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(ns util-webdav.client-test
(:require [ :refer [info error]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as io]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[util-webdav.config :as config]
[de.mpg.shh.util-webdav.client :as client])
(:import [java.nio.file Files Paths StandardCopyOption]
[java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute]
[ File IOException]))
(def dav-prefix (config/get-in [:test :dav-prefix] ""))
(def default-opts
{:base-url (config/get-in [:base-url])
:user-name (config/get-in [:user-name])
:password (config/get-in [:password])})
(defn temp-dir
(Files/createTempDirectory "clj-util-webdav" (into-array FileAttribute []))
(catch IOException ioe
(throw (ex-info "IOException creating tmp dir" {:cause (.getMessage ioe)})))))
(defn simple-dav-map
(dissoc m
(deftest conn
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
expected #{:sardine :base-url}]
(is (= (into #{} (keys conn)) expected))))
(deftest get-file-not-found-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
result (try
(client/get-file conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(ex-data e)))]
(is (= result {:cause "Unexpected response (404 Not Found)"}))))
(deftest get-file-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
result (try
(client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
(slurp (client/get-file conn file-name))
(catch Exception e
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn file-name)]
(is (= result "My dog spot\n"))))
(deftest put-file-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
tmp-dir-path (temp-dir)
tmp-file-path (Paths/get (.toString tmp-dir-path) (into-array String ["foo.txt"]))
result (try
(Files/copy i-stream tmp-file-path (into-array StandardCopyOption [StandardCopyOption/REPLACE_EXISTING]))
(client/put-file conn (.toFile tmp-file-path) file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn file-name)]
(is (nil? result))))
(deftest put-stream-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
result (try
(client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn file-name)]
(is (nil? result))))
(deftest create-directory-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "bar"
result (try
(client/create-directory conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-dir conn file-name)]
(is (or (nil? result)
(= result {:cause "Unexpected response (301 Moved Permanently)"})))))
(deftest list-dir-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource "foo.txt"))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream "foo.txt")
_ (client/create-directory conn "bar")
result (try
(vec (client/list-dir conn ""))
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn "foo.txt")
_ (client/delete-dir conn "bar")
expected [{:file-name (str/replace dav-prefix #"/$" "")
:path (str "/" dav-prefix)
:relative-path ""
:dir? true
:content-type "httpd/unix-directory"
:content-length -1
:properties {}}
{:file-name "bar"
:path (str "/" dav-prefix "bar/")
:relative-path "bar"
:dir? true
:content-type "httpd/unix-directory"
:content-length -1
:properties {}}
{:file-name "foo.txt"
:path (str "/" dav-prefix "foo.txt")
:relative-path "foo.txt"
:dir? false
:content-type "text/plain"
:content-length 12
:properties { false}}]]
(is (= (vec (sort-by :file-name expected)) (vec (sort-by :file-name (map simple-dav-map result)))))))
(deftest list-file-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
result (try
(client/list-file conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn file-name)
expected {:file-name "foo.txt"
:path (str "/" dav-prefix "foo.txt")
:relative-path "foo.txt"
:dir? false
:content-type "text/plain"
:content-length 12
:properties { false}}]
(is (= expected (simple-dav-map result)))))
(deftest delete-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
result (try
(client/delete-file conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))]
(is (nil? result))))
(deftest assoc-props-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
props {:huricane/katrina true
:huricane/bob false}
_ (try
(client/assoc-props conn file-name props)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
result (client/list-file conn file-name)
_ (client/delete-file conn "foo.txt")
expected {:file-name "foo.txt"
:path (str "/" dav-prefix "foo.txt")
:relative-path "foo.txt"
:dir? false
:content-type "text/plain"
:content-length 12
:properties { false
:huricane/katrina true
:huricane/bob false}}]
(is (= expected (simple-dav-map result)))))
(deftest dissoc-props-test
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
props {:huricane/katrina true
:huricane/bob false}
_ (try
(client/assoc-props conn file-name props)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (try
(client/dissoc-props conn file-name #{:huricane/katrina})
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
result (try
(client/list-file conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn "foo.txt")
expected {:file-name "foo.txt"
:path (str "/" dav-prefix "foo.txt")
:relative-path "foo.txt"
:dir? false
:content-type "text/plain"
:content-length 12
:properties { false
:huricane/bob true}}]
(is (= expected (simple-dav-map result)))))
(deftest locktest
(let [conn (client/conn default-opts)
file-name "foo.txt"
i-stream (io/input-stream (io/resource file-name))
_ (client/put-stream conn i-stream file-name)
props {:count 0}
_ (client/assoc-props conn file-name props)
lock-token (try
(client/lock conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
already-locked (try
(client/lock conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/assoc-props conn file-name {:count 1} (str "(<" lock-token ">)"))
result-no-token (try
(client/assoc-props conn file-name {:count 2})
(catch Exception e
(ex-data e)))
result-unlock (try
(client/unlock conn file-name lock-token)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
result-props (try
(client/list-file conn file-name)
(catch Exception e
(error "caught exception e: " e)
(ex-data e)))
_ (client/delete-file conn file-name)
(and (is (string? lock-token))
(is (= (:cause already-locked) "Unexpected response (423 Locked)"))
(is (= (:cause result-no-token) "Unexpected response (423 Locked)"))
(is (nil? result-unlock))
(is (= (-> result-props :properties :count) 1)))))