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function fn_out = hmri_proc_MPMsmooth(fn_wMPM, fn_mwTC, fn_TPM, fwhm, l_TC, pth_out)
% Applying tissue specific smoothing, aka. weighted averaging, in order to
% limit partial volume effect.
% This works on multiple parametric and tissue class maps from a *single*
% subject.
% fn_out = hmri_proc_MPMsmooth(fn_wMPM, fn_mwTC, fn_TPM, fwhm)
% - fn_wMPM : filenames (char array) of the warped MPM, i.e. the
% w*MT/R1/R2s/A.nii files
% - fn_mwTC : filenames (char array) of the modulated warped tissue
% classes, i.e. the mwc1/2*.nii files
% - fn_TPM : filenames (char array) of the a priori tissue probability
% maps to use, matching those in fn_mwTC
% - fwhm : width of smoothing kernel in mm [6 by def.]
% - l_TC : explicit list of tissue classes used [1:nTC by def.]
% - pth_out : output path [empty by default -> same as input maps]
% - fn_out : cell array (one cell per MPM) of filenames (char array) of
% the "smoothed tissue specific MPMs".
% Draganski et al, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.01.052
% Copyright (C) 2017 Cyclotron Research Centre
% Written by C. Phillips.
% Cyclotron Research Centre, University of Liege, Belgium
% this works for one subject at a time, i.e. in the classic case of 4 MPMs
% and GM/WM tissue classes take the
% + 4 warped quantitative maps (in fn_wMPM)
% + 2 modulated warped tissue class maps in fn_mwTC (e.g. mwc1*.nii and
% mwc2*.nii)
% + 2 TPMs matching the fn_mwTC
% In the VBQ toolbox, one typically considers GM/WM to produce fin-images,
% aka. fin_uni/dart_c1/2* images. The key word "uni"/"dart" come from
% either maps warped by unified segmentation only, or Dartel, respectively.
% On top of these 2, there was also a combined GM+WM fin-image created:
% fin_uni/dart_bb* images -> I am skipping this for the moment.
% If different tissue classes were used then the explicit list of tissue
% classes (l_TC) could come in handy to keep the numbering of resulting
% images in line with their tissue class index.
% In the _run function
% - the exact tissue class considered is defined by the index in the name
% of the fn_mwTC files. So if mwc1*.nii and mwc2*.nii are passed, then
% the 1st and 2nd tissue class are used from the TPM
% - Just pass the full name of the TPM, without subvolume index, the exact
% TC used is defined by the fn_mwTC
% With present computer having large amounts of RAM, we could do most of
% the image calculation direction by loading the nifti files directly. This
% would eschew the use of spm_imcalc (and its annoying messages...) and
% likely be a bit faster.
% Not sure how to perform the Gaussian smoothingn though. Probably some
% re-implementation could do the trick.
% Check input
if nargin<6, pth_out = []; end
if nargin<4, fwhm = 6; end
if nargin<3,
error('hMRI:smoothing','Provide 4 input, see help.');
% Count images and check
nMPM = size(fn_wMPM,1);
nTC = size(fn_mwTC,1);
nTPM = size(fn_TPM,1);
if nTC~=nTPM
error('hMRI:smoothing','Mismatched number of tissue classes.')
if nargin<5 || numel(l_TC)~=nTC
% Get list of TC indexes if not provided
l_TC = 1:nTC;
% Flags for image calculation
ic_flag = struct(...
'dtype', 16, ... % keep things in floats
'interp', -4); % 4th order spline interpolation
% Initialize output and loop over MPMs
fn_out = cell(nMPM,1);
for ii=1:nMPM
% ii^th MPM to be treated
fn_wMPM_ii = fn_wMPM(ii,:) ;
% Get the TC-weighted MPM -> p-images
p = cell(nTC,1);
for jj=1:nTC
% MPM weighted with its own GM/WM/lesion, and a priori>.05
tmp = char(fn_wMPM_ii, fn_mwTC(jj,:), fn_TPM(jj,:)); % i1, i2, i3
p_tmp = spm_imcalc( tmp, ...
spm_file(fn_wMPM_ii,'prefix',['p',num2str(l_TC(jj)),'_']), ...
p{jj} = p_tmp.fname;
% Smooth TC -> m-images
m = cell(nTC,1);
for jj=1:nTC
m{jj} = spm_file(fn_mwTC(jj,:),'prefix','s','number','');
spm_smooth(fn_mwTC(jj,:),m{jj},fwhm); % smooth mwc(jj)
% Smooth weighted MPM (p) -> n-images
n = cell(nTC,1);
for jj=1:nTC
n{jj} = spm_file(p{jj},'prefix','s');
% calculate signal (n./m) + masking smoothed TC>.05
q = cell(nTC,1);
for jj=1:nTC
q{jj} = spm_file(p{jj},'prefix','wa');
if ~isempty(pth_out)
% update output path if provided
q{jj} = spm_file(p{jj},'path',pth_out);
spm_imcalc(char(n{jj},m{jj}), ... % i1, i2
q{jj}, ...
fn_out{ii} = char(q); % saved as char array
fn_2delete = char(char(p),char(m),char(n));
for jj=1:size(fn_2delete,1)