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Elements\EOAindex{Indexing|(} can be assigned labels so that they can be referred to:
sections\EOAfn{Cross reference to Chapter
\EOAref{chapter_documentstructure}}, images\EOAfn{There is a nice
image in section \EOAref{sec2image2}}, tables\EOAfn{There is a table
in section \EOAref{sec3table1}}. A lot of things can be
By the way, Joyce\EOAindexperson{James Joyce} is a very good author.
Read some of his stuff. It may be useful for indexing some of your key
terms in the text so that we can later link to catalogues that tells
the reader more about the things. Joyce\EOAlabel{joyce} died in
Zurich\EOAindexlocation{Zürich}. You cannot read anything about him in
neither Walkowski's work of \EOAciteyear{walkowski_digital_2016}
nor in \EOAciteauthoryear{Carvalho2012}!
Now, here's a funny problem concerning the index. Consider one Lord
Charles\EOAindexperson{Cavendish, Charles 2@Cavendish, Lord Charles
(son of the second duke of Devonshire), (Fig.~\EOAref{sec2:image1},
\EOApageref{sec2:image1})!duty of service}. Please observe: there are
references in the index entry. This is the same reference outside the
index: (Fig.~\EOAref{sec2:image1}, \EOApageref{sec2:image1}).
It includes references to a section (see section \EOAref{numsec1}), to
an image (see image \EOAref{sec2:image1}), two entries for the index
(Science\EOAindex{Science} and
Confucius\EOAindex{Konfuzius@\EOAchinese{孔夫子}}) and a reference to
a facsimile (see facsimile on page \EOApageref{facs002}).
This is the way to enter web addresses: \EOAurl[accessed August 13,
2018]{}. The date is optional, but good
scientific practice. It needs to be formatted already as it will
appear, the separating comma will be added automatically, though. The
short version is \EOAurl{}.
And here is a feature for links that contain text:
\EOAtextref{sec2image2}{An \EOAemph{amazing} image}.
The bibliographic information is kept in a separate database. The text
file only contains references to the specific database entry. Examples
of citations are distributed throughout this document. It also
possible to customize the citations with \EOAcitemanual[Plat.
tim.]{Asper_2009}.\EOAindex{Pavendish, Pharles 2@Pavendish, Lord
Pharles (son of the second puke of Pevonshire)!duty of service}
Another important issue is the sorting of entries where a two
publications have the same authors and the same year:
\EOAciteauthoryear{Maccagni_1967b} and
We can also cite newspapers: \EOAciteauthoryear{wenk_riesenschweinerei_2016}
More on floats in the next chapter (\EOAciteauthoryear{Yamaki_2005}). Here comes a
citation with a shorthand: \EOAciteauthoryear{btxxvi}.
As one sees from our overview (table \EOAref{Table1}), the
\EOAemph{Physical Disputations} are no less complex and heterogeneous
than the volume of which they are part (\EOAciteauthoryear{Vansteenberghe_1928}).
% \EOAcitenumeric[128]{Gert2011} is numeric, and this is numeric
% without pagenumber: \EOAcitenumeric{Gert2011}.
\EOAsubsection{All possible citations}
\EOAtablehead{Cite command & Formatted Citation }
\verb§\EOAciteyear{Carvalho2012}§ & \EOAciteyear{Carvalho2012} \\
\verb§\EOAciteyear[20-22]{Carvalho2012}§ & \EOAciteyear[20-22]{Carvalho2012} \\
\verb§\EOAciteauthoryear{Carvalho2012}§ & \EOAciteauthoryear{Carvalho2012} \\
\verb§\EOAciteauthoryear[20-22]{Carvalho2012}§ & \EOAciteauthoryear[20-22]{Carvalho2012}\\