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(ns de.mpg.shh.util-message-server.message-dispatcher
(:require [ :refer [info error]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[ :as life-cycle])
(:import [ StringWriter PrintWriter]))
(defn stack-trace-to-string
"Returns a string containing the output of .printStackTrace"
(let [sw (StringWriter.)
pw (PrintWriter. sw)
_ (.printStackTrace t pw)]
(.toString sw)))
(defn report-error-truthfully
[request-channel end-points error-msg]
(if (contains? end-points :error)
((get end-points :error) request-channel error-msg)
(catch Throwable t
(error (stack-trace-to-string t))
(error error-msg)
;; This provides a convenience dispatcher, just supply a map of end points
(defn dispatch [request-channel end-points ?data]
(if (vector? ?data)
(if (= (first ?data) :stop)
(if (contains? end-points (first ?data))
((get end-points (first ?data)) request-channel (second ?data))
(catch Throwable t
(report-error-truthfully request-channel end-points (stack-trace-to-string t))))
(report-error-truthfully request-channel end-points (str/join "" ["Unhandled event " (first ?data) " not found in end-points map"]))))
(report-error-truthfully request-channel end-points (str/join "" ["Event format not recognised " (str ?data)]))))
(defrecord MessageDispatcher [listen-context-config listen-address listen-selector dispatcher-request-buffer-size stop-message]
(start [{{request-channel :request-channel
:as message-server} :message-server
dispatcher-request-transducer :dispatcher-request-transducer
end-points :end-points
:as component}]
(let [dispatcher-request-channel (async/chan dispatcher-request-buffer-size dispatcher-request-transducer)
_ (life-cycle/listen message-server listen-context-config listen-address dispatcher-request-channel listen-selector)]
(async/go-loop [dispatcher-request (async/<! dispatcher-request-channel)]
(if (dispatch request-channel end-points dispatcher-request)
(recur (async/<! dispatcher-request-channel))
(info "Shutdown dispatcher request channel")))
(assoc component :dispatcher-request-channel dispatcher-request-channel
:stop-message stop-message
:dispatcher-request-buffer-size dispatcher-request-buffer-size)))
(stop [{dispatcher-request-channel :dispatcher-request-channel
stop-message :stop-message
:as component}]
(async/>!! dispatcher-request-channel stop-message)))