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Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
718 lines (670 sloc) 42.6 KB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'kai'
from import BaseCommand
from django.conf import settings
from eoapublications.models import *
import configparser
import sys
import os
import shutil
from lxml import etree
from PIL import Image
import shlex
import subprocess
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = "Import a publication into the Django database."
def add_arguments(self, parser):
help='import publication from INPUT_DIR. default: %(default)s'
def input_dir_sanitycheck(self, inputDir):
from os.path import exists, join
for f in \
[ inputDir
, join( inputDir, "publication.cfg")
, join( inputDir, "Django.xml")
, join( inputDir, "Cover.jpg")
, join( inputDir, "images")
, join( inputDir, "images/embedded") \
] \
if not exists( f ):
raise( FileNotFoundError(f) )
def dest_dir_sanitycheck(self, destDir):
from os.path import exists, join
if( exists( destDir ) ):
raise( FileExistsError( destDir ) )
def dbg_print( self, x, level=1, **options):
verbosity = options['verbosity'] if ('verbosity' in options.keys()) else 0
if level <= verbosity:
print( x )
def dest_media_dir( self, inputDir ):
from os.path import join
config = configparser.ConfigParser(); join(inputDir, 'publication.cfg') )
technical = config['Technical']
mediaDestRel = join( technical['Serie'].lower() , technical['Number'] )
return join( settings.MEDIA_ROOT, mediaDestRel )
def resize_image(self, source_image, dest_image, max_size, dimension):
"""Resize an image, preserve ratio.
Takes four arguments, filenames of source and destination
images, the maximal size and the dimension (width or height).
image_object =
width, height = image_object.size
if dimension == "height":
height_percent = (max_size/float(height))
wsize = int((float(width)*float(height_percent)))
resized_image = image_object.resize((wsize, max_size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
dest_width, dest_height = wsize, max_size
elif dimension == "width":
width_percent = (max_size/float(width))
hsize = int((float(height)*float(width_percent)))
resized_image = image_object.resize((max_size, hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS)
dest_width, dest_height = max_size, hsize
print("You must either specify height or width as dimension. Exiting.")
return dest_width, dest_height
# def resize_image ends here
def process_as_string(self,xmlElement):
"""Create html text for elements"""
strResult = xmlElement.text or ""
for xmlChild in xmlElement.iterchildren():
strResult = strResult + etree.tostring(xmlChild).decode()
return strResult
# def process_as_string ends here
def process_index_entries(self, xmlIndex, xmlElement, xmlChapter, Newelement, Newpublication, index_type):
"""Construct the popups for index entries next to paragraphs."""
if index_type == "keyword":
xml_entries = xmlElement.findall('.//EOAindex')
elif index_type == "person":
xml_entries = xmlElement.findall('.//EOAindexperson')
elif index_type == "location":
xml_entries = xmlElement.findall('.//EOAindexlocation')
print("No suitable index found.")
for xmlEntry in xml_entries:
current_chapter_order = xmlChapter.get('order')
current_element_order = xmlElement.get('order')
if xmlEntry.get("secondary") is not None:
Newindexelement = Indexelement(Element=Newelement)
strMainEntry = xmlEntry.get("main")
if xmlEntry.get("display") is not None:
strHtml = xmlEntry.get("display") + ": "
strHtml = xmlEntry.get("main") + ": "
# Find corresponding Entry in EOAprintindex
for xmlIndexEntry in xmlIndex.findall(".//EOAindexentry"):
if xmlIndexEntry.get("main") == strMainEntry:
intLinkNumber = 1
for xmlIndexLink in xmlIndexEntry.findall("./EOAindexlink"):
if xmlIndexLink.get("chapterorder") == current_chapter_order and xmlIndexLink.get('elementorder') == current_element_order:
strHtml = strHtml + "<span>" + str(intLinkNumber) + "</span> "
strHtml = strHtml + "<a href='../" + xmlIndexLink.get("chapterorder") + "/index.html#"\
+ xmlIndexLink.get('elementorder') + "'>"
strHtml = strHtml + str(intLinkNumber)
strHtml = strHtml + "</a> "
intLinkNumber += 1
strHtml = strHtml + "<br/>"
Newindexelement.Html = strHtml
# def process_index_entries ends here
def process_indexsection(self, xmlIndexsection, intObjectOrder, intIndexEntry, publication_number, index_type, Newpublication, olddesign=False):
"""Create HTML code for indexsections"""
Newindexsection = Indexsection(Publication=Newpublication)
Newindexsection.Kind = index_type
Newindexsection.Title = xmlIndexsection.get("Character")
Newindexsection.Order = intObjectOrder
intObjectOrder += 1
if olddesign:
strResult = "<div class=\"accordion\" id=\"accordion" + str(intObjectOrder) + "\">"
for xmlIndexEntry in xmlIndexsection.iterchildren():
strIndexHtml = """<div class="accordion-group">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion"""
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + str(intIndexEntry) + "\" href=\"#" + "indexentry" + str(intIndexEntry) + "\">"
if xmlIndexEntry.get('display') is not None:
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + xmlIndexEntry.get('display')
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + str(xmlIndexEntry.get('main'))
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + """</a></div> <div id="""
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "\"indexentry" + str(intIndexEntry) + "\""
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + """ class="accordion-body collapse"><div class="accordion-inner">"""
# Process Links of the main entry
intMainIndexLinkNumber = 1
for xmlIndexlink in xmlIndexEntry.findall("./EOAindexlink"):
strIndexLink = "<a href=\"/" + Newpublication.Serie.lower() + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlIndexlink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexlink.get('elementorder') + "\">"
strIndexLink = strIndexLink + str(intMainIndexLinkNumber) + "</a> "
if xmlIndexlink.get('bold') == "True":
strIndexLink = "<strong>" + strIndexLink + "</strong>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + strIndexLink
intMainIndexLinkNumber += 1
# Process Subentries if available
for xmlIndexSubEntry in xmlIndexEntry.findall(".//EOAindexsubentry"):
if xmlIndexSubEntry.get('display') is not None:
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "<p>" + xmlIndexSubEntry.get('display') + "<br/>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "<p>" + xmlIndexSubEntry.get('secondary') + "<br/>"
intSubIndexLinkNumber = 1
for xmlIndexSublink in xmlIndexSubEntry.findall("EOAindexlink"):
strIndexSubLink = "<a href=\"/" + Newpublication.Serie.lower() + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlIndexSublink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexSublink.get('elementorder') + "\">"
strIndexSubLink = strIndexSubLink + str(intSubIndexLinkNumber) + "</a> "
if xmlIndexSublink.get("bold") == "True":
strIndexSubLink = "<b>" + strIndexSubLink + "</b>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + strIndexSubLink
intSubIndexLinkNumber += 1
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "</p>"
# Die Divs schliessen
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "</div></div></div>"
intIndexEntry += 1
strResult += strIndexHtml
strResult = strResult + "</div>"
strResult = ""
for xmlIndexEntry in xmlIndexsection.iterchildren():
strIndexHtml = """<h4>"""
if xmlIndexEntry.get('display') is not None:
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + xmlIndexEntry.get('display')
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + str(xmlIndexEntry.get('main'))
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "</h4><ul><li>"
# Process Links of the main entry
intMainIndexLinkNumber = 1
for xmlIndexlink in xmlIndexEntry.findall("./EOAindexlink"):
# strIndexLink = "<a href=\"/" + Newpublication.Serie.lower() + \
# "/"+ publication_number \
# + "/" + xmlIndexlink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexlink.get('elementorder') + "\">"
strIndexLink = "<a href='./" + xmlIndexlink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexlink.get('elementorder') + "'>"
strIndexLink = strIndexLink + str(intMainIndexLinkNumber) + "</a> "
if xmlIndexlink.get('bold') == "True":
strIndexLink = "<strong>" + strIndexLink + "</strong>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + strIndexLink
intMainIndexLinkNumber += 1
# Process Subentries if available
for xmlIndexSubEntry in xmlIndexEntry.findall(".//EOAindexsubentry"):
if xmlIndexSubEntry.get('display') is not None:
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "<p>" + xmlIndexSubEntry.get('display') + "<br/>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "<p>" + xmlIndexSubEntry.get('secondary') + "<br/>"
intSubIndexLinkNumber = 1
for xmlIndexSublink in xmlIndexSubEntry.findall("EOAindexlink"):
# strIndexSubLink = "<a href=\"/" + Newpublication.Serie.lower() + \
# "/"+ publication_number \
# + "/" + xmlIndexSublink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexSublink.get('elementorder') + "\">"
strIndexSubLink = "<a href='./" + xmlIndexSublink.get('chapterorder') + "/index.html#" + xmlIndexSublink.get('elementorder') + "'>"
strIndexSubLink = strIndexSubLink + str(intSubIndexLinkNumber) + "</a> "
if xmlIndexSublink.get("bold") == "True":
strIndexSubLink = "<b>" + strIndexSubLink + "</b>"
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + strIndexSubLink
intSubIndexLinkNumber += 1
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "</p>"
# Die Divs schliessen
strIndexHtml = strIndexHtml + "</li></ul>"
intIndexEntry += 1
strResult += strIndexHtml
Newindexsection.Html = strResult
# def process_indexsection ends here
def progress(self, count, total, status=''):
"""Progress bar for command line. Taken from"""
bar_len = 60
filled_len = int(round(bar_len * count / float(total)))
percents = round(100.0 * count / float(total), 1)
bar = '#' * filled_len + '-' * (bar_len - filled_len)
sys.stdout.write('[%s] %s%s ... %s\r' % (bar, percents, '%', status))
# def progress ends here
def handle(self, **options):
"""The main bit."""
from os import getcwd, mkdir, makedirs
from os.path import exists, join
inputDir = join( getcwd(), options['inputDir'] )
self.input_dir_sanitycheck( inputDir )
strDir = inputDir
if os.path.exists(str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT)) == False:
# Get current directory, and append /import
# strDir = os.getcwd() + '/import'
# Read .cfg-File
cfgPublication = configparser.ConfigParser() + '/publication.cfg')
# Setup and prepare the publication
Newpublication = Publication(Published=False)
Newpublication.Serie = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Serie').lower()
Newpublication.Number = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Number')
Newpublication.Title = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Title')
Newpublication.Subtitle = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Subtitle')
Newpublication.Datepublished = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'PublicationDate')
Newpublication.Language = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Language')
Newpublication.Publicationlicense = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'License')
Newpublication.Isbn = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'ISBN')
Newpublication.Price = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Price')
Newpublication.Shoplink = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Shoplink')
Newpublication.Descriptionlong = cfgPublication.get('General', 'DetailedDescription')
Newpublication.Descriptionshort = cfgPublication.get('General', 'BriefDescription')
Newpublication.Submitter = cfgPublication.get('General', 'Submitter')
Newpublication.Editorialcoordination = cfgPublication.get('General', 'EditorialCoordination')
Newpublication.Copyeditor = cfgPublication.get('General', 'Copyediting')
Newpublication.Translator = cfgPublication.get('General', 'Translator')
Newpublication.Dedication = cfgPublication.get('General', 'Dedication')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author1'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthor1 = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author1')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author2'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthor2 = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author2')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author3'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthor3 = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author3')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author4'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthor4 = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author4')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author5'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthor5 = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Author5')
if cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Zusatz'):
Newpublication.Publicationauthorsuffix = cfgPublication.get('Authors', 'Zusatz')
# Create Media-Directory for this publication
serie_path = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Serie').lower()
publication_number = cfgPublication.get('Technical', 'Number')
if os.path.exists(str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + "/" + serie_path) == False:
os.mkdir(str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + "/" + serie_path)
os.mkdir(str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + "/" + serie_path + "/"+ publication_number)
import_files_dir = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + "/" + serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + os.path.sep + "import_files"
strMediaDir = str(settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + "/" + serie_path + "/"+ publication_number
os.mkdir(strMediaDir + "/embedded")
# Copy and prepare Cover Images
shutil.copy(strDir + "/Cover.jpg", strMediaDir)
Newpublication.Coverbig = serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + "/Cover.jpg"
tmpImageObject = + "/" + str(Newpublication.Coverbig))
Newpublication.Coverbigwidth = tmpImageObject.size[0]
Newpublication.Coverbigheight = tmpImageObject.size[1]
dest_width, dest_height = self.resize_image(f"{strDir}/Cover.jpg", f"{strMediaDir}/Cover_medium.jpg", 250, "height")
Newpublication.Covermedium = serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + "/Cover_medium.jpg"
Newpublication.Covermediumwidth = dest_width
Newpublication.Covermediumheight = dest_height
# shutil.copy(strDir + "/Cover.jpg", strMediaDir + "/Cover_medium.jpg")
# strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 250x " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_medium.jpg " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_medium.jpg"
# listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand)
#, shell=False)
# Newpublication.Covermedium = serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + "/Cover_medium.jpg"
# tmpImageObject = + "/" + str(Newpublication.Covermedium))
# Newpublication.Covermediumwidth = tmpImageObject.size[0]
# Newpublication.Covermediumheight = tmpImageObject.size[1]
shutil.copy(strDir + "/Cover.jpg", strMediaDir + "/Cover_small.jpg")
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 140x " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_small.jpg " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_small.jpg"
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newpublication.Coversmall = serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + "/Cover_small.jpg"
tmpImageObject = + "/" + str(Newpublication.Coversmall))
Newpublication.Coversmallwidth = tmpImageObject.size[0]
Newpublication.Coversmallheight = tmpImageObject.size[1]
shutil.copy(strDir + "/Cover.jpg", strMediaDir + "/Cover_smallright.jpg")
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 180x " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_smallright.jpg " + strMediaDir + "/Cover_smallright.jpg"
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newpublication.Coversmallright = serie_path + "/"+ publication_number + "/Cover_smallright.jpg"
tmpImageObject = + "/" + str(Newpublication.Coversmallright))
Newpublication.Coversmallrightwidth = tmpImageObject.size[0]
Newpublication.Coversmallrightheight = tmpImageObject.size[1]
# Publication is not featured by default
Newpublication.Featured = False
# Save the publication
# Open Django.xml and process the XML
xmlParser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=True,load_dtd=True)
xmlTree = etree.parse(strDir + "/Django.xml", xmlParser)
xmlChapters = xmlTree.findall("EOAchapter")
for xmlChapter in xmlChapters:
Newchapter = Chapter(Publication=Newpublication)
Newchapter.Order = xmlChapter.get("order")
if xmlChapter.get("language") is not None:
Newchapter.Chapterlanguage = xmlChapter.get("language")
os.mkdir(strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order'))
if xmlChapter.get("number") != "":
Newchapter.Number = xmlChapter.get("number")
if xmlChapter.find(".//EOAparthtml") is not None:
xmlEOAparthtml = xmlChapter.find(".//EOAparthtml")
Newchapter.Chapterpart = self.process_as_string(xmlEOAparthtml)
if xmlChapter.find(".//EOAauthor") is not None:
if len(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")) >= 1:
Newchapter.Chapterauthor1 = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")[0])
if len(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")) >= 2:
Newchapter.Chapterauthor2 = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")[1])
if len(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")) >= 3:
Newchapter.Chapterauthor3 = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")[2])
if len(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")) >= 4:
Newchapter.Chapterauthor4 = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")[3])
if len(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")) >= 5:
Newchapter.Chapterauthor5 = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor")[4])
for xmlAuthor in xmlChapter.findall(".//EOAauthor"):
Newchapter.Title = self.process_as_string(xmlChapter.find("head"))
Newchapter.Chapterauthor1profile = False
Newchapter.Chapterauthor2profile = False
Newchapter.Chapterauthor3profile = False
Newchapter.Chapterauthor4profile = False
Newchapter.Chapterauthor5profile = False
# Inline-Equation (EOAineq) need to be prepared first
xmlInlineEquations = xmlChapter.findall(".//img")
for xmlInlineEquation in xmlInlineEquations:
if xmlInlineEquation.get("class") == "EOAineq":
strEquationImage = xmlInlineEquation.get('src')
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strEquationImage, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
strNewEquationImage = "/media/" + serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strEquationImage
xmlInlineEquation.set('src', strNewEquationImage)
for xmlChild in xmlChapter.iterchildren():
Newelement = Element(Publication=Newpublication,Chapter=Newchapter)
Newelement.Indentation = False
print (xmlChild.tag)
# Process any embedded figurenonumbers yet ignoring already processed EOAineqs
xmlFigures = xmlChild.findall(".//img")
if xmlFigures is not None:
for xmlFigure in xmlFigures:
strFileName = xmlFigure.get("src")
if "EOAineq" in strFileName:
if "EOAchem" in strFileName:
if xmlFigure.getparent().tag == "td":
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFileName, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
strTableImage = "/media/" + serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFileName
xmlFigure.set('src', strTableImage)
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/embedded/" + strFileName, strMediaDir + "/embedded/" + strFileName)
xmlFigure.set("src", "/media/" + serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/embedded/" + strFileName)
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAparagraph" and xmlChild.get("rend") != "quoted":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoaparagraph'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild)
if xmlChild.get("style") == "box":
Newelement.Boxed = True
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAparagraph" and xmlChild.get("rend") == "quoted":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoaquotedparagraph'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild)
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAparagraph" and xmlChild.get("class") == "divider":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoadivider'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild)
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAparagraph" and xmlChild.get("href") is not None:
Newelement.Kind = 'eoaparagraph'
Newelement.Paralleltextlink = xmlChild.get("href")
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild)
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAsection":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoasection'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('head'))
if xmlChild.get("number") is not None:
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get("number")
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAsubsection":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoasubsection'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('head'))
if xmlChild.get("number") is not None:
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get("number")
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAsubsubsection":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoasubsubsection'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('head'))
if xmlChild.get("number") is not None:
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get("number")
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAfigure":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoafigure'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get('number')
hielement_string = xmlChild.get('hielement')
if hielement_string is not None:
Newelement.HIElement = hielement_string
hi_caption = xmlChild.find('caption')
if hi_caption is not None:
Newelement.Caption = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('caption'))
Newelement.Caption = ""
Newelement.HIElement = ""
Newelement.Caption = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('caption'))
# Newelement.Caption = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('caption'))
# Newelement.HIElement = xmlChild.get('hielement')
strFigureImage = xmlChild.get('file')
print ("Converting Image File:")
print (strFigureImage)
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFigureImage, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
# next line from hyperimage
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFigureImage, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/orig" + strFigureImage)
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 1500x900 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/big" + strFigureImage
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Figureimagebig = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/big" + strFigureImage
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 530x400 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Figureimagenormal = serie_path +\
"/"+ publication_number\
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAfigurenonumber":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoafigure'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
strFigureImage = xmlChild.get('file')
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFigureImage, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 1500x900 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/big" + strFigureImage
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Figureimagebig = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/big" + strFigureImage
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 530x400 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Figureimagenormal = serie_path +\
"/"+ publication_number\
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFigureImage
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAequation":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoaequation'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get('number')
strFilename = xmlChild.get('filename')
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFilename, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
Newelement.Genericimage = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFilename
Newelement.Texcode = xmlChild.get('TeX')
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAtranscription":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoatranscription'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Transcriptionleftheader = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Leftheader'))
Newelement.Transcriptionrightheader = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Rightheader'))
Newelement.Transcriptionleftpage = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('EOAtranscriptionleft'))
Newelement.Transcriptionrightpage = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('EOAtranscriptionright'))
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAtheorem":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoatheorem'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get('number')
Newelement.Theoremtitle = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('head'))
Newelement.Theoremdescription = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('p'))
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAdescription":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoadescription'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
xmlDescription = xmlChild.find('description')
Newelement.Caption = self.process_as_string(xmlDescription)
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('p'))
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAletterhead":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoaletterhead'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
Newelement.Letterrecipient = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Recipient'))
Newelement.Letteradditional = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Additional'))
Newelement.Letterarchive = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Archive'))
Newelement.Letterpages = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('Pages'))
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAtable":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoatable'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
if xmlChild.get('number'):
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get('number')
if xmlChild.find('EOAtablecaption') is not None:
Newelement.Caption = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('EOAtablecaption'))
Newelement.Tablehtml = self.process_as_string(xmlChild.find('table'))
Newelement.Tablewidth = xmlChild.find('table').get('width')
if xmlChild.tag == "EOAfootnote":
Newelement.Kind = 'eoafootnote'
Newelement.Order = xmlChild.get('order')
# Copy and adjust embedded EOAequationnonumber
xmlEquations = xmlChild.findall(".//EOAequationnonumber")
for xmlEquation in xmlEquations:
strFilename = xmlEquation.get("filename")
strTexcode = xmlEquation.get("TeX")
xmlEquation.tag = "p"
del xmlEquation.attrib["TeX"]
del xmlEquation.attrib["filename"]
xmlImg = etree.Element("img")
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFilename, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/")
xmlImg.set("src", "/media/" + serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlChapter.get('order') + "/" + strFilename)
xmlImg.set("TeX", strTexcode)
Newelement.Number = xmlChild.get('number')
Newelement.Listcharacter = xmlChild.get('anchor')
Newelement.Fulltext = self.process_as_string(xmlChild)
if xmlChild.get("class") == "epigraph":
Newelement.Epigraph = True
if xmlChild.get("listtype") == "ordered":
Newelement.Indentation = True
Newelement.Listcharacter = xmlChild.get("listnumber")
if xmlChild.get("indent") is not None:
Newelement.Indentation = True
if xmlChild.findall("EOAindex") is not None:
xmlEOAindex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintindex")
if xmlEOAindex is not None:
self.process_index_entries(xmlEOAindex,xmlChild,xmlChapter,Newelement,Newpublication, "keyword")
if xmlChild.findall("EOAindexperson") is not None:
xmlEOAindex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintpersonindex")
if xmlEOAindex is not None:
self.process_index_entries(xmlEOAindex,xmlChild,xmlChapter,Newelement,Newpublication, "person")
if xmlChild.findall("EOAindexlocation") is not None:
xmlEOAindex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintlocationindex")
if xmlEOAindex is not None:
self.process_index_entries(xmlEOAindex,xmlChild,xmlChapter,Newelement,Newpublication, "location")
xmlFacsimileparts = xmlTree.findall("EOAfacsimilepart")
for xmlFacsimilepart in xmlFacsimileparts:
print("Process Facsimileparts")
Newchapter = Chapter(Publication=Newpublication)
Newchapter.Order = xmlFacsimilepart.get("order")
os.mkdir(strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order'))
Newchapter.Title = self.process_as_string(xmlFacsimilepart.find("head"))
Newchapter.Facsimile = True
xmlFacsimilepages = xmlFacsimilepart.findall("EOAfacsimilepage")
intfacs = 1
for xmlFacsimilepage in xmlFacsimilepages:
self.progress(intfacs, len(xmlFacsimilepages),"Processing facsimile %s of %s." % (intfacs, len(xmlFacsimilepages)))
Newelement = Element(Publication=Newpublication,Chapter=Newchapter)
Newelement.Kind = 'eoafacsimilepage'
Newelement.Order = xmlFacsimilepage.get('order')
if xmlFacsimilepage.get('pagenumber') is not None:
Newelement.Caption = xmlFacsimilepage.get('pagenumber')
strFilename = xmlFacsimilepage.get('file')
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFilename, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/")
Newelement.Figureimagebig = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/" + strFilename
# Process Figureimagenormal
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 535x1700 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/" + strFilename + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/normal" + strFilename
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Figureimagenormal = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/normal" + strFilename
# Process Genericimage for Thumbnail
strCommand = "/usr/bin/gm convert -resize 170x300 " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/" + strFilename + " " + strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/tn" + strFilename
listArguments = shlex.split(strCommand), shell=False)
Newelement.Genericimage = serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/tn" + strFilename
# Process additional Facsimile-Information if available
tmpElements = xmlFacsimilepage.findall("EOAfacsimileelement")
if tmpElements:
for tmpElement in tmpElements:
# Fix embedded img-Tags to produce the correct link, and copy the embedded image
for xmlChild in tmpElement.iterdescendants():
if xmlChild.tag == 'img':
print ("Image im Facsimile gefunden")
strFilename = xmlChild.get("src")
print (strDir + "/" + strFilename)
shutil.copy(strDir + "/images/" + strFilename, strMediaDir + "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/")
strFilepath = "/media/" + serie_path + \
"/"+ publication_number \
+ "/" + xmlFacsimilepart.get('order') + "/" + strFilename
xmlChild.set('src', strFilepath)
if tmpElement.get('type') == 'text':
Newelement.Facsimiletext = self.process_as_string(tmpElement)
if tmpElement.get('type') == 'textPollux':
Newelement.Facsimilepollux = self.process_as_string(tmpElement)
if tmpElement.get('type') == 'xml':
Newelement.Facsimilexml = self.process_as_string(tmpElement)
intfacs += 1
print("\n Finished processing facsimiles.")
xmlIndex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintindex")
if xmlIndex is not None:
xmlIndexsections = xmlIndex.findall(".//EOAindexsection")
intObjectOrder = 1
intIndexEntry = 1
for xmlIndexsection in xmlIndexsections:
self.process_indexsection(xmlIndexsection, intObjectOrder, intIndexEntry, publication_number, 'keyword', Newpublication)
xmlIndex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintpersonindex")
if xmlIndex is not None:
xmlIndexsections = xmlIndex.findall(".//EOAindexsection")
intObjectOrder = 1
intIndexEntry = 1
for xmlIndexsection in xmlIndexsections:
self.process_indexsection(xmlIndexsection, intObjectOrder, intIndexEntry, publication_number, 'person', Newpublication)
xmlIndex = xmlTree.find(".//EOAprintlocationindex")
if xmlIndex is not None:
xmlIndexsections = xmlIndex.findall(".//EOAindexsection")
intObjectOrder = 1
intIndexEntry = 1
for xmlIndexsection in xmlIndexsections:
self.process_indexsection(xmlIndexsection, intObjectOrder, intIndexEntry, publication_number, 'location', Newpublication)
shutil.copytree(strDir, import_files_dir)
print("Import finished")
# class Command ends here