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function OPTIMA_dataset_func_description_BIDS_3(BIDS,fname_in,biomax_vec)
% create BIDS dataset description json file
% for the functional data
% file history:
% created M. Czisch 19.2.2018
clear jsonstruct;
% read general info from master file
fname_out = [BIDS.output.dir,'tmp.json'];
cmd_str = ['rm -rf ', fname_out]; system(cmd_str);
fid2 = fopen(fname_out,'a');
fname = fname_in;
fid = fopen(fname);
last_line = fgetl(fid);
while ~strcmp(last_line,'}')
if strcmp(last_line,'{')
second_to_last_line = last_line;
last_line = fgetl(fid);
fprintf(fid2, '%s\n', second_to_last_line);
second_to_last_line = last_line;
last_line = fgetl(fid);
fprintf(fid2, '%s,\n', second_to_last_line);
% add specific info for current dataset
str = ['"TimeOfConversion": "',char(date),'"'];
fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
short_ID = data_set_short_ID(BIDS);
str = ['"PatientID": "',[BIDS.output.dir],'"']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"NumberShots": 1']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"ParallelAcquisitionTechnique": "ASSET"']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"ParallelReductionFactorInPlane": 2']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"PhaseEncodingDirection": "j"']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"SliceEncodingDirection": "k"']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner": 0']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByUser": 0']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
if logical(strfind(fname,'task-ist_bold'))
str = ['"NumberSlices": 40']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"SliceTiming": [0.00, 1.00, 0.05, 1.05, 0.10, 1.10, 0.15, 1.15, 0.20, 1.20,'...
'0.25, 1.25, 0.30, 1.30, 0.35, 1.35, 0.40, 1.40, 0.45, 1.45,'...
'0.50, 1.50, 0.55, 1.55, 0.60, 1.60, 0.65, 1.65, 0.70, 1.70,'...
'0.75, 1.75, 0.80, 1.80, 0.85, 1.85, 0.90, 1.90, 0.95, 1.95]']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"NumberSlices": 42']; fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = ['"SliceTiming": [0, 1.2500, 0.0595, 1.3095, 0.1190, 1.3690, 0.1786, 1.4286,'...
'0.2381, 1.4881, 0.2976, 1.5476, 0.3571, 1.6071, 0.4167, 1.6667,'...
'0.4762, 1.7262, 0.5357, 1.7857, 0.5952, 1.8452, 0.6548, 1.9048,'...
'0.7143, 1.9643, 0.7738, 2.0238, 0.8333, 2.0833, 0.8929, 2.1429,'...
'0.9524, 2.2024, 1.0119, 2.2619, 1.0714, 2.3214, 1.1310, 2.3810, 1.1905, 2.4405]'];
fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = sprintf('"MRIDataExist": %d', biomax_vec(1)); fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = sprintf('"LogFileExist": %d', biomax_vec(2)); fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = sprintf('"EyeTrackerExist": %d', biomax_vec(3)); fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
str = sprintf('"PhysioDay1Exist": %d', biomax_vec(4)); fprintf(fid2, ' %s,\n', str);
%str = sprintf('"PhysioDay2Exist": %d', biomax_vec(5)); fprintf(fid2, ' %s\n', str);
str = '}';
fprintf(fid2, '%s', str);
fclose(fid); fclose(fid2);
cmd_str = sprintf('mv %s %s', fname_out, fname); system(cmd_str);