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543 lines (494 sloc) 19.6 KB
import pandas as pd
import os
import signal
import sys
import constants as cst
import re
import subprocess as sp
import util
global_min = -2
def parse_ideal_cuts(experiment_name):
name = util.parse_dataset_name(experiment_name)
cuts = []
with open(cst.PERFECT_DISCRETIZATIONS_DIR + "cut_" + name + ".txt", "r") as f:
cut = []
for line in f:
if line.startswith("dimension"):
if line.startswith("---"):
cut = []
return cuts
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
def _find_min_dist_cut(cut, cuts, start_id=0):
min_dist = float('Inf')
min_cut_id = None
for i, c in enumerate(cuts[start_id:], start=start_id):
if i > 0 and cuts[i - 1] > c:
raise ValueError("cuts" + str(cuts) + " is not ordered!")
temp_dist = abs(c - cut)
if min_dist > temp_dist:
min_dist = temp_dist
min_cut_id = i
# elif min_cut_id:
# break
return min_dist, min_cut_id
def _find_max_sim_cut(cut, cuts, start_id=0):
max_sim = -float("Inf")
max_sim_cut_id = None
for i, c in enumerate(cuts[start_id:], start=start_id):
if i > 0 and cuts[i - 1] > c:
raise ValueError("cuts" + str(cuts) + " is not ordered!")
if c == cut:
temp_sim = 1
if c > cut:
middle_dist = (c - cuts[i - 1]) / 2
temp_sim = (middle_dist - (c - cut)) / middle_dist
# if the cut is further ahead the last cut from cuts
if i == len(cuts) - 1:
middle_dist = (c - cuts[i - 1]) / 2
middle_dist = (cuts[i + 1] - c) / 2
# if (cuts[i + 1] - c) / 2 > (cut - c):
temp_sim = (middle_dist - (cut - c)) / middle_dist
if max_sim < temp_sim:
max_sim = temp_sim
max_sim_cut_id = i
elif max_sim_cut_id is not None and cut < c:
return max_sim, max_sim_cut_id
def disc_similarity(expected_cuts, cuts):
cuts = cuts.copy()
cuts.insert(0, min(expected_cuts))
# if abs(expected_cuts[-1] - cuts[-1]) > 0.02:
# raise ValueError("expected_cuts and cuts have very different last cut: ", expected_cuts[-1], cuts[-1])
# if len(expected_cuts) == 1 and len(cuts) == 1:
# return 1
# # don't check the same last cut
# expected_cuts = expected_cuts[:-1]
# cuts = cuts[:-1]
similarity = 0
sim_exp_cut_id = _find_max_sim_cut(cuts[0], expected_cuts)
prev_cut_id = sim_exp_cut_id[1]
temp_sim = sim_exp_cut_id[0]
exp_match = 0
for i, cut in enumerate(cuts[1:], start=1):
if i > 0 and cuts[i - 1] > cut:
raise ValueError("cuts" + str(cuts) + " is not ordered!")
sim_exp_cut_id = _find_max_sim_cut(cut, expected_cuts, prev_cut_id)
if sim_exp_cut_id[1] == prev_cut_id:
# counter += 1
temp_sim *= sim_exp_cut_id[0]
# print("temp_sim:", temp_sim)
similarity += temp_sim
temp_sim = sim_exp_cut_id[0]
exp_match += 1
prev_cut_id = sim_exp_cut_id[1]
# print("temp_sim:", temp_sim)
similarity += temp_sim
exp_match += 1
return similarity, exp_match
# def disc_distance(expected_cuts, cuts):
# distance = 0
# dist_exp_cut_id = _find_min_dist_cut(cuts[0], expected_cuts)
# prev_cut_id = dist_exp_cut_id[1]
# temp_distance = dist_exp_cut_id[0]
# counter = 0
# for i, cut in enumerate(cuts[1:], start=1):
# if i > 0 and cuts[i - 1] > cut:
# raise ValueError("cuts" + str(cuts) + " is not ordered!")
# dist_exp_cut_id = _find_min_dist_cut(cut, expected_cuts, prev_cut_id)
# if dist_exp_cut_id[1] == prev_cut_id:
# # counter += 1
# temp_distance += dist_exp_cut_id[0]
# else:
# distance += temp_distance * 2 ** counter
# temp_distance = dist_exp_cut_id[0]
# counter = 0
# prev_cut_id = dist_exp_cut_id[1]
# distance += temp_distance * 2 ** counter
# return distance
# prepare slim db
def prepare_compression1(experiment_name):
dat_file = cst.SLIM_DATA_DIR + experiment_name + "/" + experiment_name + ".dat"
if not os.path.exists(dat_file):
print("no initial dat-file for experiment", experiment_name)
return False
with open(cst.SLIM_CONVERT_CONF, "r+") as conf_file:
new_lines = []
for line in conf_file:
if line.startswith("dbName"):
line = "dbName = [" + experiment_name + "]\n"
output = sp.check_output([cst.SLIM_BIN, cst.SLIM_CONVERT_CONF])
if "exception" in str(output):
print('exception during preparation for', experiment_name)
return False
except sp.CalledProcessError:
print('Prepare compression: conversion failed for', experiment_name)
return False
return True
def run_compression1(name, interaction_type=None, rows=None, rf=None, i=None, c=None, offset=None):
# 1. check slim db
# convert dat-file to db-file if it does not exist
if not os.path.exists(cst.SLIM_DATA_DIR + name + "/" + name + ".db"):
if not prepare_compression1(name):
print("run_compression failed for", name)
return [name, "", ""]
# 2. modify compress.conf
with open(cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF, "r+") as conf_file:
new_lines = []
for line in conf_file:
if line.startswith("iscName"):
line = "iscName = " + name + "-all-1d\n"
# 3. compress it
output = None
output = str(sp.check_output([cst.SLIM_BIN, cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF], timeout=30))
except sp.TimeoutExpired:
# timeout_counter = 0
# while timeout_counter < 5:
# try:
# output = str(sp.check_output([cst.SLIM_BIN, cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF], timeout=60))
# break
# except sp.TimeoutExpired:
# timeout_counter += 1
# if not output:
# print("timeout exceeded " + str(timeout_counter) + " times for " + name)
# return [name, "", ""]
print("timeout exceeded", name)
return [name, "", ""]
except sp.CalledProcessError:
return [name, "", ""]
search_start ='Start:\\\\t\\\\t.+?,(\d+)\)', output)
if search_start:
start_comp =
print("compression start is not found", name)
start_comp = ""
search_end ='Result:\\\\t\\\\t.+?,(\d+)\)', output)
if search_end:
result_comp =
print("compression end is not found", name)
result_comp = ""
return [name, start_comp, result_comp]
def run_compression(base_dir):
global results
base_dir = cst.BASE + base_dir + "/"
comp_dict = util.read_csv(base_dir + "Compression.csv")
results = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir):
dir_num = len(dirs)
counter = 0
for experiment_name in dirs:
if comp_dict is not None and experiment_name in comp_dict:
counter += 1
print("compressing", experiment_name, counter, "/", dir_num)
res = ",".join(run_compression1(experiment_name))
results.append(res + "\n")
print('processing finished')
with open(base_dir + "Compression.csv", "a") as f:
# returns runtime in seconds and mdl of compression
# def compute_compression(name):
# escaped_name = util.get_escaped_name(name)
# # 1. check slim db
# if not os.path.exists(cst.SLIM_DATA_DIR + escaped_name + "/" + escaped_name + ".db"):
# print("no slim db file for " + escaped_name)
# return [name, None]
# # 2. modify compress.conf
# with open(cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF, "r+") as conf_file:
# new_lines = []
# for line in conf_file:
# if line.startswith("iscName"):
# line = "iscName = " + escaped_name + "-all-1d\n"
# new_lines.append(line)
# conf_file.writelines(new_lines)
# conf_file.truncate()
# # 3. compress it
# output = None
# try:
# output = str(sp.check_output([cst.SLIM_BIN, cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF], timeout=5))
# except sp.TimeoutExpired:
# timeout_counter = 0
# while timeout_counter < 5:
# try:
# output = str(sp.check_output([cst.SLIM_BIN, cst.SLIM_COMPRESS_CONF], timeout=5))
# break
# except sp.TimeoutExpired:
# timeout_counter += 1
# if not output:
# print("timeout exceeded " + str(timeout_counter) + " times for " + name)
# return [name, None]
# except sp.CalledProcessError:
# return [name, None]
# start_comp ='Start:\\\\t\\\\t.+?,(\d+)\)', output).group(1)
# result_comp ='Result:\\\\t\\\\t.+?,(\d+)\)', output).group(1)
# return [name, start_comp, result_comp]
# def compute_problem_quality_measure(directory,
# problem,
# method,
# distances=('ID', 'CJS'),
# threshold_range=(0.3, 0.5, 0.8),
# irr_features_range=range(11)):
# ideal_cuts = parse_cuts("ideal_disc/cut_" + problem + ".txt")
# if method == cst.Method.TRIVIAL or method is cst.Method.PERFECT:
# name = + "-" + problem
# print('compute_measures', name)
# values = compute_precision_recall_runtime(ideal_cuts, directory, name)
# compression = compute_compression(name)
# if not values:
# print('no value')
# return ([values[0]], values[1], [compression]) if values else None
# # return ([values[0]], values[1]) if values else None
# runtime_values = []
# values = []
# compression = []
# for dist in distances:
# for threshold in threshold_range:
# threshold = str(threshold)
# if method == cst.Method.PREDEFINED:
# counter = 1
# while counter < 11:
# name = dist + "-" + + "-s" + str(counter) + "-" + threshold + "-" + problem
# counter += 1
# print('compute_measures', name)
# value = compute_precision_recall_runtime(ideal_cuts, directory, name)
# if not value:
# print('no value')
# break
# runtime_values.append(value[0])
# values.extend(value[1])
# compression.append(compute_compression(name))
# elif method == cst.Method.ORIGINAL:
# # else:
# for irr_feat in irr_features_range:
# name = dist + "-" + + "-" + threshold + "-" + problem + (
# "" if irr_feat == 0 else "-" + str(irr_feat))
# print('compute_measures', name)
# value = compute_precision_recall_runtime(ideal_cuts, directory, name)
# if not value:
# print('no value')
# continue
# runtime_values.append(value[0])
# values.extend(value[1])
# compression.append(compute_compression(name))
# return runtime_values, values, compression
# # return runtime_values, values
# def prepare_compression(directory,
# problem,
# method,
# distances=('ID', 'CJS'),
# threshold_range=(0.3, 0.5, 0.8),
# irr_features_range=range(11)):
# if method == cst.Method.TRIVIAL:
# name = "TRIVIAL-" + problem
# print('prepare compression', name)
# prepare_compression1(directory, name)
# return
# for dist in distances:
# for threshold in threshold_range:
# threshold = str(threshold)
# if method == cst.Method.PREDEFINED:
# counter = 1
# while counter < 11:
# name = dist + "-" + + "-s" + str(counter) + "-" + threshold + "-" + problem
# counter += 1
# print('prepare compression', name)
# prepare_compression1(directory, name)
# # elif method == cst.Method.ORIGINAL:
# else:
# for irr_feat in irr_features_range:
# name = dist + "-" + + "-" + threshold + "-" + problem + (
# "" if irr_feat == 0 else "-" + str(irr_feat))
# print('prepare compression', name)
# prepare_compression1(directory, name)
def parse_runtimes(name):
runtimes = []
with open(name, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("subspace mining runtime:"):
runtimes.append(float("(?:subspace mining runtime:) (.*)(?: seconds)", line).group(1)))
if line.startswith("full runtime:"):
if len(runtimes) == 0:
runtimes.append(float("(?:full runtime:) (.*)(?: seconds)", line).group(1)))
if len(runtimes) == 0:
return [0, 0]
return runtimes
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
# def compute_precision_recall_runtime(ideal_cuts, directory, name):
# data_dir = name.replace("-", "_")
# cuts = parse_cuts(directory + "/" + data_dir + ".csv/cut.txt")
# if not cuts:
# return None
# runtimes = parse_runtimes(directory + "/" + data_dir + ".csv/log.txt")
# runtime_values = [name]
# runtime_values.extend(runtimes)
# values = []
# for i in range(MAX_DIM_COUNT):
# if len(ideal_cuts) <= i:
# break
# values.append(
# [name + "-dim" + str(i + 1), disc_precision(ideal_cuts[i], cuts[i]), disc_recall(ideal_cuts[i], cuts[i])])
# return runtime_values, values
def disc_precision(expected, current):
similarity = disc_similarity(expected, current)
return similarity[0] / (len(current) + 1)
def disc_recall(expected, current):
similarity = disc_similarity(expected, current)
# todo should be without + 1
return similarity[0] / (len(expected) + 1)
def disc_f1(expected, current):
similarity = disc_similarity(expected, current)
recall = similarity[0] / (len(expected) + 1)
precision = similarity[0] / (len(current) + 1)
return (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall)
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
global stop_signal, results
print('Writing down Compression.csv')
print(cst.BASE + base_dir + "Compression.csv")
with open(cst.BASE + base_dir + "/Compression.csv", "a") as f:
global stop_signal
stop_signal = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
global base_dir
base_dir = sys.argv[1]
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print('signal registered')
# compression and classification quality measures
# if len(sys.argv) == 1:
# print(
# 'Usage: '
# '-p=<problem> '
# '-m=<[original|greedy_topk|trivial|...]> '
# '-cor=<[uds]> '
# '-dist=<[id, cjs]> '
# '-t=<threshold float> '
# '-r=<number of rows> ')
# command = '-b=logs -f=synthetic_cases/synthetic_3d_parity_problem.csv -d=; -dist=ID'
# print('Running default: ', command)
# command_list = command.split(' ')
# else:
# command_list = sys.argv[1:]
# problem_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-p="), command_list))
# # if not problem_arg:
# # raise ValueError('No problem provided!')
# base_dir_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-b="), command_list))
# if not base_dir_arg:
# raise ValueError('No logs base dir provided!')
# method_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-m="), command_list))
# # if not method_arg:
# # raise ValueError('No method provided!')
# distance_measure_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-dist="), command_list))
# # if not distance_measure_arg:
# # raise ValueError('No distance measure provided!')
# threshold_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-t="), command_list))
# # if not threshold_arg:
# # raise ValueError('No threshold provided!')
# # irr_feat_start_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-is="), command_list))
# # irr_feat_end_arg = list(filter(lambda x: x.startswith("-ie="), command_list))
# base_dir = base_dir_arg[0].replace('-b=', '')
# if not os.path.exists(base_dir):
# os.makedirs(base_dir)
# if problem_arg:
# problem = problem_arg[0].replace('-p=', '')
# if method_arg:
# method = cst.Method[method_arg[0].replace('-m=', '').upper()]
# if distance_measure_arg:
# distance_measure = cst.DistanceMeasure[distance_measure_arg[0].replace('-dist=', '').upper()]
# if threshold_arg:
# threshold = float(threshold_arg[0].replace('-t=', ''))
# problems = [
# # "2d_3_cubes_aligned_xor",
# # "2d_2_cubes_aligned",
# # "2d_2_cubes_xor",
# # "3d_2_cubes_aligned",
# # "3d_2_cubes_xor",
# # "3d_3_cubes_aligned",
# # "3d_3_cubes_aligned_xor",
# # "3d_3_cubes_xor",
# # "3d_4_cubes_1_aligned_xor",
# # "3d_4_cubes_2_aligned",
# # "3d_4_cubes_xor",
# # "4d_2_cubes_aligned",
# # "4d_3_cubes_aligned_xor",
# # "4d_3_cubes_xor",
# # "4d_4_cubes_aligned_xor",
# # "4d_4_cubes_2_aligned",
# "4d_4_cubes_xor",
# ]
# runtime = []
# perf = []
# compression = []
# cols = ['run-dim', 'precision', 'recall']
# runtime_cols = ['run', 'subspace mining runtime', 'full runtime']
# compression_cols = ['run', 'start compression', 'result compression']
# disc_distances = []
# for problem in problems:
# print('problem:', problem)
# for method in [cst.Method.TRIVIAL, cst.Method.ORIGINAL, cst.Method.PREDEFINED]:
# # for method in [cst.Method.PERFECT]:
# print('method:', method)
# data = compute_problem_quality_measure(base_dir, problem, method=method)
# if not data:
# continue
# runtime.extend(data[0])
# perf.extend(data[1])
# compression.extend(data[2])
# time =
# pd.DataFrame(perf, columns=cols).to_csv(base_dir + "/Precision_recall_" + time + ".csv")
# pd.DataFrame(runtime, columns=runtime_cols).to_csv(base_dir + "/Discretization_runtimes_" + time + ".csv")
# pd.DataFrame(compression, columns=compression_cols).to_csv(base_dir + "/Compression_" + time + ".csv")