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executable file 593 lines (470 sloc) 20 KB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# import from std lib
import logging
import time
import sys
import traceback
import math
from typing import Union, Tuple
# import 3rd party libs
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
# import own modules
import settings
Point = Tuple[float, float]
class Key:
def __init__(self, note: str, octave: int):
self.note = note
self.octave = octave = note + str(octave)
self.white = True if len(note) == 1 else False
self.pos_relative: float = None
self.pos_near: Point = None
self.pos_far: Point = None
class Main:
def __init__(self):
# create the logger
self.log = logging.getLogger('finger_tracker')
self.log.debug('using opencv version ' + str(cv.__version__))
# define global variables
self.cap = None
self.background = None
self.region_corners = [] # the border points of our region of interest (ROI)
self.region_mask = None # the mask generated from the ROI above
self.mouse_drag = False # used for dragging the points of the ROI
self.keys = {} # the lines on the center of the keys used for detection
# parse the borders (the min_/max_note are the indices in settings.notes), quick sanity check
min_note = settings.notes.index(settings.note_lowest[:-1])
min_octave = int(settings.note_lowest[-1])
max_note = settings.notes.index(settings.note_highest[:-1])
max_octave = int(settings.note_highest[-1])
assert min_octave <= max_octave
if min_octave == max_octave:
assert min_note < max_note
# calculate the keys by raising the minimum and writing it in self.keys
white_keys = 0
while min_octave < max_octave or (min_octave == max_octave and min_note <= max_note):
key = Key(settings.notes[min_note], min_octave)
if key.white:
white_keys += 1
self.keys[] = key
min_note += 1
if min_note >= len(settings.notes):
min_note = 0
min_octave += 1
# calculate the indices of the keys
i = 0 # to calculate the relative positions of the keys
key_dist = 1 / white_keys
for name, key in self.keys.items():
if key.white:
key.pos_relative = i + key_dist / 2
i += key_dist
key.pos_relative = i
self.log.debug('the notes we\'re using: {}'.format(self.keys.keys()))
# set the parameters for the blob detector
detector_params = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()
detector_params.minDistBetweenBlobs = 5
detector_params.minRepeatability = 0
detector_params.minThreshold = 254
detector_params.maxThreshold = 256
detector_params.thresholdStep = 3
detector_params.filterByArea = False
detector_params.filterByColor = False
detector_params.filterByCircularity = False
detector_params.filterByConvexity = False
detector_params.filterByInertia = False
# create the blob detector
self.blob_detector = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_create(detector_params)
def load_file(self, path: str):
Load a video with opencv.
:param path: the path to the video
# test if the file exists and write an easier to understand log entry
with open(path):
except FileNotFoundError:
self.log.error('the supplied path ({}) does not point to a file'.format(path))
# unload any previously loaded file
if self.cap is not None:
self.log.debug('loading "' + path + '"')
# get the video
self.cap = cv.VideoCapture(path)
'video loaded, the resolution of the file is '
+ str(int(self.cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)))
+ 'x'
+ str(int(self.cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)))
def setup(self):
""" Set up the parameters for the detection. """
assert self.cap is not None
# get the first/next frame and use it as the background
ret, self.background =
if not ret:
raise Exception('unable to read the setup frame')
# resize the background
if settings.resize_input is not None:
self.background = cv.resize(self.background, settings.resize_input)
cv.imshow('setup', self.background)
cv.setMouseCallback('setup', self.setup_mouse_callback, param=self)
while self.cap.isOpened():
# create a copy of the image
img = self.background.copy()
# set the text
texts = {
0: 'set the lower near corner (low side of ' + settings.note_lowest + ')',
1: 'set the lower far corner (low side of ' + settings.note_lowest + ')',
2: 'set the higher near corner (high side of ' + settings.note_highest + ')',
3: 'set the higher far corner (high side of ' + settings.note_highest + ')'
text = texts.get(len(self.region_corners), 'press space to continue')
cv.putText(img, text, (25, 25), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, settings.text_color, 1, cv.LINE_AA)
# draw the points of the mask
for p in self.region_corners:, (p[0], p[1]), 5, settings.line_color, 2)
# draw the lines
if len(self.region_corners) >= 2:
cv.line(img, self.region_corners[0], self.region_corners[1], settings.line_color, 1)
if len(self.region_corners) >= 3:
cv.line(img, self.region_corners[0], self.region_corners[2], settings.line_color, 1)
if len(self.region_corners) >= 4:
cv.line(img, self.region_corners[1], self.region_corners[3], settings.line_color, 1)
cv.line(img, self.region_corners[2], self.region_corners[3], settings.line_color, 1)
# draw the overlay displaying the calculated positions of the keys
for name, key in self.keys.items():
cv.line(img, key.pos_near, key.pos_far, settings.line_color, 2)
# draw the image
cv.imshow('setup', img)
key = cv.waitKey(int(1000/60)) & 0xFF
if key == ord(' '):
elif key == ord('q'):
return False
# debug shortcut to set the ROI to the whole image
if settings.debug_allow_no_points and len(self.region_corners) == 0:
height, width = self.background.shape[:2]
self.region_corners = [(width, 0), (width, height), (0, 0), (0, height)]
# create a black image with the same width and height as the background
self.region_mask = np.zeros(self.background.shape[:2], np.uint8)
# create the mask for our ROI
assert len(self.region_corners) >= 4
corners = np.array(
[self.region_corners[0], self.region_corners[1], self.region_corners[3], self.region_corners[2]],
cv.fillPoly(self.region_mask, [corners], 255)
return True
def setup_mouse_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
The callback we use in setup to handle mouse events.
This has to be a static method but we cheat a bit and pass self (i.e. our Main object) to the function through param.
:param event: the opencv mouse event type
:param x: the x position of the mouse event
:param y:the y position of the mouse event
:param flags:
:param param: the self variable from our Main object
if event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
param.mouse_drag = True
param.log.debug('mouse event: left button down')
elif event == cv.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE and param.mouse_drag:
elif event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
param.log.debug('mouse event: left button up')
param.mouse_drag = False
# check if the event was close to an existing point, move the existing point if so
for i in range(len(param.region_corners)):
dx = param.region_corners[i][0] - x
dy = param.region_corners[i][1] - y
if math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) <= settings.point_move_min_distance:
param.region_corners[i] = (x, y)
# update the positions of the keys if we have enough points
if len(param.region_corners) >= 4:
# we moved a point, return
# test if we already have enough points
if len(param.region_corners) >= 4:'enough points defined, not placing another one')
# place a new point
param.region_corners.append((x, y))
# update the positions of the keys if we have enough points
if len(param.region_corners) >= 4:
def _interpolate_linear_2d(p1: Point, p2: Point, x) -> Point:
Simple helper to do a linear interpolation between two points in 2D.
:param p1: first point
:param p2: second point
:param x: position of the interpolated point (0.0: first, 1.0: second)
:return: position of the interpolated point
p_0 = Main._interpolate_linear(p1[0], p2[0], x)
p_1 = Main._interpolate_linear(p1[1], p2[1], x)
return p_0, p_1
def _interpolate_linear(a: float, b: float, x: float) -> float:
""" Simple helper to do a linear interpolation between two numbers. """
return int(a + (b - a) * x)
def keys_update_positions(self):
""" Update the positions of the middle lines for the keys """
for name, key in self.keys.items():
# calculate the points of the line along the middle of the key
key.pos_near = self._interpolate_linear_2d(self.region_corners[0], self.region_corners[2], key.pos_relative)
key.pos_far = self._interpolate_linear_2d(self.region_corners[1], self.region_corners[3], key.pos_relative)
# shorten the line for black keys
if not key.white:
key.pos_near = self._interpolate_linear_2d(key.pos_far, key.pos_near, settings.black_key_length)
def set_position(self, minutes: float, seconds: float):
Set the current time/playback position in the loaded video.
:param minutes:
:param seconds:
assert self.cap is not None
self.log.debug('setting the current playback position to {}:{:02}'.format(minutes, seconds))
# calculate the timestamp in milliseconds
ms = minutes * 60000 + seconds * 1000
# set the time
self.cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_POS_MSEC, ms)
def run(self):
""" The part where all the fun stuff happens. Analyses the video and tries to correlate it with the supplied log. """
assert self.cap is not None
pause = False
while self.cap.isOpened():
# check for keyboard events
key = cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if key == ord('q'):
elif key == ord(' '):
pause = not pause
# skip the rest if we paused
if pause:
time.sleep(.0167) # this should give us ~60 cycles per second
# timestamp when we started working with the frame
last_frame_time = time.time()
# get the next frame, skip it or terminate when we couldn't grab it
ret, frame =
if not ret:
if self._get_video_relative_pos() > 99:
self.log.debug('we seem to have reached the end of the file, terminating the loop')
self.log.warning('unable to get the current frame, skipping it')
if settings.resize_input is not None:
# TODO: only resize if the original is larger than the target size
frame = cv.resize(frame, settings.resize_input)
# generate the mask
mask = self._generate_mask(frame)
# convert to HSV
frame_hsv = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV_FULL)
# apply the mask
frame_hsv_masked = cv.bitwise_and(frame_hsv, frame_hsv, mask=mask)
# split the channels
hue, saturation, value = cv.split(frame_hsv_masked)
# remove the areas with very low saturation (i.e. more or less white/gray)
ret, saturation_mask = cv.threshold(saturation, settings.saturation_threshold, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
hue = cv.bitwise_and(hue, hue, mask=saturation_mask)
# create the dict for the debug windows and add some stuff to it if enabled
debug_windows = {}
if settings.debug_window_enable:
debug_windows['original'] = frame
debug_windows['mask'] = mask
debug_windows['saturation_mask'] = saturation_mask
debug_windows['hue'] = hue
# create variables to see what methods succeeded
detect_markers_success = False
detect_fingertips_success = False
# create the dict we eventually fill when detecting the markers
tracked_colors_masks = {}
# routine to detect the markers
if settings.detect_markers:
# create a version of hue without skin colored things
hue_in_range = cv.inRange(hue, settings.skin_hue_min, settings.skin_hue_max)
# generate the image without skin colored things
hue_no_skin = cv.bitwise_and(hue, hue_in_range)
# generate masks for certain hues (within a specified tolerance)
tracked_colors_masks = self._generate_tracked_colors_masks(hue_no_skin)
# get the keypoints for the markers in the image
color_blobs = self._detect_markers(tracked_colors_masks)
# TODO: determine if we succeeded in detecting the markers
# convert the keypoints to something we can view and add them to the debug windows (if they are enabled)
if settings.debug_window_enable:
markers = self._keypoints_to_image(color_blobs, hue.shape)
debug_windows['markers'] = markers
# routine to detect fingertips
if settings.detect_fingertips:
# get the list of only the masks (we no longer care about their names at this point)
tracked_colors_masks = list(tracked_colors_masks.values())
# generate and add masks for the skin colors (remember: reds are at the borders of the hue range in HSV)
tracked_colors_masks.append(cv.inRange(hue, 1, settings.skin_hue_min))
tracked_colors_masks.append(cv.inRange(hue, settings.skin_hue_max, 255))
# combine all the masks of the relevant colors
combined_mask = tracked_colors_masks[0]
for i in range(1, len(tracked_colors_masks)):
combined_mask = cv.bitwise_or(combined_mask, tracked_colors_masks[i])
# display the combined mask if debug windows are enabled
if settings.debug_window_enable:
debug_windows['combined_mask'] = combined_mask
# TODO: remove, debug
b, g, r = cv.split(frame)
rb = cv.absdiff(r, b)
rg = cv.absdiff(r, g)
combined = cv.add(rb, rg)
debug_windows['absdiff combined'] = combined
ret, combined = cv.threshold(combined, 64, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
debug_windows['absdiff combined threshold'] = combined
# TODO: rotate the image according to the ROI (try cv.RotationWarper or cv.warpAffine)
# details:
# TODO: get contours with opencv
# TODO: interpret the contours as a graph.
# TODO: Undistort the data points? (this may be hard, we may get overlaps in the graph)
# TODO: find strongest peaks (elevation relative to surroundings) in the graph
# TODO: set the variable to indicate success
# TODO: evaluate the results from the different methods
# show and position the different debug windows
i = 0
for name, img in debug_windows.items():
# create the window
cv.namedWindow(name, cv.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv.resizeWindow(name, *settings.debug_window_size)
cv.imshow(name, img)
# move the window
pos_y = math.floor(i / settings.debug_window_placement[0]) % settings.debug_window_placement[1]
pos_x = i % settings.debug_window_placement[0]
if pos_y % 2 == 1: # invert pos_x if we're not in the first row
pos_x = settings.debug_window_placement[0] - pos_x - 1
pos_x *= settings.debug_window_size[0]
pos_y *= settings.debug_window_size[1] + settings.debug_window_title_height
cv.moveWindow(name, pos_x, pos_y)
i += 1
# calculate how long much time we needed for this frame
frame_duration = time.time() - last_frame_time
frame_freq = 1 / frame_duration
# log the information from this frame
# TODO: write this info in the title of the main window (original in debug) as well
self.log.debug('fps: {:.3f} (duration: {:.5f}s), {:.2f}% through the video'.format(
def _generate_mask(self, frame):
""" Generates a mask for the given frame by comparing it with the saved background. """
# subtract the background we captured earlier
mask = cv.absdiff(frame, self.background)
# convert the mask to grayscale and threshold it
mask = cv.cvtColor(mask, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, mask = cv.threshold(mask, settings.mask_threshold, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
# reduce our mask to only include our ROI
mask = cv.bitwise_and(mask, self.region_mask)
# remove the noise outside of the mask (with opening)
r = settings.noise_reduction_outer_kernel_size
kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (r, r))
mask = cv.morphologyEx(mask, cv.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
# remove noise from inside the mask (with closing)
r = settings.noise_reduction_inner_kernel_size
kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (r, r))
mask = cv.morphologyEx(mask, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
return mask
def _generate_tracked_colors_masks(hue):
""" Generate masks for the provided image (hue part only) with the tracked colors withing a certain tolerance. """
tracked_colors_masks = {}
for name, color in settings.tracked_colors.items():
# calculate the color boundaries
color_min = color - settings.tracked_colors_tolerance
color_min = max(color_min, 0)
color_max = color + settings.tracked_colors_tolerance
color_max = min(color_max, 255)
# save the regions with colors within the boundaries
tracked_colors_masks[name] = cv.inRange(hue, color_min, color_max)
return tracked_colors_masks
def _detect_markers(self, masks):
""" Detects the colors set in settings and returns a dict with a list of keypoints for each color. """
# find the blobs of the different colors
color_blobs = {}
for name, mask in masks.items():
# detect the blobs (we get a KeyPoint for every detected blob)
color_blobs[name] = self.blob_detector.detect(mask)
# TODO: show only the single largest Keypoint for every color
return color_blobs # return the masks as well to allow later use in the fingertip detection
def _keypoints_to_image(color_blobs, shape):
# generate an image for each of the colors and combine them to get a nice image
color_regions_stitched = None
for name, color in settings.tracked_colors.items():
keypoints = color_blobs[name]
img = Main._draw_keypoints(np.zeros(shape, np.uint8), keypoints, color)
if color_regions_stitched is None:
color_regions_stitched = img
color_regions_stitched = cv.bitwise_or(img, color_regions_stitched)
# generate a mask from out stitched image we can use for S and V in our HSV image and convert it back to BGR
ret, result_mask = cv.threshold(color_regions_stitched, 1, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)
result = cv.merge([
return cv.cvtColor(result, cv.COLOR_HSV2BGR_FULL)
def _draw_keypoints(image, keypoints, color):
The function for this in opencv doesn't seem to work as expected so I created this little helper.
This draws every Keypoint as a circle and its center.
:param image: the image we draw the points and circles on
:param keypoints: a list of Keypoints
:param color: the color we use to draw the Keypoints
img = image.copy()
for kp in keypoints:
x = int([0])
y = int([1]), (x, y), 2, color, -1), (x, y), int(kp.size), color, 1)
return img
def _get_video_relative_pos(self):
Calculate and return the current position in the video in percent (0: start, 100: end).
:return: the current relative position in the video
assert self.cap is not None
return self.cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) / self.cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) * 100
if __name__ == '__main__':
# sanity check for the required arguments
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
sys.stderr.write('You have to pass the path to the video you want to open as the first argument.')
# TODO: write something to overwrite the settings from with arguments from argv
m = Main()
# noinspection PyBroadException
if m.setup():
m.set_position(5, 7)
except Exception:
m.log.error(str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + ': ' + str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
stack_ = ''
for stack_line_ in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
stack_ += stack_line_
m.log.error('stacktrace:\n' + stack_)