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664 lines (511 sloc) 28.4 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python
BINDetect: Detects differential binding between conditions as well as bound transcription factors from footprints and motifs
@author: Mette Bentsen
@contact: mette.bentsen (at)
@license: MIT
import os
import sys
import argparse
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
from datetime import datetime
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import itertools
import pandas as pd
#Machine learning
import sklearn
from sklearn import mixture
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter
#Bio-specific packages
import pyBigWig
import pysam
#Internal functions and classes
from tobias.footprinting.bindetect_functions import *
from tobias.utils.utilities import *
from tobias.utils.regions import *
from tobias.utils.sequences import *
from tobias.utils.motifs import *
from tobias.utils.logger import *
#For warnings from curve_fit
import warnings
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeWarning
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", OptimizeWarning)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)
def add_bindetect_arguments(parser):
parser.formatter_class = lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=35, width=90)
description = "BINDetect takes motifs, signals (footprints) and genome as input to estimate bound transcription factor binding sites and differential binding between conditions. "
description += "The underlying method is a modified motif enrichment test to see which motifs have the largest differences in signal across input conditions. "
description += "The output is an in-depth overview of global changes as well as the individual binding site signal-differences.\n\n"
description += "Usage:\nTOBIAS BINDetect --signals <bigwig1> (<bigwig2> (...)) --motifs <motifs.txt> --genome <genome.fasta> --peaks <peaks.bed>\n\n"
description += "Output files:\n- <outdir>/<prefix>_figures.pdf\n- <outdir>/<prefix>_results.{txt,xlsx}\n- <outdir>/<prefix>_distances.txt\n"
description += "- <outdir>/<TF>/<TF>_overview.{txt,xlsx} (per motif)\n- <outdir>/<TF>/beds/<TF>_all.bed (per motif)\n"
description += "- <outdir>/<TF>/beds/<TF>_<condition>_bound.bed (per motif-condition pair)\n- <outdir>/<TF>/beds/<TF>_<condition>_unbound.bed (per motif-condition pair)\n\n"
parser.description = format_help_description("BINDetect", description)
parser._action_groups.pop() #pop -h
required = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
required.add_argument('--signals', metavar="<bigwig>", help="Signal per condition (.bigwig format)", nargs="*")
required.add_argument('--peaks', metavar="<bed>", help="Peaks.bed containing open chromatin regions across all conditions")
required.add_argument('--motifs', metavar="<motifs>", help="Motif file(s) in pfm/jaspar format", nargs="*")
required.add_argument('--genome', metavar="<fasta>", help="Genome .fasta file")
optargs = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')
optargs.add_argument('--cond_names', metavar="<name>", nargs="*", help="Names of conditions fitting to --signals (default: prefix of --signals)")
optargs.add_argument('--peak_header', metavar="<file>", help="File containing the header of --peaks separated by whitespace or newlines (default: peak columns are named \"_additional_<count>\")")
#optargs.add_argument('--naming', metavar="<type>", help="Naming convention for TFs ('id', 'name', 'name_id', 'id_name') (default: 'name_id')", choices=["id", "name", "name_id", "id_name"], default="name_id")
optargs.add_argument('--motif_pvalue', metavar="<float>", type=lambda x: restricted_float(x, 0, 1), help="Set p-value threshold for motif scanning (default: 1e-4)", default=0.0001)
optargs.add_argument('--bound_pvalue', metavar="<float>", type=lambda x: restricted_float(x, 0, 1), help="Set p-value threshold for bound/unbound split (default: 0.001)", default=0.001)
optargs.add_argument('--pseudo', type=float, metavar="<float>", help="Pseudocount for calculating log2fcs (default: estimated from data)", default=None)
optargs.add_argument('--time_series', action='store_true', help="Will only compare signals1<->signals2<->signals3 (...) in order of input, and skip all-against-all comparison.")
runargs = parser.add_argument_group("Run arguments")
runargs.add_argument('--outdir', metavar="<directory>", help="Output directory to place TFBS/plots in (default: bindetect_output)", default="bindetect_output")
optargs.add_argument('--prefix', metavar="<prefix>", help="Prefix for overview files in --outdir folder (default: bindetect)", default="bindetect")
runargs.add_argument('--cores', metavar="<int>", type=int, help="Number of cores to use for computation (default: 1)", default=1)
runargs.add_argument('--split', metavar="<int>", type=int, help="Split of multiprocessing jobs (default: 100)", default=100)
runargs.add_argument('--debug', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true')
runargs = add_logger_args(runargs)
def find_nearest_idx(array, value):
idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
return idx
def norm_fit(x, mean, std, scale):
return(scale * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, mean, std))
def run_bindetect(args):
""" Main function to run bindetect algorithm with input files and parameters given in args """
#Checking input and setting cond_names
check_required(args, ["signals", "motifs", "genome", "peaks"])
args.cond_names = [os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(bw)[0]) for bw in args.signals] if args.cond_names is None else args.cond_names
args.outdir = os.path.abspath(args.outdir)
args.naming = "name_id"
#Set output files
states = ["bound", "unbound"]
outfiles = [os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, "*", "beds", "*_{0}_{1}.bed".format(condition, state))) for (condition, state) in itertools.product(args.cond_names, states)]
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, "*", "beds", "*_all.bed")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, "*", "plots", "*_log2fcs.pdf")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, "*", "*_overview.txt")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, "*", "*_overview.xlsx")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_distances.txt")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_results.txt")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_results.xlsx")))
outfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_figures.pdf")))
#-------------------------------------------- Setup logger and pool ------------------------------------------#
logger = TobiasLogger("BINDetect", args.verbosity)
parser = add_bindetect_arguments(argparse.ArgumentParser())
logger.arguments_overview(parser, args)
# Setup pool
args.cores = check_cores(args.cores, logger)
writer_cores = max(1, int(args.cores*0.1))
worker_cores = max(1, args.cores - writer_cores)
logger.debug("Worker cores: {0}".format(worker_cores))
logger.debug("Writer cores: {0}".format(writer_cores))
pool = mp.Pool(processes=worker_cores)
writer_pool = mp.Pool(processes=writer_cores)
#-------------------------- Pre-processing data: Reading motifs, sequences, peaks ----------------------------#
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"----- Processing input data -----")
#Check opening/writing of files"Checking reading/writing of files")
check_files([args.signals, args.motifs, args.genome, args.peaks], action="r")
check_files(outfiles[-3:], action="w")
#Comparisons between conditions
no_conditions = len(args.signals)
if args.time_series:
comparisons = list(zip(args.cond_names[:-1], args.cond_names[1:]))
args.comparisons = comparisons
comparisons = list(itertools.combinations(args.cond_names, 2)) #all-against-all
args.comparisons = comparisons
#Open figure pdf and write overview
fig_out = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_figures.pdf"))
figure_pdf = PdfPages(fig_out, keep_empty=True)
plt.text(0.5,0.8, "BINDETECT FIGURES", ha="center", va="center", fontsize=20)
#output and order
titles = []
titles.append("Raw score distributions")
titles.append("Normalized score distributions")
if args.debug:
for (cond1, cond2) in comparisons:
titles.append("Background log2FCs ({0} / {1})".format(cond1, cond2))
for (cond1, cond2) in comparisons:
titles.append("BINDetect plot ({0} / {1})".format(cond1, cond2))
plt.text(0.1, 0.6, "\n".join(["Page {0}) {1}".format(i+2, titles[i]) for i in range(len(titles))]) + "\n\n", va="top")
################# Peaks / GC in peaks ################
#Read peak and peak_header
peaks = RegionList().from_bed(args.peaks)"- Found {0} regions in input peaks".format(len(peaks)))
peaks = peaks.merge() #merge overlapping peaks"- Merged to {0} regions".format(len(peaks)))
if len(peaks) == 0:
logger.error("Input --peaks file is empty!")
peak_chroms = peaks.get_chroms()
peak_columns = len(peaks[0]) #number of columns
if args.peak_header != None:
content = open(args.peak_header, "r").read()
args.peak_header_list = content.split()
logger.debug("Peak header: {0}".format(args.peak_header_list))
#Check whether peak header fits with number of peak columns
if len(args.peak_header_list) != peak_columns:
logger.error("Length of --peak_header ({0}) does not fit number of columns in --peaks ({1}).".format(len(args.peak_header_list), peak_columns))
args.peak_header_list = ["peak_chr", "peak_start", "peak_end"] + ["additional_" + str(num + 1) for num in range(peak_columns-3)]
logger.debug("Peak header list: {0}".format(args.peak_header_list))
##### GC content for motif scanning ######
fasta_obj = pysam.FastaFile(args.genome)
fasta_chroms = fasta_obj.references
if not set(peak_chroms).issubset(fasta_chroms):
logger.warning("Chromosome(s) found in peaks ({0}) are not found in input FASTA file ({1}). These peaks are skipped.".format(peak_chroms, fasta_chroms))
peaks.keep_chroms(fasta_chroms) #peaks are changed in place
#Make chunks of regions for multiprocessing
peak_chunks = peaks.chunks(args.split)"Estimating GC content from peak sequences")
gc_content_pool = pool.starmap(get_gc_content, itertools.product(peak_chunks, [args.genome]))
gc_content = np.mean(gc_content_pool) #fraction
args.gc = gc_content
bg = np.array([(1-args.gc)/2.0, args.gc/2.0, args.gc/2.0, (1-args.gc)/2.0])"- GC content estimated at {0:.2f}%".format(gc_content*100))
################ Get motifs ################"Reading motifs from file")
motif_list = MotifList()
args.motifs = expand_dirs(args.motifs)
for f in args.motifs:
motif_list += MotifList().from_file(f) #List of OneMotif objects
no_pfms = len(motif_list)"- Read {0} motifs".format(no_pfms))
logger.debug("Getting motifs ready") = bg
logger.debug("Getting reverse motifs")
motif_list.extend([motif.get_reverse() for motif in motif_list])
#Set prefixes
for motif in motif_list: #now with reverse motifs as well
motif.set_prefix(args.naming) = bg
logger.spam("Getting pssm for motif {0}".format(
motif_names = list(set([motif.prefix for motif in motif_list]))
#Get threshold for motifs
logger.debug("Getting match threshold per motif")
outlist = pool.starmap(OneMotif.get_threshold, itertools.product(motif_list, [args.motif_pvalue]))
motif_list = MotifList(outlist)
for motif in motif_list:
logger.debug("Motif {0}: threshold {1}".format(, motif.threshold))"Creating folder structure for each TF")
for TF in motif_names:
logger.spam("Creating directories for {0}".format(TF))
make_directory(os.path.join(args.outdir, TF))
make_directory(os.path.join(args.outdir, TF, "beds"))
make_directory(os.path.join(args.outdir, TF, "plots"))
#--------------------- Motif scanning: Find binding sites and match to footprint scores ----------------------#
logger.start_logger_queue() #start process for listening and handling through the main logger queue
args.log_q = logger.queue #queue for multiprocessing logging
manager = mp.Manager()"Scanning for motifs and matching to signals...")
#Create writer queues for bed-file output
logger.debug("Setting up writer queues")
qs_list = []
writer_qs = {}
#writer_queue = create_writer_queue(key2file, writer_cores)
#writer_queue.stop() #wait until all are done
manager = mp.Manager()
TF_names_chunks = [motif_names[i::writer_cores] for i in range(writer_cores)]
for TF_names_sub in TF_names_chunks:
logger.debug("Creating writer queue for {0}".format(TF_names_sub))
files = [os.path.join(args.outdir, TF, "beds", TF + ".tmp") for TF in TF_names_sub]
q = manager.Queue()
writer_pool.apply_async(file_writer, args=(q, dict(zip(TF_names_sub,files)), args)) #, callback = lambda x: finished.append(x) print("Writing time: {0}".format(x)))
for TF in TF_names_sub:
writer_qs[TF] = q
writer_pool.close() #no more jobs applied to writer_pool
#todo: use run_parallel
#Start working on data
if worker_cores == 1:
logger.debug("Running with cores = 1")
results = []
for chunk in peak_chunks:
results.append(scan_and_score(chunk, motif_list, args, args.log_q, writer_qs))
logger.debug("Sending jobs to worker pool")
task_list = [pool.apply_async(scan_and_score, (chunk, motif_list, args, args.log_q, writer_qs, )) for chunk in peak_chunks]
monitor_progress(task_list, logger)
results = [task.get() for task in task_list]"Done scanning for TFBS across regions!")
logger.stop_logger_queue() #stop the listening process (wait until all was written)
#--------------------------------------#"Waiting for bedfiles to write")
#Stop all queues for writing
logger.debug("Stop all queues by inserting None")
for q in qs_list:
q.put((None, None))
logger.debug("Joining bed_writer queues")
for i, q in enumerate(qs_list):
logger.debug("- Queue {0} (size {1})".format(i, q.qsize()))
#Waits until all queues are closed
#---------------------------- Process information on background scores and overlaps --------------------------#
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"Merging results from subsets")
background = merge_dicts([result[0] for result in results])
TF_overlaps = merge_dicts([result[1] for result in results])
results = None
for bigwig in args.cond_names:
background["signal"][bigwig] = np.array(background["signal"][bigwig])
logger.comment("")"Estimating score distribution per condition")
fig = plot_score_distribution([background["signal"][bigwig] for bigwig in args.cond_names], labels=args.cond_names, title="Raw scores per condition")
figure_pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight')
plt.close()"Normalizing scores")
list_of_vals = [background["signal"][bigwig] for bigwig in args.cond_names]
normed, norm_objects = quantile_normalization(list_of_vals)
args.norm_objects = dict(zip(args.cond_names, norm_objects))
for bigwig in args.cond_names:
background["signal"][bigwig] = args.norm_objects[bigwig].normalize(background["signal"][bigwig])
fig = plot_score_distribution([background["signal"][bigwig] for bigwig in args.cond_names], labels=args.cond_names, title="Normalized scores per condition")
figure_pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight')
###########################################################"Estimating bound/unbound threshold")
#Prepare scores (remove 0's etc.)
bg_values = np.array(normed).flatten()
bg_values = bg_values[np.logical_not(np.isclose(bg_values, 0.0))] #only non-zero counts
x_max = np.percentile(bg_values, [99])
bg_values = bg_values[bg_values < x_max]
#Fit mixture of normals
lowest_bic = np.inf
for n_components in [2]: #2 components
gmm = sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=n_components, random_state=1), 1))
bic = gmm.bic(np.log(bg_values).reshape(-1,1))
logger.debug("n_compontents: {0} | bic: {1}".format(n_components, bic))
if bic < lowest_bic:
lowest_bic = bic
best_gmm = gmm
gmm = best_gmm
#Extract most-right gaussian
means = gmm.means_.flatten()
sds = np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_).flatten()
chosen_i = np.argmax(means) #Mixture with largest mean
log_params =[bg_values < x_max], f0=sds[chosen_i], fscale=np.exp(means[chosen_i]))
#all_log_params[bigwig] = log_params
#Mode of distribution
mode = scipy.optimize.fmin(lambda x: -scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(x, *log_params), 0, disp=False)[0]
logger.debug("- Mode estimated at: {0}".format(mode))
pseudo = mode / 2.0 #pseudo is half the mode
args.pseudo = pseudo
logger.debug("Pseudocount estimated at: {0}".format(round(args.pseudo, 5)))
# Estimate theoretical normal for threshold
leftside_x = np.linspace(scipy.stats.lognorm(*log_params).ppf([0.01]), mode, 100)
leftside_pdf = scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(leftside_x, *log_params)
#Flip over
mirrored_x = np.concatenate([leftside_x, np.max(leftside_x) + leftside_x]).flatten()
mirrored_pdf = np.concatenate([leftside_pdf, leftside_pdf[::-1]]).flatten()
popt, cov = curve_fit(lambda x, std, sc: sc * scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x, mode, std), mirrored_x, mirrored_pdf)
norm_params = (mode, popt[0])
logger.debug("Theoretical normal parameters: {0}".format(norm_params))
#Set threshold for bound/unbound
threshold = round(scipy.stats.norm.ppf(1-args.bound_pvalue, *norm_params), 5)
args.thresholds = {bigwig: threshold for bigwig in args.cond_names}
logger.stats("- Threshold estimated at: {0}".format( threshold))
#Only plot if args.debug is True
if args.debug:
#Plot fit
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hist(bg_values[bg_values < x_max], bins='auto', density=True, label="Observed score distribution")
xvals = np.linspace(0, x_max, 1000)
log_probas = scipy.stats.lognorm.pdf(xvals, *log_params)
ax.plot(xvals, log_probas, label="Log-normal fit", color="orange")
#Theoretical normal
norm_probas = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(xvals, *norm_params)
ax.plot(xvals, norm_probas * (np.max(log_probas) / np.max(norm_probas)), color="grey", linestyle="--", label="Theoretical normal")
ax.axvline(threshold, color="black", label="Bound/unbound threshold")
ymax = plt.ylim()[1]
ax.text(threshold, ymax, "\n {0:.3f}".format(threshold), va="top")
#Decorate plot
plt.title("Score distribution")
plt.xlabel("Bigwig score")
############ Foldchanges between conditions ################
log2fc_params = {}
if len(args.signals) > 1:"Calculating background log2 fold-changes between conditions")
for (bigwig1, bigwig2) in comparisons: #cond1, cond2"- {0} / {1}".format(bigwig1, bigwig2))
#Estimate background log2fc
scores1 = np.copy(background["signal"][bigwig1])
scores2 = np.copy(background["signal"][bigwig2])
included = np.logical_or(scores1 > 0, scores2 > 0)
scores1 = scores1[included]
scores2 = scores2[included]
#Calculate background log2fc normal disitribution
log2fcs = np.log2(np.true_divide(scores1 + args.pseudo, scores2 + args.pseudo))
lower, upper = np.percentile(log2fcs, [1,99])
log2fcs_fit = log2fcs[np.logical_and(log2fcs >= lower, log2fcs <= upper)]
norm_params =
logger.debug("({0} / {1}) Background log2fc normal distribution: {2}".format(bigwig1, bigwig2, norm_params))
log2fc_params[(bigwig1, bigwig2)] = norm_params
#Plot background log2fc to figures
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
plt.hist(log2fcs, density=True, bins='auto', label="Background log2fc ({0} / {1})".format(bigwig1, bigwig2))
xvals = np.linspace(plt.xlim()[0], plt.xlim()[1], 100)
pdf = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(xvals, *log2fc_params[(bigwig1, bigwig2)])
plt.plot(xvals, pdf, label="Normal distribution fit")
plt.title("Background log2FCs ({0} / {1})".format(bigwig1, bigwig2))
plt.xlabel("Log2 fold change")
if args.debug:
figure_pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight')
background = None #free up space
#----------------------------- Read total sites per TF to estimate bound/unbound -----------------------------#
logger.comment("")"Processing scanned TFBS individually")
#Getting bindetect table ready
info_columns = ["total_tfbs"]
info_columns.extend(["{0}_{1}".format(cond, metric) for (cond, metric) in itertools.product(args.cond_names, ["threshold", "bound"])])
info_columns.extend(["{0}_{1}_{2}".format(comparison[0], comparison[1], metric) for (comparison, metric) in itertools.product(comparisons, ["change", "pvalue"])])
cols = len(info_columns)
rows = len(motif_names)
info_table = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((rows, cols)), columns=info_columns, index=motif_names)
#Starting calculations
results = []
if args.cores == 1:
for name in motif_names:"- {0}".format(name))
results.append(process_tfbs(name, args, log2fc_params))
task_list = [pool.apply_async(process_tfbs, (name, args, log2fc_params)) for name in motif_names]
monitor_progress(task_list, logger) #will not exit before all jobs are done
results = [task.get() for task in task_list]"Concatenating results from subsets")
info_table = pd.concat(results) #pandas tables
#------------------------------------------------ Cluster TFBS -----------------------------------------------#
clustering = RegionCluster(TF_overlaps)
#Convert full ids to alt ids
convert = { for motif in motif_list}
for cluster in clustering.clusters:
for name in convert:
clustering.clusters[cluster]["cluster_name"] = clustering.clusters[cluster]["cluster_name"].replace(name, convert[name])
#Write out distance matrix
matrix_out = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_distances.txt")
#----------------------------------------- Write all_bindetect file ------------------------------------------#
logger.comment("")"Writing all_bindetect files")
#Add columns of name / motif_id / prefix
names = []
ids = []
for prefix in info_table.index:
motif = [motif for motif in motif_list if motif.prefix == prefix]
info_table.insert(0, "output_prefix", info_table.index)
info_table.insert(1, "name", names)
info_table.insert(2, "motif_id", ids)
#Add cluster to info_table
cluster_names = []
for name in info_table.index:
for cluster in clustering.clusters:
if name in clustering.clusters[cluster]["member_names"]:
info_table.insert(3, "cluster", cluster_names)
#Cluster table on motif clusters
info_table_clustered = info_table.groupby("cluster").mean() #mean of each column
#Map correct type
info_table["total_tfbs"] = info_table["total_tfbs"].map(int)
for condition in args.cond_names:
info_table[condition + "_bound"] = info_table[condition + "_bound"].map(int)
#### Write excel ###
bindetect_excel = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_results.xlsx")
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(bindetect_excel, engine='xlsxwriter')
info_table.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name="Individual motifs")
info_table_clustered.to_excel(writer, index=False, sheet_name="Motif clusters")
for sheet in writer.sheets:
worksheet = writer.sheets[sheet]
n_rows = worksheet.dim_rowmax
n_cols = worksheet.dim_colmax
#Format comparisons
for (cond1, cond2) in comparisons:
base = cond1 + "_" + cond2
info_table[base + "_change"] = info_table[base + "_change"].round(5)
info_table[base + "_pvalue"] = info_table[base + "_pvalue"].map("{:.5E}".format)
#Write bindetect results tables
#info_table.insert(0, "TF_name", info_table.index) #Set index as first column
bindetect_out = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix + "_results.txt")
info_table.to_csv(bindetect_out, sep="\t", index=False, header=True, na_rep="NA")
#------------------------------------------- Make BINDetect plot ---------------------------------------------#
if no_conditions > 1:"Creating BINDetect plot(s)")
#Plotting bindetect per comparison
for (cond1, cond2) in comparisons:"- {0} / {1}".format(cond1, cond2))
base = cond1 + "_" + cond2
#Make copy of motifs and fill in with metadata
comparison_motifs = motif_list #copy.deepcopy(motif_list) - swig pickle error, just overwrite motif_list
for motif in comparison_motifs:
name = motif.prefix
motif.change = float([name, base + "_change"])
motif.pvalue = float([name, base + "_pvalue"])
#Bindetect plot
fig = plot_bindetect(comparison_motifs, clustering, [cond1, cond2], args)
figure_pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches='tight')
#-------------------------------------------------- Wrap up---------------------------------------------------#
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser = add_bindetect_arguments(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: