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787 lines (653 sloc) 18.8 KB
* Copyright © 2004 Carl Worth
* Copyright © 2006 Red Hat, Inc.
* Copyright © 2009 Chris Wilson
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it either under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation
* (the "LGPL") or, at your option, under the terms of the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 (the "MPL"). If you do not alter this
* notice, a recipient may use your version of this file under either
* the MPL or the LGPL.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-LGPL-2.1; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA
* You should have received a copy of the MPL along with this library
* in the file COPYING-MPL-1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
* Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY
* OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LGPL or the MPL for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations.
* The Original Code is the cairo graphics library.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Carl Worth
* Contributor(s):
* Carl D. Worth <>
* Chris Wilson <>
/* Provide definitions for standalone compilation */
#include "cairoint.h"
#include "cairo-boxes-private.h"
#include "cairo-error-private.h"
#include "cairo-combsort-private.h"
#include "cairo-list-private.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
typedef struct _rectangle rectangle_t;
typedef struct _edge edge_t;
struct _edge {
edge_t *next, *prev;
edge_t *right;
cairo_fixed_t x, top;
int dir;
struct _rectangle {
edge_t left, right;
int32_t top, bottom;
#define UNROLL3(x) x x x
/* the parent is always given by index/2 */
#define PQ_PARENT_INDEX(i) ((i) >> 1)
#define PQ_FIRST_ENTRY 1
/* left and right children are index * 2 and (index * 2) +1 respectively */
#define PQ_LEFT_CHILD_INDEX(i) ((i) << 1)
typedef struct _pqueue {
int size, max_size;
rectangle_t **elements;
rectangle_t *elements_embedded[1024];
} pqueue_t;
typedef struct _sweep_line {
rectangle_t **rectangles;
pqueue_t pq;
edge_t head, tail;
edge_t *insert_left, *insert_right;
int32_t current_y;
int32_t last_y;
cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule;
jmp_buf unwind;
} sweep_line_t;
#define DEBUG_TRAPS 0
static void
dump_traps (cairo_traps_t *traps, const char *filename)
FILE *file;
int n;
if (getenv ("CAIRO_DEBUG_TRAPS") == NULL)
file = fopen (filename, "a");
if (file != NULL) {
for (n = 0; n < traps->num_traps; n++) {
fprintf (file, "%d %d L:(%d, %d), (%d, %d) R:(%d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",
fprintf (file, "\n");
fclose (file);
#define dump_traps(traps, filename)
static inline int
rectangle_compare_start (const rectangle_t *a,
const rectangle_t *b)
return a->top - b->top;
static inline int
rectangle_compare_stop (const rectangle_t *a,
const rectangle_t *b)
return a->bottom - b->bottom;
static inline void
pqueue_init (pqueue_t *pq)
pq->max_size = ARRAY_LENGTH (pq->elements_embedded);
pq->size = 0;
pq->elements = pq->elements_embedded;
pq->elements[PQ_FIRST_ENTRY] = NULL;
static inline void
pqueue_fini (pqueue_t *pq)
if (pq->elements != pq->elements_embedded)
free (pq->elements);
static cairo_bool_t
pqueue_grow (pqueue_t *pq)
rectangle_t **new_elements;
pq->max_size *= 2;
if (pq->elements == pq->elements_embedded) {
new_elements = _cairo_malloc_ab (pq->max_size,
sizeof (rectangle_t *));
if (unlikely (new_elements == NULL))
return FALSE;
memcpy (new_elements, pq->elements_embedded,
sizeof (pq->elements_embedded));
} else {
new_elements = _cairo_realloc_ab (pq->elements,
sizeof (rectangle_t *));
if (unlikely (new_elements == NULL))
return FALSE;
pq->elements = new_elements;
return TRUE;
static inline void
pqueue_push (sweep_line_t *sweep, rectangle_t *rectangle)
rectangle_t **elements;
int i, parent;
if (unlikely (sweep->pq.size + 1 == sweep->pq.max_size)) {
if (unlikely (! pqueue_grow (&sweep->pq))) {
longjmp (sweep->unwind,
_cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY));
elements = sweep->pq.elements;
for (i = ++sweep->pq.size;
rectangle_compare_stop (rectangle,
elements[parent = PQ_PARENT_INDEX (i)]) < 0;
i = parent)
elements[i] = elements[parent];
elements[i] = rectangle;
static inline void
pqueue_pop (pqueue_t *pq)
rectangle_t **elements = pq->elements;
rectangle_t *tail;
int child, i;
tail = elements[pq->size--];
if (pq->size == 0) {
elements[PQ_FIRST_ENTRY] = NULL;
for (i = PQ_FIRST_ENTRY;
(child = PQ_LEFT_CHILD_INDEX (i)) <= pq->size;
i = child)
if (child != pq->size &&
rectangle_compare_stop (elements[child+1],
elements[child]) < 0)
if (rectangle_compare_stop (elements[child], tail) >= 0)
elements[i] = elements[child];
elements[i] = tail;
static inline rectangle_t *
rectangle_pop_start (sweep_line_t *sweep_line)
return *sweep_line->rectangles++;
static inline rectangle_t *
rectangle_peek_stop (sweep_line_t *sweep_line)
return sweep_line->pq.elements[PQ_FIRST_ENTRY];
CAIRO_COMBSORT_DECLARE (_rectangle_sort,
rectangle_t *,
static void
sweep_line_init (sweep_line_t *sweep_line,
rectangle_t **rectangles,
int num_rectangles,
cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule)
_rectangle_sort (rectangles, num_rectangles);
rectangles[num_rectangles] = NULL;
sweep_line->rectangles = rectangles;
sweep_line->head.x = INT32_MIN;
sweep_line->head.right = NULL;
sweep_line->head.dir = 0;
sweep_line-> = &sweep_line->tail;
sweep_line->tail.x = INT32_MAX;
sweep_line->tail.right = NULL;
sweep_line->tail.dir = 0;
sweep_line->tail.prev = &sweep_line->head;
sweep_line->insert_left = &sweep_line->tail;
sweep_line->insert_right = &sweep_line->tail;
sweep_line->current_y = INT32_MIN;
sweep_line->last_y = INT32_MIN;
sweep_line->fill_rule = fill_rule;
pqueue_init (&sweep_line->pq);
static void
sweep_line_fini (sweep_line_t *sweep_line)
pqueue_fini (&sweep_line->pq);
static void
edge_end_box (sweep_line_t *sweep_line,
edge_t *left,
int32_t bot,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
cairo_status_t status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
/* Only emit (trivial) non-degenerate trapezoids with positive height. */
if (likely (left->top < bot)) {
if (do_traps) {
cairo_line_t _left = {
{ left->x, left->top },
{ left->x, bot },
}, _right = {
{ left->right->x, left->top },
{ left->right->x, bot },
_cairo_traps_add_trap (container, left->top, bot, &_left, &_right);
status = _cairo_traps_status ((cairo_traps_t *) container);
} else {
cairo_box_t box;
box.p1.x = left->x;
box.p1.y = left->top;
box.p2.x = left->right->x;
box.p2.y = bot;
status = _cairo_boxes_add (container, &box);
if (unlikely (status))
longjmp (sweep_line->unwind, status);
left->right = NULL;
/* Start a new trapezoid at the given top y coordinate, whose edges
* are `edge' and `edge->next'. If `edge' already has a trapezoid,
* then either add it to the traps in `traps', if the trapezoid's
* right edge differs from `edge->next', or do nothing if the new
* trapezoid would be a continuation of the existing one. */
static inline void
edge_start_or_continue_box (sweep_line_t *sweep_line,
edge_t *left,
edge_t *right,
int top,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
if (left->right == right)
if (left->right != NULL) {
if (right != NULL && left->right->x == right->x) {
/* continuation on right, so just swap edges */
left->right = right;
edge_end_box (sweep_line,
left, top, do_traps, container);
if (right != NULL && left->x != right->x) {
left->top = top;
left->right = right;
static inline void
active_edges_to_traps (sweep_line_t *sweep,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
int top = sweep->current_y;
edge_t *pos;
if (sweep->last_y == sweep->current_y)
pos = sweep->;
if (pos == &sweep->tail)
if (sweep->fill_rule == CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING) {
do {
edge_t *left, *right;
int winding;
left = pos;
winding = left->dir;
right = left->next;
/* Check if there is a co-linear edge with an existing trap */
if (left->right == NULL) {
while (unlikely (right->x == left->x)) {
winding += right->dir;
if (right->right != NULL) {
/* continuation on left */
left->top = right->top;
left->right = right->right;
right->right = NULL;
winding -= right->dir;
right = right->next;
if (winding == 0) {
pos = right;
/* Greedily search for the closing edge, so that we generate the
* maximal span width with the minimal number of trapezoids.
do {
/* End all subsumed traps */
if (unlikely (right->right != NULL)) {
edge_end_box (sweep,
right, top, do_traps, container);
winding += right->dir;
if (winding == 0) {
/* skip co-linear edges */
if (likely (right->x != right->next->x))
right = right->next;
} while (TRUE);
edge_start_or_continue_box (sweep,
left, right, top,
do_traps, container);
pos = right->next;
} while (pos != &sweep->tail);
} else {
do {
edge_t *right = pos->next;
int count = 0;
do {
/* End all subsumed traps */
if (unlikely (right->right != NULL)) {
edge_end_box (sweep,
right, top, do_traps, container);
if (++count & 1) {
/* skip co-linear edges */
if (likely (right->x != right->next->x))
right = right->next;
} while (TRUE);
edge_start_or_continue_box (sweep,
pos, right, top,
do_traps, container);
pos = right->next;
} while (pos != &sweep->tail);
sweep->last_y = sweep->current_y;
static inline void
sweep_line_delete_edge (sweep_line_t *sweep_line,
edge_t *edge,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
if (edge->right != NULL) {
edge_t *next = edge->next;
if (next->x == edge->x) {
next->top = edge->top;
next->right = edge->right;
} else {
edge_end_box (sweep_line,
do_traps, container);
if (sweep_line->insert_left == edge)
sweep_line->insert_left = edge->next;
if (sweep_line->insert_right == edge)
sweep_line->insert_right = edge->next;
edge->prev->next = edge->next;
edge->next->prev = edge->prev;
static inline cairo_bool_t
sweep_line_delete (sweep_line_t *sweep,
rectangle_t *rectangle,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
cairo_bool_t update;
update = TRUE;
if (sweep->fill_rule == CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING &&
rectangle->left.prev->dir == rectangle->left.dir)
update = rectangle-> != &rectangle->right;
sweep_line_delete_edge (sweep,
do_traps, container);
sweep_line_delete_edge (sweep,
do_traps, container);
pqueue_pop (&sweep->pq);
return update;
static inline void
insert_edge (edge_t *edge, edge_t *pos)
if (pos->x != edge->x) {
if (pos->x > edge->x) {
do {
if (pos->prev->x <= edge->x)
pos = pos->prev;
} while (TRUE);
} else {
do {
pos = pos->next;
if (pos->x >= edge->x)
} while (TRUE);
pos->prev->next = edge;
edge->prev = pos->prev;
edge->next = pos;
pos->prev = edge;
static inline cairo_bool_t
sweep_line_insert (sweep_line_t *sweep,
rectangle_t *rectangle)
edge_t *pos;
/* right edge */
pos = sweep->insert_right;
insert_edge (&rectangle->right, pos);
sweep->insert_right = &rectangle->right;
/* left edge */
pos = sweep->insert_left;
if (pos->x > sweep->insert_right->x)
pos = sweep->insert_right->prev;
insert_edge (&rectangle->left, pos);
sweep->insert_left = &rectangle->left;
pqueue_push (sweep, rectangle);
if (sweep->fill_rule == CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING &&
rectangle->left.prev->dir == rectangle->left.dir)
return rectangle-> != &rectangle->right;
return TRUE;
static cairo_status_t
_cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_rectangular (rectangle_t **rectangles,
int num_rectangles,
cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule,
cairo_bool_t do_traps,
void *container)
sweep_line_t sweep_line;
rectangle_t *rectangle;
cairo_status_t status;
cairo_bool_t update = FALSE;
sweep_line_init (&sweep_line, rectangles, num_rectangles, fill_rule);
if ((status = setjmp (sweep_line.unwind)))
goto unwind;
rectangle = rectangle_pop_start (&sweep_line);
do {
if (rectangle->top != sweep_line.current_y) {
rectangle_t *stop;
stop = rectangle_peek_stop (&sweep_line);
while (stop != NULL && stop->bottom < rectangle->top) {
if (stop->bottom != sweep_line.current_y) {
if (update) {
active_edges_to_traps (&sweep_line,
do_traps, container);
update = FALSE;
sweep_line.current_y = stop->bottom;
update |= sweep_line_delete (&sweep_line, stop, do_traps, container);
stop = rectangle_peek_stop (&sweep_line);
if (update) {
active_edges_to_traps (&sweep_line, do_traps, container);
update = FALSE;
sweep_line.current_y = rectangle->top;
update |= sweep_line_insert (&sweep_line, rectangle);
} while ((rectangle = rectangle_pop_start (&sweep_line)) != NULL);
while ((rectangle = rectangle_peek_stop (&sweep_line)) != NULL) {
if (rectangle->bottom != sweep_line.current_y) {
if (update) {
active_edges_to_traps (&sweep_line, do_traps, container);
update = FALSE;
sweep_line.current_y = rectangle->bottom;
update |= sweep_line_delete (&sweep_line, rectangle, do_traps, container);
sweep_line_fini (&sweep_line);
return status;
_cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_rectangular_traps (cairo_traps_t *traps,
cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule)
rectangle_t stack_rectangles[CAIRO_STACK_ARRAY_LENGTH (rectangle_t)];
rectangle_t *rectangles;
rectangle_t *stack_rectangles_ptrs[ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_rectangles) + 1];
rectangle_t **rectangles_ptrs;
cairo_status_t status;
int i;
if (unlikely (traps->num_traps <= 1))
assert (traps->is_rectangular);
dump_traps (traps, "bo-rects-traps-in.txt");
rectangles = stack_rectangles;
rectangles_ptrs = stack_rectangles_ptrs;
if (traps->num_traps > ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_rectangles)) {
rectangles = _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c (traps->num_traps,
sizeof (rectangle_t) +
sizeof (rectangle_t *),
sizeof (rectangle_t *));
if (unlikely (rectangles == NULL))
return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
rectangles_ptrs = (rectangle_t **) (rectangles + traps->num_traps);
for (i = 0; i < traps->num_traps; i++) {
if (traps->traps[i].left.p1.x < traps->traps[i].right.p1.x) {
rectangles[i].left.x = traps->traps[i].left.p1.x;
rectangles[i].left.dir = 1;
rectangles[i].right.x = traps->traps[i].right.p1.x;
rectangles[i].right.dir = -1;
} else {
rectangles[i].right.x = traps->traps[i].left.p1.x;
rectangles[i].right.dir = 1;
rectangles[i].left.x = traps->traps[i].right.p1.x;
rectangles[i].left.dir = -1;
rectangles[i].left.right = NULL;
rectangles[i].right.right = NULL;
rectangles[i].top = traps->traps[i].top;
rectangles[i].bottom = traps->traps[i].bottom;
rectangles_ptrs[i] = &rectangles[i];
_cairo_traps_clear (traps);
status = _cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_rectangular (rectangles_ptrs, i,
TRUE, traps);
traps->is_rectilinear = TRUE;
traps->is_rectangular = TRUE;
if (rectangles != stack_rectangles)
free (rectangles);
dump_traps (traps, "bo-rects-traps-out.txt");
return status;
_cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_boxes (const cairo_boxes_t *in,
cairo_fill_rule_t fill_rule,
cairo_boxes_t *out)
rectangle_t stack_rectangles[CAIRO_STACK_ARRAY_LENGTH (rectangle_t)];
rectangle_t *rectangles;
rectangle_t *stack_rectangles_ptrs[ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_rectangles) + 1];
rectangle_t **rectangles_ptrs;
const struct _cairo_boxes_chunk *chunk;
cairo_status_t status;
int i, j;
if (unlikely (in->num_boxes <= 1))
rectangles = stack_rectangles;
rectangles_ptrs = stack_rectangles_ptrs;
if (in->num_boxes > ARRAY_LENGTH (stack_rectangles)) {
rectangles = _cairo_malloc_ab_plus_c (in->num_boxes,
sizeof (rectangle_t) +
sizeof (rectangle_t *),
sizeof (rectangle_t *));
if (unlikely (rectangles == NULL))
return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);
rectangles_ptrs = (rectangle_t **) (rectangles + in->num_boxes);
j = 0;
for (chunk = &in->chunks; chunk != NULL; chunk = chunk->next) {
const cairo_box_t *box = chunk->base;
for (i = 0; i < chunk->count; i++) {
if (box[i].p1.x < box[i].p2.x) {
rectangles[j].left.x = box[i].p1.x;
rectangles[j].left.dir = 1;
rectangles[j].right.x = box[i].p2.x;
rectangles[j].right.dir = -1;
} else {
rectangles[j].right.x = box[i].p1.x;
rectangles[j].right.dir = 1;
rectangles[j].left.x = box[i].p2.x;
rectangles[j].left.dir = -1;
rectangles[j].left.right = NULL;
rectangles[j].right.right = NULL;
rectangles[j].top = box[i].p1.y;
rectangles[j].bottom = box[i].p2.y;
rectangles_ptrs[j] = &rectangles[j];
_cairo_boxes_clear (out);
status = _cairo_bentley_ottmann_tessellate_rectangular (rectangles_ptrs, j,
FALSE, out);
if (rectangles != stack_rectangles)
free (rectangles);
return status;