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executable file 1131 lines (990 sloc) 29.4 KB
#! /usr/local/system/perl/bin/perl
# My::Escaper helper class
# static methods needed be My::FileInfo and main
package My::Escaper;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA=qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT=qw(fn_escape fn_unescape);
# My::FileInfo helper class.
sub fn_escape
my ($fn)=@_;
return $fn;
sub fn_unescape
my ($fn)=@_;
return $fn;
package My::FileInfo;
use strict;
use warnings;
import My::Escaper;
use Class::Struct (map {$_=>'$'} qw(name dev ino type perm nlink uid gid rdev size mtime target)) ;
use Fcntl ':mode';
# internal storage:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
# [ name , dev , ino , type , perm ,nlink , uid , gid , rdev , size , mtime target ]
# index file format:
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# F path perm uid gid size mtime hardlink
# D path perm uid gid - mtime -
# L path perm uid gid target mtime hardlink
# B path perm uid gid rdev mtime hardlink
# C path perm uid gid rdev mtime hardlink
# P path perm uid gid - mtime hardlink
# S path perm uid gid - mtime hardlink
sub name_escaped
my ($self)=shift;
return fn_escape($self->name);
sub fileid
my ($self)=shift;
sub export_index
my ($self)=@_;
my $type=$self->type;
return (
$type eq 'F' ? $self->size :
$type eq 'L' ? fn_escape($self->target) :
$type eq 'B' || $type eq 'C' ? $self->rdev :
sub import_index
my ($class,@F)=@_;
my $type=$F[0];
return bless [
fn_unescape($F[1]), # name
0,0, # dev,ino
$type, # type
$F[2], # perm
0, # nlink
$F[3],$F[4], # uid,gid
($type eq 'B' || $type eq 'C' ? $F[5] : 0), # rdev
($type eq 'F' ? $F[5] : 0 ), # size
$F[6], # mtime
($type eq 'L' ? fn_unescape($F[5]) : ''), # target
sub lstat
my ($class,$filename)=@_;
my $target;
my @f;
no warnings 'newline';
unless (@f=lstat $filename) {
$!==2 and return undef; # ENOENT
$!==20 and return undef; # ENOTDIR
die "$filename: $!\n";
if (-l _) {
defined ($target=readlink($filename)) or die "$filename: $!\n";
my $type =
S_ISREG($f[2]) ? 'F' :
S_ISDIR($f[2]) ? 'D' :
S_ISLNK($f[2]) ? 'L' :
S_ISBLK($f[2]) ? 'B' :
S_ISCHR($f[2]) ? 'C' :
S_ISFIFO($f[2]) ? 'P' :
S_ISSOCK($f[2]) ? 'S' :
die ("$filename: unsupported file type\n");
return bless [
$filename, # name
@f[0,1], # dev,ino
$type, # type
S_IMODE($f[2]), # perm
@f[3..7], # nlink,uid,gid,rdev,size
$f[9], # mtime
($type eq 'L' ? $target : '') # target
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::FnMatch ':fnmatch';
use Getopt::Long;
use Sys::Hostname;
use IO::File;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Fcntl qw(:mode O_NOATIME);
import My::Escaper;
use Time::HiRes;
use IO::Pipe;
$ENV{PATH} = '/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:'.($ENV{PATH}||''); # for AXP to use gtar/mount
# options
our ($debug,$quiet,$fileop_noop,$fileop_debug,$delete);
our ($slave_mode,$local_slave,$slave_unprivileged,
$ssh_opt , $cksum , $nice , $unix_socket, $unix_socket_name,
# globals
our ($in,$out); # partner communication channel # command channel
our $data; # data channel
our (
%HARDLINK, # ( 'dev.inode' => first-filename-save , ... ) cache for indexer
%LOCAL_DEV, # ( 'dev' => path , ... ) non-nfs filesystems for indexer
%CLEAN, # files (possible directories) to be deleted after install, because not on master
@CLEAN_DIRS # for installer: directories, which we moved out of the way (.delete_me)
our $bw_column = 0;
sub is_excepted
my ($fn)=@_;
for my $pat (@EXCEPTS) {
if (fnmatch($pat,$fn,FNM_PATHNAME|FNM_PERIOD)) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub cache_local_fs
#/dev/sdb on /amd/afk/1 type xfs (rw,noatime)
#OneFS on /ifs (efs, NFS exported, local, noatime, noexec)
for (`mount`) {
m"(.+) on (/.*) type (\S+)" || m"(.+) on (/.*) \(([^,)]+),";
my ($fs,$path,$type)=($1,$2,$3);
next unless $type && $type =~ /^(advfs|ufs|ext\d+|reiserfs|xfs|fuseblk|vfat|efs|tmpfs|btrfs)$/;
my @F = lstat($path) or next;
#---------------------------- lchown / mknod
our ($machine,$SYS_lchown,$SYS_mknod,$lmtime_sub);
chomp($machine=`uname -m`);
if ($machine eq 'i686') {
$SYS_lchown=198; # __NR_lchown32 in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h
$SYS_mknod=14; # __NR_mknod
} elsif ($machine eq 'x86_64') {
$SYS_lchown=94; # __NR_lchown in /usr/include/asm-x86_64/unistd.h
$SYS_mknod=133; # __NR_mknod
} elsif ($machine eq 'alpha') {
$SYS_lchown=208; # SYS_lchown in /usr/include/syscall.h
$SYS_mknod=14; # SYS_mknod
} elsif ($machine eq 'amd64') {
$SYS_lchown=254; # SYS_lchown in /usr/include/syscall.h
$SYS_mknod=14; # SYS_mknod
} else {
warn "unknown machine type $machine: symlink ownership can't be set.\n";
warn "unknown machine type $machine: named pipes,character and block devices can't be created\n";
if ($machine eq 'x86_64') {
our $SYS_utimensat=280; # /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h
our $AT_FDCWD=-100; # /usr/include/fcntl.h
our $UTIME_OMIT=(1<<30)-2; # /usr/include/bits/stat.h
our $AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW=0x100; # /usr/include/fcntl.h
$lmtime_sub=sub {
my ($path,$mtime)=@_;
my $tsa=pack 'qqqq',0,$UTIME_OMIT,$mtime,0;
syscall($SYS_utimensat,$AT_FDCWD,$path,$tsa,$AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) and die "$path: $!\n";
} else {
$lmtime_sub=sub {
my ($path,$mtime)=@_;
warn "$path: don't known how to change symlink mtime on target architecture\n";
sub lchown
my ($uid,$gid,$path)=@_;
$SYS_lchown or die "$path: unknown machine type $machine: symlink ownership can't be set.\n";
return syscall($SYS_lchown,$path,$uid+0,$gid+0)==0;
sub mknod
my ($path,$mode,$rdev)=@_;
$SYS_mknod or die "$path: unknown machine type $machine: named pipes,character and block devices can't be created\n";
return syscall($SYS_mknod,$path,$mode+0,$rdev+0)==0;
#---------------------------- file op helper
sub fileop_mknod
my ($path,$type,$rdev)=@_;
defined $rdev or $rdev=0;
$fileop_debug and warn sprintf("fileop: mknod %s %s %s\n",$path,$type,$rdev);
$fileop_noop and return;
my $mode=
$type eq 'P' ? S_IFIFO :
$type eq 'C' ? S_IFCHR :
$type eq 'B' ? S_IFBLK :
die ("$path: fileop_mknod() call for unexpected file type $type\n");
mknod($path,$mode,$rdev) or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_lchown
my ($uid,$gid,$path)=@_;
$slave_unprivileged and return;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: lchown $uid:$gid $path\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
lchown($uid,$gid,$path) or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_chown
my ($uid,$gid,$path)=@_;
$slave_unprivileged and return;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: chown $uid:$gid $path\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
chown $uid,$gid,$path or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_chmod
my ($mode,$path)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn sprintf("fileop: chmod 0%03o %s\n",$mode,$path);
$fileop_noop and return;
chmod $mode,$path or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_mkdir
my ($path)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn ("fileop: mkdir $path\n");
$fileop_noop and return;
mkdir $path or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_cp
my ($from,$to)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: cp -p $from $to\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
my @f=stat($from) or die "$from: $!\n";
my $in=new IO::File $from,O_RDONLY or die "$from: $!\n";
my $out=new IO::File $to,O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY or die "$to: $!\n";
if ($IO::File::VERSION >= 1.13) {
my $buf;
while ($in->sysread($buf,10240)) {
$out->syswrite($buf) or die "$out: $!\n";
close $in;
close $out;
unless ($slave_unprivileged) {
chown (@f[4,5],$to) or die "$to: $!\n";
chmod (S_IMODE($f[2]),$to) or die "$to: $!\n";
utime (@f[8,9],$to) or die "$to: $!\n";
sub fileop_mv
my ($from,$to)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: mv $from $to\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
rename($from,$to) or die "$from: $!\n";
sub fileop_rm
my ($path)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: rm $path\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
unlink($path) or die "$path: $!\n";
sub fileop_rmdir_recurse
my ($path)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: rm -r $path\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
system 'rm','-rf',$path and exit 1;
sub fileop_symlink
my ($from,$to)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: ln -s $from $to\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
symlink($from,$to) or die "$to: $!\n";
sub fileop_ln_or_cp
my ($from,$to)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: ln_or_cp $from $to\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
unless (link $from,$to) {
sub fileop_lmtime {
my ($mtime,$path)=@_;
$fileop_debug and warn "lmtime $mtime $path\n";
$fileop_noop and return;
sub size
my $s = shift;
my $n = shift;
defined($n) or $n = 1;
my @T=();
for (my $f = 4; $f >= 0; $f--) {
my $t = int($s/(1024**$f));
push @T, ($t > 0) ? $t : 0; # TB/GB/MB/Kb/B
$s -= $t*(1024**$f);
my @L;
for my $x ('TB','GB','MB','kB','B') {
my $y = shift @T;
if ($y != 0) {
if (defined($n)) {
last if ($n < 0);
push @L,"$y $x";
return join(' ',@L);
sub receive_bytes
my ($io,$bufref,$len)=@_;
my $index=0;
while($len) {
my $l = $io->sysread($$bufref,$len,$index);
$l or return $l;
return $_[2]; # orig $len
sub receive_record
my ($io,$bufref)=@_;
my $len_buf;
my $l;
defined $l or die "$!";
$l or die "peer disconnected\n";
my $len=unpack('n',$len_buf);
$len or return 0;
return receive_bytes($io,$bufref,$len)
sub writebuf {
my ($fh,$buf,$len)=@_;
my $pos=0;
while (1) {
my $sts=syswrite($fh,$buf,$len,$pos);
defined $sts or return undef;
$sts==$len and return $_[2];
# this is extremly unlikely (only seen when strace connects)
sub send_file
my ($filename)=@_;
my $data_buf;
my $len;
my $fh=IO::File->new($filename, O_RDONLY + ($noatime ? O_NOATIME : 0) );
unless (defined $fh) {
# one reason to get here is that the file was deleted after it has been offered to
# and requested by the client.
if ($!==2) { # ENOENT
warn "$filename: file has been removed on master after client requested it. aborting transfer\n";
die "$filename: $!\n";
defined $fh or die "$filename: $!\n";
my $duration = 0;
my $size = ($fh->stat())[7];
if ($bandwidth && !$quiet) {
$duration = Time::HiRes::time();
my $oc = 8 + length($filename);
if ( $oc > $bw_column ) {
$bw_column = $oc + 1.0;
$bw_column -= 0.02;
printf STDERR " %*s ",int($bw_column-$oc)+7,size($size,1);
while(1) {
defined $len or die "$filename: $!\n";
writebuf($out,$data_buf,$len+2) or die "$filename: $!\n";
$len or last;
if ($bandwidth && !$quiet) {
$duration = Time::HiRes::time() - $duration + 0.00001; # prevent div by zero
printf STDERR " in %5.2fs %7s/s",$duration,size($size/$duration,1);
sub receive_file
my ($filename,$expected_size,$perm)=@_;
my $fh;
defined $fh or die "$filename: $!\n";
while(1) {
my $data_buf;
my $l;
defined $l or die "receive $filename: $!\n";
$l or last;
defined $l or die "$filename: $!\n";
if ($expected_size>0) {
warn "master sent less file data than expected\n";
} elsif ($expected_size<0) {
warn "master sent more file data than expected\n";
sub cksum {
my ($filename)=@_;
open my $p,'-|','cksum',$filename or die "$!\n";
my $out=<$p>;
close $p;
$? and exit 1;
my ($sum)=$out=~/(^\S+)/;
return $sum;
sub master
my ($master_path,$slave_user,$slave,$slave_path)=@_;
chdir $master_path or die "$master_path: $!\n";
if ($safety) {
my $safety_file="$master_path/.PMIRROR_ENABLED";
-e $safety_file or die "safety file $safety_file not found. Terminating\n";
if ($lockident) {
use Fcntl (':flock');
my $lockfilename='/var/lock/pmirror.'.$lockident.'.lock';
our $lock_handle=IO::File->new($lockfilename,O_CREAT|O_WRONLY,0777);
defined $lock_handle or die "$lockfilename: $!\n";
flock($lock_handle,LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) or die (($!==11 || $!==35) ? "mirror $lockident already running\n" : "$lockfilename: $!\n");
unless ($allowremotefs) {
my $st=My::FileInfo->lstat('.');
$st or die "$master_path : $!\n";
exists $LOCAL_DEV{$st->dev} or die "$master_path: remote filesystem\n";
my $master_to_slave = new IO::Pipe; # from us to remote slave
my $slave_to_master = new IO::Pipe; # from remote slave to us
defined (my $pid=fork) or die "$0: $!\n";
unless ($pid) {
open STDIN, '<&',$master_to_slave or die "$!";
open STDOUT,'>&',$slave_to_master or die "$!";
my @remote_opts;
$quiet and push @remote_opts,'--quiet';
$fileop_noop and push @remote_opts,'--noop';
$fileop_debug and push @remote_opts,'--fileop_debug';
$debug and push @remote_opts,'--debug';
push @remote_opts,$delete ? '--delete' : '--nodelete';
$mkdir_slave and push @remote_opts,'--mkdir';
$reduce and push @remote_opts,'--reduce';
$force_status and push @remote_opts,'--force_status';
$bandwidth and push @remote_opts,'--bandwidth';
$allowremotefs and push @remote_opts,'--allowremotefs';
$cksum and push @remote_opts,'--cksum';
$nice and push @remote_opts,'--nice';
$unix_socket_name and push @remote_opts,'--socket-name',$unix_socket_name;
($slave_unprivileged or ($slave_user ne 'root')) and push @remote_opts,'--unprivileged';
my @l;
if ($slave) {
@l= (
$identity_file ? ('-i',$identity_file) : (),
$unix_socket_name ? ('-L',"$unix_socket_name:$unix_socket_name") : (),
$ssh_opt ? $ssh_opt : (),
# '/project/admin/pdist/pmirror2','--slave',@remote_opts,$slave_path
} else {
# @l=('/project/admin/pdist/pmirror2','--slave','--local-slave',@remote_opts,$slave_path)
$debug and warn "executing @l\n";
$unix_socket_name and -e $unix_socket_name and unlink($unix_socket_name);
exec @l;
die "ssh: exec failed: $!\n";
local($, , $\)=(' ',"\n");
if ($slave) {
my $s_data;
defined $_ or die "client disconnected\n";
if ($unix_socket_name) {
/^LISTEN (\S+)$/ or die "protocol error; expected 'LISTEN path' got '$_'\n";
$debug and warn "connecting to slave data port via $unix_socket_name\n";
$s_data=new IO::Socket::UNIX (Peer=>$unix_socket_name) or die "connect to slave data port: $!\n";
} else {
/^LISTEN (\d+)$/ or die "protocol error; expected 'LISTEN port' got '$_'\n";
my $port=$1;
$debug and warn "connecting to slave data port at $slave:$port\n";
$s_data=new IO::Socket::INET (PeerHost=>$slave,PeerPort=>$port,Proto=>'tcp') or die "connect to slave data port: $!\n";
for (@EXCEPTS) {
my @TODO='.';
while (@TODO) {
my $filename=shift @TODO;
next if is_excepted($filename);
my $st=My::FileInfo->lstat($filename);
unless ($st) {
warn "$filename : $!\n";
if ( !exists $LOCAL_DEV{$st->dev} && !$allowremotefs && !($st->dev == -1 && $st->type eq 'P')) { # osf bug: pipes show -1 as dev
warn "$filename : remote filesystem\n";
if ($st->type eq 'D' && $filename =~ /\/(package|project|confidential|home|scratch|src)\/[^\/]+\.DELETEME$/ ) {
my $hardlink='-';
if ($st->type ne 'D' && $st->nlink>1) {
my $tag=$st->dev.'.'.$st->ino;
if (exists $HARDLINK{$tag}) {
} else {
my $sum= $cksum && $st->type eq 'F' ? cksum($filename) : '-';
if ($st->type eq 'F') {
my $reply=$in->getline;
defined $reply or die "client disconnected\n";
if ($reply eq 'SEND') {
if ($bandwidth && !$quiet) {
# note: we have $\ set, so use printf, not print
printf STDERR 'sending %s',$filename;
printf STDERR "\n";
} else {
$quiet or warn "sending $filename\n";
} elsif ($reply eq 'CONTINUE') {
} else {
die "unexpected client reply: $reply\n";
} elsif ($st->type eq 'D') {
my $dir;
unless (opendir $dir,$filename) {
next if $!==2 || $!==20; # ENOENT,ENOTDIR
die "$filename: $!\n";
unshift @TODO,map("$filename/$_",sort grep !/^\.\.?$/,readdir $dir)
$out->print('%','complete'); # end tag, because truncated indices can be quite destructive
waitpid $pid,0;
sub add_clean_dir
my ($dir)=@_;
opendir DIR,$dir or die "$dir: $!\n";
while (defined (my $file=readdir DIR)) {
my $path="$dir/$file";
$CLEAN{$path} = 1 unless ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..' || is_excepted($path));
closedir DIR;
sub check_perm
my ($st_is,$st_want)=@_;
my $path=$st_is->name;
$st_is->type eq '-' || $st_is->type eq 'L' and die "internal error";
if ($st_is->uid != $st_want->uid || $st_is->gid != $st_want->gid) {
($quiet || $slave_unprivileged) or warn "chown ".$st_want->uid.':'.$st_want->gid." $path\n";
if ($st_want->perm != $st_is->perm) {
$quiet or warn sprintf("chmod %03o %s\n",$st_want->perm,$path);
sub make_dir
my ($path,$mode,$uid,$gid)=@_;
$quiet or warn sprintf ("mkdir %s owner %d:%d mode 0%03o\n",$path,$uid,$gid,$mode);
sub out_of_the_way
my ($st)=@_;
$st->type eq '-' and return;
if ($st->type eq 'D') {
my $path=$st->name;
my $deleteme="$path.deleteme";
push @CLEAN_DIRS,$deleteme;
} else {
sub tmpfilename # './bla/lall/troeoet/lalala.txt' -> './bla/lall/troeoet/pmirror.1234.tmp'
my ($path)=@_;
my ($name)=$path=~m"([^/]+)$" or die "$path: bad pathname\n";
return substr($path,0,-length($name)).'pmirror.'.$$.'.tmp';
sub slave
our $hostname=hostname;
our @DIR_MTIME_QUEUE; # ( name , mtime , name , mtime , ... )
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn $hostname.': '.$_[0] };
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die $hostname.': '.$_[0] };
local($, , $\)=(' ',"\n");
my ($slave_path)=@_;
if ($mkdir_slave && !$fileop_noop) {
system 'mkdir','-p',$slave_path and exit 1;
chdir $slave_path or die "$slave_path: $!\n";
unless ($local_slave) {
my $s_listen;
if ($unix_socket_name) {
-e $unix_socket_name && unlink($unix_socket_name);
$s_listen=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Listen=>1,Local=>$unix_socket_name) or die "$unix_socket_name: $!\n";
$out->print("LISTEN $unix_socket_name");
} else {
$s_listen=IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen=>1) or die "$0: $!\n";
my $port=$s_listen->sockport;
$out->print("LISTEN $port");
my $s_data = $s_listen->accept;
my $err=$!;
$unix_socket_name and unlink($unix_socket_name);
defined $s_data or die "$err\n";
my $reduce_saved_fileop_noop=$fileop_noop;
$reduce and $fileop_noop=1;
umask 0; # don't let umask get in our way.
my $crc_missmatch=0;
while (defined ($_=$in->getline)) {
my @F=split ' ';
$F[0] eq '%' and last;
if ($F[0] eq '!') {
push @EXCEPTS,fn_unescape($F[1]);
my $st_want=My::FileInfo->import_index(@F);
my $filename=$st_want->name;
if (is_excepted($filename)) {
$st_want->type eq 'F' and $out->print ('CONTINUE');
delete $CLEAN{$filename};
my $st_is=My::FileInfo->lstat($filename);
if ($st_want->type eq 'D') {
if ($st_is && $st_is->type eq 'D') {
$delete and add_clean_dir($filename);
} else {
$st_is and fileop_rm($filename);
push @DIR_MTIME_QUEUE,$filename,$st_want->mtime;
} else {
my $hardlink=fn_unescape($F[7]);
my $sum=$F[8];
if ($hardlink ne '-') {
my $st_src=My::FileInfo->lstat($hardlink);
unless ($st_src) {
$fileop_noop or warn "hardlink source $hardlink: $!\n";
$st_want->type eq 'F' and $out->print('CONTINUE');
if ( !$st_is || $st_is->dev!=$st_src->dev || $st_is->ino != $st_src->ino) {
$st_is and out_of_the_way($st_is);
$quiet or warn "ln $hardlink $filename\n";
$st_want->type eq 'F' and $out->print('CONTINUE');
} elsif ($st_want->type eq 'F') {
if (!$st_is || $st_is->type ne 'F' || $st_is->size != $st_want->size || $st_is->mtime != $st_want->mtime) {
unless ($fileop_noop) {
my $tmpfile=tmpfilename($filename);
my $tmp_perm=$slave_unprivileged ? $st_want->perm : 0;
if ($slave_unprivileged && -e $tmpfile) {
unlink $tmpfile or die "$tmpfile: $!\n";
if ($st_want->size) {
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: receiving $tmpfile\n";
} else {
$quiet or warn "creating empty $filename\n";
$fileop_debug and warn "fileop: creating $tmpfile\n";
IO::File->new($tmpfile,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT,$tmp_perm) or die "$tmpfile: $!\n";
unless ($slave_unprivileged) {
$st_is and $st_is->type eq 'D' and out_of_the_way($st_is);
} else {
$quiet or warn "mirror $filename\n";
} else {
unless ($reduce) {
if ($cksum) {
my $is_sum=cksum($filename);
if ($is_sum != $sum) {
warn "$filename: CRC missmatch\n";
} elsif ($st_want->type eq 'L') {
if (!$st_is || $st_is->type ne 'L' || $st_is->target ne $st_want->target) {
$st_is and out_of_the_way($st_is);
$quiet or warn "ln -s ".$st_want->target." $filename\n";
} else {
if (!$slave_unprivileged && ($st_is->uid != $st_want->uid || $st_is->gid != $st_want->gid)) {
$quiet or warn "lchown ".$st_want->uid.':'.$st_want->gid." $filename\n";
if ($st_is->mtime != $st_want->mtime) {
$quiet or warn "set mtime of $filename\n";
} elsif ($st_want->type eq 'P') {
if (!$st_is || $st_is->type ne 'P') {
$st_is and out_of_the_way($st_is);
$quiet or warn "mknod $filename P\n";
} else {
} elsif ($st_want->type eq 'S') {
warn "$filename: is a socket (ignored)\n";
} elsif ($st_want->type eq 'C' || $st_want->type eq 'B') {
if (!$st_is || $st_is->type ne $st_want->type || $st_is->rdev != $st_want->rdev) {
$st_is and out_of_the_way($st_is);
$quiet or warn "mknod $filename ",$st_want->type,"\n";
} else {
} else {
warn "$filename: type ".$st_want->type." not yet implemented\n";
defined $_ or die "unexpected EOF from master\n"; # emergency exit
$reduce and $fileop_noop=$reduce_saved_fileop_noop;
if ($delete) {
$debug and warn "cleanup\n";
for my $path (keys %CLEAN) {
lstat $path or die "$path: $!\n";
if (-e _) {
if (-d _) {
$quiet or warn "rm -r $path\n";
} else {
$quiet or warn "rm $path\n";
for my $path (@CLEAN_DIRS) {
if (-e $path) {
$quiet or warn "rm -r $path\n";
$reduce and exit;
for (my $i=0;$i<@DIR_MTIME_QUEUE;$i+=2) {
my ($fn,$mtime)=($DIR_MTIME_QUEUE[$i],$DIR_MTIME_QUEUE[$i+1]);
if (my @f=lstat $fn) {
S_ISDIR($f[2]) or next; # no longer a directory
$f[9]==$mtime and next; # mtime is okay
$quiet or warn "fix directory mtime of $fn ",$f[9],' -> ',$mtime,"\n";
unless ($fileop_noop) {
utime($mtime,$mtime,$fn) or warn "$fn: $!\n";
} else {
warn "$fn: $!\n" unless $fileop_noop;
if ($crc_missmatch) {
die "completed with $crc_missmatch CRC errors\n";
if ( !$fileop_noop && ($force_status || -e '.PMIRROR_STATUS')) {
my $t=time;
open L,'>','.PMIRROR_STATUS' or die ".PMIRROR_STATUS: $!\n";
print L 'OK',$t,scalar(localtime($t));
close L;
use constant USAGE => <<"__EOF__";
usage: $0 [options] path [node:]path
$0 --slave [--local-slave] [--socket-name path] path [options]
--noop dont change anything
--quiet don't say anything
--fileop_debug log every file operation
--delete delete files on client which are not on server
--debug log some debugging info
--lock IDENT get exclusive lock on /var/lock/IDENT or die (not for slave)
--safety check existance of /path/.PMIRROR_ENABLE
--identity_file FILE use this identity file for ssh
--mkdir create directory on target
--exclude path exclude path ( use pattern "./name1/name" only) , max be specified multiple times
--reduce do not create new data on mirror ( but do remove obsolete data with --delete) ...
--force_status force creation of .PMIRROR_STATUS on target
--bandwidth bandwidth
--allowremotefs allow mirror over remote fs
--ssh-opt OPT additional ssh option
--cksum compare existing files with CRC checksum
--unprivileged do not attempt to set file ownership, even if root
--nice EXPERIMENTAL nice
--unix-socket EXPERIMENTAL establish data channel over ssh via AF unix sockets
--socket-name PATH EXPERIMENTAL use PATH as name for AF unix sockets
--noatime don't touch atime on sender
use constant OPTIONS => (
'slave' => \$slave_mode,
'local-slave' => \$local_slave,
'unprivileged' => \$slave_unprivileged,
'noop' => \$fileop_noop,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'fileop_debug' => \$fileop_debug,
'delete!' => \$delete,
'debug' => \$debug,
'lock=s' => \$lockident,
'safety' => \$safety,
'identity_file=s' => \$identity_file,
'mkdir' => \$mkdir_slave,
'exclude=s' => \@EXCEPTS,
'reduce' => \$reduce,
'force_status' => \$force_status,
'bandwidth' => \$bandwidth,
'allowremotefs' => \$allowremotefs,
'ssh-opt=s' => \$ssh_opt,
'cksum' => \$cksum,
'nice' => \$nice,
'unix-socket' => \$unix_socket,
'socket-name=s' => \$unix_socket_name,
'noatime' => \$noatime,
GetOptions(OPTIONS) or die USAGE;
if ($noatime && $cksum) {
die "$0: --cksum together with --noatime not implemented\n";
if ($nice) {
system "ionice -c idle -p $$ 2>/dev/null"
if ($slave_mode) {
@ARGV==1 or die USAGE;
my ($slave_path)=@ARGV;
} else {
@ARGV==2 or die USAGE;
my ($master_path,$target)=@ARGV;
# excludes only work with a full path
push @EXCEPTS,'./';
push @EXCEPTS,'./quota.user';
push @EXCEPTS,'./.tags';
my ($slave,$slave_path);
my $slave_user='root';
if ($target=~/^([^:]+):(.+)$/) { # system:/path
if ($slave=~/^([^\@]+)\@(.+)$/) { # user@system:/path
($slave_user, $slave) = ($1, $2);
} else { # /path
$>==0 or $slave_user='whatever'; # if we are not root, the local slave will also no be root
if ($unix_socket && !defined $unix_socket_name) {
$unix_socket_name=sprintf '%s/pmirror_setup_%s_%05d',($ENV{'TMPDIR'}||'/tmp'),$ENV{'USER'},int(rand(100000));