images
fmfnam = char(phasefnam,magfnam);
% image to be corrected ("anatomical" reference = SSQ image)
anatfnam = X_save.fname;
% other images to be corrected (distorted B1 and SD maps)
otherfnam{1} = V_save.fname;
otherfnam{2} = W_save.fname;
% unwarp
[fmap_img,unwarp_img] = hmri_create_B1Map_unwarp(fmfnam, anatfnam, otherfnam, b1map_params);
uanat_img{1} = unwarp_img{1}.fname;
ub1_img{1} = unwarp_img{2}.fname;
ustd_img{1} = unwarp_img{3}.fname;
% set metadata for unwrapped output images
% define generic header for B0-unwarp process
scphasefnam = fullfile(b1map_params.outpath, spm_file(spm_file(fmfnam(2,:),'prefix','sc'),'filename'));
% relate outputs to inputs remaining visible after cleanup! i.e. original
% B1 and B0 mapping images (not to the intermediate images created
% during B1 calculation):
% input_files = cat(1,{anatfnam},{fmfnam(1,:)},{fmfnam(2,:)},otherfnam{1},otherfnam{2});
input_files = char(b1map_params.b1input,b1map_params.b0input);
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (EPI SE/STE protocol)'];
% set metadata for unwarped B1 image
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Unwarped B1 map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'p.u.';
% set metadata for unwarped SD map
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Unwarped SD (error) map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'p.u.';
% set metadata for unwarped SSQ map
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Unwarped SSQ image for anatomical reference';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'a.u.';
% set metadata for phase-unwrapped regularised field map (Hz) (fpm_* file)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Phase-unwrapped regularised field map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'Hz';
% set metadata for Voxel Displacement Map (vdm5_* file)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Voxel displacement map';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'Vx';
% set metadata for phase map scaled between +/-pi (sc* file)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = 'SE/STE B1 mapping - Phase map rescaled between [-pi, pi]';
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'Radians';
%-B1 map processing (masking, padding, smoothing, ...)
fpm_img{1} = fmap_img{1};
vdm_img{1} = fmap_img{2};
[allub1_img] = hmri_create_B1Map_process(ub1_img,ustd_img,vdm_img,fpm_img,b1map_params);
% set metadata for processing B1 images
% define generic header for B1 process
% relate outputs to inputs remaining visible after cleanup! i.e. original
% B1 and B0 mapping images (not to the intermediate images created
% during B1 calculation):
% input_files = cat(1,ub1_img,ustd_img,vdm_img{1}.fname,fpm_img{1}.fname);
input_files = char(b1map_params.b1input,b1map_params.b0input);
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (EPI SE/STE protocol)'];
% set metadata for each output
for i=1:length(allub1_img)
Output_hdr.history.output.imtype = ['SE/STE B1 mapping - ' allub1_img{i}.descrip];
Output_hdr.history.output.units = 'p.u.';
% set correct output for the current subfunction (unwrapped "anatomical"
% image (SSQ) for coregistration and final B1 map). For coherence among B1
% protocol, rename these files *_B1ref (for anatomical reference) and
% *_B1map (for B1+ bias map in p.u.):
B1map = fullfile(outpath,[outname '_B1map.nii']);
copyfile(allub1_img{2}.fname, B1map);
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(allub1_img{2}.fname,'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(B1map,'r') '.json']); end
B1ref = fullfile(outpath,[outname '_B1ref.nii']);
copyfile(uanat_img{1}, B1ref);
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(uanat_img{1},'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(B1ref,'r') '.json']); end
P_trans = char(B1ref, B1map);
%% =======================================================================%
% B1 map calculation - SIEMENS tfl_b1map protocol
% Written by Tobias Leutritz (based on calc_AFI_b1map by TL)
function P_trans = calc_tfl_b1map(jobsubj, b1map_params)
json = hmri_get_defaults('json');
P = b1map_params.b1input(2,:); % scaled FA map from tfl_b1map sequence
Q = b1map_params.b1input(1,:); % anatomical image from tfl_b1map sequence
% read header information and volumes
V1 = spm_vol(P); % image volume information
V2 = spm_vol(Q);
Vol1 = spm_read_vols(V1);
Vol2 = spm_read_vols(V2);
alphanom = get_metadata_val(P,'FlipAngle'); % nominal flip angle of tfl_b1map
% generating the map
B1map_norm = abs(Vol1)*10/alphanom;
% smoothed map
smB1map_norm = zeros(size(B1map_norm));
pxs = sqrt(sum(V1.mat(1:3,1:3).^2)); % Voxel resolution
smth = 8./pxs;
% Save everything in OUTPUT dir
% determine output directory path
outpath = jobsubj.path.b1path;
b1map_params.outpath = outpath;
sname = spm_file(V1.fname,'basename');
VB1 = V1;
VB1.pinfo = [max(smB1map_norm(:))/16384;0;0]; % what is this for? (TL)
VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map.nii']);
VB1.descrip = 'Smoothed & normalised (p.u.) B1 bias map - TFL B1map protocol';
% set and write metadata
input_files = cat(1,{V2.fname},{V1.fname});
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (SIEMENS tfl_b1map protocol)'];
% copy also anatomical image to outpath to prevent modification of original data
anat_fname = fullfile(outpath, [spm_file(V2.fname, 'basename') '_B1ref.nii']);
copyfile(V2.fname, anat_fname);
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(V2.fname,'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(anat_fname,'r') '.json']); end %#ok<*TRYNC>
% requires anatomic image + map
P_trans = char(char(anat_fname),char(VB1.fname));
%% =======================================================================%
% B1 map calculation - SIEMENS rf_map protocol
% Written by Tobias Leutritz
function P_trans = calc_rf_map(jobsubj, b1map_params)
json = hmri_get_defaults('json');
P = b1map_params.b1input(2,:); % scaled FA map from rf_map sequence
Q = b1map_params.b1input(1,:); % anatomical image from rf_map sequence
% read header information and volumes
V1 = spm_vol(P); % image volume information
V2 = spm_vol(Q);
Vol1 = spm_read_vols(V1);
Vol2 = spm_read_vols(V2);
alphanom = get_metadata_val(P,'FlipAngle'); % nominal flip angle of rf_map
% generating the map
B1map_norm = (abs(Vol1)-2048)*180*100/(alphanom*2048); % *100/alpha to get p.u.
% the formula (abs(Vol1)-2048)*180/2048 would result in an absolute FA map
% smoothed map
smB1map_norm = zeros(size(B1map_norm));
pxs = sqrt(sum(V1.mat(1:3,1:3).^2)); % Voxel resolution
smth = 8./pxs;
% Save everything in OUTPUT dir
% determine output directory path
outpath = jobsubj.path.b1path;
b1map_params.outpath = outpath;
sname = spm_file(V1.fname,'basename');
VB1 = V1;
VB1.pinfo = [max(smB1map_norm(:))/16384;0;0]; % what is this for? (TL)
VB1.fname = fullfile(outpath, [sname '_B1map.nii']);
VB1.descrip = 'Smoothed & normalised (p.u.) B1 bias map - TFL B1map protocol';
% set and write metadata
input_files = cat(1,{V2.fname},{V1.fname});
Output_hdr = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params);
Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip = [Output_hdr.history.procstep.descrip ' (SIEMENS rf_map protocol)'];
% copy also anatomical image to outpath to prevent modification of original data
anat_fname = fullfile(outpath, [spm_file(V2.fname, 'basename') '_B1ref.nii']);
copyfile(V2.fname, anat_fname);
try copyfile([spm_str_manip(V2.fname,'r') '.json'],[spm_str_manip(anat_fname,'r') '.json']); end %#ok<*TRYNC>
% requires anatomic image + map
P_trans = char(char(anat_fname),char(VB1.fname));
%% =======================================================================%
% Determine whether b1 data are available and whether any processing should
% be applied. If so, all the required parameters for b1map calculation are
% retrieved, including b1map and b0map acquisition parameters and
% processing parameters, if applicable. Check whether input data are
% coherent with the processing type selected. Missing parameters will be
% retrieved from the hmri_get_defaults.
function b1map_params = get_b1map_params(jobsubj)
% retrieve b1 protocol from job
% (can be different - a variation of - the b1 type)
f = fieldnames(jobsubj.b1_type);
b1_protocol = f{1};
% pre-set filename of defaults file
deffnam = '';
custom_def = false;
% load customized defaults parameters from customized defaults file if any
% (the customized defaults file must be run to overwrite the standard
% defaults parameters)
if isfield(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol),'b1parameters')
% first reinitialise processing parameters to standard defaults:
deffnam = fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')),'config','hmri_b1_standard_defaults.m');
custom_def = false;
% then, if customized defaults file available, run it to overwrite
% standard defaults parameters.
if isfield(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol).b1parameters,'b1defaults')
deffnam = jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol).b1parameters.b1defaults;
custom_def = true;
% load all B1 bias correction defaults parameters & add default file
b1map_params = hmri_get_defaults(['b1map.' b1_protocol]);
b1map_params.defaults_file = deffnam;
b1map_params.custom_defaults = custom_def;
% flags for logging information and warnings
b1map_params.defflags = jobsubj.log.flags; % default flags
b1map_params.nopuflags = jobsubj.log.flags; % force no Pop-Up
b1map_params.nopuflags.PopUp = false;
hmri_log(sprintf('\t------------ B1 MAP CALCULATION (%s) %s ------------',b1_protocol, datestr(now)),b1map_params.nopuflags);
% save SPM version (slight differences may appear in the results depending
% on the SPM version!)
[v,r] = spm('Ver');
b1map_params.SPMver = sprintf('%s (%s)', v, r);
% load B1 input images if any
% (NB: if a 'b1input' field is present, it should NOT be empty)
if isfield(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol),'b1input')
b1map_params.b1input = char(spm_file(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol).b1input,'number',''));
if isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: expected B1 input images missing. Switching to "no \n' ...
'\tB1 correction" mode. If you meant to apply B1 bias correction, \n' ...
'\tcheck your data and re-run the batch.']),b1map_params.defflags);
b1_protocol = 'no_B1_correction';
b1map_params = hmri_get_defaults('b1map.no_B1_correction');
% load B0 input images if any
% (NB: if a 'b0input' field is present, it may be empty)
if isfield(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol),'b0input')
b1map_params.b0input = char(spm_file(jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol).b0input,'number',''));
if isempty(b1map_params.b0input)
% hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: expected B0 fieldmap not available for EPI undistortion.\n' ...
% '\tNo fieldmap correction will be applied.']),b1map_params.defflags);
% b1map_params.b0avail = false;
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: expected B0 fieldmap not available for EPI undistortion.\n' ...
'\tThe current implementation does not allow you to apply EPI-based B1 bias \n' ...
'\tcorrection without phase unwrapping. Switching to "no B1 correction" mode.\n' ...
'\tIf you meant to apply B1 bias correction, check your data and re-run the batch.']),b1map_params.defflags);
b1_protocol = 'no_B1_correction';
b1map_params = hmri_get_defaults('b1map.no_B1_correction');
% process job inputs according to B1 type
switch b1_protocol
case 'UNICORT'
hmri_log(sprintf('No B1 map available. UNICORT will be applied.'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
case 'no_B1_correction'
hmri_log(sprintf('No B1 map available. No B1 correction applied (semi-quantitative maps only)'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
case 'pre_processed_B1'
b1map_params.scafac = jobsubj.b1_type.(b1_protocol).scafac;
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
if b1map_params.scafac == 1
hmri_log(sprintf('Preprocessed B1 map available. \nAssuming it is in percent units of the nominal flip angle. \nNo calculation required.'),b1map_params.defflags);
hmri_log(sprintf('Preprocessed B1 map available. \nScaling factor provided: %f. Assuming B1 map will be expressed \nin p.u. of the nominal flip angle after rescaling.', b1map_params.scafac),b1map_params.defflags);
case 'i3D_EPI'
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
hmri_log(sprintf('SE/STE EPI protocol selected ...'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
b1hdr = get_metadata(b1map_params.b1input(1,:));
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'B1mapNominalFAValues');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for nominal SE/STE flip angle values \n(%s) instead of metadata', ...
sprintf('%d ',b1map_params.b1acq.beta)),b1map_params.defflags);
else b1map_params.b1acq.beta = tmp;
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'B1mapMixingTime');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for mixing time \n(%d ms) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b1acq.TM = tmp;
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'epiReadoutDuration'); % must take into account PAT but not PF acceleration
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for EPI readout duration\n(%d ms) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b1acq.tert = tmp;
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'PhaseEncodingDirectionSign');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for PE direction\n(%d) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b1acq.blipDIR = tmp;
% consistency check for T1 value and field strength:
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'MagneticFieldStrength');
supportedB0 = false;
matchT1fieldstrength = false;
if ~isempty(tmp)
switch round(tmp)
case 3
supportedB0 = true;
expectedT1 = 1192;
case 7
supportedB0 = true;
expectedT1 = 1633;
supportedB0 = false;
expectedT1 = NaN;
if b1map_params.b1proc.T1 == expectedT1
matchT1fieldstrength = true;
if ~supportedB0
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: field strength (B0 = %.0fT) not supported. The reference T1' ...
'\nvalue for B1 map calculation for that field strength is not currently ' ...
'\nimplemented in the hMRI-toolbox. Please make sure the assumed ' ...
'\nvalue (T1 = %.0f ms) is correct, otherwise set it via a customised ' ...
'\nB1 default file (config/local/hmri_b1_local_defaults.m).' ...
'\nIf the value is already properly set, just ignore this message.'], ...
tmp, b1map_params.b1proc.T1),b1map_params.defflags);
if ~matchT1fieldstrength && custom_def
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: the assumed T1 value for B1 map calculation does not ' ...
'\nmatch the expected value for the used field strength: ' ...
'\n B0 = %.0fT, T1 = %d/%d (expected/actual) ms.' ...
'\n\nPlease check T1 value is properly set in your local settings ' ...
'\n(see hmri_def.b1map.i3D_EPI.b1proc.T1 in your customised ' ...
'\n%s config file).' ...
'\n\nRecommended values are: ' ...
'\n - @3T: T1 = 1192 ms' ...
'\n - @7T: T1 = 1633 ms' ...
'\n\nIf the value was set differently on purpose, just ignore this message.'], ...
tmp, expectedT1, b1map_params.b1proc.T1, char(spm_file(deffnam,'filename'))), b1map_params.defflags);
elseif ~matchT1fieldstrength && ~custom_def
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: the assumed T1 value for B1 map calculation ' ...
'\nhas been set to match the used field strength: ' ...
'\n B0 = %.0fT, T1 = %d ms.' ...
'\n\nPlease consider to properly set the T1 value uing a local ' ...
'\ndefaults file (see config/local/hmri_b1_local_defaults.m ' ...
'\nand parameter hmri_def.b1map.i3D_EPI.b1proc.T1 therein).' ...
'\n\nRecommended values are: ' ...
'\n - @3T: T1 = 1192 ms' ...
'\n - @7T: T1 = 1633 ms'], ...
tmp, expectedT1),b1map_params.defflags);
b1map_params.b1proc.T1 = expectedT1;
b1map_params.b1proc.matchT1fieldstrength = matchT1fieldstrength;
b1map_params.b1proc.expectedT1 = expectedT1;
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b0input)
% note that the current implementation assumes that
% b0 input images = 2 magnitude images (1st and 2nd
% echoes) and 1 presubtracted phase image.
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1map_params.b0input(1,:),'EchoTime');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for B0 mapping TEs\n(short TE=%.2fms) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b0acq.shortTE = tmp;
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1map_params.b0input(2,:),'EchoTime');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for B0 mapping TEs\n(long TE=%.2fms) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b0acq.longTE = tmp;
b1map_params.b0acq.iformat = 'PM';
catch %#ok<*CTCH>
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: possibly no metadata associated to the input images. \n' ...
'Default acquisition and processing parameters will be used.']),b1map_params.defflags);
case 'i3D_AFI'
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
hmri_log(sprintf('AFI protocol selected ...'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
b1hdr = get_metadata(b1map_params.b1input(1,:));
tr = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'RepetitionTimes');
if isempty(tr)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults values for TRs\n(TR ratio = %.1f) instead of metadata', ...
else b1map_params.b1acq.TR2TR1ratio = tr(2)/tr(1);
tmp = get_metadata_val(b1hdr{1},'FlipAngle');
if isempty(tmp)
hmri_log(sprintf('WARNING: using defaults value for flip ange \n(%d deg) instead of metadata', ...
b1map_params.b1acq.alphanom), b1map_params.defflags);
else b1map_params.b1acq.alphanom = tmp;
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: possibly no metadata associated to the input images. \n' ...
'Default acquisition and processing parameters will be used.']),b1map_params.defflags);
case 'tfl_b1_map'
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
hmri_log(sprintf('SIEMENS tfl_b1map protocol selected ...'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
case 'rf_map'
if ~isempty(b1map_params.b1input)
hmri_log(sprintf('SIEMENS rf_map protocol selected ...'),b1map_params.nopuflags);
hmri_log(sprintf(['WARNING: something must have gone wrong in the JOB configuration.\n' ...
'\tUnknown B1 processing methods, assuming "no B1 correction" mode.']),b1map_params.defflags);
b1_protocol = 'no_B1_correction';
b1map_params = hmri_get_defaults('b1map.no_B1_correction');
% print acquisition and processing parameters
if isfield(b1map_params, 'b1acq')
hmri_log(sprintf('B1 acquisition parameters (check carefully!):\n\n%s', ...
if isfield(b1map_params, 'b0acq')
hmri_log(sprintf('B0 acquisition parameters (check carefully!):\n\n%s', ...
if isfield(b1map_params, 'b1proc')
hmri_log(sprintf('B1 processing parameters (check carefully!):\n\n%s', ...
% To arrange the metadata structure for B1 map calculation output.
function metastruc = init_b1_output_metadata(input_files, b1map_params)
proc.descrip = ['hMRI toolbox - ' mfilename '.m - B1+ map calculation'];
proc.version = hmri_get_version;
proc.params = b1map_params;
output.imtype = 'B1+ map';
output.units = 'p.u.';
metastruc = init_output_metadata_structure(input_files, proc, output);
% To rpint a structure into text - assumes simple structure (no
% sub-structure in it at this point)
function s = printstruct(struc)
s = '';
fntmp = fieldnames(struc);
for cf = 1:length(fntmp)
s = sprintf('%s %16s: %s\n', s, fntmp{cf}, num2str(struc.(fntmp{cf})));