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function out = hmri_run_proc_pipeline(job)
% Deal with the preprocessing pipelines. There are 2 options
% 1/ US+Smooth
% 2/ US+Dartel+Smooth
% Input include only some parametric maps, the structural maps (for
% segmentation), the required smoothing and which pipeline to use. All
% other options are hard-coded!
% By default, these pipelines focus only on the first 2 tissue classes,
% i.e. GM and WM only.
% For more flexibility, individual modules can be combined. :-)
% Copyright (C) 2017 Cyclotron Research Centre
% Written by Christophe Phillips
% 1/ Setup the smoothing and execute hmri_run_proc_US
% Get the proc_US job structure, with all the defaults
proc_us = tbx_scfg_hmri_proc_US;
[~, job_US] = harvest(proc_us, proc_us, false, false);
% Fill in the data now: parametric maps & structurals for segmentation
if job.pipe_c==1 % US+smooth -> warp the parametric maps here.
job_US.many_sdatas.vols_pm = job.vols_pm;
end = job.s_vols;
% Set voxel sizes & BB
job_US.many_sdatas.vox = job.vox; =;
% Only spit out CSF in native space (no Dartel imported) & warped (no modulation)
job_US.tissue(3).native = [1 0];
job_US.tissue(3).warped = [0 0];
% Get the output direcotry across
job_US.many_sdatas.output = job.output;
% Run the *_proc_US
fprintf('\nhMRI-pipeline: running the US module.\n')
out_US = hmri_run_proc_US(job_US);
% where the output structure 'out_US'
% .tiss : struct-array with subfields
% .c and .rc, for the native and Dartel imported
% .wc and .mwc, for the warped and modulated
% tissue class images
% .maps : struct-array with subfields 'wvols_pm' for the warped parametric
% maps
% .def : cell-array with the deformations for each subject.
% 2/ Proceed with dartel (only if requested)
% including template create and warping into MNI space
if job.pipe_c == 2
if str2double(spm('Ver','spm_dartel_norm_fun'))>=7182
% Knows how to handle output specification
use_spm_output_handling = true;
use_spm_output_handling = false;
% DARTEL processing:
proc_Dartel = tbx_scfg_hmri_proc_Dartel;
% a) warping with template creation
proc_Dwarp = proc_Dartel.values{1};
[~, job_Dwarp] = harvest(proc_Dwarp, proc_Dwarp, false, false);
% Fill in the filenames for rc1 and rc2, i.e. *only* GM and WM
for ii=1:2
job_Dwarp.images{ii} = spm_file(out_US.tiss(ii).rc,'number',1);
job_Dwarp.output = job.output;
% Run the Dartel-warp job
fprintf('\nhMRI-pipeline: running the Darte-warp module.\n')
out_Dwarp = hmri_run_proc_dartel_template(job_Dwarp);
% out_Dwarp = spm_dartel_template(job_Dwarp);
if ~use_spm_output_handling
% Move if using specific per-subject subdirectory -> 'dart_files'
% This should also include the flow fields!
if isfield(job.output,'outdir_ps')
dn_dartel = fullfile(job.output.outdir_ps{1},'Dartel_Templates');
if ~exist(dn_dartel,'dir')
current_path = spm_file(out_Dwarp.template{1},'path');
f2move = spm_select('FPList',current_path,'^Template_[\d]\.nii$');
for ii=1:size(f2move,1)
out_Dwarp.template = spm_file(out_Dwarp.template,'path',dn_dartel);
% b) normalize to MNI
proc_Dnorm = proc_Dartel.values{3};
[~, job_Dnorm] = harvest(proc_Dnorm, proc_Dnorm, false, false);
% get last tempalte
job_Dnorm.template = out_Dwarp.template(end);
% get GM and WM tissue class
for ii=1:2
job_Dnorm.multsdata.vols_tc{ii} = ...
% get the parametric maps
job_Dnorm.multsdata.vols_pm = job.vols_pm;
% get the warps
job_Dnorm.multsdata.vols_field = out_Dwarp.files;
% Set voxel sizes
job_Dnorm.vox = job.vox; =;
% get the output directory
job_Dnorm.output = job.output;
% Run the Dartel-Normalize-to-MNI job
fprintf('\nhMRI-pipeline: running the Darte-normalize-to-MNI module.\n')
out_Dnorm = hmri_run_proc_dartel_norm(job_Dnorm);
% 3/ Deal with smoothing, with hmri_run_proc_smooth
proc_smooth = tbx_scfg_hmri_proc_smooth;
[~, job_smooth] = harvest(proc_smooth, proc_smooth, false, false);
% Get the image data, working *only* with mwc1 and mwc2 (GM and WM)
switch job.pipe_c
case 1 % US+smooth
job_smooth = fill_fn_from_US(job_smooth,out_US);
case 2 % US+Dartel+smooth
% Fit in DARTEL data
job_smooth.vols_pm = out_Dnorm.vols_wpm;
job_smooth.vols_mwc = out_Dnorm.vols_mwc;
error('hmri:pipeline', 'Wrong hmri-pipeline option.');
% Get the smoothing kernel
job_smooth.fwhm = job.fwhm;
% Run the *_proc_smooth
fprintf('\nhMRI-pipeline: running the weighted-average (smoothing) module.\n')
out_wa = hmri_run_proc_smooth(job_smooth);
% where the 'out_wa' is organized as a structure where
% - tc is a cell-array of size {n_TCs x n_pams}
% - each element tc{ii,jj} is a cell array {n_subj x 1} with each subject's
% smoothed data for the ii^th TC and jj^th MPM
% 4/ Collect output and as needed
out = out_wa; % -> good enouh for the moment!
%% ________________________________________________________________________
function job_smooth = fill_fn_from_US(job_smooth,out_US)
% Fill in the filenames of images (parametric maps and tissue classes) for
% the US+smooth pipeline.
% Parametric maps -> use all of them
N_pm = numel(out_US.maps);
for ii=1:N_pm
job_smooth.vols_pm{ii} = out_US.maps(ii).wvols_pm;
% Tissue classes -> use GM and WM, i.e. #1 and #2
for ii=1:2
job_smooth.vols_mwc{ii} = spm_file(out_US.tiss(ii).mwc,'number',1);
% Not sure it's necessary to add the ',1' to specify the volume for the
% tissue class maps but that's how it looks when using the module with the
% batch GUI -> stay on the safe side and apply.