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(ns de.mpg.shh.util-ldap.ldap
(:require [ :refer [info error]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :refer [load-properties]])
(:import [java.lang NumberFormatException]
[javax.naming Context InvalidNameException]
[ InitialDirContext]
[javax.naming.ldap LdapName]
[com.novell.ldap LDAPJSSEStartTLSFactory LDAPConnection LDAPConstraints]))
(def properties (delay (load-properties "")))
(defn get-ldap-host
(if-let [host (get-in @properties [:ldap :host])] host (throw (Exception. "No configuration found for check resources/"))))
(defn get-ldap-port
(if-let [port (get-in @properties [:ldap :port])]
(java.lang.Long/valueOf port)
(catch NumberFormatException nfe
(throw (Exception. "Not a number check ldap.port in resources/"))))
(throw (Exception. "No configuration found for ldap.port check resources/"))))
(def user-attributes #{"cn" "sn" "mail" "memberOf"})
(defn authenticate
"Attempt to authenticate `username` via an LDAP simple bind with
`password`. Returns true on success, otherwise false."
[username password]
(let [ldap-conn (LDAPConnection. (LDAPJSSEStartTLSFactory.))]
(doto ldap-conn
(.connect (get-ldap-host) (get-ldap-port))
(.bind LDAPConnection/LDAP_V3 username (.getBytes password)))
(catch Exception e
(error e "Failed to authenticate" username)
(defn ldap-entry-iterator
(reify java.util.Iterator
(hasNext [this] (.hasMore ldap-result))
(next [this] (.next ldap-result))))
(defn attribute->map
[accumulator item]
(let [[attr value] (str/split item #"=")
lc-attr (str/lower-case attr)]
(if (contains? accumulator lc-attr)
(update accumulator lc-attr conj value)
(assoc accumulator lc-attr [value]))))
(defn attributes->map
(let [parsed-dn (LdapName. attributes)]
(reduce attribute->map {} (enumeration-seq (.getAll parsed-dn))))
(catch InvalidNameException ine
(defn ldap-entry->map
{:name (.getName ldap-entry)
:values (vec (map attributes->map (.getStringValueArray ldap-entry)))})
(defn full-dag-filter
(and (= (get group "dc") ["de" "mpg" "shh"])
(= (get group "ou") ["DAG"])
(= (get group "cn") ["Full_DAG"])))
(defn filter-user
(and (set/subset? user-attributes (into #{} (map :name (:attributes maybe-user-entry))))
(when-let [groups (:values (first (filter (comp #(= % "memberOf") :name) (:attributes maybe-user-entry))))]
(not (empty? (filter full-dag-filter groups))))))
(defn extract-user
(let [full-name (->> (:attributes user-entry)
(filter (comp #(= % "cn") :name))
(map :values)
name-parts (str/split full-name #" ")
short-name (->> (:attributes user-entry)
(filter (comp #(= % "sn") :name))
(map :values)
e-mail (->> (:attributes user-entry)
(filter (comp #(= % "mail") :name))
(map :values)
{:full-name full-name
:first-name (first name-parts)
:last-name (str/join " " (rest name-parts))
:short-name short-name
:e-mail e-mail}))
(defn user-entries
"Get user ldap entries"
[username password]
(let [ldap-conn (LDAPConnection. (LDAPJSSEStartTLSFactory.))
search-constraints (LDAPConstraints.)]
(let [ldap-result (-> (doto ldap-conn
(.setConstraints search-constraints)
(.connect (get-ldap-host) (get-ldap-port))
(.bind LDAPConnection/LDAP_V3 username (.getBytes password)))
(.search "ou=dag,dc=shh,dc=mpg,dc=de" LDAPConnection/SCOPE_SUB "(objectclass=user)" (into-array String user-attributes) false))]
(for [ldap-entry (iterator-seq (ldap-entry-iterator ldap-result))]
(let [attributes (-> ldap-entry
{:dn (.getDN ldap-entry)
:attributes (vec (map ldap-entry->map attributes))})))
(catch Exception e
(error e "Failed to authenticate" username)))))
(defn users
"Attempt to retrieve Active Directory users"
[username password]
(map extract-user (filter filter-user (user-entries username password))))