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executable file 153 lines (127 sloc) 5.83 KB
import argparse
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from typing import List
from conflict_positions import Region
from general_functions import open_bam, open_ref
from liftover import lift_hg38_to_t2t_v1_1
from msa_on_conflicts import get_read_region
from sequence_collection import NamedSequence
def get_positions_in_reference(read, start, end):
r_pos = read.get_reference_positions(full_length=True)
i = len(r_pos) - 1
while i > 0:
if not r_pos[i] is None:
res_start = r_pos[i]
if i < start:
i -= 1
i = 0
while i < len(r_pos):
if not r_pos[i] is None:
res_end = r_pos[i]
if i > end:
i += 1
return res_start, res_end
def ref_comp(args):
if args.read_index1 is None:
args.read_index1 = f"{args.read_file1}.bai"
if args.read_index2 is None:
args.read_index2 = f"{args.read_file2}.bai"
read_file1 = open_bam(args.read_file1, args.read_index1)
read_file2 = open_bam(args.read_file2, args.read_index2)
region = Region(args.region.replace(",", ""))
padding = args.padding
ref1 = open_ref(Path(args.ref1))
ref2 = open_ref(Path(args.ref2))
padded_region = region.with_padding(padding)
best_read = (None, 0)
for read in read_file1.fetch(*region.with_padding(1).vals()):
if not args.read_name is None and not read.query_name.startswith(args.read_name):
area_start, area_end, ref_idcs = get_read_region(read, padded_region)
if ref_idcs[0] > padded_region.start or ref_idcs[1] < padded_region.end:
if (length:=ref_idcs[1] - ref_idcs[0]) > best_read[1]:
best_read = (read, length)
best_read = (read, ref_idcs[1] - ref_idcs[0])
print("Read not found or doesnt cover area!")
print("Taking the best fitting read...")
read = best_read[0]
read_id = read.query_name
read_str = read.seq[area_start:area_end]
ref1_str = ref1[region.chrom][ref_idcs[0]:ref_idcs[1]]
ref1_region = Region(region.chrom, ref_idcs[0], ref_idcs[1])
ref2_start, ref2_end, ref2_str = None, None, None
ref2_region = lift_hg38_to_t2t_v1_1(ref1_region)
if not ref2_region is None:
ref2_str = ref2_region.get_reference_seq(ref2)
# ref2_read_found = False
# if not chrom in ref2.keys():
# print(f"{chrom} not found in ref2!")
# else:
# for r2_read in read_file2.fetch(chrom):
# if r2_read.query_name == read_id:
# print("Read found in read_file2!")
# ref2_start, ref2_end = get_positions_in_reference(r2_read, area_start, area_end)
# ref2_str = ref2[chrom][ref2_start:ref2_end]
# ref2_read_found = True
# break
# we need to change the directory as dotter has a weird bug with axis names
# if files are put in as paths
old_pwd = os.getcwd()
with open("/dev/null", "w") as null_fd:
out_ref1 = f"ref1_{ref1_region:_}.txt"
out_read = f"read_{read_id.replace('/', '_')}_{area_start}_{area_end}.txt"
dotter_data1 = f""
dotter_pdf1 = f"x1.pdf"
print(f"{ref1_str}", file=open(out_ref1, "w"))
print(f"{read_str}", file=open(out_read, "w"))
subprocess.Popen(["dotter", "-b", dotter_data1, out_ref1, out_read, "-e", dotter_pdf1], stdout=null_fd, stderr=null_fd)
commands = [f"dotter -l {dotter_data1} {out_ref1} {out_read}"]
# if ref2_read_found:
if not ref2_region is None:
out_ref2 = f"ref2_{ref2_region:_}.txt"
dotter_data2 = f""
dotter_data3 = f""
dotter_pdf2 = f"x2.pdf"
dotter_pdf3 = f"x3.pdf"
print(f"{ref2_str}", file=open(out_ref2, "w"))
subprocess.Popen(["dotter", "-b", dotter_data2, out_ref1, out_ref2, "-e", dotter_pdf2], stdout=null_fd, stderr=null_fd)
subprocess.Popen(["dotter", "-b", dotter_data3, out_ref2, out_read, "-e", dotter_pdf3], stdout=null_fd, stderr=null_fd)
commands.append(f"dotter -l {dotter_data2} {out_ref1} {out_ref2}")
commands.append(f"dotter -l {dotter_data3} {out_ref2} {out_read}")
return commands, (ref2_start, ref2_end), ref1_str, ref2_str
def ref_comp_simple(seqs: List[NamedSequence], out_dir: Path):
Create a fasta file from sequences and names in out_dir and run dotter
on it comparing all sequences against each other.
out_fasta = out_dir / f"comparison_candidates.fa"
with open(out_fasta, "w") as f:
for named_seq in seqs:
with open("/dev/null", "w") as null_fd:["dotter", out_fasta, out_fasta, "-e", out_dir / "x_multiple_dotplot.pdf"], stdout=null_fd, stderr=null_fd)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--region", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--padding", "-p", type=int, default=300)
parser.add_argument("--read_index1", "-i1", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--read_index2", "-i2", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--read_file1", "-f1", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--read_file2", "-f2", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--ref1", "-r1", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--ref2", "-r2", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--destination", "-d", type=str, default=None)
parser.add_argument("--read_name", "-rn", type=str, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
commands, _, _, _ = ref_comp(args)
print("Call these to view the dotplots:")