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320 lines (238 sloc) 12.3 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" scans for positions of transcription factor binding sites across the genome
@author: Anastasiia Petrova and Mette Bentsen
@contact: anastasiia.petrova(at) and mette.bentsen(at)
import argparse
import sys
import os
import re
from datetime import datetime
import multiprocessing as mp
import itertools
import pysam #for reading fastafile
from tobias.utils.utilities import *
from tobias.utils.regions import *
from tobias.utils.sequences import *
from tobias.utils.motifs import *
from tobias.utils.logger import *
def add_tfbscan_arguments(parser):
parser.formatter_class = lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=35, width=90)
description = "Find positions of Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS) in FASTA sequences by scanning with motifs.\n\n"
description += "Usage:\nTOBIAS TFBScan --motifs <motifs.txt> --fasta <genome.fa> \n\n"
description += "By setting --outdir, the output files are:\n- <outdir>/<TF1>.bed\n- <outdir>/<TF2>.bed\n- (...)\n\n"
description += "By setting --outfile, all TFBS are written to one file (with motif specified in the 4th column of the .bed)."
parser.description = format_help_description("TFBScan", description)
parser._action_groups.pop() #pop -h
required_arguments = parser.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
required_arguments.add_argument('-m', '--motifs', metavar="", help='File containing motifs in either MEME, PFM or JASPAR format')
required_arguments.add_argument('-f', '--fasta', metavar="", help='A fasta file of sequences to use for scanning motifs') # whole genome file or regions of interest in FASTA format to be scanned with motifs')
#all other arguments are optional
optional_arguments = parser.add_argument_group('Optional arguments')
optional_arguments.add_argument('-r', '--regions', metavar="", help='Subset scanning to regions of interest')
optional_arguments.add_argument('--outdir', metavar="", help='Output directory for TFBS sites in one file per motif (default: ./tfbscan_output/). NOTE: Select either --outdir or --outfile.', default=None)
optional_arguments.add_argument('--outfile', metavar="", help='Output file for TFBS sites joined in one bed-file (default: not set). NOTE: Select either --outdir or --outfile.', default=None)
optional_arguments.add_argument('--naming', metavar="", help="Naming convention for bed-ids and output files ('id', 'name', 'name_id', 'id_name') (default: 'name_id')", choices=["id", "name", "name_id", "id_name"], default="name_id")
optional_arguments.add_argument('--gc', metavar="", type=lambda x: restricted_float(x,0,1), help='Set the gc content for background regions (default: will be estimated from fasta)')
optional_arguments.add_argument('--pvalue', metavar="", type=lambda x: restricted_float(x,0,1), help='Set p-value for motif matches (default: 0.0001)', default=0.0001)
optional_arguments.add_argument('--keep-overlaps', action='store_true', help='Keep overlaps of same motifs (default: overlaps are resolved by keeping best-scoring site)')
optional_arguments.add_argument('--add-region-columns', action='store_true', help="Add extra information columns (starting from 4th column) from --regions to the output .bed-file(s) (default: off)")
RUN = parser.add_argument_group('Run arguments')
RUN.add_argument('--split', metavar="<int>", type=int, help="Split of multiprocessing jobs (default: 100)", default=100)
RUN.add_argument('--cores', metavar="", type=int, help='Number of cores to use (default: 1)', default=1)
RUN.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
RUN = add_logger_args(optional_arguments)
def motif_scanning(regions, args, motifs_obj):
""" motifs_obj is a MotifList object """
motifs_obj.setup_moods_scanner() #setup scanner in object
fasta_obj = pysam.FastaFile(args.fasta)
qs = args.qs
#Scan motifs_obj against sequences per region
all_TFBS = {name:RegionList() for name in [motif.prefix for motif in motifs_obj]}
for region in regions:
seq = fasta_obj.fetch(region.chrom, region.start, region.end)
region_TFBS = motifs_obj.scan_sequence(seq, region) #Scan sequence, returns list of OneRegion TFBS
#Add region columns if chosen
if args.add_region_columns:
for TFBS in region_TFBS:
#Check format of region chromosome and convert sites if needed
m = re.match(r"(.+)\:([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)\s+.+", region.chrom)
if m:
reg_chrom, reg_start, reg_end =,,
for TFBS in region_TFBS:
TFBS.chrom = region.chrom
TFBS.start = int(reg_start) + TFBS.start
TFBS.end = int(reg_start) + TFBS.end
#Split to single TFs
for TFBS in region_TFBS:
#Resolve overlaps
if args.keep_overlaps == False: #default
for name in all_TFBS:
all_TFBS[name] = all_TFBS[name].resolve_overlaps()
#Write to queue
for name in all_TFBS:
bed_content = all_TFBS[name].as_bed() #string
qs[name].put((name, bed_content)) #send to writers
def process_TFBS(infile, args):
""" Process TFBS bedfile - remove duplicates and sort """
if args.outdir != None:
outfile = infile.replace(".tmp", ".bed") #single files, the names are controlled as motif names
elif args.outfile != None:
outfile = args.outfile
#Sort and print unique lines
os.system("sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {0} | uniq > {1}".format(infile, outfile))
#Remove the tmp file
if not args.debug:
print("Error removing file {0}".format(infile))
def run_tfbscan(args):
###### Check input arguments ######
check_required(args, ["motifs", "fasta"]) #Check input arguments
check_files([args.motifs, args.fasta, args.regions]) #Check if files exist
##Test input
if args.outdir != None and args.outfile != None: #Error - both set
sys.exit("ERROR: Please choose either --outdir or --outfile")
elif ((args.outdir == None or args.outdir != None) and args.outfile == None): #Separate files
args.outdir = "tfbscan_output/" if args.outdir == None else args.outdir
make_directory(args.outdir) #Check and create output directory
elif args.outdir == None and args.outfile != None: #Joined file
check_files([args.outfile], "w")
###### Create logger and write argument overview ######
logger = TobiasLogger("TFBScan", args.verbosity)
parser = add_tfbscan_arguments(argparse.ArgumentParser())
logger.arguments_overview(parser, args)
if args.outfile != None:
######## Read sequences from file and estimate background gc ########"Handling input files")"Reading sequences from fasta")
fastafile = pysam.FastaFile(args.fasta)
fasta_chrom_info = dict(zip(fastafile.references, fastafile.lengths))
logger.stats("- Found {0} sequences in fasta".format(len(fasta_chrom_info)))
#Create regions available in fasta"Setting up regions")
fasta_regions = RegionList([OneRegion([header, 0, fasta_chrom_info[header]]) for header in fasta_chrom_info])
#If subset, setup regions
if args.regions:
regions = RegionList().from_bed(args.regions)
else: #set up regions from fasta references
regions = fasta_regions
regions = regions.apply_method(OneRegion.split_region, 1000000)
regions = regions.apply_method(OneRegion.extend_reg, 50) #extend to overlap at junctions
#Clip regions at chromosome boundaries
regions = regions.apply_method(OneRegion.check_boundary, fasta_chrom_info, "cut")
if len(regions) == 0:
logger.error("No regions found.")
sys.exit()"- Total of {0} regions (after splitting)".format(len(regions)))
#Background gc
if args.gc == None:"Estimating GC content from fasta (set --gc to skip this step)")
args.gc = get_gc_content(regions, args.fasta)"- GC content: {0}".format(round(args.gc, 5)))
bg = np.array([(1-args.gc)/2.0, args.gc/2.0, args.gc/2.0, (1-args.gc)/2.0])
#Split regions
region_chunks = regions.chunks(args.split)
#################### Read motifs from file ####################"Reading motifs from file")
motif_content = open(args.motifs).read()
converted_content = convert_motif(motif_content, "pfm")
motif_list = pfm_to_motifs(converted_content) #List of OneMotif objects
logger.stats("- Found {0} motifs".format(len(motif_list)))
logger.debug("Getting motifs ready") = bg
reverse_motifs = [motif.get_reverse() for motif in motif_list]
for motif in motif_list: #now with reverse motifs as well
motif.set_prefix(args.naming) = bg
motif_names = list(set([motif.prefix for motif in motif_list]))
#Calculate scanning-threshold for each motif
pool = mp.Pool(processes=args.cores)
outlist = pool.starmap(OneMotif.get_threshold, itertools.product(motif_list, [args.pvalue]))
motif_list = MotifList(outlist)
#################### Find TFBS in regions #####################
logger.comment("")"Scanning for TFBS with all motifs")
manager = mp.Manager()
if args.outdir != None:
writer_cores = max(1,int(args.cores*0.1))
worker_cores = max(1,args.cores - writer_cores)
elif args.outfile != None: #Write to one file
writer_cores = 1
worker_cores = max(1,args.cores - writer_cores)
#Setup pools
logger.debug("Writer cores: {0}".format(writer_cores))
logger.debug("Worker cores: {0}".format(worker_cores))
worker_pool = mp.Pool(processes=worker_cores, maxtasksperchild=1)
writer_pool = mp.Pool(processes=writer_cores)
#Setup bed-writers based on --outdir or --outfile
temp_files = []
qs = {}
TF_names_chunks = [motif_names[i::writer_cores] for i in range(writer_cores)]
for TF_names_sub in TF_names_chunks:
#Skip over any empty chunks
if len(TF_names_sub) == 0:
logger.debug("Creating writer queue for {0}".format(TF_names_sub))
if args.outdir != None:
files = [os.path.join(args.outdir, TF + ".tmp") for TF in TF_names_sub]
elif args.outfile != None:
files = [args.outfile + ".tmp" for TF in TF_names_sub] #write to the same file for all
q = manager.Queue()
TF2files = dict(zip(TF_names_sub, files))
logger.debug("TF2files dict: {0}".format(TF2files))
writer_pool.apply_async(file_writer, args=(q, TF2files, args)) #, callback = lambda x: finished.append(x) print("Writing time: {0}".format(x)))
for TF in TF_names_sub:
qs[TF] = q
writer_pool.close() #no more jobs applied to writer_pool
args.qs = qs #qs is a dict
#Setup scanners pool
input_arguments = [(chunk, args, motif_list) for chunk in region_chunks]
task_list = [worker_pool.apply_async(motif_scanning, (chunk, args, motif_list, )) for chunk in region_chunks]
monitor_progress(task_list, logger)
results = [task.get() for task in task_list] #1s
#Wait for files to write
for TF in qs:
qs[TF].put((None, None))
#Process each file output and write out
logger.comment("")"Processing results from scanning")
logger.debug("Running processing for files: {0}".format(temp_files))
task_list = [worker_pool.apply_async(process_TFBS, (file, args)) for file in temp_files]
monitor_progress(task_list, logger)
results = [task.get() for task in task_list]
logger.debug("Joining multiprocessing pools")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser = add_tfbscan_arguments(parser)
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: