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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Anupam Sinha</name>
<!-- Precise description of what this process does, what output is generated and what statistics are computed -->
* htseq-count: Generates read counts on the gene level.
* cufflinks: Generates FPKM values for genes and transcript isoforms.
* StringTie: Generates FPKM values for genes and transcript isoforms. Also generates .ctab files for analysis using Ballgown.
<!-- Following section: list input files [samples to be analysed and similar] -->
<comment>Unfiltered aligned reads</comment>
<!-- Following section: list reference files [e.g. reference genomes] used in this process -->
<comment>Gencode gene annotation file in gene transfer format.</comment>
<format>multi fasta</format>
<comment>The reference genome file; see > download > results > references > genomes > human > WholeGenome</comment>
<!-- Following section: list output files of process [e.g. fpkm files, read counts files from htseq etc.] -->
<format>text file</format>
<comment>This file contains the read counts on the gene level.</comment>
<format>text file</format>
<comment>Output file containing the FPKM counts on the gene level.</comment>
<format>text file</format>
<comment>Output file containing the FPKM counts on the isoform level.</comment>
<format>gene transfer format</format>
<comment>This file contains assembled transcripts.</comment>
<format>gene transfer format</format>
<comment>This file contains assembled transcripts.</comment>
<format>tab separated fields (.ctab) format</format>
<comment>This is a folder containing 5 .ctab files. These .ctab files contain the expression values of exons, introns and transcripts. Two files list the internal(generated by ballgown) association ids between exons, introns, and transcripts.</comment>
<command_line><![CDATA[ CMDLINE ]]></command_line>
<loop>no looping</loop>
<command_line><![CDATA[ CMDLINE ]]></command_line>
<loop>no looping</loop>
<command_line>samtools sort -n -@ 8 -m 4G ${_sample}.bam ${_sample}_sorted
samtools/samtools view -F 256 ${_sample}_sorted.bam > ${_sample}.sam
htseq-count -s reverse -m union -a 20 ${_sample}.sam gencode.v19.annotation.gtf > ${_sample}_htseq.txt
<loop>no looping</loop>
<comment>DESeq2 requires bam files sorted by read name (step 1). After sorting, all non-primary alignments are removed during the bam to sam conversion. \
Invoking htseq-count counts the number of reads per gene. \
Please see for further information.
cufflinks -p 16 --frag-bias-correct reference.fa --multi-read-correct --library-type fr-firststrand
--compatible-hits-norm -G gencode.v19.annotation_transcripts_only.gtf ${_sample}.bam
<loop>no looping</loop>
<comment>Please see for further information.</comment>
stringtie -p 16 -e -b ${_sample}.ballgown -o ${_sample}_stringtie.gtf -G gencode.v19.annotation_transcripts_only.gtf
<loop>no looping</loop>
<comment>Please see for further information. \
"-b" option creates a folder which contains the .ctab files for analysis using Ballgown. \
Please see for further information.