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Create microcode update archives and load them in GRUB #342


Commits on Aug 24, 2023

  1. mxgrub: Create microcode update images and pass them to GRUB

    The Linux kernel [documentation][1] and the distributions prepend them
    to the possibly compressed initrd image manually, but then you need a
    script like `lsinitramfs` to view the content, if it’s compressed.
    Using separate files uses possibly not well tested GRUB code paths, but
    allows us to easily handle all the files.
        $ gunzip --to-stdout -S .igz /boot/grub/initramfs.igz | cpio -i -t
        $ cpio -i --file /boot/amd-ucode.img -t
        $ cpio -i --file /boot/intel-ucode.img -t
    pmenzel committed Aug 24, 2023
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