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Updated help text for functions, sanitized the barplotting r-script a…
…nd the main functions for comik.
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snikumbh committed Jul 28, 2017
1 parent 5799b81 commit f674716
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Showing 7 changed files with 185 additions and 52 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export PATH=".:$PATH"
Example function call from inside Matlab:
For simulated dataset 1 provided in the folder `sample_data`
comik_wrapper('sample_data/simulated_dataset1/pos.fasta', 'sample_data/simulated_dataset1/neg.fa', 600, 600, [501:600 1101:1200], 'comik_run_simulated_dataset1', [2], 10, 10, [2 5 7], 10.^[1:1:2], 10.^[-3:1:3], 2.0, 10, 5, 'No', 'Yes', 2, 'runLog.txt');
comik_wrapper('sample_data/simulated_dataset1/pos.fasta', 'sample_data/simulated_dataset1/neg.fasta', 600, 600, [501:600 1101:1200], 'comik_run_simulated_dataset1', [2], 10, 10, [2 5 7], 10.^[1:1:2], 10.^[-3:1:3], 2.0, 10, 5, 'No', 'Yes', 2, 'runLog.txt');

_CoMIK_ accepts two FASTA files as input -- the first FASTA file containing sequences in the positive class followed by a second FASTA file containing the sequences in the negative class. Other params are explained below.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ Param name | type | default value | Additional comments
number-of-inner-folds | int | 10 |
number-of-outer-folds | int | 5 |
whetherToPlotHeatmap | str | 'No' | Possible values: 'Yes' or 'No'; Set 'Yes' only if all sequences are of the same length.
whetherToVisualizeWVector | str | 'Yes' | Possible values: 'Yes' or 'No'; Set 'Yes' when you wish to have the distance-centric k-mer visualization.
debugLevel | int | 2 | Possible values: [0, 1, 2]. Value 0 makes _comik_ completely silent, and 2 makes it maximally verbose. Value 1 may be used in the future.
debugMsgLocation | int/str | 1 | Value 1 denotes the command prompt, else specify a filename, say 'runLog.txt'. This file is written for each outer fold separately.
computationVersion | str | 'Looping'| Possible values: 'Looping' or 'AccumArray'. 'Looping' is faster and preferred/recommended for large datasets when 'AccumArray' can be memory intensive.
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58 changes: 37 additions & 21 deletions barplot-heatmap-visualization.R
@@ -1,40 +1,56 @@

pdf('sample_viz_in_r.pdf', width=10.0, height=6.0)
csv_filename <- '<enter-name>.csv'
flds <- count.fields(csv_filename, sep=',')
s <- read.csv(csv_filename, fill=TRUE, nrows=length(flds), header=F, sep=",", col.names=paste0("Seg-", seq(1,max(flds),by=1)))
r <- s[1:25,]
r_ones <- r
r_ones[!] <- 1
# cmdline arguments to be given in the following order
# 1. inputFilename
# 2. width
# 3. height
# 4. outputFilename (csv format)
# 5. # of sequences to visualize
# (This is useful because there could be hugely many sequences in the
# collection and visualizing them all together may not be a good idea!)
# author:

args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
inputFilename <- args[1]
widthVal <- args[2]
heightVal <- args[3]
outputFilename <- args[4]
numOfSequences <- args[5]

# If a file with this name already exists, this overwrites it!
pdf('barplot-visualization-variable-len-seq.pdf', width=10.0, height=6.0)
csv_filename <- paste0(outputFilename, '.csv')
flds <- count.fields(csv_filename, sep=',') # get the number of segments in all sequences
seqs <- read.csv(csv_filename, fill=TRUE, nrows=length(flds), header=F, sep=",", col.names=paste0("Seg-", seq(1,max(flds),by=1)))
seqSegs <- seqs[1:numOfSequences,]
seqSegs_ones <- seqSegs
seqSegs_ones[!] <- 1 # sequences which had less than the maximum number of segments for any sequence in the collection, will have NA

ncolors <- max(flds)
color_palette <- heat.colors(ncolors)

# If a different color palette is required
# jet.colors <-
# colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
# If a different color palette is required could use the following with experimenting:
# jet.colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan",
# "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00"))#, "red", "#7F0000"))

ypos <- apply(r, 2, cumsum)
ypos <- ypos - r/2
ypos <- apply(seqSegs, 2, cumsum)
ypos <- ypos - seqSegs/2

xpos <- barplot(t(r_ones), col=c("white"), axes=F, horiz=T, axisnames=F)
xpos <- barplot(t(seqSegs_ones), col=c("white"), axes=F, horiz=T, axisnames=F)
cp <- 0
for (i in 1:ncol(r_ones)){
temp <- color_palette[r[seq(1,nrow(r),by=1), i]]
for (i in 1:ncol(seqSegs_ones)){
temp <- color_palette[seqSegs[seq(1,nrow(seqSegs),by=1), i]]
cp <- cbind(cp, temp)
new_cp <- cp[,-1]

for (i in 1:nrow(r_ones)){
barplot(t(r_ones[i,]), col=new_cp[i,], horiz=T, add=T, space=(i-1)*1.2, axes=F, xlab="", axisnames=F)
for (i in 1:nrow(seqSegs_ones)){
barplot(t(seqSegs_ones[i,]), col=new_cp[i,], horiz=T, add=T, space=(i-1)*1.2, axes=F, xlab="", axisnames=F)

axis(1,at=0.5+seq(0,ncolors-1,1), labels=seq(1,ncolors,1))
#Additional axis showing the nucleotide ranges, if required
## axis(1,at=seq(0,ncolors-1,1), labels=seq(1,ncolors,1))
# Additional axis showing the nucleotide ranges, if required
# axis(1,at=seq(0,ncolors-1,1), labels=seq(1,ncolors,1))
legend("topright", legend = seq(1,ncolors), fill = color_palette, title="Segment ranks", ncol = 2, x.intersp = 0.1, bty="n", cex=0.8)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions comik_main_with_weight_vector.m
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% Author: snikumbh
% All segments, shifted and non-shifted in one bag; order of segments: non-shifted segments followed by shifted segments.
% All segments, shifted and non-shifted in one bag; Order of segments: non-shifted segments followed by shifted segments.
% This results in #kernels = #clusterCentres
% debugLevel 2 prints all messages
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% This hasn't been tested for either correctness or efficiency. We recommend using sparseComputation.
% We are using sparseComputation.
sparseComputation = 1;
[instanceStarts, instanceEnds, instanceWideKernel] = computeStdMultiInstanceKernel(allSeqsAsBags, thisInstances, sparseComputation, debugLevel, debugMsgLocation);
[instanceStarts, instanceEnds, instanceWideKernel] = computeInstanceWideKernel(allSeqsAsBags, thisInstances, sparseComputation, debugLevel, debugMsgLocation);
% Further are functions that will be recomputed per inner cross-validation iteration
% Cross-validation loop is also handled simultaneously
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bestParamComb.best_teAUROC = 0.0;
bestParamComb.best_nClusters = 0;
bestParamComb.best_sigma = 0.0;

% open summary file for writing
fid=fopen(runSummaryFilename, 'a');

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions comik_wrapper.m
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% Param 'Cs': Cost values for SVM
% Author: snikumbh

totalArguments = 20;
if nargin < totalArguments
computationVersion = 'Looping';
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101 changes: 83 additions & 18 deletions computeConformedMultiInstanceKernel.m
@@ -1,6 +1,65 @@
function [conformedMultiInstanceKernel, rawConformedMultiInstanceKernel, instancesTransformationKernel, clusterCentres] = computeConformedMultiInstanceKernel(instanceStarts, instanceEnds, instanceWideKernel, trainIndices, allSeqsAsBags, nClusters, sig, Y, computationVersion, debugLevel, debugMsgLocation)

% Computes the conformally transformed multi-instance kernel

% param 'instanceStarts' (vector)
% Indices where instances (segments) of any sequence begin
% param 'instanceEnds' (vector)
% Indices where instances (segments) of any sequence end
% param 'instanceWideKernel' (matrix)
% The instance-wide kernel matrix of dimension #Instances x #Instances
% param 'trainIndices' (vector)
% Indices of the training sequences
% param 'allSeqsAsBags' (cell array)
% Collection of all segments per sequence
% param 'nClusters'
% number of clusters for k-means
% param 'sig'
% Gaussian bandwidth (sigma) value for the Gaussian transformation
% param 'Y' (vector)
% Vector of labels
% param 'computationVersion' ('AccumArray'/'Looping')
% Flag specifying what approach to use for computing the kernel
% param 'debugLevel' (0/1/2)
% param 'debugMsgLocation' (1/fileID)
% param 'conformedMultiInstanceKernel' (matrix)
% Normalized conformally transformed MI kernel
% Obtain expansion points
% param 'rawConformedMultiInstanceKernel' (matrix)
% Unnormalized conformally transformed MI kernel
% param 'instancesTransformationKernel' (matrix)
% Transformation of the training instances
% param 'clusterCentres' (matrix)
% Cluster centres obtained upon k-means
% -- Stratification
% . If stratification is required, see below, set stratified = 1
% -- Replicates for k-means
% . currently set to 1
% . can be increased
% author:

% 1.1 Obtain expansion points
% -- Convert allSeqsAsBags in to a matrix X of dimensions nInstances x FVlength
Expand All @@ -16,8 +75,13 @@
nBags = length(allSeqsAsBags);
% nBags, only as many bags as training examples
idxInstances = zeros(1,nBags);
posInd = size(find(Y > 0),2);
negInd = size(find(Y < 0),2);
stratified = 0;
% The following two lines also used for stratified representation.
if stratified
posInd = size(find(Y > 0),2);
negInd = size(find(Y < 0),2);

if strcmp(computationVersion, 'AccumArray')
instanceIDVector = zeros(1,instanceEnds(end));
Expand All @@ -32,15 +96,17 @@
if strcmp(computationVersion, 'AccumArray')
instanceIDVector(instanceStarts(i):instanceEnds(i)) = repmat(i, [1 size(allSeqsAsBags{i}, 2)]);
%% useful to have stratified repressentation, we don't need this now.
% if i <= posInd
% nInstancesPos = nInstancesPos + size(allSeqsAsBags{i}, 2);
% end
%% useful to have stratified repressentation
% The following is useful to have stratified repressentation,
% we don't need this now.
if stratified
if i <= posInd
nInstancesPos = nInstancesPos + size(allSeqsAsBags{i}, 2);
if any(i==trainIndices) == 1 %check, if a trainingIndex, get instances
currentTotal = currentTotal+idxInstances(i);
%% useful to count instances only in training bags
% useful to count instances only in training bags
forIndicesInX = cumsum(idxInstances);
nInstances = sum(idxInstances);
Expand All @@ -49,7 +115,6 @@
assert(size(instanceIDVector,2) == nInstances);

%X = zeros( nInstances, size(allSeqsAsBags{1},1) );
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('\n--- currentTotal for setting a zeros XtoPassFrom: %d\n', currentTotal), debugLevel);
XtoPassFrom = zeros( currentTotal, size(allSeqsAsBags{1},1) );
% Make sure that only instances from training bags are taken
Expand All @@ -68,7 +133,7 @@
% data points from nInstances
% - this will give nClusters

% If sending complete X for k-means clustering set XtoPass = X;
% If sending complete XtoPassFrom for k-means clustering set XtoPass = XtoPassFrom;
% Replicates
nofRep = 1;
% Randomly sample without replacement
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if strcmp(computationVersion, 'AccumArray')
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('\nAccumarray version---\n'), debugLevel);tic;
instanceSubs = combvec(instanceIDVector, instanceIDVector)';
%instanceSubs = tempInstanceSubs(tempInstanceSubs(:,1) <= tempInstanceSubs(:,2),:);
%%instanceSubs are only the upper-triangular indices including the diagonal
% instanceSubs = tempInstanceSubs(tempInstanceSubs(:,1) <= tempInstanceSubs(:,2),:);
% instanceSubs are only the upper-triangular indices including the diagonal
% clear('tempInstanceSubs');
instanceWideKernelRepeated = repmat(instanceWideKernel, 1, 1, nClusters);
allInstancesTransformations = cat(1,instancesTransformationKernel{:});
for i=1:nClusters
KernelAsVector = (allInstancesTransformations(:,i) * allInstancesTransformations(:,i)') .* instanceWideKernelRepeated(:,:,i);
tempKernel = accumarray(instanceSubs, KernelAsVector(:));
assert(size(tempKernel,1) == size(zeros(nBags),1));
%tempKernel = triu(tempKernel, 1) + tempKernel'; %because instanceSubs stored indices for only the upper-triangular part of the matrix
% tempKernel = triu(tempKernel, 1) + tempKernel'; %because instanceSubs stored indices for only the upper-triangular part of the matrix
conformedMultiInstanceKernel{i} = normalizeKernel(tempKernel);
Expand All @@ -129,12 +194,12 @@
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('done in %.3f seconds', toc), debugLevel);
if strcmp(computationVersion, 'Looping')
%% one can convert the transformationKernels into 3D matrices
% One can convert the transformationKernels into 3D matrices
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('\n--- Looping-over-bags version...'), debugLevel);
%% Performing the reshaped version
% Performing the reshaped version
if issparse(allSeqsAsBags{1})
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('Doing the reshaped version..\n'), debugLevel);
%% Pre-allocate memory, doesn't help in speed
% Pre-allocate memory, doesn't help in speed
% for i=1:nClusters
% rawConformedMultiInstanceKernel{i} = zeros(nBags);
% conformedMultiInstanceKernel{i} = zeros(nBags);
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34 changes: 32 additions & 2 deletions computeInstanceWideKernel.m
@@ -1,7 +1,36 @@
function [instanceStarts, instanceEnds, instanceWideKernel] = computeInstanceWideKernel(allSeqsAsBags, thisInstances, sparseComputation, debugLevel, debugMsgLocation)

% Computes the instance-wide kernel matrix given a bag of instances
% param 'allSeqsAsBags' (cell array)
% Collection of all segments per sequence
% param 'thisInstances' (vector)
% #instances in each bag (in other words, #segments per sequence)
% param 'sparseComputation' (0/1)
% Flag specifying whether sparseComputation is to be performed (0/1)
% param 'debugLevel' (0/1/2)
% param 'debugMsgLocation' (1/fileID)
% param 'instanceStarts' (vector)
% Indexes in the vector where instances (segments) of any sequence begin
% param 'instanceEnds' (vector)
% Indexes in the vector where istances (segments) of any sequence end
% param 'instanceWideKernel' (matrix)
% The instance-wide kernel matrix of dimension #Instances x #Instances
% author:

if nargin < 3
debugMsgLocation = 1;
Expand All @@ -26,7 +55,8 @@
allSeqsAsMat(:, instanceStarts(i): instanceEnds(i)) = allSeqsAsBags{i};
logMessages(debugMsgLocation, sprintf('Loop completed in %.4f seconds\n', toc), debugLevel);
% Above, looping version instead of cell2mat. This takes nearly half the time for really long sequences and too many instances.
% Above is a looping version instead of cell2mat (see next line). This takes
% nearly half the time for really long sequences and too many instances.
% tic; allSeqsAsMat = cell2mat(allSeqsAsBags); toc;
instanceWideKernel = full(allSeqsAsMat' * allSeqsAsMat);
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35 changes: 27 additions & 8 deletions readFastaSequences.m
@@ -1,17 +1,36 @@
function [nSeqs, ommittedIndices, passFasta] = readFastaSequences(txt, segmentSizeInBps, givenNSeqs, outputFolder, debugLevel, debugMsgLocation)

% READFASTA reads fasta file and extracts sequence to fasta variable.
% READFASTASEQUENCES reads fasta file and extracts sequence to fasta variable.
% Modified version of readfasta shipped with ODH Matlab code.
% INPUT arguments:
% txt - name of FASTA filename
% segmentSizeInBps - segment size in basepairs
% fasta - struct containing cell arrays with legends and sequences
% fasta.legend = cell array with sequence legends (headers)
% fasta.seqeunce = cell array with sequences
% givenNSeqs - # sequences as given from the main function (expected in
% the FASTA file). This is needed since the returned number of
% sequences can be different than givenNSeqs
% outputFolder - path to the output folder (omitted fasta IDs are written
% at this location

% Edits: snikumbh@mpi-inf,
% debugLevel and debugMsgLocation - (default) 2, and (default) 1 for stdout
% or filename if to be written to file
% passfasta - struct containing cell arrays with legends and sequences
% passFasta.legend = cell array with sequence legends (headers)
% passFasta.seqeunce = cell array with sequences
% omittedIndices - List of indices that were omittedIndices due to their
% length shorter than the segment size
% nSeqs - #sequences read from the given file (
% author: snikumbh@mpi-inf,

totalArguments = 6;
if nargin < totalArguments
Expand All @@ -27,7 +46,7 @@
ommittedIndices = [];
fasta.title=[txt,', read: ', date];
% Read Sequences and their FASTA legends
ofid=fopen(strcat(outputFolder, '/ommittedFastaIds.txt'), 'a');
fprintf(ofid, '----%s----\n', txt);
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