Releases: proost/LSTrAP
Releases · proost/LSTrAP
LSTrAP v1.3
LSTrAP v1.2
- InterProScan and Orthology disabled by default. Use --enable-interpro and --enable-orthology to run those optional parts of the pipeline
- Included a script to draw the co-expression neighborhood for a specific gene (helper/
- Included a script to remove splice variants from GFF3 files retaining only the longest transcript
- Added example output to docs
- Added section in docs how to use new scripts
LSTrAP v1.1
- You can now pass additional options to qsub for each step.
- --keep-intermediate replaced with --remove-intermediate to avoid accidental deletion of trimmed files, tophat output
First public release of LSTrAP
v1.0 added link to aspera download client