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#!/usr/bin/env python
Uilities for argparse, logging, file handling, multiprocessing in TOBIAS
@author: Mette Bentsen
@contact: mette.bentsen (at)
@license: MIT
import os
import logging
import sys
import argparse
import collections
import time
import textwrap
import string
import numpy as np
import copy
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import pyBigWig
from tobias.utils.logger import *
#----------------------------------- Multiprocessing ---------------------------------------#
def check_cores(given_cores, logger):
""" Checks number of available cores and sets the used cores to <= available cores """
available_cores = mp.cpu_count()
if given_cores > available_cores:
logger.warning("Number of available cores is {0} but \'--cores\' is set to {1}. Setting \'--cores\' to {0}.\n".format(available_cores, given_cores))
def run_parallel(FUNC, input_chunks, arguments, n_cores, logger):
#FUNC is the function to run
#input_chunks is the input to loop over
#arguments are arguments to func
#logger is a Logging.Logger object
no_chunks = len(input_chunks)
if n_cores > 1:
#Send jobs to pool
pool = mp.Pool(processes=n_cores)
task_list = []
for input_chunk in input_chunks:
task_list.append(pool.apply_async(FUNC, args=[input_chunk] + arguments))
pool.close() #done sending jobs to pool
#Wait for tasks to finish
count = -1
finished = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])
while finished < no_chunks:
finished = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])
if count != finished:"Progress: {0:.0f}%".format(finished/float(no_chunks)*100))
count = finished
#Get results from processes
output_list = [task.get() for task in task_list]
output_list = []
for count, input_chunk in enumerate(input_chunks):"Progress: {0:.0f}%".format(count/float(no_chunks)*100))
output_list.append(FUNC(input_chunk, *arguments))
def file_writer(q, key_file_dict, args):
""" File-writer per key -> to value file """
#Open handles for all files (but only once per file!)
file2handle = {}
for fil in set(key_file_dict.values()):
file2handle[fil] = open(fil, "w")
except Exception:
print("Tried opening file {0} in file_writer but something went wrong?".format(fil))
#Assign handles to keys
handles = {}
for key in key_file_dict:
handles[key] = file2handle[key_file_dict[key]]
#Fetching string content from queue
while True:
(key, content) = q.get()
if key == None:
except Exception:
import sys, traceback
print('Problem in file_writer:', file=sys.stderr)
#Got all regions in queue, close files
for fil, handle in file2handle.items():
def bigwig_writer(q, key_file_dict, header, regions, args):
""" Handle queue to write bigwig, args contain extra info such as verbosity and log_q """
#todo: check if args.log_q exists
logger = TobiasLogger("", args.verbosity, args.log_q) #separate core, needs mp logger through queue
logger.debug("Opened bigwig writer process for {0}".format(key_file_dict))
logger.debug("Header: {0}".format(header))
handles = {}
for key in key_file_dict:
logger.debug("Opening file {0} for writing".format(key_file_dict[key]))
handles[key] =[key], "w")
except Exception:
print("Tried opening file {0} in bigwig_writer but something went wrong?".format(fil))
#Correct order of chromosomes as given in header
contig_list = [tup[0] for tup in header]
order_dict = dict(zip(contig_list, range(len(contig_list))))
#Establish order of regions to be writteninput regions
region_tups = [(region.chrom, region.start, region.end) for region in regions]
sorted_region_tups = sorted(region_tups, key=lambda tup: (order_dict[tup[0]], tup[1])) #sort to same order as bigwig header
no_regions = len(region_tups)
#Fetching content from queue
logger.debug("Fetching content from queue")
i_to_write = {key:0 for key in handles} #index of next region to write
ready_to_write = {key:{} for key in handles} #key:dict; dict is region-tup:signal array
while True:
(key, region, signal) = q.get() #key is the bigwig key (e.g. bias:forward), region is a tup of (chr, start, end)
logger.spam("Received signal {0} for region {1}".format(key, region))
if key == None: #none is only inserted once all regions have been sent
for akey in i_to_write:
if i_to_write[akey] != no_regions - 1:
logger.error("Wrote {0} regions but there are {1} in total".format(i_to_write[akey], len(region_tups)))
logger.error("Ready_to_write[{0}]: {1}".format(akey, len(ready_to_write[akey])))
#Save key:region:signal to ready_to_write
ready_to_write[key][region] = signal
writing_progress = Progress(no_regions, logger, prefix="Writing progress", round=0)
#Check if next-to-write region was done
for key in handles:
#Only deal with writing if there are still regions to write for this handle
if i_to_write[key] != no_regions - 1:
next_region = sorted_region_tups[i_to_write[key]] #this is the region to be written next for this key
#If results are in; write wanted entry to bigwig
while next_region in ready_to_write[key]: #When true: Keep writing when the next region is available
chrom = next_region[0]
signal = ready_to_write[key][next_region]
included = signal.nonzero()[0]
positions = np.arange(next_region[1],next_region[2]) #start-end (including end)
pos = positions[included]
val = signal[included]
if len(pos) > 0:
handles[key].addEntries(chrom, pos, values=val, span=1)
logger.error("Error writing key: {0}, region: {1} to bigwig".format(key, next_region))
logger.spam("Wrote signal {0} from region {1}".format(key, next_region))
#Check whether this was the last region
if i_to_write[key] == no_regions - 1: #i_to_write is the last idx in regions; all sites were written"Closing {0} (this might take some time)".format(key_file_dict[key]))
next_region = None #exit the while loop
i_to_write[key] += 1
next_region = sorted_region_tups[i_to_write[key]] #this is the region to be written next for this key
#Writing progress
#progress = sum([i_to_write[key] for key in handles])
except Exception:
import sys, traceback
print('Problem in file_writer:', file=sys.stderr)
def monitor_progress(task_list, logger, prefix="Progress"):
prev_done = 0
no_tasks = len(task_list)
done = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])"{0} 0%".format(prefix))
while done != no_tasks:
done = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])
if done != prev_done:
#print if done is"{1} {0}%".format(round(done/no_tasks*100.0, max(0,len(str(no_tasks))-1)), prefix))
prev_done = done
time.sleep(0.1)"{0} done!".format(prefix))
return() #doesn't return until the while loop exits
#------------------------------------- Argparser -------------------------------------------#
def restricted_float(f, f_min, f_max):
f = float(f)
if f < f_min or f > f_max:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{0} not in range [0.0, 1.0]".format(f))
return f
def restricted_int(integer, i_min, i_max):
integer = float(integer)
if integer < i_min or integer > i_max:
def format_help_description(name, description, width=90):
""" Format description of command line tool --help description """
formatted = "" #initialize
#Calculate needed whitespace in comparison to header
header = "TOBIAS ~ {0}".format(name)
ws = int((width - len(header))/2.0)
formatted += "_"*width + "\n"*2
formatted += "{0}{1}{0}\n".format(" "*ws, header)
formatted += "_"*width + "\n"*2
for segment in description.split("\n"):
formatted += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(segment, width)) + "\n" #Split description on space
if description != "":
formatted += "\n" + "-"*width + "\n"
def check_required(args, required):
""" Checks required keys in input args """
for arg in required:
if getattr(args, arg) == None:
sys.exit("ERROR: Missing argument --{0}".format(arg))
#---------------------------------------- Misc ---------------------------------------------#
def num(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return float(s)
class Progress:
""" Class for writing out progress of processes such as multiprocessing """
def __init__(self, total_elements, logger, prefix="Progress", round=0):
self.total_elements = total_elements
self.logger = logger
self.prefix = prefix
self.round = round
self.last_written = -1
def write(self, progress):
""" Write out progress if it was not already written """
percent_to_write = progress / self.total_elements * 100
if self.round == 0:
percent_to_write = round(percent_to_write)
percent_to_write = round(percent_to_write, self.round)
#Only write if this level has not already been written
if percent_to_write != self.last_written:"{0}: {1}%".format(self.prefix, percent_to_write))
self.last_written = percent_to_write
def flatten_list(lst):
for element in lst:
if isinstance(element, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(element, (str, bytes)):
yield from flatten_list(element)
yield element
def expand_dirs(list_of_paths):
""" Expands a list of files and dirs to a list of all files within dirs """
all_files = []
for path in list_of_paths:
if os.path.isdir(path):
files = os.listdir(path)
all_files.extend([os.path.join(path, f) for f in files])
def check_files(lst_of_files, action="r"):
flat_lst = flatten_list(lst_of_files)
for fil in flat_lst:
if fil != None:
if action == "r":
if os.path.exists(fil):
with open(fil) as f:
sys.exit("ERROR: Could not open file \"{0}\" for reading".format(fil))
sys.exit("ERROR: File \"{0}\" does not exists".format(fil))
elif action == "w":
if os.path.exists(fil):
with open(fil, "w") as f:
sys.exit("ERROR: Could not open file \"{0}\" for writing. Please check that you do not have the file open and that you have write permission.".format(fil))
def make_directory(directory):
if not os.path.isfile(directory) and not os.path.exists(directory):
def merge_dicts(dicts):
""" Merge recursive keys and values for list of dicts into one dict. Values are added numerically / lists are extended / numpy arrays are added"""
def merger(dct, dct_to_add):
""" Merge recursive keys and values of dct_to_add into dct. Values are added numerically / lists are extended / numpy arrays are added
No return - dct is changed in place """
for k, v in dct_to_add.items():
#If k is a dict, go one level down
if (k in dct and isinstance(dct[k], dict)):
merger(dct[k], dct_to_add[k])
if not k in dct:
dct[k] = dct_to_add[k]
dct[k] += dct_to_add[k]
#Initialize with the first dict in list
out_dict = copy.deepcopy(dicts[0])
for dct in dicts[1:]:
merger(out_dict, dct)
def filafy(astring):
""" Make string into accepted filename """
valid_chars = "-_.%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
filename = ''.join(char for char in astring if char in valid_chars)
def get_closest(value, arr):
"""Find element the element in arr which is closest to value """
idx = (np.abs(arr-value)).argmin()
#-------------------------------------- Matching -------------------------------------------#
def common_prefix(strings):
""" Find the longest string that is a prefix of all the strings. Used in PlotChanges to find TF names from list """
if not strings:
return ''
prefix = strings[0]
for s in strings:
if len(s) < len(prefix):
prefix = prefix[:len(s)]
if not prefix:
return ''
for i in range(len(prefix)):
if prefix[i] != s[i]:
prefix = prefix[:i]
return prefix
def match_lists(lofl): # list of lists
""" Find matches between list1 and list2 (output will be the length of list1 with one or more matches per element)."""
#Remove common prefixes/suffixes per list
prefixes = []
suffixes = []
for i, lst in enumerate(lofl):
if len(lst) > 1: #make sure to only compare between more than one element (otherwise it sets the whole element as prefix)
prefix = common_prefix(lst)
suffix = common_prefix([element[::-1] for element in lst])[::-1]
prefix = ""
suffix = ""
lofl[i] = [element.replace(prefix, "").replace(suffix, "") for element in lst]
matches = [[[] for _ in lofl[0]] for _ in range(len(lofl)-1)] #list of lists (len(lofl) * len(lofl[0]) * list for collecting results)
#Find best matches to each element in col:
for col in range(len(lofl)-1):
lst1 = lofl[0] #[row for row in lofl[0]] #Always match to first list
lst2 = lofl[col+1] # [row for row in lofl[col+1]] #compare to column
for i, element1 in enumerate(lst1):
local_match_scores = []
global_match_scores = []
for element2 in lst2:
match_tups = SequenceMatcher(None, element1.lower(), element2.lower()).get_matching_blocks()
match_sum = sum([tup.size for tup in match_tups if tup.size > 1])
local_match_scores.append(match_sum / float(len(element1))) #local score shows how well element1 fits locally in element2
global_match_scores.append(match_sum / float(len(element1) + len(element2))) #takes into account length of both element1 and 2
#Best local match scores
best_score = max(local_match_scores)
best_idx = [idx for idx, score in enumerate(local_match_scores) if score == best_score]
#Sort best_idx by global match scores
best_global_match_scores = [global_match_scores[idx] for idx in best_idx]
best_idx = [idx for _,idx in sorted(zip(best_global_match_scores, best_idx), key=lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True)] #largest global match scores first
best_elements = [lst2[idx] for idx in best_idx] #elements in lst2 that fit to element1
#Map back to full names
for col in range(1, len(lofl)): # number of lists to get matches from
for row in range(len(lofl[0])): #elements in lofl[0]
matches[col-1][row] = [prefixes[col] + match + suffixes[col] for match in matches[col-1][row]]