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[Release notes][1]:

> IMPORTANT: It is our intention, within the next 12 months (ideally
> sooner, in time for the next release) to make SAFER the default mode of
> operation. For many users this will have no effect, since they use SAFER
> explicitly, but some niche uses which rely on SAFER being disabled may
> need to start explicitly adding the "-dNOSAFER" option.
> Highlights in this release include:
> *   We have extensively cleaned up the Postscript name space: removing
> access to internal and/or undocumented Postscript operators, procedures
> and data. This has benefits for security and maintainability.
> *   We have added a new "product": "gpdl". This is a rethink/redesign of
> the old "language_switch" product (pspcl6), and includes all the
> interpreters we develop based on the Ghostscript graphics library:
> Postscript, PDF, PCL6, PXL and XPS. This is experimental, and should be
> considered of beta testing quality, and thus is not built by default: it
> can be built by using the "experimental" target.
> *   gpdl uses a heuristic to judge the file type being passed to it. In
> general, it supports most of the widely used command line options for
> each interpreter, but compatibility is not complete (the practicalities
> of swapping interpreters means it is unlikely that full parity of
> command line options will be possible).
> *   Fontmap can now reference invidual fonts in a TrueType Collection
> for font subsitution. Previously, a Fontmap entry could only reference a
> TrueType collection and use the default (first) font. Now, the Fontmap
> syntax allows for specifying a specific index in a TTC. See the comments
> at the top of (the default) Fontmap.GS for details.
> *   IMPORTANT: We are in the process of forking LittleCMS. LCMS2 is not
> thread safe, and cannot be made thread safe without breaking the ABI.
> Our fork will be thread safe, and include performance enhancements
> (these changes have all be been offered and rejected upstream). We will
> maintain compatibility between Ghostscript and LCMS2 for a time, but not
> in perpetuity. Our fork will be available as its own package separately
> from Ghostscript (and MuPDF).
> *   The usual round of bug fixes, compatibility changes, and incremental
> improvements.

3 contributors

Users who have contributed to this file

@pmenzel @thomas @donald
executable file 30 lines (22 sloc) 752 Bytes
#!/bin/env beesh
# BEE_VERSION ghostscript-9.27-0
mee_patch() {
bee_patch ${bee_PATCHFILES[@]}
sed -i 's/ZLIBDIR=src/ZLIBDIR=$includedir/' configure
rm -rf freetype lcms2 jpeg libpng
mee_configure() {
bee_configure --enable-dynamic --with-drivers=ALL,x11 --with-system-libtiff --disable-compile-inits
mee_build() {
start_cmd make so
mee_install() {
bee_install soinstall
install -v -m644 base/*.h ${D}/${INCLUDEDIR}/ghostscript &&
ln -v -s ghostscript ${D}/${INCLUDEDIR}/ps