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import re
import sys
from subprocess import check_output, DEVNULL
from time import sleep
def detect_cluster_system():
Checks which cluster manager is installed on the system, return "SGE" for Sun/Oracle Grid Engine, "PBS" for
PBS/Torque based systems and otherwise "other"
:return: string "SBE", "PBS" or "other"
which_output = check_output(["which", "sge_qmaster"], stderr=DEVNULL).decode("utf-8")
if "/sge_qmaster" in which_output:
return "SGE"
except Exception as _:
which_output = check_output(["which", "pbs_sched"], stderr=DEVNULL).decode("utf-8")
if "/pbs_sched" in which_output:
return "PBS"
except Exception as _:
return "other"
def job_running(job_name):
Checks if a specific job is still running on a cluster using the qstat command
:param job_name: name of the submitted script/jobname
:return: boolean true if the job is still running or in the queue
running_jobs = []
c_system = detect_cluster_system()
if c_system == "SGE":
# Sun/Oracle Grid engine detected
qstat = check_output(["qstat", "-r"]).decode("utf-8")
pattern = "Full jobname:\s*" + job_name
running_jobs = re.findall(pattern, qstat)
elif c_system == "PBS":
# Sun/Oracle Grid engine detected
qstat = check_output(["qstat", "-f"]).decode("utf-8")
pattern = "Job_Name = \s*" + job_name
running_jobs = re.findall(pattern, qstat)
print("Unsupported System", file=sys.stderr)
if len(running_jobs) > 0:
print('Still %d jobs running.' % len(running_jobs), end='\r')
return bool(len(running_jobs) > 0)
def wait_for_job(job_name, sleep_time=5):
Checks if a job is running and sleeps for a set number of minutes if it is
:param job_name: name of the job to check
:param sleep_time: time to sleep between polls (in minutes, default = 5)
while job_running(job_name):