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452 lines (363 sloc) 19.5 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
""" UROPA - Universal RObust Peak Annotator
@authors: Annika Fust, Jens Preussner, Maria Kondili, Mette Bentsen and Mario Looso
@license: MIT
@maintainer: Mario Looso
import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
import datetime
import time
import subprocess
import gzip
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import pysam
import pandas as pd
#Import internal functions
from uropa.utils import *
from uropa.annotation import *
from uropa import __version__ as VERSION
def restricted_float(f, f_min, f_max):
f = float(f)
if f < f_min or f > f_max:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("{0} not in range [0.0, 1.0]".format(f))
return f
def main():
#################################################### INPUT #################################################
cmd = " ".join(sys.argv)
# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='UROPA - Universal RObust Peak Annotator.',
formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(prog, max_help_position=35, width=90))
#Configuation arguments for one query
one_query = parser.add_argument_group("Arguments for one query")
one_query.add_argument("-b", "--bed", metavar="", help="Filename of .bed-file to annotate", action="store")
one_query.add_argument("-g", "--gtf", metavar="", help="Filename of .gtf-file with features", action="store")
one_query.add_argument("--feature", help="Feature for annotation", metavar="", nargs="*", default=[])
one_query.add_argument("--feature_anchor", help="Feature anchor to annotate to", metavar="", nargs="*", default=["start", "center", "end"])
one_query.add_argument("--distance", help="Maximum permitted distance from feature (1 or 2 arguments)", metavar="", nargs="*", type=int, default=[1000,10000])
one_query.add_argument("--strand", metavar="", help="Desired strand of annotated feature relative to peak", nargs="*", choices=['ignore', 'same', 'opposite'], default='ignore')
one_query.add_argument("--relative_location", metavar="", help="Peak locaion relative to feature location", nargs="*", choices=["PeakInsideFeature", "FeatureInsidePeak", "Upstream", "Downstream", "OverlapStart", "OverlapEnd"], default=["PeakInsideFeature", "FeatureInsidePeak", "Upstream", "Downstream", "OverlapStart", "OverlapEnd"])
one_query.add_argument("--internals", metavar="", help="Set minimum overlap fraction for internal feature annotations. 0 equates to internals=False and 1 equates to internals=True. Default is False.", type=lambda x: restricted_float(x, 0, 1), default=False)
one_query.add_argument("--filter_attribute",metavar="", help="Filter on 9th column of GTF", default=None)
one_query.add_argument("--attribute_values", help="Value(s) of attribute corresponding to --filter_attribute", nargs="*", metavar="", default=[])
one_query.add_argument("--show_attributes", help="A list of attributes to show in output", metavar="", nargs="*", default=[])
#Or configuration arguments for multiple queries (overwrites)
multi_query = parser.add_argument_group("Multi-query configuration file")
multi_query.add_argument("-i", "--input", help="Filename of configuration file (keys in this file overwrite command-line arguments about query)", action="store", metavar="config.json")
#Other arguments
additional = parser.add_argument_group("Additional arguments")
additional.add_argument("-p", "--prefix", metavar="", help="Prefix for result file names (defaults to basename of .bed-file)")
additional.add_argument("-o", "--outdir", metavar="", help="Output directory for output files (default: current dir)", default=".")
#additional.add_argument("-r","--reformat", help="create an additional compact and line-reduced table as result file", action="store_true")
additional.add_argument("-s","--summary", help="Filename of additional visualisation of results in graphical format", action="store_true")
additional.add_argument("-t","--threads", help="Multiprocessed run: n = number of threads to run annotation process", type=int, action="store", metavar="n", default=1)
#additional.add_argument("--add-comments",help="add comment lines to output files", action="store_true")
additional.add_argument("-l","--log", help="Log file name for messages and warnings (default: log is written to stdout)", action="store", metavar="uropa.log")
additional.add_argument("-d","--debug",help="Print verbose messages (for debugging)", action="store_true")
additional.add_argument("-v","--version", help="Prints the version and exits", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + VERSION)
args = parser.parse_args()
#Write help if no input was given
if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0:
#Check valid input to deal with the split between command-line query and multi-query config file
if args.input == None:
if args.bed == None:
sys.exit("ERROR: --bed is needed for annotation without --input")
if args.gtf == None:
sys.exit("ERROR: --gtf is needed for annotation without --input")
# Configure logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger_format = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s', "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
logger_level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO
#Log vs. stream logger
if args.log is not None:
#Check if logfile can be created
log = logging.FileHandler(args.log, "w")
sys.exit("ERROR: Could not create logfile {0}. Please check that the given path exists.".format(args.log))
#Stdout stream
stream = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
############################################ VALIDATION OF INPUT ###########################################
############################################################################################################"Started UROPA")"Working directory: {0}".format(os.getcwd()))"Command-line call: {0}".format(cmd))
temp_files = []
# Validate output folder
outdir = args.outdir
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
logger.debug("Creating directory {}".format(outdir))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Could not create directory {} for output".format(outdir))
# Establish queries from command-line and --input
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"Reading configuration from commandline/input config")
#First, fill in parameters from commandline
default_query = {"feature":args.feature,
"distance": [args.distance[0], args.distance[0]] if len(args.distance) == 1 else args.distance,
"strand": args.strand,
"relative_location": args.relative_location,
"internals": args.internals,
"filter_attribute": args.filter_attribute,
"attribute_values": args.attribute_values,
#create cfg_dict like it would have been parsed from config .json
cfg_dict = {"queries": [default_query],
"show_attributes": args.show_attributes,
"priority": False,
"gtf": args.gtf,
"bed": args.bed
logger.debug("Config from command-line arguments: {0}".format(cfg_dict))
#Next, overwrite with config arguments if given, otherwise the arguments fall back to commandline default
config = args.input
if config != None:
json_cfg_dict = parse_json(config)
logger.debug("Config from json: {0}".format(json_cfg_dict))
for key in json_cfg_dict:
cfg_dict[key] = json_cfg_dict[key] #config values always win over commandline
except IOError:
logger.error("File %s does not exists or is not readable.", config)
except ValueError as e:
logger.error("File %s contains malformed JSON. %s", config, e)
#Fill each key with defaults if they were not set
for query in cfg_dict["queries"]:
for key in default_query:
query[key] = query.get(key, default_query[key])
#Format keys in cfg_dict
cfg_dict = format_config(cfg_dict)
logger.debug("Formatted config: {0}".format(cfg_dict))
#Check for general input in queries, such as no show_attributes
if len(cfg_dict["show_attributes"]) == 0:
logger.warning("No show_attributes given - no attributes for annotations are displayed in output.")
#catch duplicates in query names
query_names = [query["name"] for query in cfg_dict["queries"]]
if len(query_names) != len(set(query_names)):
logger.warning("Duplicates in query names: {0}".format(query_names))
# Validate gtf / bed input
#Check if bed & gtf files exists
for key in ["bed", "gtf"]:
if cfg_dict[key] is not None:
check_file_access(cfg_dict[key], logger)
logger.error("No .{0}-file given as input - please check that a .{0}-file is given either via the commandline option --{0} or in the configuration file.".format(key))
#Check prefix
if args.prefix == None:
args.prefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cfg_dict["bed"]))[0]
output_prefix = os.path.join(args.outdir, args.prefix)
logger.debug("Output_prefix set to: {0}".format(output_prefix))
#Check whether output files can be written
output_files = [os.path.join(output_prefix + suffix) for suffix in ["_allhits.txt", "_allhits.bed", "_finalhits.txt", "_finalhits.bed"]]
for f in output_files:
if os.path.exists(f) and not os.access(f, os.W_OK):
logger.error("Output file {0} is not writable.".format(f))
################################################## PREPARATION #############################################
# Prepare bed for internal region-structure
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"Reading .bed-file to annotate")
#Check bed format and parse to internal structure
check_bed_format(cfg_dict["bed"], logger)
gtf_has_chr = check_chr(cfg_dict["gtf"]) #True/False
peaks = parse_bedfile(cfg_dict["bed"], gtf_has_chr)
logger.debug("Read {0} peaks from {1}".format(len(peaks), cfg_dict["bed"]))
#Establish order of peaks
internal_peak_ids = [peak["internal_peak_id"] for peak in peaks]
#Split bed into chunks
n_chunks = 100
peak_chunks = [peaks[i::n_chunks] for i in range(n_chunks)]
# Prepare GTF and extract chosen features to a subset gtf-file if needed
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#"Preparing .gtf for fast access")
#Check all possible features in gtf
logger.debug("Finding all possible features in gtf")
gtf_feat_count = {}
with open(cfg_dict["gtf"]) as f:
for line in f:
if not line.startswith("#"):
columns = line.rstrip().split("\t")
if len(columns) < 9:
logger.error("Input GTF ({0}) has less than 9 columns - please check that the file has the correct GTF format.".format(cfg_dict["gtf"]))
feature = columns[2]
if feature not in gtf_feat_count:
gtf_feat_count[feature] = 0
gtf_feat_count[feature] += 1
gtf_feat = list(gtf_feat_count.keys())
logger.debug("Features in gtf: {0}".format(gtf_feat_count))
#Fill in empty feature keys with all possible
for query in cfg_dict["queries"]:
if len(query.get("feature", [])) == 0:
query["feature"] = gtf_feat
#Count all features given in config
query_feat = []
for query in cfg_dict["queries"]:
query_feat = list(set(query_feat))
#Check if any features were given that are not possible to subset on
not_in_gtf = list(set(query_feat) - set(gtf_feat))
if len(not_in_gtf) > 0:
logger.error("Query feature(s) {0} not found in gtf".format(not_in_gtf))
#Subset gtf if needed
logger.debug("Subsetting gtf if needed")
gtf_specific = list(set(gtf_feat) - set(query_feat)) #features specific for gtf but which are not taken into account in queries
if len(gtf_specific) > 0:
sub_gtf = output_prefix + "_feature_subset.gtf"
logger.debug("Subsetting {0} -> {1} with features {2}".format(cfg_dict["gtf"], sub_gtf, query_feat))
subset_gtf(cfg_dict["gtf"], gtf_feat, sub_gtf)
anno_gtf = sub_gtf
anno_gtf = cfg_dict["gtf"]
#Read in and sort gtf file
logger.debug("Sorting gtf")
anno_gtf_sorted = output_prefix + "_sorted.gtf"
sort_call = "sort -k1,1 -k4,4n {0} > {1}".format(anno_gtf, anno_gtf_sorted)
sub = subprocess.check_output(sort_call, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logger.error("Could not sort GTF file using command-line call: {0}".format(sort_call))
#Compress and index using gzip/tabix
logger.debug("Tabix compress")
anno_gtf_gz = output_prefix + "_sorted.gtf.gz"
anno_gtf_index = anno_gtf_gz + "_sorted.tbi"
pysam.tabix_compress(anno_gtf_sorted, anno_gtf_gz, force=True)
anno_gtf_gz = pysam.tabix_index(anno_gtf_gz, index=anno_gtf_index, seq_col=0, start_col=3, end_col=4, keep_original=True, force=True)
temp_files.extend([anno_gtf_gz, anno_gtf_index])
#Write out formatted config file
json_string = config_string(cfg_dict)
f = open(output_prefix + ".json", "w")
################################################## Annotation ##############################################
############################################################################################################"Started annotation")
n_chunks = len(peak_chunks)
if args.threads > 1:
pool = mp.Pool(args.threads)
task_list = [pool.apply_async(annotate_peaks, args=(chunk, anno_gtf_gz, anno_gtf_index, cfg_dict, )) for chunk in peak_chunks]
pool.close() #done sending jobs to pool
#Wait for tasks to finish
count = -1
finished = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])
while finished < n_chunks:
finished = sum([task.ready() for task in task_list])
if count != finished:"Progress: {0:.0f}%".format(finished/float(n_chunks)*100))
count = finished
#Get results from processes
results = [task.get() for task in task_list]
results = []
for i, chunk in enumerate(peak_chunks):
results.append(annotate_peaks(chunk, anno_gtf_gz, anno_gtf_index, cfg_dict, logger))"Progress: {0:.0f}%".format((i+1)/float(n_chunks)*100))
#Join results from threads to one dictionary
all_annotations = sum(results, [])
################################################ POSTPROCESSING ############################################
############################################################################################################"Processing annotated peaks")
#Add attribute columns
#The keys are different internally vs. the output columns
attribute_columns = cfg_dict["show_attributes"]
main = ["peak_chr", "peak_start", "peak_end", "peak_id", "feature", "feat_start", "feat_end", "feat_strand", "feat_anchor", "distance", "relative_location", "feat_ovl_peak", "peak_ovl_feat"]
header_internal = main + ["show_" + col for col in attribute_columns] + ["query_name"]
header_output = main + attribute_columns + ["name"]
for annotation in all_annotations:
attributes_dict = annotation["feat_attributes"]
if attributes_dict is None:
attributes_dict = {}
if type(attributes_dict) == dict:
annotation.update({"show_" + key: attributes_dict.get(key, None) for key in attribute_columns})
#Check if no annotations were found
all_NA = 0
for anno in all_annotations:
if anno["feature"] != None:
all_NA = 1
if all_NA == 0: #This is 0 coming out of the loop if no features were found
logger.warning("No annotations were found for input regions (all hits are NA). If this is unexpected, please check the configuration of your input queries.")
##### Write output files #####
all_hits = pd.DataFrame(all_annotations)
#Sort on peak_ids
all_hits["original_order"] = [internal_peak_ids.index(peak_id) for peak_id in all_hits["internal_peak_id"]] #map position
all_hits.sort_values(by=["original_order", "feat_start"], inplace=True)
#All hits
logger.debug("Writing _allhits.txt")
all_hits.to_csv(os.path.join(output_prefix + "_allhits.txt"), na_rep="NA", sep="\t", index=False, columns=header_internal, header=header_output)
all_hits.to_csv(os.path.join(output_prefix + "_allhits.bed"), na_rep="NA", sep="\t", index=False, columns=header_internal, header=False)
#Best hits
best_hits = all_hits.loc[all_hits["best_hit"] == 1]
best_hits.to_csv(os.path.join(output_prefix + "_finalhits.txt"), na_rep="NA", sep="\t", index=False, columns=header_internal, header=header_output)
best_hits.to_csv(os.path.join(output_prefix + "_finalhits.bed"), na_rep="NA", sep="\t", index=False, columns=header_internal, header=False)
##### Visual summary #####"Creating the Summary graphs of the results...")
summary_script = "uropa_summary.R"
summary_output = output_prefix + "_summary.pdf"
#cmd is the command-line call str
call = [summary_script, "-f", os.path.join(output_prefix + "_finalhits.txt"), "-c", output_prefix + ".json", "-o", summary_output, "-b", os.path.join(output_prefix + "_allhits.txt"), "-a \'", cmd, "\'"]
call_str = ' '.join(call)
logger.debug('Summary output call is {}'.format(call_str))
sum_pr = subprocess.check_output(call_str, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logger.warning("Visualized summary output could not be created from: %s", call_str)
except OSError:
logger.warning("Rscript command not available for summary output.")
##### Cleanup #####"Cleaning up temporary files.")
if args.debug == False:
for f in temp_files:
logger.warning("Could not remove temporary file {0}".format(f))"UROPA run ended successfully!")