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194 lines (157 sloc) 5.94 KB
import os
import re
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
board_amount = 7
board_numbering_offset = 1 # the smallest number a board has
max_packet_arrival_dist = .1 # how big can the distance between packets be until we count it as a packet loss?
color_adt = 'b'
color_c3o = 'r'
def main():
# get the files in the input folder
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input')
dirpath, _, filenames = list(os.walk(path))[0]
format='%(asctime)s %(name)s:%(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.debug('{} files found'.format(len(filenames)))
# get the first log files (where the log starts)
start_files = []
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.log'):
logging.debug('identified the following groups: {!r}'.format(start_files))
# create a dict for the filenames
files = {}
for filename in start_files:
files[filename] = []
# save the related files in the dict
for filename in filenames:
for prefix in start_files:
if filename.startswith(prefix):
# sort the lists in the dict
for prefix, file_list in files.items():
def get_key(item: str):
key = item.replace(prefix, '')
key = key.replace('.', '')
if key == '':
key = 0
return int(key)
# create a dict for the data
session_data = {}
for filename in start_files:
session_data[filename] = []
# create the regex
# a line looks like this
# 2018-02-12 13:47:53,477 DEBUG_V mr-keyboard.board4 - packet arrival time dist.: 0.0042400360107421875, c3 utc offset: 3727420072.5741544
pattern = re.compile(
r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d{2})-(?P<day>\d{2}) (?P<hour>\d{2}):(?P<minute>\d{2}):(?P<second>\d{2}),'
r'(?P<milliseconds>\d{3}) INFO mr-keyboard\.board(?P<board_nr>\d+) - packet arrival time dist.: '
r'(?P<packet_arrival_time_dist>[0-9.]+), c3 utc offset: (?P<c3_utc_offset>[0-9.]+)'
# read and evaluate the data from the log files
for key, session in files.items():'parsing group "{}"'.format(key))
# generate data structures to save the data serparately for every board
session_data = {}
for i in range(board_amount):
session_data[i + board_numbering_offset] = {
'packet_losses': 0,
'items': 0, # amount of entries we evaluated
'arrival_dist_list': [], # list of all packet arrival distances
'arrival_dist_sum': 0, # the sum of entries in the list above
'c3_offset_list': [], # list of all counter3 utc offsets
'c3_offset_sum': 0,
for filename in session:'parsing {}'.format(filename))
# open the file and parse it
filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
with open(filepath) as f:
# create an iterator
lines = iter(f.readlines())
while True:
line = next(lines)
# match the line with the regex, continue if it didn't match
m = re.match(pattern, line)
if m is None:
board_nr = int('board_nr'))
session_data[board_nr]['items'] += 1
# handle arrival time distance information
arrival_dist = float('packet_arrival_time_dist'))
session_data[board_nr]['arrival_dist_sum'] += arrival_dist
# check if it took too long
if arrival_dist > max_packet_arrival_dist:
session_data[board_nr]['packet_losses'] += 1
# handle information on the offset between counter3 and UTC
c3_offset = float('c3_utc_offset'))
session_data[board_nr]['c3_offset_sum'] += c3_offset
except StopIteration:
# we hit EOF, stop reading
logging.debug('files parsed, calculating statistics for group {}'.format(key))
# set the name of the window
fig = plt.figure()
# evaluate the data for every board
for board_nr, data in session_data.items():
if data['items'] == 0:'no matching lines found for board {}'.format(board_nr))
# calculate means
arrival_dist_mean = data['arrival_dist_sum'] / data['items']
c3_offset_mean = data['c3_offset_sum'] / data['items']
# calculate mean absolute deviations
arrival_dist_sum = 0
c3_offset_sum = 0
for i in range(data['items']):
dst = abs(data['arrival_dist_list'][i] - arrival_dist_mean)
arrival_dist_sum += dst
dst = abs(data['c3_offset_list'][i] - c3_offset_mean)
c3_offset_sum += dst
arrival_dist_mad = arrival_dist_sum / data['items']
c3_offset_mad = c3_offset_sum / data['items']
'statistics for board {} in group {} ("adt" = arrival time distance, "c3 offset" = offset of counter3 to UTC):\n'
'relevant entries found: {}\n'
'packets with more than {}s arrival time distance: {}\n'
'averages: adt: {}, c3 offset: {}\n'
'mean absolute deviations: adt {}, c3 offset: {}\n'.format(
board_nr, key,
max_packet_arrival_dist, data['packet_losses'],
arrival_dist_mean, c3_offset_mean,
arrival_dist_mad, c3_offset_mad
# prepare the plot
t = np.arange(1, data['items'] + 1, 1)
ax1 = plt.subplot(board_amount, 1, board_nr - board_numbering_offset + 1)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.set_label('arrival time distance (s)')
ax2.set_label('counter3 offset to UTC (s)')
# plot the data
ax1.plot(t, np.array(data['arrival_dist_list']), color=color_adt)
ax2.plot(t, np.array(data['c3_offset_list']), color=color_c3o)
# color the axes
def color_axis(ax, color):
for label in ax.get_yticklabels():
return None
color_axis(ax1, color_adt)
color_axis(ax2, color_c3o)
# display the plot
logging.debug('we\'re done!')
if __name__ == '__main__':