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import sys
import json
class HCCA:
The HCCA class to create clusters from a Rank Based Network
def __init__(self, step_size=3, hrr_cutoff=50, min_cluster_size=40, max_cluster_size=200):
Clear lists and store settings
:param step_size: desired step size
:param hrr_cutoff: desired hrr_cutoff
:param min_cluster_size: minimal size of a cluster
:param max_cluster_size: maximal size of a cluster
# Settings
self.hrrCutoff = hrr_cutoff
self.stepSize = step_size
self.min_cluster_size = min_cluster_size
self.max_cluster_size = max_cluster_size
# Dicts to store the network
self.scoreDic = {}
self.curDic = {}
# Temp variables
self.loners = []
self.clustered = []
self.clustets = []
def __clustettes(self, nodes):
Detect islands of nodes smaller than max_cluster_size
:param nodes:
cons = []
for l in nodes:
cons += self.curDic[l]
cons = list(set(cons + nodes))
# If the network is larger than the max_cluster size it is not a clustet, skip
if len(cons) <= self.max_cluster_size:
if len(cons) == len(nodes):
if cons not in self.clustets:
def __remove_loners(self):
Removes nodes contained in islands (smaller than min_size) from the analysis
print("Detecting loners...", end='')
node_count = len(self.curDic)
# Detect nodes forming small islands
for node in self.curDic.keys():
# Removes nodes from small islands
deleted_count = 0
for clustet in self.clustets:
for c in clustet:
del self.curDic[c]
deleted_count += 1
print("Done!\nFound %d loners (out of %d nodes)" % (deleted_count, node_count))
def __surrounding_step(self, node_list, whole, step):
:param node_list:
:param whole:
:param step:
if step < self.stepSize:
nvn = [l for l in node_list]
for l in node_list:
nvn += self.curDic[l]
nvn = list(set(nvn))
self.__surrounding_step(nvn, whole, step + 1)
def __chisel(self, nvn, clusters):
this function recursively removes nodes from NVN. Only nodes that are connected more to the inside of NVN are retained
:param nvn:
:param clusters:
temp = []
seta = set(nvn)
for n in nvn:
connections = self.curDic[n]
inside = set(nvn) & set(connections)
outside = (set(connections) - set(inside))
in_score = 0
out_score = 0
for j in inside:
in_score += self.scoreDic[n][j]
for j in outside:
out_score += self.scoreDic[n][j]
if in_score > out_score:
if len(temp) == len(seta):
self.__chisel(temp, clusters)
def __biggest_isle(self, lista, cluster_set, cur_seed):
Sometimes the NVN is split into to islands after chiseling. This function finds the biggest island
and keeps it. The smaller island is discarded.
:param lista:
:param cluster_set:
:param cur_seed:
temp = []
for k in range(len(lista)):
temp += self.scoreDic[lista[k]].keys()
nodes = set(temp + lista) & cluster_set
if len(set(nodes)) == len(set(lista)):
self.__biggest_isle(list(nodes), cluster_set, cur_seed)
def __find_non_overlapping(self, clusters):
This function accepts a list of Stable Putative Clusters and greedily extracts non overlapping
clusters with highest modularity.
:param clusters:
ranked_clust = []
for cluster in clusters:
in_score = 0
out_score = 0
for node in cluster:
connections = set(self.scoreDic[node].keys())
in_cons = list(connections & set(cluster))
out_cons = list(connections - set(cluster))
in_score = 0
out_score = 0
for in_con in in_cons:
in_score += self.scoreDic[node][in_con]
for out_con in out_cons:
out_score += self.scoreDic[node][out_con]
ranked_clust.append([out_score / in_score, cluster])
best_clust = [ranked_clust[0][1]]
for i in range(len(ranked_clust)):
counter = 0
for j in range(len(best_clust)):
if len(set(ranked_clust[i][1]) & set(best_clust[j])) > 0:
counter += 1
if counter == 0 and ranked_clust[i][0] < 1:
return best_clust
def __network_editor(self, clustered):
This function removes nodes in accepted clusters from the current network.
:param clustered:
connected = []
clustered_nodes = []
for i in range(len(clustered)):
clustered_nodes += clustered[i]
for j in range(len(clustered[i])):
connected += self.curDic[clustered[i][j]]
del self.curDic[clustered[i][j]]
connections = list(set(connected) - set(clustered_nodes))
for i in range(len(connections)):
self.curDic[connections[i]] = list(set(self.curDic[connections[i]]) - set(clustered_nodes))
def __filler(self, left_overs):
This function assigns nodes that were not clustered by HCCA to clusters they are having highest connectivity to.
:param left_overs:
con_score_mat = [[]] * len(self.clustered)
clustera = []
print("Leftovers : %d" % len(left_overs))
if len(left_overs) != 0:
for i in range(len(left_overs)):
for j in range(len(self.clustered)):
connections = list(set(self.scoreDic[left_overs[i]].keys()) & set(self.clustered[j]))
score = 0
for k in range(len(connections)):
score += self.scoreDic[left_overs[i]][connections[k]]
con_score_mat[j] = score
top_score = max(con_score_mat)
if top_score != 0:
size_list = []
for j in range(len(con_score_mat)):
if con_score_mat[j] == top_score:
size_list.append([len(self.clustered[j]), j])
self.clustered[size_list[0][1]] += [left_overs[i]]
left_overs = list(set(left_overs) - set(clustera))
def __iterate(self):
Runs one iteration of CCA
save = []
not_clustered = list(self.curDic.keys())
for i in range(len(not_clustered)):
sys.stdout.write("\rNode " + str(i) + " out of " + str(len(not_clustered)))
whole = []
clusters = []
self.__surrounding_step([not_clustered[i]], whole, 0)
self.__chisel(whole[0], clusters)
if len(clusters[0]) > 20:
checked = []
for j in range(len(clusters[0])):
if clusters[0][j] not in checked:
cur_seed = []
self.__biggest_isle([clusters[0][j]], set(clusters[0]), cur_seed)
checked += cur_seed[0]
# Check if cluster is withing the desired size range
if self.max_cluster_size > len(cur_seed[0]) > self.min_cluster_size:
print("\nFinding non-overlappers...", end='')
new_cluster = self.__find_non_overlapping(save)
print("Done!\nFound %s non overlapping SPCs. Making a cluster list..." % len(new_cluster), end='')
for i in range(len(new_cluster)):
print("Done!\n\nCurrent number of clusters %d. Starting the network edit..." % len(self.clustered))
print("Done!\nFinished the edits.")
def build_clusters(self):
Function that will build clusters from the current network
iteration = 1
while True:
print("Iteration: %s" % iteration)
iteration += 1
except IndexError:
# When no additional clusters can be found, and IndexError (out of range) is produced.
# Catch and handle gracefully
leftovers = list(self.curDic.keys())
print("\nClustering completed, handling left overs...")
def read_network(self, filename):
Function to read network from PlaNet 1 HRR files (retained for testing !)
:param filename: path to file to read
print("Reading Rank Based network from HRR file...", end='')
a = open(filename).readlines() # open network file
for i in range(len(a)): # this loop processess the network file into 2 dicts (curDic and scoreDic).
splitted = a[i].split("\t")
dicto = {}
connections = []
for j in range(5, len(splitted)):
if "+" in splitted[j]:
splitx = splitted[j].split("+")
if float(splitx[1]) < self.hrrCutoff:
dicto[splitx[0]] = 1 / (float(splitx[1]) + 1)
if len(dicto) != 0:
self.scoreDic[str(i)] = dicto
self.curDic[str(i)] = connections
def load_data(self, data):
Loads curDict and scoreDict from dictionary
"GeneA": {
"GeneB" : 1 (rank),
"GeneC" : 2,
"GeneB": {
"GeneA" : 1,
:param data: dictionary with co-expressed pairs and their ranks
print("Loading network from dict...", sep='')
self.curDic = {}
self.scoreDic = {}
self.loners = []
for gene, scores in data.items():
neighbors = [k for k, score in scores.items() if score < self.hrrCutoff]
if len(neighbors) == 0:
self.curDic[gene] = neighbors
for gene, scores in data.items():
self.scoreDic[gene] = {k: 1/(score + 1) for k, score in scores.items() if score < self.hrrCutoff}
def clusters(self):
Returns a list of all members of clusters and clustets, with a name for the cluster/clustet.
:return: List of tuples [(member, clustername, clustet (bool)), ...]
output = []
count = 1
for cluster in self.clustered:
for member in cluster:
output.append((member, "Cluster_%d" % count, False))
count += 1
for clustet in self.clustets:
for member in clustet:
output.append((member, "Cluster_%d" % count, True))
count += 1
return output
def write_output(self, filename):
save = []
for i, cluster in enumerate(self.clustered):
for member in cluster:
save.append("%s\t%d\n" % (member, i))
for i, clustet in enumerate(self.clustets):
for member in clustet:
save.append("%s\ts%d\n" % (member, i))
for loner in self.loners:
save.append("%s\tsNA\n" % loner)
# Write output to file
with open(filename, "w") as v:
if __name__ == "__main__":
hcca_test = HCCA(step_size=3, hrr_cutoff=30)