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#! /usr/bin/env python3
show memory consumption per user
The script reads conserved or live information from the /proc
directory and shows memory consumption per user.
The default is to read the most recent forensics dump found in
/var/log. When called with the '-p' option, data is collected
from /proc.
Setting the FORENSICS_STORE environment variable overrides the
default directory where the forensics logs are searched.
What to do if too much memory is burned on a given host?
#> ps -u $USER -o pid,state,lstart,cmd
This helps finding old processes, or one may just end _all_
own sessions on this host:
#> killall -u $USER
13.10.2022, created, Kreitler
import os
import re
import pwd
import sys
import time
import argparse
# # Debug helper
# try:
# from dumper import dump
# except ModuleNotFoundError:
# from pprint import pprint as dump
# ------------------------------------------ group/summarize data in a tree
class Classifier():
''' Use to group/summarize values into a tree structure. '''
def __init__(self):
self.cnt = 0
self.fld = dict()
self.val = 0
self._ik = None
def __iter__(self): # this is either expensive, stupid, or already present elsewhere in python
self._ik = iter(sorted (self.fld.keys()))
return self
def __next__(self):
n = next(self._ik)
return (n, self.fld[n])
def cfy(self, fields, val=0):
self.cnt += 1
self.val += val
if len(fields) > 0:
f = fields.pop(0)
if f not in self.fld: self.fld[f] = Classifier()
self.fld[f].cfy(fields, val)
return val
def get(self, key):
return self.fld[key]
def getval(self):
return self.val
def dump_simple(self, lbl='.', ind=0):
print('# %s %-8s %6d ,'%(' '*ind,lbl+':', self.cnt), self.val)
ks = sorted(self.fld.keys())
for k in ks:
self.fld[k].dump_simple(k, ind+2)
# ------------------------------------ access to proc data (stored or live)
class ProcBuffer():
Reads from /proc, provides an iterator. Keeps ProcStream simple,
allows handling /proc the same way as a 'forensics' log.
Example usage:
pb = ProcBuffer()
for line in pb:
def __init__(self, pdir='/proc'):
self.pdir = pdir
self.buf = []
self.bufit = iter(self.buf)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return next(self.bufit)
def readfile(self, fn):
lines = 0
f = open(fn, errors='backslashreplace')
except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError): # do nothing
return 0
for line in f:
self.buf.append(fn + ' ' + line.strip())
lines += 1
return lines
def read(self):
# get machine info, return number of items
for pf in ('uptime', 'meminfo'):
self.readfile(self.pdir + '/' + pf)
# go for the PIDs
for pd in os.scandir(self.pdir):
if and pd.is_dir(): # isdigit(), isdecimal() -- which one ?
for pf in ('stat', 'status'):
self.readfile(self.pdir + '/' + + '/' + pf)
return len(self.buf)
def get_iter(self):
self.bufit = iter(self.buf)
return self.bufit
class ProcInfoBase():
def __iter__(self):
return self
# today nobody closes files, but I like to ...
def close(self):
class ProcInfo(ProcInfoBase):
''' Read from /proc .'''
def __init__(self, pdir='/proc'):
pb = ProcBuffer(pdir)
self.pbi = pb.get_iter()
self.source = pdir
def __next__(self):
return next(self.pbi)
class ProcInfoSaved(ProcInfoBase): # aka forensics
''' Read from forensics file. '''
def __init__(self, logfile):
self.file = open(logfile, errors='backslashreplace')
self.source = logfile
def __next__(self):
line = self.file.readline()
if not line:
raise StopIteration
return line.strip()
def close(self):
if self.file:
self.file = None
# ------------------------------------------------------- collect proc data
class ProcStreamParser():
state: R is running, S is sleeping,
D is sleeping in an uninterruptible wait,
Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped,
I is idle, and not in the docs ?
def __init__(self,procfshandler):
self.pfh = procfshandler
self.pidrex = re.compile('/proc/(\d+)/(\S+)\s+(.*)') # :xxx: hardcoded '/proc'
def parse(self, line):
m = self.pidrex.match(line)
if not m:
if line.startswith('/proc/uptime '):
wall_clock = float(line.split()[1])
self.pfh.report_append( '# uptime: %.2f s, %.2f d' % (wall_clock, wall_clock/3600.0/24.0) )
elif line.startswith('/proc/meminfo MemTotal'):
memtotal = int(line.split()[2])
self.pfh.report_append( '# memtotal: %d kB, %.2f GB' % (memtotal, memtotal/1024/1024) )
pid = int(
pfile =
entry =
if pfile == 'stat':
fields = entry.split()
state = fields[2]
start_time = float(fields[21])/100.0 # seconds please ...
self.pfh.set_info(pid, 'start_time', start_time)
elif pfile == 'status':
if entry.startswith('VmData:'):
val = int(entry.split()[1])
self.pfh.set_info(pid, 'vmdata', val)
elif entry.startswith('State:'): # redundant
val = entry.split()[1]
self.pfh.set_info(pid, 'state', val)
elif entry.startswith('Uid:'):
val = int(entry.split()[1])
self.pfh.set_info(pid, 'uid', val)
# --------------------------------------------------------------- workhorse
class ProcFsHandler():
def __init__(self, classifier = Classifier()):
self.Cfy = classifier = {}
self.usermap = {} = []
self.uptime = -1
self.memtotal = -1
self.age_threshold = 2 * 60*60*24 # Two days
def set_uptime(self, t):
self.uptime = t
def set_memtotal(self, m):
self.memtotal = m
def report_append(self, s):
# fill hash
def set_info(self, pid, key, val):
if pid not in[pid] = {}[pid][key] = val
def analyze(self):
for p in
# --------- resolve_user_names
name = '_unknown_'
vmdata = 0
state = ''
uid =[p]['uid']
if not uid in self.usermap:
name = pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name
except KeyError:
name = str(uid)
self.usermap[uid] = name
name = self.usermap[uid]
# ------------------- classify
state =[p]['state']
if state in 'DZT': state = 'DZT'
if 'vmdata' in[p]:
vmdata = int([p]['vmdata'])
if (self.uptime -[p]['start_time']) < self.age_threshold:
# 'young' ones get a lower case letter
state = state.lower()
continue # nothing to sum up
self.Cfy.cfy( [name, state], vmdata)
# -------------------------- memory classifier that 'reports' formated bars
class ProcMemClassifier(Classifier):
def maxMem(self):
m = max(k[1].val for k in self)
return m
def barStrings(self, scmax = 100, width = 80):
returns a string array for display:
string has 3 components: 'user |X-----| memory' -- name bar amount
# 10 for the user, 12 is default width for the number,
# 2 for fillers and such, 2 for the border
bar_width = width - 10 - 12 - 2 - 2
keys = ('DZT','S','R','dzt','s','r')
ret = list()
for k in self:
user = k[0]
mtot = k[1].val
bar = ' %-10s' % str(user)[:9] + '|'
nused = 0
for key in keys:
if key in k[1].fld:
ks = k[1].fld[key]
n = int(ks.val/scmax * bar_width)
if n > 0:
# todo: mind max clipping!
bar += key[0] + '-' * (n-1)
nused += n
remain = bar_width - nused
if remain <= 0:
bar += '|'
bar += '|' + ' ' * (remain-1) + '.'
bar += sep_fmt12(k[1].val)
ret.append((user, mtot, bar))
return ret
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- tools
def register_logs(logdir):
''' Returns forensics-logs ordered by age, newest first. '''
tmp_logrec = []
for log in '00 10 20 30 40 50'.split():
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, 'forensics-%sth_min.log' % log)
if os.access(logfile, os.R_OK):
mt = os.stat(logfile).st_mtime
logs = sorted (tmp_logrec, key=lambda L: L[1], reverse=True)
return logs
def sep_fmt12(n = 0.0):
''' Gives readable positive numbers of width 12. '''
ret = '%12s' % '{0:,}'.format(n) # new in C: printf("%'.2f", 1234567.89); ???
ret = ret.replace(',','.')
if len(ret) > 12: ret = '%12.4g' % n
return ret
def get_term_size():
''' Say 'no' to shutil. '''
cols_lines = (80, 24)
cols_lines = os.get_terminal_size()
except (ValueError, OSError):
return cols_lines
def chk_term_size_usable():
''' Make sure terminal area is large enough, tell user. '''
bail = False
min_w = 40
min_h = 12
cols, lines = get_term_size()
if cols < min_w:
print('# Fatal: Terminal window is not wide enough. Columns needed:', min_w,
'( got', cols, ')', file=sys.stderr )
bail = True
if lines < min_h:
print('# Fatal: Terminal window is not high enough. Lines needed:', min_h,
'( got', lines, ')', file=sys.stderr )
bail = True
if bail:
print('# Will end now ...', file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
# ---------------------------------------------------------- user interface
def handle_args():
''' Guess? '''
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=True, description =
'Read conserved or live information from the /proc directory, ' +
'and shows memory consumption per user.' )
ap.add_argument('-H', dest='pydoc',
help="show documentation", action='store_true')
ap.add_argument("-a", dest='allentries',
help='print all entries, makes you scroll, helps when piping', action='store_true')
ap.add_argument("-d", dest='logdir', metavar='dir', default=None,
help='location of forensics logs (/var/log)')
ap.add_argument('-p', dest='readproc',
help='read current data from proc', action='store_true')
ap.add_argument('forensicsfile', metavar='file', nargs='?',
help='forensics file (defaults to most recent log found)')
return ap.parse_args()
# ------------------------------------------------------------- ab die post
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = handle_args()
if args.pydoc:
import subprocess'pydoc3', sys.argv[0]))
if not chk_term_size_usable(): quit()
proc = None
if args.forensicsfile:
if os.access(args.forensicsfile, os.R_OK):
proc = ProcInfoSaved(args.forensicsfile)
print('# Error: can not read', args.forensicsfile, file=sys.stderr)
elif args.readproc:
proc = ProcInfo()
default_logdir = '/var/log'
logdir = None
if 'FORENSICS_STORE' in os.environ:
logdir = os.environ['FORENSICS_STORE']
if args.logdir:
logdir = args.logdir
if not logdir:
logdir = default_logdir
if not os.access(logdir, os.R_OK):
print('# Error: can not access', logdir, file=sys.stderr)
logs = register_logs(logdir)
if not len(logs):
print('# Fatal: no logs found in', logdir, file=sys.stderr)
proc = ProcInfoSaved(logs[0][0])
print(' Reading:', "'%s'" % proc.source, '...')
pmc = ProcMemClassifier()
whs = ProcFsHandler(pmc)
psp = ProcStreamParser(whs)
for line in proc:
print(' Memory: %.1f Gb available, %.1f Gb in use (%.1f %%)\n' %
( whs.memtotal/1024**2,
100 * pmc.getval()/whs.memtotal )
maxmem_used = pmc.maxMem()
cols, lines = get_term_size()
print(' USER ', '*** OLD/young processes ***'.center(cols-23) , 'Amount [kb]')
mem_bars = pmc.barStrings(maxmem_used, cols)
limit = lines-11 if not args.allentries else len(mem_bars)
for i in sorted(mem_bars, key=lambda L: L[1], reverse=True)[:limit]:
print('*** R = running, S = sleeping, D = deep sleep, zombie, or debugged ***'.center(cols))