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## Project: DexStim Mouse Brain
## Date: 16.09.2022
## Author: Nathalie
# Test if Tcf4 DN is enriched for genes that are actually
# dysregulated upon Tcf4 mutant mice:
# (
basedir <- "/Users/nathalie_gerstner/Documents/ownCloud/DexStim_RNAseq_Mouse/"
folder_table <- paste0(basedir,"/tables")
file_tcf4 <- paste0(basedir, "data/reviews/TCF4 PFC DN.xlsx")
file_mutant_tcf4 <- paste0(basedir, "data/reviews/Phan et al_Nat Neuro_2020 TCF4.xls")
file_background <- paste0(folder_table, "/06_background.txt")
## 0. Set up BioMart for ID mapping
mouse <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl", host = "")
# --> this is a workaround as the normal commands lead to errors
## 1. Read background mouse genes from our dataset
background <- read.table(file_background,
row.names = NULL)
## 2. Read Tcf4 DN from PFC
tcf4_dn <- read_excel(file_tcf4, sheet = "Sheet1")
tcf4_dn <- getBM(attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "mgi_symbol"), # no difference between v3 and v4
filters = "mgi_symbol",
values = tcf4_dn$`unique identifiers`, mart = mouse)
## 3. Read mutant Tcf4 mice DE genes
mutant <- list()
# adult mice
tcf4_mutant <- read_excel(file_mutant_tcf4, sheet = "Supp Table 2-Adult DESeq2")
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_mutant$...1[tcf4_mutant$padj <= 0.05]
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_demutant[tcf4_demutant %in% background$V1]
mutant[["tcf4_mutant_adult"]] <- tcf4_demutant
# p1 mice
tcf4_mutant <- read_excel(file_mutant_tcf4, sheet = "Supp Table 2-p1 DESeq2")
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_mutant$...1[tcf4_mutant$padj <= 0.05]
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_demutant[tcf4_demutant %in% background$V1]
mutant[["tcf4_mutant_p1"]] <- tcf4_demutant
# both
tcf4_mutant <- read_excel(file_mutant_tcf4, sheet = "Supp Table 2-Both DESeq2")
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_mutant$...1[tcf4_mutant$padj_p1 <= 0.05 & tcf4_mutant$padj_Adult]
tcf4_demutant <- tcf4_demutant[tcf4_demutant %in% background$V1]
mutant[["both"]] <- tcf4_demutant
## 4. Overrepresentation test
# Check if mutant Tcf4 DE genes are enriched in our network
foraRes <- fora(pathways = mutant,
genes = tcf4_dn$ensembl_gene_id,
universe = background$V1)
## 5. Write to file
file = paste0(basedir,