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Releases: loosolab/UROPA

Release 3.1.0

01 Apr 08:16
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Release to add commandline keys to config as well as bugfixes to gtf reading.

Release 3.0.0

18 Mar 10:05
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functionality and simplification update
fix of several bugs, like entries in allhits but not finalhits.
There are new functionalities:

  • bed/gtf and single query annotation specification can be given via command line
  • show_attributes outside of query specification
  • additional name information per query
  • summary is always produced automatically

Release 2.0.3

10 Jan 14:26
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This is a bugfix release. It fixes a bug in case the queries feature key is empty or contains multiple entries.

Initial PyPI release (1.2.1)

09 Sep 15:30
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We had to rearrange some files to meet the requirements of a PyPI package.
UROPA is now installable via

  • conda install -c bioconda uropa,
  • pip install uropa and
  • docker pull

Release 1.2.0

05 Sep 14:03
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We included functionality for an UpSetR plot in the summary.R, mostly in order to be more independent from the non-standard requirement Vennerable.

Release 1.1.2

04 Sep 16:14
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We updated some auxillary scripts to enable automated checks that require a proper exit status of those scripts if invoked with a -h/--help flag.

Paper release

20 Jun 12:43
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This is the version as described in the accompanying paper

Maria Kondili, Annika Fust, Jens Preussner, Carsten Kuenne, Thomas Braun & Mario Looso. UROPA: a tool for Universal RObust Peak Annotation. Scientific Reports 7 (2017), doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02464-y