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(require '[ :refer [info error]]
'[clojure.core.async :as async]
'[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
'[immutant.messaging :as messaging]
'[de.mpg.shh.util-message-server.message-server :as message-server]
'[ :as life-cycle]
'[de.mpg.shh.util-message-server.helpers :as message-helpers])
(defonce system (let [request-channel (async/chan)
system (atom (component/system-map :request-channel request-channel
:message-server (component/using (message-server/map->MessageServer {}) [:request-channel])))]
(def test-listen-address "queue.shh.test.response")
(def test-listen-selector nil)
(def test-listen-context-config {:host "" :port 5445 :username "shh-test" :password "batman"})
(def test-listen-transducer (filter (fn [x] true)))
(def test-listen-channel (async/chan 16 test-listen-transducer))
(info "Hello")
(swap! system component/start)
(let [result-chan (async/chan 1)]
(async/>!! (get-in @system [:request-channel]) {:msg "foo" :encoding :none :command :send :host "" :port 5445 :username "shh-test" :password "batman" :address "queue.shh.test.response" :result-channel result-chan})
(let [timeout-channel (async/timeout 1000)]
(async/go (info "result: " (async/alt!
timeout-channel :timed-out
result-chan ([e] e))))))
;; Test new synch-send
(info "synch-send: " (message-helpers/synch-send (get-in @system [:request-channel]) "" 5445 "shh-test" "batman" "queue.shh.test.response" "synchfoo" :timeout 1))
(async/go-loop [interesting-resp (async/<! test-listen-channel)]
(info "interesting-resp: " interesting-resp)
(if (= :stop interesting-resp)
(info "stop listening to interesting response channel")
(recur (async/<! test-listen-channel))))
;; Install a listener
(info "install listener")
(swap! system update-in [:message-server] life-cycle/listen test-listen-context-config test-listen-address test-listen-channel test-listen-selector)
(info "done install listener")
;;(Thread/sleep 1600)
;;(info "finish first sleep")
;;(info "un-install listener")
;;(swap! system update-in [:message-server] life-cycle/unlisten test-listen-context-config test-listen-address test-listen-channel)
;;(info "done un-install listener")
(Thread/sleep 16000)
(info "finish second sleep")
;;(async/>!! (get-in @system [:request-channel]) {:command :stop})
;;(info "sent stop command")
;;(Thread/sleep 1400)
;;(info "finish third sleep")
(swap! system component/stop)
(Thread/sleep 1400)
(info "finish third sleep")
(System/exit 0)